The Ber Month Project

The Ber Month Project

The Ber Month Project

It's a silly name for a very exciting movement. 

It's the first week of September, then we have October, November and December to round out the year. These are the months most people start to slip up and feel they're "off the bandwagon" -- the holiday months filled with candy, pie, cookies alcohol, spending, seasonal affective disorder and clutter. But what if this year you did it WAY differently? What if you were intentional about going out with a bang? What if you kept it light and playful instead of rigid and boring ... something like, "I wonder who I can become in 4 months and how much fun it could be?"

This 'movement' was born out of my own selfish desire and since company is fun, I wanted to invite you to join me as well. There is nothing to sign up for, we're just going to be upleveling side-by-side and keeping the energy up by chatting about here in my newsletters and on instagram (likely in stories mostly). 

So to kick it off ....

How great can you make these 4 months?

How much fun can you have?

How much progress can you make on your goals?

How much can you change things up?

How much better can your attitude be?

How much radical acceptance can you get started on?

How much can you uplevel ... without stressing yourself out? (that's KEY)

This is not like: start a restrictive diet, workout 2 hours a day, start calling your mom everyday and organize your whole house in a week. You've tried that all-or-nothing thing before and it!

This is more like, "Who can I become by the end of the year and how much fun can I have doing it?"

ARE YOU IN?! I hope so! I don't want to do it alone.

Some ideas:

  1. Start romanticizing one meh part of your day .... like cooking / meal prep by making a playlist and lighting your favorite Fall essential oil candle.

  2. No coffee until your bare feet have hit the grass and the sun kisses your face.

  3. Give yourself a reward after checking off all your workouts for the month. Plan it out in advance and put it on your calendar.

  4. Game-ify your decluttering: set a timer on Alexa for 5 or 10 minutes a day. Then race the clock. How much can you get done in that time?

  5. Decide you're worth the investment -- join us for the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind if you have fat loss, muscle-building, or health optimization goals (like lowering BP, reversing disease, lowering blood sugar, improving lipids / cholesterol ratios, improving hormone imbalances, gut health, improving mood and energy, etc.) For most of you, just this one thing will give you a radically successful Ber Month Project ... you'll be unrecognizable and unstoppable.

  6. Schedule weekly check-in meetings with your partner to talk about the upcoming week and all the things. Who will call that doctor? Who can buy that gift? Any financial or budgeting goals? When can you have a date night out or plan a creative date night in? If you're feeling like it all falls on you, this is a good way to feel empowered to make things more collaborative.

  7. Commit to a "no complaining" day or week. Every time you notice yourself start to complain, stop yourself, say something you're grateful for and put a dollar in an envelope. That envelope is the start of a rainy day stash -- plan an adventure for yourself or the family.

  8. Be SILLY. Playful. We don't do this nearly enough and yet our kids are so good at this! Take a page from their book. Why can't we randomly text our friend or partner a joke or funny meme? Why can't we dance in the aisle of the grocery store and embarrass our family when that catchy tune comes on? Why can't we jump up on the curb and pretend it's a balance beam too? When did we get so stuffy and BORING? Not you. Not during this Ber Month Project. ;-)

  9. Think outside the box. 95% of the things we think we can't change we actually can. Our schedule. The way we do things. The order. Our reactions. Our attitude. Our daily routines and habits. Our social life and calendar. Our consumption (food, alcohol, social media accounts, books). Our spending / saving / investing habits.

Our individual evolution is only limited by our self-imposed limits. Be curious about who you could be. Then be creative about how you'll get there.

If you're ready and are the social media sharing type, feel free to use hashtag #TheBerMonthProject and please tag me too so I can see what you're up to and encourage you along the way.

Here we go,

P.S. How about some brand new PFF-balanced meals for Fall? This PFF Pressure Cooker Collection has 14 meals, all gluten free, some omnivore and some plant based. They are all balanced with protein, fat, fiber and with intentional carbs accounted for for optimal results with fat loss and muscle-building. I made it for you just as a Happy almost-Fall gift. I hope you enjoy!

P.P.S. Don't have a pressure cooker? Enjoy this PFF balanced Slow Cooker Collection for some set it and forget it options this upcoming season.