2023 Holiday Gift Guide

I stayed up 'til 11:15 working on this one night last week because...

I asked you guys in my instagram stories if it would be helpful and there was a shocking amount of YES PLEASE feedback.

I created the 2023 Holiday Gift Guide for anyone on your list who is health-forward with goals like fat loss, muscle-building, longevity, healing, thriving, sports or gym performance or just healthy family / kiddos. It also works well if people are asking YOU for suggestions on what to get you for the holidays and you are having trouble coming up with anything.

I wanted to be inclusive of all budgets, so there are items that are free, $6, hundreds of dollars and every price range in between.

Oh, and because experiences are a big thing for us, I made sure to include whole section on those.

Hope you enjoy!


Happy Thanksgiving week,

P.S. Today is the LAST day to take advantage of my pre-Black Friday deal for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. The cart will close at midnight and everyone who got in in time will get access to the whole course + all the materials tomorrow. You can browse through everything over the next few weeks or fully dive in and get started early. Up to you! Since we don't officially begin until January, I will also be hosting a bonus, live Q+A session in December just for those who got the pre-Black Friday deal so you can ask whatever questions have come up thus far. If you can't make it live, I'll be sending you the replay. 

This course is for those who have fat loss, muscle-building or "toning up" goals and who want to learn how to achieve those goals in a WILDY different way -- by boosting metabolism instead of dieting. This approach is for those who also want to improve their relationship with food and their body (no counting calories or tracking macros) and work on improving their health, healing and longevity focus all the while.

Want to grab the pre-Black Friday deal and get access tomorrow too? CLICK HERE for more info. and to sign up.

How much body fat can you lose in 1 day?

Daily fat loss has an upper limit.

So what happens, then, if your caloric deficit is greater than the amount of fat you can lose in a day?

Are you sure you wanna know? It's not good.

Last chance to close this email and be none-the-wiser.

Ok, you got it ....

What happens is you lose lean (non-fat) tissue. You lose muscle, bone density, mitochondria. Your organs shrink. You lose brain mass. Say goodbye to some of your collagen.

The law of thermodynamics is strong with us. Eat less than you use up and you'll lose. Eat more than you use up and you'll gain. But that used to be where it ended. Now we know there's nuance. WHAT, exactly, are you losing? WHAT, exactly, are you gaining? 

Most people lose a mixed bag (some fat but lots of muscle and other lean tissue) but when they gain some or all of it back, it's almost entirely fat. This is usually NOT the desired intent or even something they were aware of!

So how much fat can you actually lose each day???

It depends. It depends on your size and current body composition / body fat percentage. It depends also on whether or not you're maximizing fat loss potential through all the things I talk about here in my weekly newsletters and over on instagram. For example, someone who has better blood sugar balance will be able to maximize daily fat loss potential, moreso than someone whose blood sugar is riddled with spikes and crashes. They are more of a "fat burner". Similarly, someone who is barely getting any sleep and not working on stress management will be more of a "sugar / carb burner" and will tend to lose a greater percentage of their weight as lean mass rather than excess body fat.

But I can tell you this ... it's not a lot and probably less than you'd like. That means the process should be slow. If it's fast, you're likely losing lots of precious lean mass (like muscle) and will be actually priming your body for a greater body fat percentage over time. 

So, fast weight loss isn't just not advised. It's not the fat loss that most people think they're getting! And it sets our body up for MORE fat gain and worsened metabolic health (chronic diseases) down the line.

To give some more context, if you're losing 5 lbs in a week or something, you're almost definitely blowing wayyyy past your maximum daily fat loss and burning through precious lean mass. Even less (2, 3, 4 lbs a week) can be problematic. Too fast and that's where damage is done.

Little caveat ... sometimes, especially in the beginning of some lifestyle changes, inflammatory water retention starts to go away. In this case the pounds might come off faster as a result of that process. That's not a problem and will be temporary.

Example: Person A has fast weight loss. Person B has slow weight loss (with attention to detail like strength training, protein, sleep, blood sugar control). Person B is almost always losing MORE fat than Person A, even though society will tell you otherwise. *Eye roll*

If fat loss is a goal of yours, keep this in mind!


P.S. This Friday will start the Early Black Friday deal for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. We cover all the bases (nutrition, fitness, lifestyle) that will help you maximize your daily fat loss potential as well as focus on health optimization so you feel incredible all the while. <3  Enrollment will be open for just a few days because on actual Black Friday I will be decorating my house with the fam and making our traditional Christmas loops. So, I'm closing the cart before Thanksgiving. ;-) Here's how it'll work: if you enroll between 11/17 and 11/21, you'll be in for the upcoming January round. But not only that, you'll get early access to the whole course and all the materials on 11/22. You can check it out or even start early if you'd like! Make sure you're on the waitlist if you're interested. Waitlist people will get a discount code sent to them when the cart opens.

New some new workout ideas?

Your future called ... and it's SO proud of how strong you are.

That's from all the progressively overloading workouts AND sleep / nourishment / rest you've been giving it. ;-)

Now maybe this is a reality for you right now. You know you're progressing with your workouts and have an awesome plan for the rest that you're implementing or starting to implement. Or maybe you're on the waitlist for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind and will have soooo much confidence and clarity around all of this very soon. But if you're not yet strength training or you've been kind of bopping around and counting group exercise or Peleton-with-weights classes as strength training, this email is for you in particular.

Progressive overloading is the way we strength train when we have fat loss, muscle-building, or "toning up" goals. Once we've reached all of the goals and just want to maintain our strength and body composition, we have more flexibility to be able to bop around to various workouts because it doesn't take as much of a stimulus to maintain as it does to achieve those goals. It takes consistency to maintain! But there is more flexibility to the approach.

I'm going to assume for the rest of this email that you have fat loss, muscle-building, or "toning up" goals. Here's how to approach the strength training part of the puzzle if that's the case:

  • Have a solid, 1-week plan that targets all major muscle groups in the various ways they need to be targeted and in the various planes of motion and angles -- you'll likely need help with this, it's coming below ;-)

  • Use a resistance, reps, and sets that make at least the last few reps of each exercise feel HARD to complete. That's important. Write that down. What exercise? How much weight? How many reps? How many sets?

  • Repeat the same workouts week after week for 8-16 or so weeks before changing it up to a different set of workouts BUT, make it spicier over time. Meaning, add resistance as you can, reps, or even sets over time.

In case you need a week's worth of workouts to get you started, you can use some of mine! This is a 4-day a week plan and covers all the major muscle groups. Because someone will ask ;-) core is sneakily baked into ALL of my programming so I gotcha covered there too. Do them on any 4 days a week that you'd like, just avoid doing similar muscle groups on back-to-back days (like don't do upper 1 today and upper 2 tomorrow. Not enough rest there for recovery + progress).

Upper Body 1

Lower Body 1

Upper Body 2

Lower Body 2

If you plan to sign up for the January round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, keep an eye out. I will be offering an EARLY Black Friday deal -- early access to the whole course! Enrollment will open and close before Black Friday (I don't want to be in launch mode on actual Black Friday -- I'll be decorating the house with the fam and making our traditional Christmas loops). You will then have a full progressively overloading workout routine in there as well as optional meal plans, fun recipe collections, and other resources in case you hate cooking or are always on the run, cycle synching, menopause, pregnancy, postpartum, men / andropause, and breastfeeding considerations. Those are just some of the resources. It's really a whole COURSE and that's the true magic of it. ;-) You can check out more details right here.

Hope you enjoy those workouts!!


Stress Eating?

Has this ever happened to you?

You had a long day at work or at home and 5 PM rolls around. You're hungry, tired, stressed and still not sure what you're making for dinner. So, you mindlessly eat the opened bag of pita chips that are sitting on your counter b/c ... pita chips aren't so bad, are they?

And / or you pour yourself a glass of wine to sip on while you try to pull together a meal from whatever random ingredients you have in the fridge.

And / or you grab the pretzels but quickly move over to a pint of ice cream at 9 PM when you finally sit down on the couch to turn the TV on and your brain off.

This, my friend, is stress eating or emotional eating and it's superrrrr common. We have all done it at least occasionally and we are actually hard-wired to have this type of relationship with food. Because if we eat when we're stressed, we get a temporary bump in the pleasure molecules inside our brain. This makes sense! From a survival standpoint, we would have wanted to store extra body fat during times of stress to have a reserve for whatever might be coming.

But if you have current fat loss and / or health and longevity goals, repeating this pattern fairly often will get in the way of you reaching those goals.

What can you do?

Start by understanding your biology! The extra food is a form of self-medicating. It makes you feel good in the moment, but probably not so much afterwards, right? Bloating, cravings, excess hunger later or the next day, feeling out of control, not accomplishing goals ... not awesome.

Instead, pre-plan some options for ways to "self medicate" that help you feel better right then and there AND later. Excess food won't be it.

Eat a satiating, balanced meal. You might actually be hungry! Fill your body with what it wants and can use well. Protein, fat and fiber. You'll likely feel better right then AND later.

Take a walk. Maybe call a friend or family member to catch up with too, or just grab any and all family members to join. That'll make you feel better right then AND later.

Put on some music, take a few deep breaths, have some herbal tea. Better right then AND later.

It's not that you'll never stress / emotional / overeat again. But if you can cut it back drastically, what do you think that would do for you and your goals? How about your confidence?

Next time you're ready to mindlessly eat or drink, ask yourself what you need and what you can do that'll make you feel good both right then AND later. That's the definition of true self care. It feels good in the moment and still feels good later on.

You got this!


P.S. The Early Black Friday deal will start November 17th! The cart will be open for just a few days to enroll for the January round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. If you get in for this deal, you'll get access to the whole course and all the materials the day before Thanksgiving. You can dive in anytime and have a nice, big head-start before we officially begin together as a group in January. Make sure you're on the waitlist! The waitlist will get you a discount code. ;-)

P.P.S. If you need some more customization, accountability, hand-holding because of unique medical situations or you just know yourself well and this is how you work best, check out my 1:1 coaching program.

If I wanted to lose excess body fat before the end of the year, here are 4 things I'd start right now

No one waits around until January 1st to set goals anymore, right?

I really love that we're embracing the fact that we can upgrade anything we want about ourselves at any time. With the holidays getting kicked off a week from today with Halloween, it's the perfect time of year to begin to make a change. It's empowering to go off script a bit plus you can make progress on your goals while reducing cravings ... which comes in very handy around your kids' Halloween haul, during Thanksgiving dessert or that Wednesday night holiday party in December.

I have no current fat loss goals but if I did, here are 4 things I'd start doing right away:

  1. I'd skip the calorie obsession because it leads to overeating. When we pick meals based on them having a lower calorie count, we are not getting enough of the nutrients that actually turn off our hunger. Therefore, whether later that afternoon or night or a handful of days later on the weekend, we will end up overeating. Instead, I'd be ensuring that I was getting enough -- protein, fat and fiber -- at each meal. I'd want this to be at least 20-30g protein, 10-20g fat and 5-15g fiber per meal (3 meals a day ... maybe with an afternoon snack too). This would make me feel nice + satiated and stop the food obsession, cravings, endless hunger and overeating episodes that feel like a willpower issue but are really just a biological issue.

  2. I'd make sure my workouts weren't non-existent, mostly cardio, random, or being phoned in. The way muscle mass helps us have so much more flexibility with our nutrition isn't being talked about enough! More muscle means better blood sugar balance, extra fat burning 24/7 (yes, even when being a sloth on the cough or sleeping), and a higher carbohydrate tolerance. More muscle improves both health and body composition goals. I'd do this by strength training 3-4 days a week, following a comprehensive plan that gets all muscle groups, repeating that same suite of workouts each week for 8-16 weeks or so (not randomly switching it up) and making sure the last few reps of each set feels hard to complete. And then I'd progressively overload by increasing something (reps, sets, resistance) over time. Cardio is great for health, but I would not prioritize that for fat loss goals.

  3. I would indulge with intention. I wouldn't swear off any foods for fear of messing up my progress, but I would also have a serious convo with myself about the truth about my indulgences. Am I saying I don't indulge often but when I go out to eat I have a burger with both buns, fries, and a drink? Or some bread from the bread basket, pasta with my entree and a little dessert? Hot cocoa season is coming up. And cookies. And pie. How much alcohol am I drinking on the weekends? And weekdays? Do I indulge at every party, date night, event, holiday...? Once I had that hard convo with myself about my indulgences, I'd then make sure I kept my favorites in while reining things in a bit. It's not deprivation if you're choosing what you want most over what you want right now. It's just a choice and you get to make whichever one you want in each situation.

  4. Movement. Knowing 15% (sometimes more!) of our metabolic rate is based on how much we're moving outside of workout time, I'd get creative about how to start moving more. Can I ask my employer for a standing desk or just doctor one up myself by stacking my laptop on a bunch of books? Can I take that call or meeting on a walk? Can I sit on the floor and stretch while watching TV instead of sinking into the couch? Can I plan to walk each morning or lunch break? And if the weather is bad, what's my backup plan? Maybe one of those walking pads or under-desk bikes? Can I plan some family fun on weekends that involves being active ... like a hike, playground games, or after dinner walk or bike ride with whoever wants to join? If fat loss was a goal, I'd definitely not skip out on this and make my metabolic rate 15% slower as a result.

What else? Well if you need some more help, you might be interested to know I'll be briefly opening up early enrollment for the January round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind around Black Friday. This will come with early access so you will have the whole course and all the materials to be able to utilize all of it starting in November!

If you have some diagnoses you believe are making your fat loss goals trickier or could use some customization or extra accountability, 1:1 coaching might be more your flavor.

Oh and if fat loss isn't one of your goals, that list is still a great one if you "just" care about longevity and optimal health. ;-)


Ever lose + regain the same 20 lbs?

Losing and regaining the same 5, 10, 20, 50 lbs over and over isn't fun.

But ya know what's worse? Realizing that the weight you lose and the weight you regain aren't actually equal. Most weight loss efforts are done in a way that includes lots of muscle lost alongside any fat. Oftentimes organs shrink during this unhealthy kind of weight loss too. Yikes! Yet when that weight is regained, it's typically almost entirely excess body fat gained. Rinse + repeat and you can see how you end up with a higher body fat percentage over time, even if the weight yoyos within a certain range. This can be a big problem for metabolic health and body goals. But there's also a way around this problem so you never have to deal with that again!

It's a big topic, so I recorded a video just for you for this week. You can listen like a podcast if that's easier ... no need to see my mug the whole time. ;-) Check it out right here.

As I mention at the end of the video, if you'd like to get help / support / guidance and an actual freaking plan that aligns with your goals thankyouveerymuch, feel free to check out more about my 28-daya metabolism-boosting course, TRANSFORM: Body + Mind and 1:1 coaching.


Underactive thyroid?

I used to have hypothyroidism.

... alongside PCOS, insulin resistance and prediabetes. Basically, I was a metabolic wreck and my doctor let me know he expected me to have an unhealthy body composition for life because of all of this. Thankfully, I believed in my own body's ability to heal + evolve and said, "Hold my beer." as I got to work. P.S. I no longer have any of those conditions and he was quite shocked and wanted to know how I did it all without meds. He meant well but just wasn't even aware of our potential!

I'm actually not writing this newsletter to tell you about my backstory, but I did want to let you know I've had some experience here. Someone on instagram recently asked me if I had 'regular' hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's -- the auto-immune kind. I told her I wasn't entirely sure because I didn't know enough to advocate for myself back then and my thyroid antibodies weren't tested at the time of my diagnosis. But the cool thing is that it didn't matter a whole lot. I did the same things to aim to get to the bottom of it, regardless of what was causing the hypothyroidism. Namely, 1, I aimed to increase my metabolic rate and health (this directly influences thyroid output) and 2, aimed to decrease inflammation and oxidative stress (which would be incredibly important when there's any kind of autoimmunity).

Last week I created a highlight just for thyroid health -- a series of posts and reels -- in response to the increase in questions I've been getting (mostly from new followers who are hearing about my story for the first time). In that highlight, I discuss what I did and why, lab work to consider requesting, nutritional additions that have helped, protocols and things most docs don't know about yet and therefore aren't sharing yet. Since subclinical thyroid function is incredibly common at this time, I wanted to share with you too! Click that link above and you may have to scroll my highlight bubbles, but it'll be there! It's labeled "thyroid".

Whether or not you have an under-active thyroid, I think this reminder is always helpful: our body tends to do SO WELL when we give it what it needs and then get the heck out of its way. If you're on some kind of a healing journey, you're doing incredibly important work! Keep going. <3


P.S. If you'd like some help, here are a couple of ways we can work together:

1. My 28-day metabolism-boosting course, TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. We work on boosting metabolism (helping to rev up that thyroid) as well as aim to bring down inflammation + oxidative stress (potentially helping auto-immunity). Best part is that while I guide you on what to do and how, I also teach you about your body, metabolism and health optimization so that you can make informed choices for yourself going forward. The next round isn't starting until January, but there will be an opportunity to get early access around Black Friday if you're on this waitlist. ;-)

2. I do work with some clients 1:1. This is much more in depth with tons of customization and accountability. Spots are limited, but clients are often graduating out of the program, opening up spots so hop on the interested list if you'd like to chat more about this option.

Steal my breakfast idea!

If it ain't broke, why fix it?

Many moons ago, I was an oatmeal-for-breakfast kinda gal. I'd add some coconut oil, cinnamon, walnuts and blueberries. It was delicious! And unfortunately, it wasn't balanced well enough so when I found out I was unwell and had some work to do, I switched up my breakfast.

I share about my daily breakfast often up in my stories on instagram, posts, or with my clients who ask for ideas. A bunch of my clients now have the same breakfast and even lovingly refer to it as "The Tara Breakfast". Ha! But I don't think I've ever shared about it in a blog post?!

Ready for it?

I typically have 1 full egg plus 1 cup of egg whites scrambled in (olive) oil and topped with: spinach, sometimes other greens or microgreens / sprouts, real sauerkraut, sriracha and salsa.

This puts me right in the sweet spot of a balanced PFF meal with 38g or so of protein, fat (from oil and egg yolk), fiber (veggies), probiotic food (sauerkraut) and then the sriracha and salsa is really just for taste. Sometimes I'll add some leftover roasted veggies in too if I have that on hand or grab kale from the garden on the rare occasions that we run out of other greens.

This breakfast fuels me well with steady energy, keeps me full until lunch, and is low carb which means I typically eat my starchy carbs at other meals / snacks throughout the day to ensure I'm getting in a moderate amount there. The savory start to the day vs. sweet start to the day also plays a role in staving off sugar cravings.

If you want to make breakfast one of your intentional carb meals, you could always add some fruit or potatoes on the side or a slice of your favorite toast.

Oh, and this meal come together much faster than going to a drive thru. No one has time to be gourmet on a Wednesday morning, amiright?

So go on ... steal my weird but oh-so-good breakfast and tell me whatcha think!

Here's a recent reel during which I was making said breakfast in case you're a visual person.


P.S. Here are a couple of ways we can work together, if you need some help with your health + body composition goals:

1) Join the waitlist for the next round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. The next round will be in January but stay tuned for an opportunity for early access like ... ahem ... a Black Friday deal or something. ;-)

2) TRANSFORM: 1:1 coaching is great for those who want a deeper dive, customization, who have unique situations or just know they need that accountability and hand-holding. Learn more here.

One pan PFF meals

It's officially the Fall! My FAVORITE.

I love the weather. I love the leaves changing. I love the scents and flavors (but, like, not the fake ones). I love that we're still outside a ton and that the holidays are approaching but I'm not scrambling to buy gifts and send cards yet. I dunno ... it's a vibe.

But it's also a hectic time of year with back to school, school events, sports, the return of bigger house projects (do you put them on pause for Summer too?), and it's a very packed time of year in my business. 

We want to cook, but a lot of times also not really. Right? And we *certainly* don't want a big clean-up. So I made you something! Here's a One Pan PFF-balanced meal collection. There are options for omnivores, plant based peeps, and everything happens to be free of gluten and dairy. Feel free to add your own gluten or dairy if you desire. ;-) 

These meals are balanced to help with metabolism-boosting, fat loss, "toning up", muscle-building, blood sugar balancing, craving-busting, and satiety-between-meals goals.

Which one are you going to try first??

Hope you enjoy,

P.S. Why was the robot couple's anniversary in the Fall?
They were autumn mated.

Fat loss: A learning series

You're a real catch... and I appreciate the heck out of you.

Just wrapped up another super-exciting launch at Tara Allen Health. One thing I typically do when I'm in 'launch mode' for that one week, several times a year is I tend to do more live videos on social media. My goals with this are 1, to share more context about what I do in the course and why I do it so differently. 2, I'm more present for those who have questions. And 3, I want to make sure that even if you and I never get to work together, you still have lots of actionable tips to implement on your own. If you're a TRANSFORM alum, these lives might serve as good reminders for you as well. ;-)

But maybe you missed them? So I wanted to drop them here in a blog this week. Feel free to select just the topics that sound interesting to you or listen to them all in order as a learning series. You don't need to stare at my face! Haha. Pop in some headphones and take me along on a walk, while you're doing housework or even just listen on your commute.

Only thing is ... all the talk about enrollment for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind being open is no longer applicable. Cart closed last week and we actually began yesterday. The next round will be in January though so don't feel like you missed out. You can now hop on the waitlist for that round if you'd like.

Ok, here we go ...

Episode 1. Is there more to the fat loss story than "eat less, exercise more"?

Episode 2. 6 things you're doing for weight loss that are backfiring

Episode 3. Fat loss goal of less than 10 lbs? Or want to “tone up”? Discussing 8 things specific to YOUR goals to keep in mind.

Episode 4. Fat loss goal of 10 lbs or more? Sharing 7 tips specific for you.

Episode 5. 7 reasons you’re giving yourself cravings and what to do about it.

Episode 6. The biggest mistake the weight loss industry is still making!

Hope this helps!


Sick Season, 2023

Back to school time is usually the marker of the beginning of "sick season" or "cold and flu" season.

To some extent it's normal, all the sickness. We're humans. I believe there's likely also still a bit of catch-up happening too as a result of some of the protocols and practices that have been in place the past few years as well. So if you, your kids, or everyone seems to start getting sick even more than usual, it makes a lot of sense.

Here's how viruses work ... you get sick, you build some immunity (an army of soldiers ready to fight that particular germ, as I tell our kids). In most cases, you will have repeated passing exposures to that germ that will remind your "army" to stay strong. This could be that you have Influenza A, get sick, get better, and then walk past someone in the grocery store a month later who is contagious with Influenza A and get a brief exposure. You don't get sick that time, but that brief exposure keeps that very specific germ-army on alert. However, if you get Influenza A, get sick, get better, and then never meet another Influenza germ again for years, you can bet that the next time you DO come in contact with it, you'll get sick again b/c each germ-specific army only stays strong for as long as it thinks it needs to before it dismantles. (A bit ... I'm simplifying this whole process a little so you're not reading a biology textbook when you just want tips on a healthy immune system).

Ok, so if you or your loved ones are getting sick more frequently than normal, it could be because most of us had less 'germ exposures' in general over the past couple of years than usual and most of of our armies are weaker than they'd normally be.

Or, it could be that your immune system is in need of a a little TLC. Or maybe both.

Regardless, remember that we are meant to get sick sometimes. It's a chance to reset and re-evaluate things. And even though it sucks or is at least inconvenient, our bodies usually fight the germs off without us even having to micromanage. Pretty freaking incredible.

The beautiful thing is the "plan" I follow to keep my immune system boosted overlaps a whole lot with what I do for metabolic health. When we dive DEEP into how to achieve your fat loss or "toning up" goals in TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, the approach is through improving our health all around ... including immunity! Isn't that so awesome? The protocols that will get you your "body goals" will be the same protocols as a "longevity" or "health" plan, if you know what you're doing. ;-) If you're signed up for TRANSFORM this round (cart closes tomorrow!), you will absolutely know what you're doing.

Here are a few of my sick season staples:

  • When feeling great or otherwise, we wash our hands with fragrance-free soap and water, no Purell or anti-bacterial soap. Rather than mess with our skin's barrier / microbiome and make our immune system weaker, I prefer to keep that intact. Soap acts to lift germs off of the skin and the friction of rubbing our hands under the water will wash them away without being too harsh.


  • Nasal breathing. Our nose humidifies and filters germs out of the air we breathe before it gets to our lungs. Our mouth does no such thing. The more you breathe through your mouth, the more opportunity you give the germs to invade and take over. Many people are nasal breathers during the day but mouth breathers at night. This is where mouth-taping would be something to consider.


  • Sleep! Our immune system function drops pretty dramatically even after 1 night of poor sleep. I know we can't get great sleep every single night, but most of us can do better in this category.


  • Resilience. Heat + cold exposure throughout the year helps our body build up resilience. The cold of winter is less of a shock if we have been priming it for cold with intentional exposures a few times a week. Skip this when sleep is low, stress is high, or you're already under the weather.


  • Stress. Cortisol is released when we are stressed and while it's not a bad thing, it does become problematic when it's elevated too high or too often. It will cause insulin resistance and lower your immunity. We have less control over how much stress we are exposed to (though definitely some control there!), and much more over how we train ourselves to deal with it. Just having a regular practice of journaling, meditating, gratitude, spiritual practice, and working on emotional management can be life-changing. Also, consider whether you're causing excess physical stress with fasts that are longer than your body can healthfully handle, overexercising, too much coffee, or under-eating. These things will all jack up cortisol and lower your immune response.


  • Nutrition. If you're eating a bunch of processed food, lots more sugar / carbs than you need, and drinking alcohol, your immunity will be tanked. I'd never suggest skipping ALL of those things ALL the time, but most people need to be more realistic about what moderation looks like for their goals.


  • I don't force food for myself or my kids when we're sick. I lean heavily on appetite. Hungry? Eat. Not hungry? Don't eat. Your body will let you know when it's ready for food.


  • Hydrate! This I do much differently. Even if not thirsty, I will be mindful of staying hydrated. If not able to drink as much volume or if there is sweating (from fevers breaking), vomiting, or diarrhea, or an aversion to plain water, I add electrolytes. I love Redmond's Relyte brand and LMNT brand and will often use just partial servings spread out throughout the day.


  • Exercise. If you have a fever, congested lungs, or are vomiting / diarrhea, definitely skip your workouts until those things have been gone at least a full day or so. If it's just a little cold or minor, lingering symptoms and you're making sure you're eating well, sleeping well, hydrating yourself, and you're feeling up to getting in a shorter, less intense workout, it's probably ok.

  • Sunshine and fresh air. Being out in the sun used to be our default, now it's something we have to consciously seek out. Sun and fresh air each speak to our body in multiple and specific ways, influencing hormones, fertility, moods, bone health, blood sugar management, metabolic rate, heart health, immunity and more. It evens helps remove stains from clothing! Is there anything the sun can't do?? We make outdoor time a part of every single day, even on the yucky weather days (we still get the benefits of the sun through the clouds).


  • Movement. Move everyday if at all possible! Even a little walk or some stretching every hour or so will help keep your lymph flowing so your body can get rid of those germs for you.


  • Supplements. I maintain my normal supplements as long as I'm able to eat something b/c many (like fat-soluble vitamins) need food to be absorbed and I'd feel nauseous if I took my zinc, for example, on an empty stomach. Some that I take for immunity (you should only take what makes sense for your body, your deficiencies, etc.) are vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, magnesium, omega 3s, turmeric.


  • Mega-dosing. I typically avoid mega-dosing. My goal when I'm sick is a bit unusual ... I don't necessarily want to get better as fast as possible. I mean, I do in the moment of course lol, but ultimately since I'm already sick I want to make the most of it by mounting a potent immune response. Basically, I want a strong 'germ army' to form and don't want to interfere with this process by trying to micromanage everything or supplement my way out of that immune response. TLC, yes. Overriding important cellular processes that would set me up better in the future? No.


  • Warm liquids. There's something to be said for hot tea or chicken soup when you're sick. Not only can it be comforting and hydrating, but breathing in some of the warm steam into our nose can help kill off some of the germs that are still hanging out there and haven't affected you systemically, yet.


  • Fevers. I LOVE good fever. I know that's a weird thing to say and I know it doesn't feel good, but it's such an intelligent thing our bodies do sometimes ... turning up the temperature to kill off the germs. While rare, fevers can occasionally become dangerously high (especially in children), so I just monitor but do not give fever reducers. Exceptions? Sure. It hasn't happened to us yet (knock on wood), but if one of our children was SO uncomfortable b/c of their fever and needed a little relief to relax their body or get some sleep, I'd consider temporarily reducing it (probably with non-pharmaceutical methods at first and pharmaceutical if we deem it to be necessary). Otherwise we just do lots of comfort in other ways, snuggles, etc.


  • Important mindset piece: we're not "sick" or "not sick", we are constantly fighting off germs everyday, but sometimes our body wins the battle without us noticing and sometimes it requires a bigger fight and we can feel it.


  • Another mindset piece: we can assume we and everyone we know will get sick several times a year. If it ends up being less, great! If it's more, it's a good opportunity to consider why. Maybe it's bound to happen now b/c of the less exposure to people / crowds we've had in recent years. Maybe it's that there's been too much sugar and alcohol and not enough sleep and we can tweak those things if we want to. But regular ol' viruses getting us from time-to-time is just real life. Even the healthiest people still get sick. In fact, some holistic docs say that there's a health benefit to getting sick at least occasionally.

So there ya have it. We all get sick sometimes. And this is a lot of what I do for myself and my family in general and when any of us are under-the-weather. Hope you found it helpful and hope you get through this "sick season" as smoothly as possible.


Is it soup season yet?

It's meteorological Fall!

That means we put on jeans and a flannel to go to the pumpkin farm ... but it's still 90 degrees out for awhile and we regret every bit of our wardrobe choices.

But whether you love the Fall like me or not, it's coming. So I created a little something special to celebrate the occasion with you. This PFF Soup Collection features 9 different recipes that are all well-balanced for fat loss, muscle-building, "toning up", blood sugar, energy, mood, gut health, hormone and / or longevity goals.

Speaking of which ... those are just some of the topics we'll be covering in the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. If you have any of the above goals and want to learn how to make sustainable progress towards them in a HEALTHY way that feels great, you should probably know that enrollment will be opening TOMORROW. If you have not yet taken the course, come back tomorrow and use this link to enroll.


Self Care or Self Indulgence?

We need to put our oxygen mask on first (like on a plane). I know I know but ...

How come it often feels self indulgent (not in a good way) to take care of ourselves?

I just started reading a new parenting book in my ongoing quest to feel like I have even a little bit of a clue about how to perform the most important role I have in this life. :-P I had a lightbulb moment in the introduction when the author was talking about the importance of self care as a parent.

She said, "Imagine this: You're rafting down a river with your family, when a section of whitewater rapids throws you into the water. There's no time for panic -- you've got to hustle. Your kids need you in the boat; besides, it's cold and dangerous in the water! The sooner you get back onto the raft, the better. You reach out your hand so the rafting guide can pull you back on board. Or do you? As parents, when something throws us off balance, we have a strange tendency to resist help that gets us back on track. It's as if we're so concerned about our kids staying on the boat that we don't take the hand that's offered to us. Instead we stay in the river, barely treading water behind the raft, which will do nothing to help our kids dodge the next set of rapids downstream."

Brilliant description, isn't it? We're so concerned that THEY (kids, partner, whoever) have enough to eat, but then think nothing of skipping meals earlier in the day and wonder why we're so cranky and ravenous at night. We think doing our best means doing the most and vow to "start over next week" with the goals we have for ourselves. We spend money like water on things we decide will make their lives easier / better, but feel guilty investing in something that will make us an entirely better person with confidence, health, and energy. Or heck, even the free stuff (walks, morning sun, exercise, cooking food we already have) gets moved to the back-burner (pun intended) because if it isn't "I don't have the money" then it becomes "I don't have the time".

We're really good at keeping the kids on the raft but somehow seem to think that we don't need to be on the raft alongside them.

Problem is, if we raise our children this way they will become adults who one day think they don't have the right to allow the guide to help them back onto the raft alongside their loved ones. Our JOB as caregivers -- if you are a caregiver -- is to coach them through being a kid but also being an adult as that's where they will be spending most of their years.

It's not self-indulgent to give yourself the same care + attention you would like to see your children (or any loved ones) give to themselves one day.

Suggestion. Pick ONE thing off the list below and schedule it into your week THIS week. Pick whatever stands out and think of this email as your sign to make it happen.

  • Schedule that doctor appointment, lab work, chiropractor consult

  • Set aside a little time to get in a workout. Maybe it's strength. Maybe it's some zone 2 cardio. Maybe it's been awhile since you've done any kind of HIIT. Whatcha need most? Do it.

  • Has sleep gotten away from you? It's easy (but oh so hard) to burn the candle at both ends in the Summer when days are longer. Set a bedtime and wake time and make sure the math works out for you to get enough zzzzs this week.

  • Take 5 minutes to stand outside in the sun, bare feet on the Earth for a quick recharge.

  • If you're feeling hopeless about some kind of goal you have, set aside some time to learn more about it and plan a small action step. Financials overwhelming? Book an appt. with a financial advisor. Parenting feeling extra hard? You might like the new book I just started -- The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids by Elaine Taylor-Klaus. Fat loss or health goals feeling impossible? Head over to my instagram page for some more free resources or hop on the waitlist for the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind (less than 6 days left to get on the waitlist!). Or, find out more about 1:1 coaching here. In each option, I gotcha covered in the fat loss / body / health departments. ;-)

  • Mind feeling chaotic? My favorite 1-2 punch for that is 1) declutter something (even just a drawer helps) and 2) spend 10 minutes on a hobby or planning something. Chaos can be from a cluttered environment or even feeling there's so much of life's hard stuff present in your life without enough of life's fun. Adding in that fun (hobbies, social plans, plan a trip, date night).

  • No idea which to pick? Just do a few rounds of 4-7-8 breathing right now. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7 and exhale for a count of 8. Repeat a few times. It's a calm-inducing breath pattern and excellent for reducing stress, anxiety, and helping with sleep.

  • In a rut? Shake something up! Cook a new meal this week. Or just serve lunch or snack to your kids in a muffin tray for funsies. Drink your seltzer out of a champagne glass. Keep the TV off tonight and the phone down -- find something else to do. Google a few jokes and text them to your besties. Start an unprovoked water balloon fight with your kids, partner or friend (I suggest making sure they're ok getting wet first ... unless you're more adventurous than me. Haha!)

September is around the corner. New month and new season (soon). Perfect chance to re-commit to taking action on the things that you KNOW will improve your life ... and spill out and onto the lives of your loved ones. Wrapping up the year feeling better and entering 2024 with newfound momentum just hits different.


Putting together balanced, healthy meals for fat loss

I put a "Whatcha wanna talk about today?" question box up in my instagram stories last week.

Did you catch it? I like to do that sometimes because 1) it helps when I'm having a block in creativity and 2) I don't have to read minds when you actually tell me what you need my help with! Win win.

While I answered the questions up in stories there, this one question I decided to reserve for this newsletter so that I could really pull back the curtain and help in a better way than a 60-second story.

"Can you help us put together PFF meals?"

That was the question. My answer: yes! Let's do this.

If I've been visiting your inbox weekly for a while now, you know all about PFF + intentional carbs. Basically, what I find works best for most people most of the time is when all meals have appropriate amounts of protein, fat and fiber. Starchy carbs require a slightly different approach as not everyone thrives with them at every single meal. A sedentary person, for example, might find they do best with one PFF meal and 2 PFF + intentional carb meals per day.

We dive into this MUCH deeper in TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. Enrollment for the next round starts in a couple of weeks! I teach the science and give all the tools and guidance and then you get to decide how you want to eat, what you want to eat, how you want to move your body, etc. So while it isn't custom -- it's a group course -- I do teach about the variables and who might need more carbs and why, for example.

So let's say you get the whole PFF + intentional carb premise but you don't know how to actually make meals out of the various components? The optional meal plans and recipe collections in TRANSFORM: Body + Mind will be great resources for you! But I want to give you some help NOW and FOR FREE in case the course is just not in the cards for you right now.

If you're creating a PFF meal, pick 1 thing from each the protein, fat and fiber categories below. If it's a PFF + intentional carb meal, add a carb on top of that.

Here are a bunch of ideas for each category:

(One portion is 20-40g or about 4-5 oz of meat or fish)

  • Chicken

  • Turkey

  • Beef

  • Greek yogurt

  • Cottage cheese

  • Eqqs (1 full egg plus 1 cup egg whites)

  • Salmon

  • Shrimp

  • Tuna

  • Pork

  • Deli meat

  • Protein powder

  • Edamame

  • Tofu

  • Tempeh

  • Other meat or seafood

  • 4 T nutritional yeast

(One portion is about 10g fat. Aim for 1-3 portions per meal, depending on goals)

  • 1 T olive oil / avocado oil / coconut oil / butter / ghee / mayo

  • 1 oz cheese

  • 8-10 olives

  • 1/4 cup nuts

  • 2 T nut or seed butter

  • 2 T seeds (chia, flax, hemp, sesame, pumpkin)

  • 1/2 cup coconut milk

  • 1-2 T heavy cream

  • 1/2 medium avocado

(One portion is at least 5g fiber)

  • Spinach

  • Arugula

  • Lettuce

  • Celery

  • Carrots

  • Cabbage

  • Asparagus

  • Brussels

  • Broccoli

  • Sprouts / microgreens

  • Cauliflower

  • Tomatoes

  • Zucchini

  • Mushrooms

  • Onions

  • Kale

  • Bok choy

  • Swiss chard

  • Collard greens

  • Green beans

  • Cucumbers

  • Bell peppers

  • Other non-starchy veggies

  • Acacia fiber

  • 2 T chia / flax

(One portion is 25-35g net carbs ... or about 1/2 - 3/4 cup -- cooked, if applicable. These options have fiber too! But they also count as an "intentional carb".)

  • All fruit

  • Beans

  • Lentils

  • Chickpea or lentil pasta

  • Quinoa

  • Corn

  • Oatmeal

  • Rice

  • Peas

  • Potatoes

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Beets

  • Pumpkin

  • Butternut squash

  • High fiber crackers (like Mary's Gone Crackers)

  • High fiber bread (1 slice)

Use this to comb through recipes or even take out and restaurant meals to make tweaks or make it really easy and just build your plate with this method. Hope you LOVE how you feel with more balanced, PFF-friendly meals!


Tips for sneaking in extra protein

Protein is magical.

It's pretty hard not to think so when you know about even SOME of the things it does:

  • Most satiating macronutrient ... meaning, helps us feel full + satisfied between meals when we've had enough

  • Helps reduce cravings

  • Contributes to muscle growth and maintenance which is incredibly important for blood sugar control and metabolic rate.

  • Requires more energy (calories) to digest than any other macronutrient -- meaning, you eat protein and you burn more calories simply by digesting said protein

  • Helps us heal

  • Improves skin, nails and hair

  • Used as building blocks for many different biological "parts" and processes

So yeah ... pretty darn magical! Also pretty darn difficult to get in enough overall for the day or in each meal in this current day + age. Here are a few of my favorite tips and tricks that can help bridge the gaps and get you enough protein:

  1. Get 30-40g protein with breakfast everyday, non-negotiable. This ensures you're off to a great start and can help manage hunger + cravings all day.

  2. Bring a high quality protein bar with you in your bag or purse for an afternoon snack or a 'just in case' addition to an otherwise lower protein meal. I like Raw Rev Glo bars in creamy peanut butter and sea salt. I like the flavor but also that flavor has more protein and less sugar than their other flavors. I like that it has protein, fat and fiber but is super low in carbs (so I can always add whatever carb I want alongside). I am also impressed by their higher quality and short list of ingredients.

  3. Consider grabbing an unflavored protein powder (like Truvani) to add to savory meals like soups, stews, dips, etc. This can turn a low protein vegetarian meal into one that now covers all bases.

  4. Protein smoothies ... have another (maybe flavored this time?) protein powder like Truvani or your favorite whey protein to use in smoothies for a meal on-the-go. Make sure you have plenty of fat, fiber, add some fruit for intentional carbs, that protein and liquid and you've got the equivalent of a full meal in minutes. My suggestion: use more than 1 scoop! Most protein powders have about 20g per scoop. This is why I use 1.5 - 2 scoops usually. Such an easy way to get in 30-40g.

  5. Bring a packet of collagen in your bag or purse to add to your coffee at the office.

  6. Grab a meat stick to have alongside a meal to up the protein intake.

  7. Add a cup of egg whites to your 1 scrambled egg to take that meal from 6g of protein to 32g.

  8. Grab canned tuna, chicken, sardines for super-quick sources of protein.

  9. If you're a vegan, consider that most plant protein is higher in carbs than protein (like beans, legumes). In order to get enough protein without overdoing the carbs and robbing from your metabolic health, you'll likely need to get some of your protein each day from something like (organic, sprouted) tofu and / or supplement using protein powders.

Here's a delicious soup recipe that has 20g protein as is with the bone broth. Feel free to add another source such as meat, seafood, tofu. If you don't eat bone broth (vegetarian), use veggie broth instead and definitely add another source of protein -- like unflavored protein powder.

Hope this helps you hit your protein needs for the day, you healthy rockstar, you!


P.S. If you're confused about how to balance your meals altogether or find that you're having trouble reaching or maintaining your goals on your own, TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course -- is starting up again next month! Make sure you're on the waitlist.

This ONE question changes everything!

Ever find it hard to know when to push forward vs. when to pull back with your health goals?

Some people are so determined to keep exercise in, they feel too guilty taking rest days or workout even when they have a fever or lung congestion.

Some people are all about feeling good in the moment that they seemingly choose whatever fits their mood. Don't feel like working out today? They don't. But then their moods aren't great on a whole and their goals are left unmet.

How do we take the best from each of these 2 opposites and allow it to propel us towards whatever health or body goals we have?

By continually asking ourselves ONE simple question.

Ready for it?

"What's ultimately best for me right now?"

That answer will never steer you wrong IF:
1) You understand enough about your physiology + metabolism to make that call and
2) You're honest with yourself

"What's ultimately best for me right now?" will be to rest when you have a fever or got 2 hours of broken sleep last night ...because the baby.

"What's ultimately best for me right now?" will mean you workout or at least go for a nice walk outside even when you're not in the mood or motivated because that choice will actually help with moods and motivation in the future.

"What's ultimately best for me right now?" will usually be that you eat in a way that's balanced and nourishing for your body but sometimes will be that you enjoy some soul food simply for the taste, nostalgia, memory or experience.

"What's ultimately best for me right now?" will tell you to go to bed at a decent time because one Netflix episode is better than 8 in a row as evidenced by the fact that less sleep makes you cranky, less patient with your kids, and dials up your cravings and hunger.

"What's ultimately best for me right now?" will not steer you wrong.

Try it on for size! I dare ya. ;-)


P.S. If you're ready for a change that you can't fail at and would like to work with me, here are a few options:

TRANSFORM: Body + Mind is my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. I recommend starting here for more people with fat loss, muscle-building or "toning up" goals. The next round (and last round of 2023) will be in September. Hop on the waitlist to reserve your spot as last September we filled up!

TRANSFORM: 1:1 is my newly revamped 1-on-1 coaching program and is best for those who have been through the 28-day course and are ready to take things up a notch or those who haven't completed the course but know themselves / their situation make it so 1-on-1 with lots of customization and accountability is really the better option. Spots are very limited but clients graduate out of their program fairly often, opening up new spots. Fill out the form and I'll be in touch to discuss if it's the right fit for you, how it works, and what future availability looks like.

So you want to work out from home?

Minimalist Home Gym?

We went from working out at the gym 3.5 years ago to it being shut down in the middle of March 2020. We had a few things at home -- I used to workout from home when my husband travelled for work and it was just the kids and I. But we did NOT have a lot and have purposely decided to keep things pretty light (no pun intended) even though we've been solely working out from home now for all this time. We could always head back to the gym and we certainly will one day (I miss the heck out of the barbells and heavier weights!) but for now we're in this nice routine and saving a bit of time with it. I've also come to really enjoy the kids hanging around as I workout. They used to just know I went super early to the gym and came home. Now they see me plan my workouts, challenge myself, and they like to join me too!

I'm asked fairly often on instagram (where I share my workouts often on my feed but even more up in stories) if I'm doing workouts at the gym and just showing home workout options for people. It seems that many people are surprised that one could accomplish what they need to without tons of equipment. But you can!  And of course this is one of the things we dive deep into in week 2 (fitness week) of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. So if you've taken that course or you will be joining us in September, you'll know exactly how to make it work with even less equipment.

You could start with body weight, use things around the house, check out Craigslist or Facebook Marketeplace for people getting rid of exercise equipment for free or cheap. That being said, if you'd like to build a small, minimalist-type home gym like we have to reach your goals a bit better, here's what I recommend you consider getting:

1) A pair of adjustable dumbbells. While they are pricier than 1 standard pair of dumbbells, adjustable dumbbells are really many-in-one. Ours were a gift from a friend and have no brand name on them, but they seem very similar to these.

2) Straight, long resistance bands. These can be used for all kinds of exercises. These are the ones I have. Grab an empty toilet paper roll too so you can make your own 'cable machine' like I talk about in this post.

3) Thick, loop resistance bands for some spicy leg work! If you follow my workouts at all you'll see I use them ALLLLL the time. They stay in place well and don't flip or slide. The ones I use are from a brand that no longer exists but they're almost identical to these ones.

4) A yoga mat ... and a little corner of your home that you can dedicate to fitness, if possible. If not possible, then a place you can convert into a fitness area within a couple of minutes so it doesn't feel like a hurdle to gettin' 'er done. I have no specific yoga mat recommendations ... you should be able to find one pretty easily with a quick search.

That's a pretty awesome start! You can get a lot done and make a lot of progress on metabolism / muscle-building / "toning up" / fat loss goals with those items.

Happy August,

Healthify My Summer: A Guide

We're going away soon.

Have you been following along up in Instagram stories? I've been sharing some BTS of my crazy ordering / packing / planning for this road trip. And as I've been doing that -- and getting excited about some other Summer fun we have planned like concerts, beach days, baseball games, BBQs, outdoor movies -- I decided to make a guide in case you have some of those things on the calendar for the rest of this Summer too.

Check out THIS GUIDE and then make it YOURS. Follow the suggestions that work for you and ignore the ones that don't. Summer is meant to be fun and we don't need to feel like garbage or slip away from our goals on the other side of those memories.

Summer on,

P.S. If you would like targeted help with your goals, fill out this 1:1 coaching interest form. I'll get back to you shortly to make sure we're a great fit to work together, chat more about what to expect, and let you know when my next available start date is.

Camping Menus

Any camping plans coming up?

Or maybe you just need a few new, fun outdoor grill options. These are not all PFF + intentional carb balanced and they include plenty of indulgences, but they're an upgrade to the usual camping fare. Use a recipe or two or enjoy the whole sample weekend menu as I've laid it out!

Check these out:

Weekend Camping Menu

Plant-based Weekend Camping Menu

Hope you enjoy,

5 Unusual Tips for Fat Loss NOW

So you wanna lose some excess body fat?

(If you don't want to "lose weight" or "tone up" at all, then you might wanna skip this one and come party with us again next week.)

Summer seems to be the time when the planners are wishing their weight loss plan worked better ... or that the results stayed and the procrastinators are ready to do some crazy sh*t just to feel a little more confident this season in their shorts. As such, Summer happens to be a time when a lot of metabolic damage is done. Every 1200 calorie diet, Optavia, diet pills, daily bootcamp classes or running are all risk factors that unfortunately can lead to chronic disease and / or autoimmunity years and decades in the future ... plus weight loss resistance which is the exact opposite of what the goal was.

Luckily, we know more now and we can evolve our strategies accordingly (even though most people will be continuing to use misinformed and outdated tactics for way longer than I'd like to even imagine).

Fat loss happens best when we work within what we know to be optimal fat loss conditions. This means we're aiming to lose excess body fat but not more (not muscle mass or bone...) so it requires a specific pace. Go too fast and you're losing weight for sure, but not the kinda weight you want to be losing. Here are some tips:

1) Eat more at mealtimes. I know if you want to lose weight, you think a 350 calorie meal is superior to a 600 calorie meal. I'm not a fan of counting calories but to more easily paint this picture, stay with me here. If you eat the 350-calorie meals, 1 of 2 things will happen -- 1, you'll end up being so hungry later that night, on the weekend, on holidays, or vacations that you'll feel yourself losing control around food and overeating. Or if you're so darn stubborn and manage not to ever overeat, your metabolic rate will drop in order to compensate. This means your thyroid will probably become sluggish, you might feel colder, weak, fatigued, low libido, and you will begin gaining weight with much less calories than you used to. Your goal here is to eat meals big enough and balanced enough that they keep you nice and satiated for at least 4 hours.

2) Be mindful of blood sugar. Yes, energy in energy out matters for weight loss. Also true ... not all weight lost is the same. If you want to maximize FAT loss, you need to make sure you are not riding the blood sugar rollercoaster all day everyday. This means you eat fat, fiber and protein at every single meal. It means you keep carb intake moderate. It means you understand that it's best to not eat carbs alone (no bananas or coffee with sugar on your way out the door). It also means that you understand we have an upper limit to what we can use before it gets stored away as fat. Keep carbohydrate-containing meals to 25-35g net carbs if you're a woman (35-50g net carbs for most men). More than that and you'll likely be storing the extra as fat. A "healthy" acai bowl or green juice can often contain 50-100+ grams of carbs / sugar! "Healthy" can be deceiving. 

3) Pick up weights. Weightlifting burns more calories than cardio. "What Tara? I always heard it's the opposite!" Well yes, if you're looking at it in a short-sighted way. Cardio tends to burn more calories in that one exercise session compared to a similar length session of weightlifting. However, the extra calorie burn stops when you stop moving with cardio. Yet when you increase your muscle mass by strength training, your metabolic rate for THE ENTIRE DAY, NIGHT, AND EVEN REST DAYS is elevated. Keep your cardio in because you love your lungs and heart and being alive. But it's not a great exercise focus for fat loss goals. Strength training is.

4) Move your body. Walking isn't your exercise, but hopefully it's a different part of your days! We need our exercise (cardio, strength) and then we need our active lifestyle too (walking, gardening, dancing, yoga, playing tag with the kids or grandkids, standing while watching that live music or game, carrying groceries in..) By making the non-exercise parts of your day more active, you will notice a WAY bigger boost in your metabolic rate. 

5) Daily sunshine and grounding. When we have excess body fat stored up in an amount that's more than optimal health levels and want to do something about that, we need to be thinking about improving our energy usage. We lose fat when we use it up. We use it up when better and more quickly when the batteries of our cells -- our mitochondria -- are abundant and in great working order. Heat and cold exposure help with this, so there's a bonus tip. ;-P But also getting your skin to come in contact with the Earth everyday. Ideally for nice chunks of time as we're really evolved to be outdoors mostly, but anything is better than nothing! If you're currently inside all day, you can start by committing to 5 minutes outdoors, standing in the grass barefoot and go up from there. This "charges" your cell's batteries in a way that allows them to utilize more energy / fuel / food. Meaning, this will improve your metabolic health and help with fat loss efforts.

And a bonus bonus one that didn't make the list because it's not unusual is .... SLEEP. It's arguably the mosts important as it will influence all the rest.

Which of these are you already doing? Which will you be focusing on? Hope you found this helpful! Please note ... this is 1 tiny sliver of the types of things we discuss in much greater detail in my 28-day metabolism-boosting course, TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. The next round starts in September. If you're interested in learning more, check out this link and hop on the waitlist for any special offers and a discount code when the cart opens.
