paleo baked goods

Pumpkin Cider Muffins

We've made it through our first official week of Autumn.  The older I get, the more I realize that I'm a Fall kinda person.  The Summer is nice and all (hello beaches and flip flops and berries), but there's just something about the Fall that's refreshing.  I like rediscovering my sweaters that were hibernating during the hotter days and I really like when the barista knows that the latte I just ordered is supposed to be hot.  In the Summer, it always seems to puzzle people that I still enjoy a hot cup of coffee!

Driving around town, I get excited to see the Halloween and Fall decor on suburban stoops everywhere as we begin several months of back-to-back holidays to look forward to.  There are bails of hay, some semblance of a colorful leaf kid's craft hanging on the door, and pumpkins - one for each family member - lined up on the steps.  I love that.  In fact, that's the extent of the future for all the pumpkins we hunted for today.  For the following recipe, I highly recommend purchasing (organic, BPA-free) pumpkin puree.  Unless, of course, you're a glutton for punishment and lots of extra work...??

I dreamt up these Pumpkin Cider Muffins when I was feeling left-out for seeing cider-everything.  Don't get me wrong, I can get down with some apple cider, but where did the cider doughnut craze come from?  

Here's what I needed... a healthier, tasty, Fall-like baked good that made my house smell like one of those toxic candles that we no longer buy.  If it was healthy enough to work as breakfast, a snack, or dessert and could be made in batches and frozen so I don't have to make them 28 times this season....even better!  

Hope you enjoy these Pumpkin Cider Muffins as much as my family does.

Happy All-Things-Pumpkin Season!


In good health,



Pumpkin Cider Muffins



  • 1.5 cups pumpkin puree
  • 6 eggs
  • ½ cup honey
  • 6 T coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cups almond flour
  • 1 cup coconut flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 T cinnamon
  • 2 tsp nutmeg
  • ½ cup walnuts


1.    Preheat oven to 350 F.

2.    In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Mix well.

3.    Spoon batter into paper-lined muffin tin (or grease muffin tin).

4.    Bake for 22 – 25 minutes (until golden brown and toothpick inserted comes out clean).

5.    Optional: Serve with nut butter and hemp / chia seeds on top to increase protein content.

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