Work With Me
**Please note: there are no refunds for any products or services**
$347 (+ optional $67 / month)
TRANSFORM: Body + Mind
This 28-day program runs like a course -- the course your future self will thank you for and your past self will wish she had. It's all about how to boost your metabolism, achieve fat loss goals, and optimize your health all the while.
No more restrictive diets, stupid rules and food lists that bring out the rebel in you, or undereating weekdays and overeating weekends cycle. You'll learn how to and get really good at nourishing your body well and being able to access fat-burning mode at will.
And we're gonna mend your relationship with food and your body once and for all. FOREVER. You're gonna feel free, in control, confident, and more vibrant.
Hop on the waitlist for the May 2025 round now!
1-on-1 coaching (health, nutrition, and fitness)
You want to get healthier and be able to FEEL and SEE the results you've been chasing for years.
You value your health and happiness above looks, but you would like to lose some body fat, darn it!
You may or may not have some hormonal imbalances such as thyroid issues, elevated cortisol, pre-diabetes, or PCOS, that make it more challenging to lose the weight (and make you wanna throw in the towel sometimes!).
Or maybe, you're 'healthy as a horse' but have been carrying around excess body fat for as long as you can remember.
Am I right? I hear you! I have had some of these health issues as well and have worked through them.
Let's partner together to get you to be the most vibrant and confident version of yourself. NO MORE crash diets or over-restriction. Your body needs proper nourishment!
Customized meal plan / recipe collection
Have you ever felt like you were in a rut in the kitchen? You want to eat healthier, but are at a loss for translating that into actual meals that you can put together in a reasonable timeline. Maybe you have certain allergies to plan around or prefer to eat gluten-free / dairy-free / paleo / plant-based / keto...or maybe you have no restrictions at all, but need help getting started.
I get it! While meal plans are not the long-term, sustainable change we often need, they CAN help us get new ideas, play in the kitchen, and help us to feel so much better so we can keep going with that momentum. :-)
I will create a completely customized 7-day meal plan for you based on your likes and dislikes, health goals, cuisine preferences, amount of people you're serving, and amount of time you have to cook. I will take the guesswork out for you. You'll receive the plan (suggestions for each meal and snack) along with a complete grocery list and all the recipes!
Or, if you'd prefer, you can choose to receive a fully customized recipe bundle of breakfasts, lunch / dinners, and snacks that fit in with your goals, likes, dislikes, time constraints, etc. This recipe bundle is basically like a cookbook tailored to you. It will not include a grocery list or spell out what to eat on each day, but will contain more overall recipes than the 7-Day Meal Plan will. This is a better option for you if you'd like to meal plan for yourself as you go along and just want lots of tasty options to reference and be able to mix and match as you go along.