Why is it that you can stick to your plan - or at least reasonable portion sizes - alllllll the way until about 8 PM?
Is there a magic switch that goes off at 8 PM that tells your brain to crave all the things?
Well yeah….kinda.
If you have been overeating - eating more than your body requires for fuel - it's likely that your brain is now on autopilot. You may tell yourself tonight is the night you'll eat nothing after dinner or munch on carrot sticks and hummus only to find your hand seemingly betraying you as it reaches for the chips and ice cream.
Here's the great news: Most of the day, you're not overeating. If someone put chips in front of you at 6 AM, you're probably going to push away the bowl. Do the chips taste any different at that time of day? Nope! But you are simply not in the habit of overeating, binge eating, or emotional eating at that time.
CHECK OUT MY LATEST VIDEO where I dive into this topic even more. Listen out for the 4 questions I mention towards the end that will help you stop your next overeating episode in its track.
This stuff takes practice…and patience, but it is absolutely possible to create new habits that will help you reach your goals.
Oh, and did you know your seasonal allergies may be related to your overeating? I explain that and more in this week's video.
In good health,
P.S. If you need some help in overcoming a long habit of overeating (or stress eating, emotional eating, binge eating…), let me know. I'd love to schedule a free phone consultation to chat about your goals and how I may be able to help you.
I currently have a beta tester's special going on in which you can receive health coaching, nutrition coaching, AND fitness coaching all for under $100 a month. It's a new program version that's not open to the public yet, so I need some testers for feedback and case studies. Hence, the extra-awesome pricing. ;-) But there are only a couple of spots available and we start very soon! So email me (Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com) and let's get you on a customized, NON-restrictive plan!
The 4 reasons you eat (yup, there are ONLY 4!)
“When it comes to losing weight, you MUST treat the cause...or the results will be temporary!”
Here's the deal...diets are bandaids. They are NOT getting to the root cause of why you are overweight. They are NOT teaching you anything except for how to conform to someone else's rules for a set amount of time. And? The weight comes right back...and then some.
But there's good news too...
There are ONLY 4 reasons why you ever eat. You may eat for 2 or more of these reasons at a time, but it will ALWAYS fit into at least one of the following reasons:
1) Fuel. You're physically hungry and want to fuel your body with healthy foods. Cool!
2) Joy. You want the pleasure of the way something tastes or the experience (social, usually). This can be a glass of wine, some dark chocolate, or your favorite cupcake or ice cream. There is a time and place for this in our lives. Frequency of the indulgence should depend on your goals.
“Goals are dreams with a deadline. Treat them as such.”
3) Distraction. You really need a break or to veg out. You think you deserve _______ (insert junk food here) because you've been working hard all week. You find yourself at the bottom of a bag of chips and don't remember eating them all! You will recognize this as feeling out-of-body - like you're in a fog while you're eating.
4) Numbing. You're avoiding feeling sad, angry, bored, lonely, frustrated, stuck, powerless, etc. This gets deep. And, this one means that when you stop overeating, you will HAVE to start to accept feeling your feelings and not resisting them. It takes us just as much energy to resist our feelings as it does to just feel them and carry on. Wowza! You will recognize this category as binge eating...lots of food in a small window of time. It will feel as though it's out of your control. But, it's not. There's that good news I mentioned!
Once you become aware, things can start to change. Awareness alone can be a powerful change agent.
Check out this live video I did on facebook last week all about this topic.
If you're feeling like you're ready for a change, let's make a change! Consider me your tour guide. Check out my customized, all-online (no appointments necessary), one-on-one coaching program - Pioneer Nutrition and Fitness Coaching. ***This is only for those that are serious about making a change and who are ready to experience the added benefits of boosted energy, healthy emotions, and overall wellness that will come with their weight loss.
In good health,
P.S. Are you inside of my private facebook group yet? If so, "see" you there! If not, why not!? You will get a community of like-minded women, challenges to participate in if you wish, healthy recipes, and weekly workouts...all for FREE! ;-) Join us!