pantry makeover

You're Invited: Kitchen Clean-Out


You're invited: Join the (free) kitchen clean-out challenge

Why wait until Spring to start your cleaning?! 

Fact #1: If you bring something UNHEALTHY into the home, it will be eaten by you or someone you love.

Fact #2: If you bring something HEALTHY into the home, it will also be eaten by you or someone you love.

We're coming up on the 4th week of 2018...let's wipe the slate clean!

  • Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to go through your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator.
  • This challenge will be held (for FREE) inside my Facebook group, Lean In with Tara Allen Health.
  • We will start on Monday, but you have all week to get 'er done!

Will this be helpful for you?  Come join the group!

In good health,