therapeutic fasting

Is fasting healthy?

FASTING for 12 hours…yay or nay?

Have you ever been confused by nutrition - specifically around fasting? You may hear that it's ok, even beneficial but then are doubtful after hearing from another source that breakfast is the most important meal of the day or that you need to boost your metabolism by eating as often as possible.

If you are nodding your head right now, then you're going to want to watch (or listen to) this recent live video I did on Facebook all about it.

In the video I talk about fasting, what happens inside our body during a fast, and my recommendations for most people, most of the time.

Of course you need to make sure you discuss any changes with a healthcare practitioner that you trust. I have to say that. ;-)

Please note: the 6-week group program I mentioned in the video is no longer open for registration at this time. We are currently working hard on making incredible body + mind transformations. Stay tuned for a future email (likely a few months from now) if you'd like to grab your spot in the program next time!

In good health,

P.S. While this video is only 14 minutes long, we get a little nerdy with the science. Fair warning. ;-)