
While I love my outdoor walks, having a Walking Pad in our home for bad weather days or days when I can’t sneak out for a walk but can get some steps in while I work or in between activities has been amazing! The best part for us is that it folds in half and fits under a bed or in our case, our son’s Hot Wheels table. :-) Use code TARA_ALLEN_HEALTH for 30% off!

I bought this massage gun for my husband as a gift a few years ago and we love it! The different heads help get the job done across different parts of the body. This is excellent for increasing circulation, fitness recovery and breaking up knots.


This company goes out of stock from time to time. If it isn’t available now, try googling “thick booty bands” and look for a similar product.


These resistance bands are excellent for home or travel workouts! Try this trick: thread one through an empty toilet paper roll (stay with me here) and close the TP toll on the other side of a door. That will anchor your band at any height you need so you have full customization like you would with a cable machine at a gym.