summer time

Summa Summa Summa Time


Even though our kiddos are usually the last in the country to wrap up their school year (end of June), we start to get bit by the Summer bug (literally and figuratively!) around June 1st. And if you're a weather nerd like me, meteorological Summer does actually start June 1st.

So let's welcome it with open arms!

Here's a popsicle recipe collection filled with easy, fun, delicious real food recipes that you can play around with if that's your thing.

And for those already wondering how to manage making progress on their goals with so much fun + socialization to be had, I hope you find this Healthify My Summer Guide helpful!


P.S. 2 ways we can work together:

1. TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolic health course.

2. 1:1 coaching