cardio vs strength training

Cardio vs. Resistance Training? Who wins?

Walks or squats?
The answer might surprise you.

If you are looking to get into a new workout routine - or any workout routine - you might be like so many other women that are unsure about where to start.

Walking is good, right?
Weight-lifting is en vogue these days.
What about the HIIT stuff I'm hearing so much about?
Just TELL me what to do, Tara! ;-)

Ok I gotcha.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video - one of my shorter ones clocking in at 9 minutes - where I break it all down for you. My answer might surprise you.

The biggest takeaway here is that establishing a habit of exercising is THE most important first step. So choose something you can actually find enjoyment in and do that everyday for 5 minutes (or even 1 minute!) until it feels like it's part of your routine - the same way brushing your teeth twice a day stays in your schedule no matter how busy you are.

In good health,


P.S. If you’re on a health / fat loss journey, you may be interested in getting a weekly dose of health-inspired videos, tips, recipes, and hand-holding. And, you may love getting all of this delivered straight to your inbox…for FREE? I mean, right?!? ;-) If you’re ready for your own transformation and would like me to help you every step of the way, hop on over to my email list so I know where to send you my best resources. When you sign up right here, you’ll also get my FREE 3-Day Meal Plan for Losing Body Fat RIGHT AWAY. Let’s do this!