Are you "skinny fat"?

Why "skinny" is a scam ... the sneaky way your body could be holding onto excess fat.

First of all, just in case you're new around here, fat is IMPORTANT. The fat we eat. The fat we have on our body. Important! Helpful. Needed. Nothing I share is EVER about denying this fact or any kind of shaming. My goal is always to help you feel your best and optimize your health while achieving your body composition goals.

So ... have you ever been told you're "skinny fat"?

Ever feel like your body is playing an elaborate prank on you? You’re not technically overweight, but you also don’t feel strong, energized, or remotely like the thriving human you’re trying to be. Maybe your arms feel kind of squishy, your waistline isn’t where you’d like it, and despite eating what should be healthy and exercising, your body is just… not cooperating.

Welcome to the frustrating-but-fixable world of skinny fat -- where your body is holding onto fat while quietly ditching all the good stuff like muscle, bone density, and metabolic efficiency. And spoiler: this isn’t just about looks. It’s a major metabolic red flag.

What Exactly is “skinny fat”?

Skinny fat, or metabolically obese normal weight (MONW) (yes, science is just as rude as the internet), happens when you’re at a normal weight but have a higher body fat percentage than what's considered healthy — paired with lower muscle mass.

And here’s where it gets interesting -- people who store fat easily actually have a protective advantage. Their bodies make new fat cells to store excess energy safely. But if your body doesn’t do that well, fat has to go somewhere -- and that somewhere is inside your organs, muscles, and liver, where it wreaks absolute havoc. This is called ectopic fat storage, and it’s like stuffing a storage unit past capacity until the doors burst open. Only instead of an avalanche of Amazon impulse buys, it’s inflammation, insulin resistance, and metabolic dysfunction.

People with this type of fat storage tend to “look” fine longer -- but they get sicker faster. They don’t have the visual warning signs of weight gain, so by the time blood sugar, cholesterol, and hormone levels wave the red flag, metabolic damage is already well underway.

Signs this might be happening:

  • You feel soft instead of strong, even though you work out.

  • Your clothes fit weird -- somehow tight and loose at the same time.

  • You don’t weigh much, but you struggle with stubborn fat.

  • Your energy fluctuates wildly, and sugar cravings own you.

  • You’ve been told you have blood sugar issues, high cholesterol, or inflammation, even though you’re “not overweight.”


"Ok, but what causes it?"


It’s not just about eating too much or skipping the gym -- this is a metabolic issue. Your body is constantly making decisions about what to store, burn, or break down based on input from food, movement, stress, the environment, sleep, temperature variability, etc. And if the wrong signals are being sent? Muscle loss and fat storage become your body’s default settings.

*Chronic dieting & undereating: If you’ve ever aggressively cut calories, your body may have responded by burning muscle instead of fat. Muscle is expensive to maintain, and if your body thinks famine is coming, it hoards fat instead while burning more of the "other stuff".

*Skipping strength training: Your body needs a reason to keep muscle otherwise it won't. If your workouts are mostly cardio, you’re not giving it that reason -- so it prioritizes fat storage instead.

*Low protein intake: Protein is the raw material for muscle. If you’re not eating enough, your body doesn’t have the building blocks to maintain or grow it.

*Blood sugar rollercoasters: If your meals spike and crash your blood sugar all day, insulin gets thrown off, fat storage gets prioritized, and your metabolism slows down.

*Chronic stress + poor sleep: High cortisol (hello, life) drives fat storage and muscle breakdown, especially in the belly area. If you’re constantly stressed and underslept, your metabolism is not thriving.

Let me introduce you to past-me: a person who exercised daily, ate "clean" (whatever that means!), and was somehow still dealing with a body that felt out of sync. I was exhausted, moody, and despite doing 'all the right things', I was very unwell!

Turns out, I had a VIP pass to metabolic dysfunction. PCOS, insulin resistance, prediabetes, and hypothyroidism -- a delightful cocktail of conditions making my body resistant to fat loss, prone to muscle loss, and perpetually tired.

I wasn’t just dealing with body composition issues, I was experiencing real metabolic dysfunction. And nobody had ever explained this to me. 

The shift happened when I stopped focusing on restriction and started focusing on metabolic health. I prioritized muscle, blood sugar balance, stress resilience, and supporting my metabolism instead of punishing it. And then? I became present me. :-) Much healthier in my 40s than I ever was in my 20s or 30s.

The good news is this is totally reversible, and you don’t have to give up carbs, fun, or your will to live.

1️⃣ Eat more protein: Aim for 1g per pound of your ideal body weight. Protein tells your body to hold onto muscle instead of breaking it down.

2️⃣ Strength train 3-4x / week: Muscle is your metabolic insurance policy. Give your body a reason to keep it.

3️⃣ Balance blood sugar: No solo carbs. Eat protein, fat and fiber alongside your carb intake. This reduces glucose spikes and prevents fat storage.

4️⃣ Prioritize sleep + stress Management: Blah blah blah. Easier said than done, right? But really important! Poor sleep and chronic stress drive muscle loss and fat storage. Fix these, and your metabolism will thank you.

5️⃣ Stop dieting: If your maintenance calories are too low (think 1,200-1,500), that’s a red flag. That’s not just “how your body is” -- it’s a sign your metabolism needs support.

6️⃣ Move more (not just workouts): Walking, stretching, kitchen dance parties, 10 air squats after meals ... small movements throughout the day matter just as much as workouts for fat loss and metabolic health.

Being “skinny fat” isn’t just about aesthetics ... it’s about longevity, energy, and feeling strong in your own body. If you’ve been struggling, your metabolism likely needs more support, not more restriction.

Let me know -- which of these steps surprised you the most? Want me to break any of them down further?


P.S. Something new is coming soon -- something built just for women who are done feeling weak, tired, and stuck. No diets. No nonsense. Just real results, real strategies, and a real community to help you make it happen. Stay tuned. 😉

The future of health coaching (and why this model ain't cuttin' it)

What if the missing piece in your health journey isn’t you ... but the outdated system that expects you to piece it all together alone?

Health Coaching Needs a Glow-Up

(Or at least a version that actually works)

Most people trying to improve their health, lose fat, or feel like a functioning human again are left cobbling together a team like they’re assembling the Avengers:

  • A trainer for workouts

  • A dietitian for food

  • A doctor for labs

  • A holistic doctor for more labs ... and supplements

  • A therapist for mindset

  • A coach for accountability


And yet, none of these people are actually talking to each other.

Your trainer doesn’t know your labs.
Your doctor doesn’t know your meals.
Your dietitian doesn’t ask about your sleep.
Your therapist doesn’t connect your blood sugar swings to your stress.

It’s like a giant, broken game of telephone. And guess who’s stuck trying to make sense of it all? You.

This is why so many people spin their wheels, following mismatched advice that makes them more confused, more exhausted, and somehow less healthy than when they started.

I think the future we want will need to include one person, all the pieces.

But I didn't want to wait around for a degree like that to appear out of thin air. So I Venn Diagrammed my education and experience to be complete enough that the separate circles and the overlapping spaces together allowed me to see the big picture.

I didn’t just get a nutrition certification and start handing out meal plans.

I didn’t just get a personal training certification and start programming workouts.

I’ve spent a lot of time in school -- nursing, more nursing, grad school, health coaching, personal training, nutrition coaching, diabetes educator training, psychology, a year-long behavioral change fellowship. Listing a bunch of it "outloud" feels ridiculous, but every piece of it has shaped how I work. There’s still no single path or degree that truly equips someone to do what I do with my clients. And that’s why I don’t regret any of it. It takes pulling from all these areas plus self-education to build an approach that actually connects the dots and gets real, lasting results that spans both body composition AND health optimization.

I spent decades studying, practicing, and refining an approach that actually connects the dots. Because no single system in your body exists in a vacuum.

Here's what this looks like in real life:

  • Metabolic strategy: Not just weight loss, but optimizing hormones, energy, and body composition in a way that is actually sustainable.

  • Medical detective work: Reading labs, connecting dots, and catching what practitioners often miss (which, spoiler alert, is a lot).

  • Performance coaching: Habit change, mindset shifts, and environmental tweaks so your results actually stick and take you to the next level.

  • Deep life transformation: Because health is not just about food and exercise. It is about everything.


The old model is keeping us stuck!


Most professionals are still working in silos, meaning:

  • Your doctor tells you your labs are “normal,” but you feel terrible.

  • Your trainer tells you to eat more protein, but your digestion is a disaster.

  • Your nutritionist hands you macros but doesn’t mention stress, sleep, or hormones.

  • Your coach gives you mindset hacks but doesn’t factor in how blood sugar swings are tanking your mood.


It can feel confusing, frustrating, impossible, not worth it for us as individuals.

Right now, if someone wants a truly integrated, personalized approach, they have to hope they stumble across someone who figured out how to piece it all together... and has all of the scopes of practice to be allowed to do so. Trainers aren't allowed to deep dive into nutrition with their clients in most regions. Doctors didn't get detailed nutrition, fitness or metabolism training in med school. Etc. Etc.

But this should be a degree path ... and the new standard! Because if you want real results, you don’t need six different specialists handing you conflicting advice or not taking one piece into consideration with the rest. You need one person who will think about how the whole machine works.

Not everyone can or wants to invest in 1:1 coaching (and my spots are very limited!). But that doesn’t mean you can’t start making big changes today.

1. Spot the missing links

Ask yourself:

  • Are you dialed in on nutrition timing, balance and quality but ignoring stress?

  • Only doing workouts but neglecting recovery?

  • Managing blood sugar but not supporting digestion or gut health?

  • Optimizing sleep but not hormones?

If your plan only focuses on one piece of the puzzle, you may very well be missing some things that could be game-changers.

2. Escape the generic health hamster wheel

Instead of:

  • Eat less, move more → Try: Eating enough protein, fiber, healthy fats and knowing your intentional carb numbers to regulate blood sugar and hunger naturally.

  • Just do more cardio → Try: Strength training and metabolic flexibility so your body burns more energy at rest.

  • Follow this strict diet → Try: Learning how food actually works for your unique metabolism, hormones, and goals.


3. Fix the biggest thing holding you back

If you feel stuck, there is probably one major factor playing a bigger role than you think. A few common culprits:

  • High stress – If your cortisol is chronically off, your metabolism is not happy.

  • Poor sleep – You think you’re fine on six hours. Your hormones disagree.

  • Protein imbalances – Eating too little or too much protein throws off satiety, blood sugar, and muscle retention.

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction – You don’t have an energy problem. You have a cellular efficiency problem.

  • Mineral deficiencies – Magnesium, potassium, iodine… low levels mean low energy, slow metabolism, and more cravings.


The bottom line:

You don’t need to chase extremes, and you don’t need to stay stuck! I built this method because it didn’t exist. But it needed to. It was the method I wish I had when i was dealing with 4+ chronic diseases at the same time ... before I reversed them naturally. And if you are looking for a smarter, more connected way to approach your health, I’d love to help.

What is the number one thing holding you back right now? Let’s talk!


You think you're getting enough protein, but are you?

Think You’re Getting Enough Protein? These Foods Might Be Tricking You.

If I asked you right now, "Are you eating enough protein?", you’d probably say yes (or at least think you're close).

But here’s the thing… a lot of foods we think are high in protein actually aren’t. 

  • Peanut butter? Mostly fat

  • Beans? Mostly carbs

  • Most yogurts? More carbs than protein

  • Cheese? Fat first, protein second

  • Eggs? About equal amounts protein and fat

  • Chickpea pasta? Mostly a carb

And if you’re building meals around these thinking they’re protein-packed, you’re likely falling short on the  protein needs of what your body actually needs without even realizing it. And, while we thrive with a balance that includes fat and carbs of course, you might bee accidentally overdoing those.  Example: you want to make yourself a big salad as a lunch. You have lots of greens and colorful veggies as your base. You use olive oil or avocado or dressing as your fat. You include some fruit for a carb source (like a delicious Summer salad with strawberries) and then you think, "I need to add protein" ... so you add some beans or chickpeas or nuts or seeds. But the first 2 are more carbs than protein. And the 2nd 2 are more fat than protein. So your salad ends up being too light in protein and possibly over in your carbs or fat needs for that meal. Is it a big deal? No! But could it increase hunger, throw off blood sugar and make it harder to reach fat loss goals over time? Yes!

"Tara, why does it even matter?"

Protein is essential for:

  • Building muscle and supporting metabolism

  • Keeping energy levels stable (bye, afternoon crashes)

  • Managing hunger and cravings so you’re not snacking all day

  • Optimizing fat loss, recovery, and overall body composition


And when you’re not getting enough, you might feel:

  • Hungrier, even after meals

  • Low-energy or sluggish

  • Like you’re losing muscle instead of fat


The good news? You don’t have to guess your way through it.

Between work, homeschooling and life, I'm secretly juggling THREE massive projects behind your back ... so naturally, last week I chose to procrastinate a little and spent some time randomly putting together a free, simple guide for you. :-) It contains high-protein meals that are actually balanced and satisfying.

What’s inside?

  • Meal ideas with 30+ grams of protein

  • The best protein sources (that won’t trick you)

  • Quick, real-life ways to hit your protein target without overcomplicating it


Grab it here

Try a few swaps this week and see how you feel -- your energy and progress might just take off.


P.S. I posted this reel about this on IG last week, if you're more of a visual learner.

Your metabolism has a bedtime (but also… a meal time, a movement time, and a chill time)

Your metabolism has a bedtime (but also… a meal time, a movement time, and a chill time)

You know how toddlers turn into tiny, unhinged monsters when they skip a nap?

Yeah… your metabolism kinda does the same thing when your circadian rhythm is off.

And no, this isn’t just about getting morning sun and turning off screens at night (though… do that). Your circadian rhythm controls way more than you think:

When your body burns fat most efficiently
When your metabolism is firing vs. half asleep
How your blood sugar reacts to the same meal at different times
Why you might feel wired at night but sluggish all day
How well your body recovers from workouts
Even your cravings, inflammation, and aging process

If you feel like you’re doing everything right but your body still isn’t cooperating ... circadian rhythm might be the missing piece.

Good news: You don’t have to go full cavewoman to fix it.

I put together a free Circadian Reset Guide that breaks it all down so you can reset your body without flipping your whole life upside down.

Your mitochondria will thank you. 


P.S. The waitlist is open now for the May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind.

P.P.S. You might be more of a 1:1 coaching fan than a group course fan, so if you need my help, here's how that works.

Seed Oils: The Most Overhyped & Misunderstood Nutrition Debate

The Truth About Seed Oils (And Why Everyone’s Fighting About It)

Ah, seed oils. The internet’s favorite nutrition debate. Are they wrecking your health or is it all just a conspiracy? Is there an anti-seed oil agenda? A deep-fried villain arc? Let’s dig in.

First, let’s talk what seed oils actually are because most people arguing about them don’t even know. These are oils extracted from seeds like soybean, canola, corn, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, and grapeseed. They weren’t really a big part of the human diet until food manufacturers figured out they could squeeze more profit out of their crops by refining the hell out of them and turning them into cheap cooking oils. So, they did. And now, these oils are in everything.

So why do some experts say they’re bad while others say they’re fine? Because nutrition science moves at the speed of a sloth on Xanax. The research that gets referenced most often is short-term and often focused on one isolated factor like cholesterol levels or inflammation markers ... not the bigger picture of what happens over years of consumption inside the body.

And this is where you have to be able to think beyond the studies. Science is slow. Corporations fund a lot of research. Nobody is running long-term trials on whether eating soybean oil for 30 years contributes to chronic disease. They just wait for the population to get sick and say, "Well, correlation isn’t causation!"

But let’s talk about what we do know.

  1. The way seed oils are made is... horrifying. This isn’t the same as pressing olives and getting olive oil. This is high heat + chemical solvents + bleaching + deodorizing to make something extracted from inedible seeds into something that won’t smell rancid on a grocery store shelf. Your body was never designed to metabolize that kind of industrial process.

  2. They are extremely high in omega-6 fatty acids. You need some omega-6, but the ratio matters. Historically, humans ate omega-6 and omega-3s in a 1:1 balance. Today, with seed oils in everything, it's more like 20:1 or worse. That imbalance is linked to chronic inflammation, which is linked to... well, almost every modern disease.

  3. Seed oils are fragile. High heat + oxidation = creating toxic byproducts like aldehydes and free radicals. Guess what your body doesn’t love? An influx of unstable molecules that damage your cells.

  4. They don’t just exist in the bottle of canola oil at the grocery store. They are in nearly every ultra-processed food. Chips. Crackers. Packaged snacks. Store-bought salad dressings. Restaurant fried food. Even so-called "healthy" plant-based meat alternatives. Avoiding them naturally means eating fewer ultra-processed foods ... which is probably a good idea regardless of where you stand on seed oils.

So where’s the nuance? Why do some people say they’re fine?

Because short-term studies don’t always show immediate harm. Because replacing butter with seed oils can lower LDL cholesterol (but what does that actually mean for long-term health? There's more to health and to disease risk than LDL). Because some researchers are focused on one tiny mechanism at a time instead of the full complexity of human metabolism and cellular function.

And this is the part that drives me nuts. If you only look at what science has definitively proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will always be 10-20 years behind reality. Science takes time. Decades. Even when evidence is compelling, people argue about it forever before it becomes mainstream advice.

You know what doesn’t take decades? Looking at how these oils are processed and thinking, “Hmm. Maybe eating chemically-extracted, bleached, industrial oils in every meal isn’t ideal.” Maybe there’s something to eating more real, whole, minimally processed foods. Maybe the fact that the rates of obesity, chronic disease, and metabolic dysfunction skyrocketed in the same timeframe that seed oils infiltrated the food supply isn’t a coincidence (maybe it is! But I'm staying open-minded regardless).

But here’s the thing: I eat seed oils sometimes. I’m not scared of them. I also don’t go out of my way to include them. And I've been known to write letters and emails to companies asking them to remove their seed oils from their products. If you go out to eat, you’re getting them. If you have a packaged snack once in a while, you’re getting them. But if you’re eating them in every meal, every day, it might be worth reconsidering.

The real goal? Less ultra-processed food. More whole, real, nourishing food. As much as that makes sense for you, your family, your access, your budget. I know that impacts a lot! 

So, what’s your take? Are you avoiding seed oils? Cutting back? Or just enjoying the show while the internet fights about it?


P.S. I'm working on some cool things, and while I can't share just yet, I can tell you that in the meantime, there are a few ways we can work together if you need help:

  • TRANSFORM is back in May! Join the waitlist now so you don’t miss out when doors open.

  • 1:1 Coaching for a fully customized approach, expert-level guidance, and direct support (just redid this page recently. Still have to prune the testimonials and add a few, but check it out!)

  • Jumpstart – a $37 deep dive into metabolic health + the kick in the butt you need to start seeing real progress.

Reply here with any questions or grab what you need now!

You didn't come this far to play small!

At some point, we all get a wake-up call

... that moment when you realize your body isn’t just yours to use and abuse however you want. It’s the vehicle that carries every dream you have yet to chase, every conversation you have left to enjoy, every person you love who wants you around for a long, long time.

And I need you to hear this: You are NOT done yet.

Years ago, before I ever got into this side of my work and was still working in the hospital setting, before I reversed my own metabolic struggles, I was constantly running on fumes.

I thought I was doing everything right -- I was an athlete! I was exercising, “eating healthy,” staying active -- but deep down, I knew many things were off. I was drained, moody, not as strong as I should have been. My metabolism was shot. My blood sugar was climbing. My energy was unpredictable. I wasn't getting a regular period ... and NEVER had.

And my doctors said, “Well, this is just what happens, sometimes.”

Except... it wasn’t.
That was a lie.

The truth? I didn’t know what I didn’t know. And neither did they.
And the moment I took my health into my own hands, everything changed.

More energy. More muscle. More clarity. More confidence.
Not just in my body, but in every single thing I did.

And once I felt what good actually felt like, I knew I could never go back.

The thing about fat loss and metabolic health? It’s never just about the weight. It’s about who you become in the process.

  • When you build strength, you build confidence.

  • When you feel energized, you start dreaming bigger.

  • When your brain is sharp, you make bolder decisions.

  • When your body moves the way you need it to, you stop playing small.

This isn’t just about looking good in a pair of jeans. This is about turning up the dial on your entire existence. Because in your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s? You don’t want to be shrinking. You want to be expanding.

You want to be active, bold, vibrant, unapologetic You want to be taking up space, doing things that scare you, living so fully that people half your age can’t keep up.

I want you to climb mountains at 60.
I want you to dance at your grandchild’s wedding at 80.
I want you to laugh so hard with friends at 90 that you cry.

And I want you to walk into every damn room like you belong there. Because you do.

But here’s the kicker: it doesn’t just happen.

You have to demand it.
You have to train for it.
You have to give your body what it needs so it can give you the life you want.

The people who wait until they “have time” to take care of themselves? They wake up at 70 and wish they had started sooner.

The people who get after it now?
They break generational cycles. They rewrite stories. They become the kind of person who is both vulnerable and confident, humble and bold.

This is a walking, talking representation of metabolic health.

Your future self is out there waiting for you.
She’s watching the choices you’re making today.
She’s hoping you don’t let her down.

So tell me ... what’s the version of YOU that you want to be in 10, 20, 30 years? And are you making moves today to make sure she exists?

Hit reply and tell me. I want to know. Truly.


P.S. Are you following along on Instagram stories? I have some big things in the works for 2025 for you and me and I'm SO EXCITED for what it means for both of us.

Are you surviving a zombie apocalypse?

Your metabolic health might just be your greatest survival tool

Imagine this: the world as we know it has collapsed, WiFi is gone (RIP), and your only sources of fuel are whatever you can forage, hunt, or trade for in this dystopian wasteland. You have two choices:

1️⃣ Tap into your well-trained, efficient metabolism to burn stored fat for fuel, maintain stable energy, and think clearly under stress.


2️⃣ Realize too late that you’ve been running on a carb-dependent, metabolically rigid system that now has you shaky, weak, and about to make some very bad decisions just to get your hands on a granola bar.

Most people have trained their bodies exactly wrong for survival ... not just for a zombie apocalypse but for modern life. If you need constant snacks, caffeine, or sheer willpower to function, your mitochondria are in a biochemical panic.

Mitochondria are not just the powerhouse of the cell (HS biology is back to haunt us). They are energy transformers, converting food and light into ATP, the actual currency of life. Without efficient mitochondria, your body starts hoarding energy (ahem ... fat gain or fat loss resistance) like a glitchy, outdated hard drive ... leading to sluggish metabolism, inflammation, and that why am I so tired all the time? feeling.

Here’s what actually builds metabolic resilience and trains your cells to be fuel-flexible under pressure (whether that’s outrunning zombies or making it through a brutal Monday without an IV of cold brew):

🔥 Zone 2 cardio This is the endurance-building, fat-burning, mitochondria-multiplying magic no one wants to do because it takes time and you probably need a shower after. But your cells are running a marathon every second, and they need this low-and-slow stimulus to stay efficient.

🔥 Sprinting (or HIIT, if you’re fancy) Because your metabolism should be able to switch gears fast, not just slog along like a Windows 95 reboot. And, we need to train explosiveness! Fast-twitch muscle activation improves mitochondrial density, insulin sensitivity, and fat oxidation.

🔥 Muscle mass = metabolic currency More muscle means more mitochondria, better glucose disposal (aka better carb tolerance), stronger bones, and protection against metabolic decline. It’s the ultimate insurance policy for aging well.

🔥 Smart fueling Protein first, fiber second, carbs and fat as energy sources, not a crutch. Your mitochondria do not appreciate a blood sugar rollercoaster, traffic jam of overindulgence OR being underfueled ... and stable energy means better cognitive function, hormone balance, and fat-burning potential.

🔥 Cold + heat exposure, grounding, and sunshine / light / darkness patterns in check Because mitochondria respond to way more than food. They are quantum sensors, taking in signals from their environment. Sunlight improves ATP production, cold + heat exposure enhances mitochondrial efficiency, and grounding allows free electrons from the Earth to neutralize oxidative stress. Yes, your metabolism is actually electric.

Most people are stuck in outdated metabolism thinking. But metabolic intelligence is about training your body to be adaptable, resilient, and able to handle whatever comes next. It’s not just about burning fat. It’s about optimizing your cells to function at their highest potential.

And because you guys are my inner TAH circle, I’ll tease this: I've applied for a trademark on something I know is going to change the game. You’re here early. Stay tuned.


P.S. Want to work together? My 1:1 coaching is designed to optimize your metabolism, energy, and body composition from every angle in a customized way ... nutrition, movement, stress, inflammation, lab work, bioenergetics, and more. If you're ready for full-scale transformation, apply here. If you prefer a powerful 28-day deep dive, join the waitlist for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. The next round opens in May, and the waitlist gets a discount.

P.P.S. So… would you survive the zombie apocalypse? Or would you be the one strategically conserving energy, calculating your best escape route, and making sure your mitochondria are firing on all cylinders when it really counts? Either way, now you’ve got the tools to boost your metabolic intelligence ... because whether it’s zombies or just everyday life, resilience is the real superpower. 🧟‍♂️🔥

The Most Overlooked Fat Loss Tool (that costs $0)

A metabolic booster no one talks about (and it's free!)

Ever feel like you’re doing everything right, dialing in your nutrition, training hard, getting sleep, but your fat loss still feels slow?

There’s a key player in your metabolism that almost everyone overlooks. It’s free, available to you all day long, and critical for fat oxidation, recovery, and energy production.

Your breathing.

Specifically, your CO₂ tolerance.

I know. Not as sexy as fat-burning supplements that are (*gestures broadly*) or a fancy biohack. But stick with me.

In nursing school, we were taught that a normal breathing rate was 12 to 20 breaths per minute. Meanwhile, someone with optimized respiration and ventilation typically breathes slower than 12 breaths per minute. In the hospital setting --  once we moved to computer charting -- we couldn’t even enter a respiratory rate of 8 or 10 without it being flagged as an emergency requiring follow-up. Think about that. A respiratory rate that would be considered normal or even optimal for an athlete or a person trained in proper breathing is considered a medical crisis. The system itself was built around dysregulated breathing.

So if you’ve been unknowingly breathing like a stressed-out squirrel your whole life, welcome to the club.

But this can mess with fat loss efforts.

When you breathe too fast and too shallow, your body gets rid of too much CO₂ too quickly. That may sound like a good thing, but here’s what happens:

  • Oxygen can’t fully release into your muscles and cells, a phenomenon known as the Bohr Effect

  • Your mitochondria, the engines of fat burning, struggle to produce energy efficiently

  • Fat oxidation slows down because your body starts relying more on sugar for fuel

  • Your nervous system stays in fight-or-flight mode, which can mess with metabolism and stress hormones like cortisol

Now, let’s see where you’re at. Before we fix it, let’s measure it.

Here’s a simple test:

  1. Sit down and relax for a few minutes. Breathe normally.

  2. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs, then start a stopwatch as you start to exhale slowly through your nose until your lungs feel empty.

  3. Stop the stopwatch when you run out of air, yawn or have a strong urge to inhale. 

  4. Stop the timer. Your score in seconds is your CO₂ tolerance.

What your number means:

  • 80+ seconds = Elite level. You’re basically a monk. Oxygen efficiency and fat burning are on point.

  • 60-80 seconds = Advanced level

  • 40-60 seconds = Intermediate level

  • 20-40 seconds = Not bad, but there’s room for improvement.

  • Under 20 seconds = Likely very high anxiety and stress sensitivity. Your metabolism might be getting shortchanged. Oxygen delivery and fat oxidation are likely impaired. Time to train your breath.


When your CO₂ tolerance is low, your cells don’t receive oxygen efficiently, meaning your mitochondria can’t produce ATP, the body’s energy currency, as effectively. This forces your body to rely on quick-burning fuel sources (hello, sugar cravings!) instead of efficiently burning fat for energy.

Optimizing your breath = increasing mitochondrial efficiency = better fat metabolism.

The Fix? CO2 training. A few simple ways to start:

  • Breathe through your nose (especially during exercise and sleep)

  • Slow your exhales (make them longer than your inhales)

  • Try breath-holds (after an exhale, pinch your nose and hold for as long as comfortable, then recover with controlled nasal breaths)

  • Mouth tape at night (yes, really. We can be nighttime weirdos together.)

The goal isn’t to breathe more, it’s to breathe better.

This is free, simple, and massively underappreciated.

And before you ask, no, I’m not saying breathwork will replace strength training and protein. But if you’re stacking all the right habits and still not seeing progress? Your breathing could be a missing link.

Try it, test it, tweak it, and let me know what happens.

Hit reply and let me know, do you already do any breathwork?


P.S. Ready to take your metabolism to the next level?

🚀 Jumpstart – My self-paced mini metabolism-boosting course. Instant access, zero fluff, just results. Only $37.

📅 TRANSFORM: Body + Mind – My signature 28-day deep dive into metabolism, energy, and body composition. The next round kicks off in May—join the waitlist now for early access + a discount.

🔬 1:1 Coaching – The most customized approach. We dig into your lab work, workouts, nutrition, and lifestyle, so every strategy fits you perfectly.

Which one fits your goals (and budget) best?

Things I'm loving this week ... and a weird snack

This past week and a half has been a whirlwind!

Transform is in session, homeschooling is in full swing with 2nd quarter reporting due this week, mom life, home life, full-time work… so of course I decided it was the perfect time to dive into a HUGE new project too. 🤦‍♀️). But amidst all the chaos, here are a few things keeping me grounded ... and entertained:

  1. What I’m Reading: Abundant Ever After by Cathy Heller. It’s hitting all the right notes for mindset and inspiration ... I’m hooked!

  2. Weird Snack Alert: American cheese slice (Organic Valley) + arugula + a drizzle of mustard, rolled up like some kind of classy deli experiment. Is it strange? Yes. Do I like it? Also yes.

  3. Staying Moving: My Walking Pad (code TARA_ALLEN_HEALTH gets you 30% off) has been a total lifesaver this week with these single-digit temps. Both Jagger and I have been using it daily! Don’t have one and it’s too cold by you? Try a kitchen dance party, 15 air squats every hour on the hour, or just take the stairs a bunch of extra times ... it all adds up!

  4. Winter Must-Have: I know I just mentioned my Lumebox recently, but I couldn't NOT include it here. It’s been a miracle for Winter. I use it every single morning to sync my circadian rhythm, boost my mood, and give some love to areas that need attention (like my face, scalp / head (cognition ... I need to be sharp! haha), thyroid, or anywhere that’s sore or stiff). It’s the most peaceful way to ease into the day, and I feel the difference when I use it. Right now, it’s still 43% off with my link ... definitely worth it if you’re considering it and it's in the budget!

That’s it for me this week. What are you loving right now? Hit reply and share. I’d love to hear!

Stay warm and keep moving,

A sweet treat that's almost too tasty

Your New Favorite Freezer Treat Awaits

First, I want to say thank you for being here during the TRANSFORM launch last week. It means so much to me to have your support and energy. Whether you joined us for this round, did a previous round or are simply following along, I’m so grateful you’re part of this community!

Now that the dust has settled, I’ve got a few things to share to help brighten your week ... literally and figuratively.

I’m all about simple, satisfying indulgences from time-to-time, and this one is perfect for the taste buds. It's not PFF + intentional carb-balanced but it's actually way more "balanced" than most indulgences! I've added nutrition facts for you in case that helps.

3-Ingredient Cheesecake Freezer Bites


Whip them up in just 5 minutes, stash them in the freezer, and enjoy whenever you choose to have an indulgence. If you make them, tag me on Instagram — I’d love to see!


On another note, if you’ve been curious about red light therapy and missed it when I shared a few weeks ago, I’ve created a free guide that breaks down everything you need to know -- what it is, how it works, and how it can benefit your energy, skin, mood, fat loss goals, pain, immune system and more.

And, if you’ve been eyeing the Lumebox but missed out last time, it’s finally available for pre-order (43% off with my link) after selling out early during the New Year’s sale. They’re even donating a portion of every purchase to support wildfire relief in LA!


Ending you off with a free, quick, simple (but maybe not easy!) tip that’s excellent for fat loss goals, longevity, healing, cellular repair, improved sleep quality, and balanced blood sugar:

Stop eating all meals and drinks (other than water or plain decaf tea/coffee) at least 3 hours before bedtime. This gives your body time to wind down, improve digestion, and focus on repair rather than metabolizing food overnight.

Will you try it? Let me know how it goes!


What does your nervous system have to do with fat loss?

The real fat loss MVP

Ever wonder why some days you’re crushing your health goals and other days you’re staring at the pantry like it owes you answers? Turns out, your nervous system might be the culprit. Your body is like a thermostat, working overtime to keep everything balanced. But if your nervous system is stuck in “fight or flight” mode, that thermostat gets about as reliable as Wi-Fi in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, fat loss is harder, sleep is a joke, and energy feels like a mythical creature.

The other morning, after dropping my daughter off somewhere, I was ready to come home and work out. Or so I thought. Instead of feeling pumped, my brain was hosting a nonstop to-do list rave and I felt like I’d already run a marathon -- except the only thing I’d sprinted for was coffee. So, before jumping into leg day, I decided to press pause and do some deep belly breathing. Picture me in my kitchen, mid-breath, while my son asked why I was “pretending to be a balloon.” A couple of minutes later, the fog lifted and I felt like a functional human again. My workout? Way better than it would have been. My mood? No longer resembling a stressed-out squirrel. I tapped into the breath ... the only function that's automatic, yet we can take conscious control of it anytime. It's like a bridge to our nervous system that we have access to 24/7.

When your body senses stress, your autonomic nervous system flips into survival mode. This is great if you’re being chased by a bear -- not so much when the “threat” is your inbox or something. Chronic stress cranks up cortisol, spikes blood sugar (even with no food on board), slows digestion, and tells your body, “Hey, let’s store some fat for that famine (that we’re definitely not in).” It also makes your metabolism as efficient as a floppy disk. (Am I aging myself?) But here’s the plot twist -- you can hack your nervous system to shift out of “fight or flight, freeze or fawn” and into “rest and digest, safe and social,” where your body actually wants to cooperate with you. And where fat is the preferred source to burn for fuel.

Enter your vagus nerve -- the MVP of calming your system. Stimulating it is like hitting the reset button on your brain and body. Start your morning with five slow, deep, nasal breaths with long exhales. Hum your favorite song while you cook. Sip warm tea and actually taste it instead of scrolling Instagram. If you’re feeling bold, finish your shower with 30 seconds of cold water. Yes, it’s awful at first, but so is the idea of living stressed forever. These all help build your resilience or tolerance to stress so that it's not so easy to slip into fight or flight as time goes on. This feels so much more calming but for those of you whole only care about things related to fat loss (I see you), you should know this is also a way to increase the amount of time you spend in fat-burning mode each day as well as the maximum fat burning potential you have each day.

Curious about the nuance about how this ties into fat loss, better energy, and finally feeling like the healthiest version of yourself? I’m diving deeper into this in my upcoming round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, starting soon. In fact, I've added a brand new learning module all about shifting your mindset forever (who ARE you with all that peace and hope?!) and nervous system regulation. I'm pretty sure it's the reason I have more returning TRANSFORMERS than usual for this round. That and the fact that returning TRANSFORMERS get 50% off. ;-)

Want a sneak peek? Hit reply and tell me your go-to stress-busting ritual. Bonus points if it’s gotten a funnier reaction than mine.

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for this round. Only running this course 2 more times in 2025.


✉️ Write Your Future: A Letter to Tomorrow's You

A letter to your future self

It’s January 7th, 2025. Right now, you’re standing on the edge of possibility. The choices you make this month - this week - can shape the entire year ahead. Truth is, we don't need a January for that. It's true of every month. Every week. But we have the magic of a blank year ahead right now. So, let’s pause and imagine.

What if you could write a letter to the future you at the end of 2025? What would you want her (or him) to know? Let’s begin.

Dear Future Me,

I hope you’re proud of everything we’ve accomplished this year in 2025. It wasn’t about being perfect, it was about deciding to show up. I’m grateful we committed to:

  • Prioritizing energy, strength, and clarity every single day.

  • Fueling our body with food that made us feel unstoppable.

  • Moving with purpose and loving the process.

  • Finding time for laughter, connection, learning and rest.

This year, we didn’t wait for the perfect moment to start. We took action when things felt messy and busy, and we stayed consistent even when it wasn’t convenient. And you know what? It worked.

Thank you for taking the first step. It’s what changed everything.

The You Who Decided

Real talk:

Nine years ago, I found myself at a crossroads. I had just been told I was prediabetic while newly pregnant with our son. After years of infertility, undiagnosed PCOS, insulin resistance, and hypothyroidism, my body felt drained, weak, and far from what I knew it could be, despite working out and “eating healthy.”

That diagnosis was my turning point. I realized that waiting for someone else to give me permission or the perfect plan and time wasn’t an option. I bought a glucometer, started tracking my blood sugar, and made small changes like adjusting my breakfast to focus on protein and fiber, tweaking my workouts to include more strength training, and building from there.

The changes were gradual, but they built momentum. My energy improved. I felt less moody. My body started to respond, and my lab work reflected the progress I was making. Each small step reinforced my commitment, and before I knew it, I was living a life that felt aligned, energized, and strong. In my 40s now, I feel younger and more powerful than I did in my 20s or 30s. It's hard to describe what it feels like ... I'd say a lightness and electrifying buzzing, of sorts. I know in my heart that you deserve to feel it too.

That’s why I believe so deeply in taking the first step ... even when it feels imperfect. Because I’ve been there, and I’ve seen what’s possible.

Special Note for TRANSFORM Graduates:

For those of you in The After Party, I can’t wait to continue this journey together. This year, we’ll be diving even deeper with fresh tools, inspiration, guest speakers and guidance to take everything to the next level.

If you’re a TRANSFORM graduate but no longer in The After Party, reply to this email for a special link to rejoin. Trust me, you won’t want to miss what we’ve planned for 2025.

What would your letter say? Try this exercise out as a journal entry today and let me know how it goes. Tomorrow, the doors to TRANSFORM: Body + Mind officially open. If you’re ready to take that first step and make 2025 your strongest, healthiest, most vibrant year yet, I’d love to have you join me.

Your first step starts tomorrow - get ready!

With endless possibility,

🚀 Your 2025 Game Plan: 5 Free Resources!

Momentum Made Simple

It’s the last day of 2024, and whether you’re celebrating a year well-lived or ready for a fresh start, this is your moment to reflect and reset. Let’s step into 2025 with clarity, purpose, and a few simple tools to keep your momentum strong.

Your 2025 Game Plan: Top 5 Free Resources (and an extra) for Fat Loss, Energy, and Longevity

  1. A Time-Efficient Workout Plan: Grab this free workout plan for quick, minimal-equipment workouts that fit into even the busiest days.

  2. Balanced Meal Prep: Use this free meal plan to simplify balancing protein, fat, fiber carbs.

  3. Metabolic Health Quiz: Curious if your metabolic health is truly optimal? (Hint: Only 2–3% of people are!) Take this quick quiz to find out where you stand and how to level up. [Take the quiz here!]

  4. Metabolism-Boosting Starter Pack: Kick off the new year with this free PDF guide, filled with tips to support your metabolism, achieve fat loss goals, boost energy, and help you feel amazing in 2025. [Download here!]

  5. High-Protein Smoothie Recipes: Start your mornings or recover post-workout with these delicious, nutrient-packed smoothie recipes. [Get the collection here!]

  6. A Sneak Peek at TRANSFORM: Curious about what’s inside my 28-day program? Here’s a quick teaser

What’s one small, intentional habit you can start on January 1st to set the tone for the year ahead?  Hit reply and let me know!

This is the year you DECIDE to take control of your health, build energy, and feel amazing in your day-to-day life. Once it's a decision and no longer just a hope or trial, the game changes. Wishing you a safe and joyful New Year’s Eve - and here’s to thriving in 2025!

With health + hustle,

P.S. Ready to make 2025 your breakthrough year? Once you decide to change, the key to success is having the right education, resources, community, and accountability to support you every step of the way. My 28-day TRANSFORM: Body + Mind course starts soon and is designed to help you start strong this January. [Join the waitlist here!]

Nibble Smart: Top Tips for a Balanced Holiday

What did you think of the new blog formatting last week?

I may return to it but listen, I'm batching the next 3 blogs today as a part of my front-loading anything I can so I can work half days during the holiday break. So, I'm back to quicker formatting for now while I mull it over. :-P

Speaking of the holidays, they are a time for joy, connection, and ... let’s be honest, a little chaos. But taking care of yourself doesn’t have to compete with the festivities. Here are five small, actionable steps to feel great without missing out.

  • Add Color to Your Plate: Include at least one colorful veggie with every meal. Think sliced cucumbers next to your sandwich or roasted / raw carrots alongside your holiday dinner.

  • Hydrate First: Before reaching for coffee or cocktails, drink yo' water. It’s an easy way to stay ahead of holiday fatigue and keep things more regular during a week that's anything but.

  • Mini Walk Breaks: A 10-minute walk or kitchen dance party after meals supports digestion, helps to balance blood sugar, clears your head, and feels like a small gift to yourself during a busy day.

  • Protein Start: Begin your day with a protein-rich breakfast to stabilize energy and curb cravings later. Options: eggs + egg whites, Greek yogurt, or a quick protein smoothie.

  • Pause to Breathe: Before eating, take a few deep breaths to reset your nervous system. It helps with mindful eating and better digestion. Try it!

If you’re already thinking ahead to post-holiday recovery, this might interest you. I created a brand new (free) guide to Red Light Therapy - covering what it is, how it helps, and how you can use it to boost energy, improve sleep, skin and mood, increase fat oxidation (for fat loss) and even recover from overindulgence. It’s a fantastic tool to explore as we head into the new year!
Red Light Therapy Guide

It’s not about perfection; it’s about showing up for yourself in small, meaningful ways. Even one of these shifts can make a big difference and create momentum heading into the New Year. Wishing you a holiday season filled with warmth, health, and just enough cookies to feel festive. Let me know which shift resonates most with you - I’d love to hear!

Happy + Merry everything to everyone,

P.S. If you’re ready to make 2024 your healthiest, most vibrant year yet, keep an eye out for my 28-day TRANSFORM: Body + Mind course! We’re kicking off in January. [Join the waitlist here!]

How I'm closing 2024 out to set us both up for an amazing 2025

As 2024 winds down, I’m putting the finishing touches on my year-end strategy to set up an even stronger 2025.


From organizing my goals and mapping out priorities to reflecting on what worked (and what didn’t), this process is all about building momentum ... and I want to share it with you. If you’re ready to start the new year with clarity, confidence, and actionable steps, keep reading. Let’s make 2025 our best year yet ... together!

Making space.

Nothing says “I’m ready for a big year” like clearing out the physical and mental clutter. Here’s what I’m tackling before the ball drops:

  • Closet: If I haven’t worn it in the last year, it’s out. Goodbye, “maybe someday” outfits. Someone else will love you more than I ever did.

  • File cabinet & emails: My file cabinet can barely close and I have 75,000 unread promotional emails in just my backup email address (you know ... the one Old Navy gets). No thanks. Unsubscribing and deleting feels oddly empowering.

  • Pantry: Expired spices? Something opened and stale? Gone. Starting fresh.

  • Toys: A joint effort to donate some to new homes where they’ll get real playtime and make room for the new holiday and birthday gifts.

What can you clear out to create physical (and mental) breathing room?

Big picture planning for 2025.

Once the clutter’s gone, it’s time to dream big. Here’s what I’m focusing on:

  • Business Goals: January kicks off with Transform: Body + Mind, launching January 8th. It’s a top priority, and I’m mapping out every detail to ensure it’s a life-changing experience for you. I have lots more coming next year inside of Tara Allen Health too as I keep scheming and aim to overdeliver.

  • Volunteer Projects: I’m carving out time to give back because making an impact beyond work is important to me and because you can't be in the health, nutrition, fitness space like I am and not see so many things that need our attention. I can't always share all of these details because of the nature of the projects, but when I can I will ... at least in my instagram stories.

  • Personal Projects: From family vacations to learning more Spanish and guitar, these are going on the calendar so they don’t stay “someday” dreams.

  • Income & Saving Goals: I’m getting even more specific about where money’s going in 2025, including investments that align with our long-term priorities.

Breaking It Down: Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily Rhythms

A big plan is only as good as its execution, so I’m creating rhythms to stay consistent:

  • Yearly Goals: These are my big anchors -- the major projects and milestones I want to hit.

  • Monthly Reset: Each month ends with a reflection / me grading myself in each of my 3 biggest priorities (more on that below) and then a recalibration wherever needed for the month ahead. This is where I'll think about learning themes for the month ahead -- things I want to know, practice, uplevel or skills I'd like to obtain for fun or for business or for life (like marketing, AI, gardening and editing)

  • Weekly Priorities: Every Friday, I’m planning the week ahead out on paper: what appointments, meetings, calls, activities are coming? My To Dos for business each day and my To Dos for personal / family / home each day are written out even if they started out in my phone. This is is probably silly, but it's what works best for me. Workouts and top tasks are scheduled. Homeschooling week is laid out. On Sunday mornings with my coffee in hand, I meal plan on a dry eraser board for the week and typically order groceries and whatever house inventory we need.

  • Daily Routines: Morning and evening rhythms (not exactly routines) keep me grounded.

These past few months have been filled with more hats than I thought I could wear, all at once, and on a scale I never anticipated. 

We’ve had life-altering news that has shifted the future we thought we saw so clearly into something much less certain. And yet, it’s been a catalyst, pulling our family closer together and reinforcing the idea that the only way forward is brick by brick -- embracing both the unknowns and the uncontrollable.  Not easy for this control freak! ;-) 

Ours is an adventurous life, full of unexpected twists and turns that make boredom impossible. These moments of upheaval stretch us in ways we never imagined, showing us our purpose, potential, and resilience. And they remind us how needed we are -- how much impact we have to make. That goes for you, too. You have this inside of you.

For me now, reality now looks like homeschooling, caregiving, parenting, working, and managing a household alongside my husband -- 24/7, all at once. When life pivots, or feels like it’s spinning out of control, we adjust, find trade-offs, and keep going.

Here are a few of mine:

  • Delivery for everything: Groceries, household items, you name it. If it can arrive at my door with free shipping, it will.

  • Batching responses: Starting in 2025 (wish me luck!), I’m batching texts, emails, calls, and DMs a bit more. I’m also carving out daily stretches where my phone is nowhere near me to focus without tech interruptions. Notifications? Off. Airplane mode at night? On.

  • Small nervous system supports: L-theanine with coffee and ashwagandha in my smoothies. These little additions help me feel calmer and more focused.

  • Relationships: I’m prepared to create space in some relationships if necessary and ready to deepen others. Advocating for someone else can lead to misunderstandings, but it also creates unshakable bonds with those who truly understand -- or are just Earth angels.

Every twist and turn has reminded me to embrace the adventure, lean into the unknown, and keep showing up one step at a time.

Priorities: Family, Health, Business


In 2025, I’m keeping my focus on these three pillars:

  • Family: Creating memories together, learning together and supporting each family member uniquely.

  • Health: Practicing what I preach

  • Business: Helping you achieve your health goals while scaling my impact.

2025 Mindset: Peace, Joy, Gratitude -- even just a little more of each

My mantra for 2025? “It doesn’t get better than this.” As someone who tends to be very future-focused (hello, anxiety?), I have to work hard to stay in the present while still moving toward my goals. It's important to me that I never think "I'll be happy when ____". So this year I'm creating success here by flipping this on its head. Gratitude journals, moments of stillness, and focusing on what’s going right will keep me grounded.

I'm happy (truly - it lights me up) to help.


As you gear up for 2025, remember—I’m here to help you every step of the way! If you’re ready to take action, learn more about working together in TRANSFORM or in 1:1 coaching. Let’s make this your most successful year yet!

Free Cookie Collection Inside!

Smart Cookies, Healthier Holidays: Your FREE recipe collection + 84 delicious holiday treats

I write these blogs in advance so for what it's worth, it's National Cookie Day right now, as I type. Perfect!

Let's see how many times can I say the word free? I made a FREE cookie recipe collection to share with you today with some baking options for that Cookie Exchange or hostess gift. It's made with real food and while still a treat, they're more nutrient-packed and lower glycemic yet tasty treats.

You can download that FREE collection right here.

If you're ready to dive deeper into healthy baking and no bake options, my Smart Cookie e-cookbook is your perfect companion. With 84 amazing dessert recipes, you'll discover new ways to enjoy seasonal favorites and year-round treats made with wholesome ingredients. They all happen to be free of gluten and dairy and there's something for everyone -- cookies, pie, no bake, stovetop, brownies, cupcakes, hot chocolate, keto, paleo, pumpkin, chocolate, hazelnut, apple, gingerbread, peanut butter, fudge. I mean, take your pick! This e-cookbook will only be available through the holidays, so a couple more weeks before it heads to the archives.

Get your copy of Smart Cookie now

May your holidays be bright and your cookies just right!

Your fav. wellness elf,

P.S. Need help reaching your fat loss, muscle building, and / or health optimization goals? Let’s team up!

  • 1:1 Coaching for a highly tailored, deep dive approach that works for you.

  • Transform: Body and Mind – A complete, holistic transformation for lasting results.

  • Jumpstart – A budget-friendly, self-paced mini course to get you on the right track. Let’s make 2025 your healthiest year yet!

P.P.S. Five. If you include the title of this blog, I said "free" 5 times (now six).

Workshop: Fat Loss During the Holidays

December showed up just as scheduled!

Funny how that happens, huh? Lol

After our candy holiday and recent binging / pie / leftovers for dayzzzz holiday (maybe you still have some?) I wanted to bring you something extra special today -- a 42 minute workshop all about achieving fat loss goals during the holiday season.

This workshop is from late 2023 inside The After Party (my monthly membership group that everyone who completes TRANSFORM: Body + Mind gets access too plus a free month inside of). The tips and tricks still apply and I'm hoping you get something -- or a lot of somethings -- out of it. While it's a video, it's just my talking head. Feel free to just put on some headphones and just listen like a podcast during your commute, during a walk or while you get some things done around the house. 

Start watching / listening now


If your 2025 goals include better lab work, health, energy and feeling incredible in your skin but TRANSFORM is just not in the budget right now, check out Jumpstart. This is a self-paced mini metabolism-boosting course. Designed to be completed in 5 days, you really can take as long as you'd like as it's totally self-paced. This is perfect for those who have not yet taken my signature course and at $37, it's a more doable price point for many. <3 

Can we really age backwards?

Is senescence the hidden roadblock to metabolic health?

I know you're all about staying youthful, energized, and metabolically on fire, so let me introduce you to one of the most fascinating (and sneaky) things happening in your body: cellular senescence. Let’s dive deep into the science of aging, and actually — it’s a bit more exciting than you might think. Plus, there’s hope on the horizon to reverse it!

What’s Happening in Your Cells?

As you age, your body becomes a little less “spring chicken” and a lot more “old + tired.” Enter senescent cells: basically, the body’s biological “retirement plan.” These cells get stuck in a state where they stop dividing but don’t die off like they’re supposed to. And here’s the kicker: they don’t just sit there quietly. They start pumping out inflammatory signals that mess with your metabolism, your immune system, and basically everything important in your body.

Think of them as unwanted guests who overstay their welcome—except they’re wrecking your insulin sensitivity, speeding up fat storage, and making it way harder to build muscle. They’re like the body’s version of a slow leak in a tire—you don’t always notice it until it’s too late.

The Sneaky Truth About Senescence

You know how we talk about aging? Well, senescence is a huge part of the process. And here’s where things get interesting: senescent cells aren’t just linked to wrinkly skin or graying hair—they’re directly tied to chronic conditions like metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even neurodegeneration. These cells get comfy in your tissues and start signaling to other cells to “join the party,” causing inflammation to go through the roof.

But—and here's the nerdy twist—we now know senolytics might be the game-changer in this whole aging thing. Senolytics are compounds that target and eliminate these senescent cells before they can wreak havoc. That’s right: we can actively clean up these rogue cells and possibly slow down, or even reverse, some of the negative effects of aging.

Enter Senolytics: Your New Best Friend

You’ve heard of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory supplements to fight off aging, right? Well, welcome to the world of senolytics. These are compounds that specifically target and remove those aging cells (bye-bye senescent cells, see ya!). Some natural senolytics you might want to consider are:

  • Exercise

  • Fasting

  • Sauna

  • Fisetin (found in strawberries, apples, and onions)

  • Quercetin (found in apples, onions, and citrus fruits)

  • Dasatinib (a compound still in clinical trials, but promising)


Studies have shown that these habits / compounds may be able to promote longevity by actually cleaning up cellular debris and turning down that pesky inflammation that speeds up aging and damages your metabolism.

How Does This Relate to Your Metabolism?

Well, if we’re talking about boosting metabolism and reversing metabolic decline, it turns out that cleaning out these senescent cells is key. These cells disrupt insulin sensitivity, which leads to blood sugar dysregulation, weight gain, and even fat storage. By getting rid of them, we might help your cells become more responsive to insulin again, which means better blood sugar control and potentially faster fat burning.

And it’s not just about the physical stuff, either. Senescence impacts how your brain ages, too. It can contribute to neurodegenerative diseases, which is why targeting senescent cells isn’t just about looking younger, it’s about feeling younger and maintaining your sharp mental edge as you age.

Ready to Supercharge Your Metabolism and Turn Back Time?

It’s time to clean up your cellular clutter and get your metabolism back on track. That’s exactly what we focus on in my TRANSFORM: Body + Mind program. This isn’t just another “weight loss” course—it’s a 28-day metabolism-boosting deep dive into rewiring your body and mind for health, energy, and longevity.

In TRANSFORM, we work with strategies that go beyond the basics: cellular health, insulin sensitivity, and hormonal balance. We’ll tackle individualized intermittent fasting, metabolic workouts, and dive into nutrition and lifestyle changes that target the root causes of sluggish metabolism and aging. You’ll have an action plan that supports your body at a cellular level—and watch the transformation unfold ... and last!

You don’t have to just “accept” aging or metabolic decline. We can work together to RESET your metabolism, improve your energy, enhance your longevity, and achieve your body composition goals without restrictive dieting. Join us for the next round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind and let’s start working on those senescent cells (and everything else). 💥

The next round begins in January and right now (for a limited Black Friday deal), you can join that round and get early access -- before everyone else -- so you can start to make progress even before the year closes out!

Stay curious + nerdy.

Happy Thanksgiving,

P.S. This is as good of a time as any to tell you how grateful I am for YOU! You're here. You let me nerd out with you week after week about longevity, metabolism, fat loss, nutrition, fitness, holistic health, skincare, motherhood, mindset and ... the rest of life. I know I can't see you and you can't see me but I'm a real person (haha!) typing out every piece of content I share (often while chatting with a child at the same time ... homeschooling life!) in hopes of truly helping someone or someones, regardless of whether or not we ever get to work together. Thank you for hanging with me. I know you're not all willy nilly about where you spend your time that and for that, I'm grateful. :-)