
You're Invited: 25 Tips to Stay Healthy During Holiday Travel

With Thanksgiving Day right around the corner (11 days away, to be exact), many people are finalizing plans to hit the road via plane, train, automobile, or all of the above to visit loved ones and tolerated ones alike.  :-)

Many of my clients tell me it's the hustle and bustle and travel of the holiday season that sets them back further than the actual holidays themselves when it comes to their health goals. Can you relate?  Me too!

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So, I have put something together for you!

Starting tomorrow, inside my private community on Facebook, we will be taking the whole week to talk about ways to stay on track while you make your rounds this holiday season.

To get in on the fun, join this (FREE) group of awesome ladies that are striving to take better care of themselves and their families.

Hope to see you inside the group!

In good health,
