Hey guys,
I've been known to work out in some weird places with some weird things! I'm a mama. By definition, I'm good at coming up with weirdness at the drop of a hat. You too, right?!
So I've been thinking about bringing forth this new idea for a series that you can find here or on facebook, instagram, and youtube by searching for #FitAsAMother. It'll be me squeezing in my workouts in a realistic setting with realistic 'props' and possibly some laughs. Sound cool? Please drop a comment below or shoot me a quick note to let me know if you love this idea or....not so thrilled with it. I want to make sure it's something that YOU will enjoy.
Thank you! Without further ado, on Mothers' Day...Fit As A Mother. The Series, part 1:
In good health,
P.S. Happy Mothers' Day to all the beautiful mamas out there!