
Say it to slay it!

When was the last time you hyped yourself up?

We all need it. What we say to ourselves becomes our identity. Our identity determines our actions, inactions, vibe, etc. It attracts likeness and repels anything that doesn't fit the script.

It's THAT powerful.

So no, it's not harmless or inconsequential that you sometimes tell yourself you're lazy or broken or unworthy. Interestingly, if this is something that resonates, you might fit into a "people pleaser" or "internalized PDA" neurotype. For some people, the idea of setting a goal that might not come to fruition leaves them feeling so powerless that the negative self talk is a coping strategy. If you told yourself you're lazy and then skip a workout, well at least you had enough power and control that you predicted that outcome, right?!


But regardless of neurotypes, we do know that a feeling of safety and autonomy (and follow through!) often comes from pro-active and very intentional identity 'votes'. These are little things you can say, repeat and / or small actions that each cast a vote of who you are and who you are becoming. It's a slow crawl towards this new identity until it sets in and then it's just who you are -- you know it, you act it and others usually start to notice too.

Pick one or a few of the following to say in your head, out loud or even journal about. It's important that it feels true to you so use that as a filter. And then watch as you start to rise to the occasion.

  • I have power over my behaviors, actions and reactions and that's enough.

  • I am responsible for all of the cells in my body and care for them through my various lifestyle choices.

  • I take care of myself the way I'd want my best friends to take care of themselves.

  • Showing up for myself is the greatest gift I can share with my loved ones because of the role modeling and way it allows my best, happiest, most calm and present self to be there for them.

  • "Getting" change requires making change. The ball is in my court.

  • I have unconditional love for myself. I am not making changes only if and until I see physical results. I am committing to making lifelong shifts because it's best for my health ... regardless of what's "in it for me", aesthetically.

  • Taking things to the next level can feel very uncomfortable and will likely show up as resistance, doubt, excuses and sometimes blame. I'm ready to face that for the sake of my own vibrancy, confidence and quality of life.

  • The health and body composition goals I have are not commonly acquired in this modern world. I understand that means I will need to do things differently than the status quo and work harder than the average person. Let's do this!

  • Not everyone was dealt the same topography in this life. If I have more mountains to climb than some others, I know I'll enjoy the view even more at the summit.

  • My mindset is my responsibility. I am the thermostat not the thermometer.

  • When I look for loses, I happen to have more loses but when I look solely for wins, I start to collect wins.

  • The time will pass anyway, I might as well make progress no matter how slow the pace.

  • I can do hard things.

Screen shot this. Print this. Use it however you'd like! But I do hope you try it on for size. <3


P.S. The May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind just wrapped up on Sunday and WOWZA did they show up for themselves! Stay tuned ... if you're on the waitlist for the September round, you'll be getting an exciting update / offer in a couple of weeks. ;-)