mindset books

FIVE books you need on your shelf

I will never declutter my bookshelf.

Ok, I mean occasionally I might donate or giveaway some books but it's just not going to be a category I can be "minimal" in. I love books. Audiobooks are great and make a lot of sense for commutes and walks but there's just something about an actual book with its smell and page-turning rituals and ....

Anyway, here are some (in no particular order) I've enjoyed a ton in recent months or years that I'd venture to say will be life-changing for you. (And no, I'm not being asked or paid to say this. HAHA!)

1. Lifespan: Why we age and why we don't have to by David Sinclair

He talks about how aging itself can be considered a disease and what's currently going on behind the scenes in the research world. The first country to boldly declare aging a disease will benefit from a flock of researchers that will travel there because "diseases" get a ton of grant money. 

2. Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia

What really is causing almost all non-accident related deaths, what can we do about it, how do we measure if what we're doing is working?

3. A Healthier Home: The Room-by-Room Guide to Make Any Space A Little Less Toxic by Shawna Holman

If you're on a journey to reduce toxins in various rooms and areas of your life, this reference book is incredible! Not meant to be read all the way through, but to be skipped around, dog-eared and really USE, it's full of goodness (and many, many money-saving, DIY ideas)

4. Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

Your mind will be blown by how tied our breathing is to so many ailments: energy, metabolism, illness, crooked teeth, brain fog, cavities, kids' bed wetting, etc. If you're on a breathwork kick or want to be but haven't been motivated enough to start a practice yet, this is the book for you.

5. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success -- How we learn to fulfill our potential by Carol Dwek

Everything has potential to be improved, including whether or not we think that everything has potential to be improved. Be ready to think about thinking in a whole new way and watch how it integrates into all areas of your life.

Happy reading,

P.S. The cart opens tomorrow for the March round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course! I'll be sending you a couple of emails while enrollment is open in case you'd like to join us. Then it'll be back to random health, fitness, nutrition fat loss, mindset, longevity business as usual after that. ;-) I really appreciate you being here and part of this community!