Protein is magical

It's pretty hard not to think so when you know about even SOME of the things it does:

  • Most satiating macronutrient ... meaning, helps us feel full + satisfied between meals when we've had enough

  • Helps reduce cravings

  • Contributes to muscle growth and maintenance which is incredibly important for blood sugar control and metabolic rate.

  • Requires more energy (calories) to digest than any other macronutrient -- meaning, you eat protein and you burn more calories simply by digesting said protein

  • Helps us heal faster

  • Improves skin, nails and hair

  • Used as building blocks for many different biological "parts" and processes

So yeah ... pretty darn magical! Also pretty darn difficult to get in enough overall for the day or in each meal in this current day + age. Here are a few of my favorite tips and tricks that can help bridge the gaps and get you enough protein:

  1. Get 30-40g protein with breakfast everyday, non-negotiable. This ensures you're off to a great start and can help manage hunger + cravings all day.

  2. Bring a high quality protein bar with you in your bag or purse for an afternoon snack or a 'just in case' addition to an otherwise lower protein meal. I like Raw Rev Glo bars in creamy peanut butter and sea salt. I like the flavor but also that flavor has more protein and less sugar than their other flavors. I like that it has protein, fat and fiber but is pretty low in carbs (so I can always add whatever carb I want alongside). I am also impressed by their higher quality and short list of ingredients. Another bar I like: Aloha.

  3. Consider grabbing an unflavored protein powder (like Truvani) to add to savory meals like soups, stews, dips, etc. This can turn a low protein vegetarian meal into one that now covers all bases.

  4. Protein smoothies ... have another (maybe flavored this time?) protein powder like Truvani or your favorite whey protein to use in smoothies for a meal on-the-go. Make sure you have plenty of fat, fiber, add some fruit for intentional carbs, that protein and liquid and you've got the equivalent of a full meal in minutes. My suggestion: use more than 1 scoop! Most protein powders have about 20g per scoop. This is why I use 1.5 - 2 scoops usually. Such an easy way to get in 30-40g.

  5. Bring a packet of collagen peptides in your bag or purse to add to your coffee at the office.

  6. Grab a meat stick to have alongside a meal to up the protein intake.

  7. Add a cup of egg whites to your 1 scrambled egg to take that meal from 6g of protein to 32g.

  8. Grab canned tuna, chicken, sardines for super-quick sources of protein.

  9. If you're a vegan, consider that most plant protein is higher in carbs than protein (like beans, legumes). In order to get enough protein without overdoing the carbs and robbing from your metabolic health, you'll likely need to get some of your protein each day from something like (organic, sprouted) tofu and / or supplement using protein powders.

Here's a delicious soup recipe that has 20g protein as is with the bone broth. Feel free to add another source such as meat, seafood, tofu. If you don't eat bone broth (vegetarian), use veggie broth instead and definitely add another source of protein -- like unflavored protein powder.

Hope this helps you hit your protein needs for the day, you healthy rockstar, you!


P.S. If you're confused about how to balance your meals altogether or find that you're having trouble reaching or maintaining your goals on your own, enrollment for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course -- is starting tomorrow for the final round of 2024! Stay tuned. I'll shoot you a note when sign ups begin.