long island nutrition coach

Are you surviving a zombie apocalypse?

Your metabolic health might just be your greatest survival tool

Imagine this: the world as we know it has collapsed, WiFi is gone (RIP), and your only sources of fuel are whatever you can forage, hunt, or trade for in this dystopian wasteland. You have two choices:

1️⃣ Tap into your well-trained, efficient metabolism to burn stored fat for fuel, maintain stable energy, and think clearly under stress.


2️⃣ Realize too late that you’ve been running on a carb-dependent, metabolically rigid system that now has you shaky, weak, and about to make some very bad decisions just to get your hands on a granola bar.

Most people have trained their bodies exactly wrong for survival ... not just for a zombie apocalypse but for modern life. If you need constant snacks, caffeine, or sheer willpower to function, your mitochondria are in a biochemical panic.

Mitochondria are not just the powerhouse of the cell (HS biology is back to haunt us). They are energy transformers, converting food and light into ATP, the actual currency of life. Without efficient mitochondria, your body starts hoarding energy (ahem ... fat gain or fat loss resistance) like a glitchy, outdated hard drive ... leading to sluggish metabolism, inflammation, and that why am I so tired all the time? feeling.

Here’s what actually builds metabolic resilience and trains your cells to be fuel-flexible under pressure (whether that’s outrunning zombies or making it through a brutal Monday without an IV of cold brew):

🔥 Zone 2 cardio This is the endurance-building, fat-burning, mitochondria-multiplying magic no one wants to do because it takes time and you probably need a shower after. But your cells are running a marathon every second, and they need this low-and-slow stimulus to stay efficient.

🔥 Sprinting (or HIIT, if you’re fancy) Because your metabolism should be able to switch gears fast, not just slog along like a Windows 95 reboot. And, we need to train explosiveness! Fast-twitch muscle activation improves mitochondrial density, insulin sensitivity, and fat oxidation.

🔥 Muscle mass = metabolic currency More muscle means more mitochondria, better glucose disposal (aka better carb tolerance), stronger bones, and protection against metabolic decline. It’s the ultimate insurance policy for aging well.

🔥 Smart fueling Protein first, fiber second, carbs and fat as energy sources, not a crutch. Your mitochondria do not appreciate a blood sugar rollercoaster, traffic jam of overindulgence OR being underfueled ... and stable energy means better cognitive function, hormone balance, and fat-burning potential.

🔥 Cold + heat exposure, grounding, and sunshine / light / darkness patterns in check Because mitochondria respond to way more than food. They are quantum sensors, taking in signals from their environment. Sunlight improves ATP production, cold + heat exposure enhances mitochondrial efficiency, and grounding allows free electrons from the Earth to neutralize oxidative stress. Yes, your metabolism is actually electric.

Most people are stuck in outdated metabolism thinking. But metabolic intelligence is about training your body to be adaptable, resilient, and able to handle whatever comes next. It’s not just about burning fat. It’s about optimizing your cells to function at their highest potential.

And because you guys are my inner TAH circle, I’ll tease this: I've applied for a trademark on something I know is going to change the game. You’re here early. Stay tuned.


P.S. Want to work together? My 1:1 coaching is designed to optimize your metabolism, energy, and body composition from every angle in a customized way ... nutrition, movement, stress, inflammation, lab work, bioenergetics, and more. If you're ready for full-scale transformation, apply here. If you prefer a powerful 28-day deep dive, join the waitlist for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. The next round opens in May, and the waitlist gets a discount.

P.P.S. So… would you survive the zombie apocalypse? Or would you be the one strategically conserving energy, calculating your best escape route, and making sure your mitochondria are firing on all cylinders when it really counts? Either way, now you’ve got the tools to boost your metabolic intelligence ... because whether it’s zombies or just everyday life, resilience is the real superpower. 🧟‍♂️🔥

Meet you ... a year from now

I know you love recipes and fat loss / muscle-building tips.

And I'll be back with more of that stuff soon. But more than ever in the past week I've been hearing people tell me they feel like they need to get their mind right. I don't know about mercury or retrograde or if that can even be to blame here. Maybe it's the fact that we've had quite the few years lately ... like, as a collective. I dunno. But it's clear: many of you are feeling off. Frustrated. Disappointed with where you're at. Worried that it'll never change ...

So I want to take you through another exercise today. A visualization. Ya ready?

I want you to start out by writing down -- preferably on real, actual paper -- who you'd like to be one year from now. On August 2, 2023 ...

What time do you wake up?
How do you feel in your body when you open your eyes?
What kinds of things make you excited to get up?
What are you wearing?
What do you eat for breakfast?
What's in your glass / mug?
How do you feel about your choices? Clear + confident? At peace?
What are the priorities in your day?
Is it a rest day? A strength day? Cardio? Maybe just a nice, long walk?
What is your energy and mood like in the morning? After lunch? At dinnertime?
Do you do anything for self care? (I define this as something that relaxes you or brings you joy in the moment AND afterwards)
If so, what is it?
Have you picked up any new hobbies or resumed some old ones you were missing?
What are your weekends like?
How do you feel about your body?
Have you aged a year or does it feel like you've turned back your biological time instead?
What's your evening routine like?
Do you still have a power struggle with food / alcohol?
What time do you go to bed?
What does your family think about the new you?
How do your changes influence the way they might treat themselves in the future?

You get the idea. ;-) Answer all of those, some of them, or feel free to add your own. Answer it as if ANYTHING were possible. Be so BOLD in your responses that you might be incredibly embarrassed if anyone else were to stumble upon this.

And then -- this is the fun part -- I want you to record it. Video or audio ... that's your call. But read it as if you're sharing a day in the life of YOU in a year. 

It's August 2, 2023. I just got up at _______. I'm feeling _______. I cannot wait to ______. Etc. etc.

Are you game?? If you are a skeptic, I get it. But this isn't as woo woo as you might think. Visualizations that appeal to all the senses are powerful ways for us to 1) reveal to ourselves things we may not have realized we wanted, 2) allow for 'practice runs' in our brain so as we make changes that bring us closer to this reality, it doesn't feel so foreign and misaligned with our identity, and 3) interrupts the way our brain usually tells us we want a change by going from thinking about what we don't want to thinking about what we do.

Make it a whole thing if you can. Light a (clean) candle. Make some tea. Put on music. Or sit outside on the stoop while the morning sunlight pokes you in the eye. ;-) Or don't. If things are too crazy and you just have to squeeze it in, go for it. 

Hope you enjoy this one!


P.S. I just added some of the wins of those who went through the pre-launch group of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind to the info. page. Check it out if you enjoy reading about others' success stories too! As a reminder, the next group starts in September. If you're interested in joining us for that round, make sure you reserve a spot by joining the waitlist. Waitlist peeps will be getting a discount code when the cart opens, too. Woo hoo!!!

Party-It-Up Recipe Collection

It's the Thursday after a holiday weekend...

At least if you're in the U.S., it is. I wanted to get this out to you before the holiday weekend, but I couldn't quite get it ready in time. (Did you hear? TRANSFORM: Body + Mind pre-launch group just wrapped up their first week of the 28-day course and it's been INCREDIBLE so far! Follow along in stories on the 'gram for behind-the-scenes.)

Anyway, since I know you and you're not a 1-and-done kinda partier, I have confidence that you'll put these recipes to good use throughout the rest of the season. ;-)

I present to you ... The Summer '22 Party-It-Up Recipe Collection.


P.S. I think you need to be on my newsletter list. You can do that RIGHT HERE.

Why diets always fail ... but you think it's YOU

I just turned away a potential new client.

She is sweet and desperate and while I absolutely hate not being able to help, she just isn't ready for my coaching. Why? Because she's still looking for a 'diet' and not a lifestyle change. I know lifestyle change is a trendy catch phrase these days, but it actually means something -- health and habits above outcomes. When aspects of our day-to-day, nutrition choices, fitness routine, sleep, stress management tools, and longevity practices are done for the sake of improving our health on a cellular level, our metabolism begins firing at a more optimal level. Our hormones begin to regulate. Our moods are elevated and more stable ... so we stop turning to our vices (like Pringles or complaining) and start having the bandwidth to keeping pushing forward.

And guess what happens? Those body composition changes you've been chasing for months or years or decades start to happen naturally. Not because you gave up peanut butter. Not because you swore off all alcohol. Not because you allow only 1 "cheat meal" per week (Have I ever told you how much I cannot STAND the term cheat meal? Ugh. I'll save it for another day). No ... your body composition changes because that's what bodies do ... they adapt in accordance to how we live our lives. When we balance hormones, sleep more, nourish ourselves well, have real ways of dealing with our stress, and move our bodies effectively (not too much or too little), they get a bit stronger and leaner. It's not an uphill battle because you changed your life BEFORE you changed your body. When you try to do it in the reverse order (like every diet ever), it won't work or last.

The problem with diets -- as I hear from my clients, social media followers, friends, and family -- is that they are set up to work (mayyyyybe) Monday - Friday, 9 - 4 PM. But not during the week before or during your period. And not on vacations. And not on days when Margaret brought in munchkins for Pat's birthday at work. And not when you haven't had time to prep lunches for the week.


And yet, people continue to try and try because you need to do something, right?

What if that something is that you need to learn more about how your body metabolizes, uses, and stores food? What if you truly understood how each meal choice and exercise choice affected how you feel in the moment and in the hours to come, how your body responds, and whether or not it allows you to use up excess body fat or store excess body fat instead?

I think then you'd never need another diet again. Truly. There would be no need to eliminate foods or food groups (unless you're allergic or for another medical reason). And there would be no deprivation ... just you in the driver's seat with the music turned up and the windows rolled down making intentional choices that sometimes include having the thing and something include not having the thing. But YOUR brain makes that call now knowing full well the pros and cons of each, not just abiding by some list you took a screen shot of from the diet-of-the-week's handbook.

Diets fail because they are designed to work against our biology, not with it. Against our neuroscience, not with it. And what's worse is that for every diet you've tried, you've told yourself YOU are the failure, right? At least that's what most of my clients tell me. Think about that. Most women are 5, 10, 20 diets deep by the time they hit their 30s and 40s. That's 5, 10, 20 times that you told yourself that you "can't commit to anything", that you're "broken and hopeless", that you "will always be like this, I guess". Ugh! That's heart-breaking.

Let's turn this around. You know I'm not gonna leave you down in the dumps! YOU didn't fail any of those attempts. You simply tried things that were never meant to work anyway. Do some people find lasting success with this approach of eating less and less and exercising more and more? Yes ... about 5% of people. Though there is no data that I'm aware of that tell us how their hormones, stress levels, or quality of life is.

The answer is not another diet. Not even a diet masquerading as a lifestyle change (think: Noom). The answer is a TRUE lifestyle change where you understand that it will take a little time to unlearn all the B.S. you've been taught from the diet industry and society and while your body begins to repair itself from any metabolic damage that has occurred. If you want to lose 5 pounds in the first week, I can never and will never be able to help you. Not with a clear conscience, anyway. But if your goal is to optimize your health, body, mind, and life ... and allow science to do its thing over time (stronger, leaner, better digestion, better sleep, better sex drive...), then I hope you will join me live on Wednesday, May 11th at 8 PM, Eastern where I will be sharing my top strategies for mending your metabolism that you can implement right away to start feeling and looking your best WITHOUT a diet.

Sign Up Here -- it's free. :-)

Can't wait to see you there!


Is it really a fat loss plateau?

"I want to lose more body fat, but I've hit a plateau!"

Ahhhh ... those darn plateaus! Let's chat about it ...

Very often I hear from clients and regular ol' folks alike that they have hit a plateau and think they need to decrease their food intake in some way. While that is possible, it's certainly not probable. And that's good news b/c who the heck wants to cut out more food??

Before you start whittling down your portions and getting cranky, cold, and tired, run through this checklist. If the answer to any of these questions is "no", then THAT is where you need to be focusing in order to breakthrough your current plateau.

1) Are you sleeping 7-9 hours a night (at least 90% of the time)?

2) Are you eating 1g of protein for every lb of bodyweight where you feel the best? (In other words, if you weigh 250 pounds but feel your best at 150, you can aim to consume 150 grams of protein per day).

3) Are you strength training 3-5 days a week with the last few reps feeling hard to complete? And are you adding reps, weight, and / or sets week over week? (In other words, progressively overloading).

4) Are you walking daily and / or getting at least 5,000 - 6,000 steps everyday in total?

5) Are you taking 1-2 rest days a week? Ok to be adventurous / active those days, but no strength training, HIIT, or vigorous steady state cardio.

If you didn't answer yes to all of the above, that's your place to start. Stop reading the rest of this blog post so you're not tempted to move on to the rest. ;-)

But if you said yes to all of the above, let's move on. Here are a few things you can try next:

1) Get real with yourself. Have you really been sticking to the metabolic way of eating? Clients, this is your customized portion recommendations I gave you. Non-clients, the guidelines I suggest as a starting place are: 20-40g protein, 10-30g fat, and 5-15g fiber with each meal. Fruit or starchy carbs with 1-2 meals a day. (While this won't be everyone's best formula, it works like aa charm for most women, most of the time). Maybe there have been some extra snacks, unbalanced meals, more than just an occasional drink, handfuls of chocolate chips before bed (or is that just me)? Maybe you're forgetting to count that EVOO you roasted or stir-fried your veggies in as a fat? Maybe you're having fruit or starchy carbs with every meal or many portions in a meal? You might just need to dial the extras back a bit rather than think your actual meal guidelines need to shrink.

2) Fitness check. Are your workouts truly as effective as they should be? For strength training, this has nothing to do with how much you sweat or lose your breath and everything to do with how much you are pushing your muscles. When you finished that set of 10 squats, did you have maybe 1 or 2 left 'in the tank' that you could've cranked out if you had to? Or was it more like 10-20 more reps left in the tank? The former will get you incredible results via strength and muscle gain (and therefore, metabolism boosting all day, e'ryday). The latter isn't technically strength training. It's movement, but that's all. So add reps, weight, or sets to get to that near failure point.

3) Could you be overdoing the exercise? This can blow up in our face when it causes inflammation, cortisol spikes, thyroid and sex hormone imbalances, and lack of energy throughout the rest of your day. Besides your 3-5 strength sessions per week, you can add 1-3 QUICK HIIT sessions (about 5 minutes each) and a few steady state cardio sessions per week. But if you're the one who is lifting weights, doing a 60-minute spin class, and then running on the treadmill for 30 minutes and wondering why you feel like sh*t, this is your sign to cut back.

The suggestions about will help 98% of you continue making progress or breakthrough a plateau without letting your brain tell you the meal guidelines aren't working for you and trying to cut back to minuscule portions. But if they don't work and / or you'd like to be supported fully through the process, my 1-on-1 coaching program might be an excellent fit for you.

And if coaching just isn't in the cards right not, here's a meal plan you can start with that takes all the guesswork out for you. It's already balanced to the meal guidelines I outlined above and will help you feel better and notice some results as you work on making these changes a more permanent part of your lifestyle.

I can't wait to hear about how much you blow your own damn mind when you troubleshoot your way through your next plateau. ;-)

Until we meet again,

High Protein Lunches + Dinners

Wrapping up the high protein blog series today with 30g+ LUNCHES and DINNERS.


In case you missed the other parts ...

30g+ protein breakfasts

High Protein Snacks

And simultaneously on social media I've been posting high protein throw together or grab n go options ...



Lunches + Dinners

Why is protein so important? It's very common for people to come up short on protein and overdo the carbs and / or fat. While all 3 macros have their purpose and their place, our food supply and food culture is not an accurate representation of our needs in terms of a balanced and optimal way of eating. Look, while 400g carbohydrates and 50g of protein in one day might TASTE a lot better and light up our dopamine receptors, that imbalance sure as heck won't be allowing people to reach their health and body goals.

Protein helps us repair damaged cells, build muscle, keep our hormones and gut healthy and working for us, boosts metabolic rate, and helps us feel satisfied between meals so we're not crashing and snacking on whatever comes into sight.

If you've liked this series and are ready for customized nutrition, fitness, and health coaching to achieve your goals, CHECK OUT MY 1:1 COACHING PROGRAM here.

If you're not yet ready for 1:1 coaching (I know ... it's a commitment!) but would like a more targeted approach than these recipe collections, GRAB MY SPRING FAT LOSS MEAL PLAN. This plan isn't just high enough in protein, but I balanced the heck out of the entire thing (all the macros from meal to meal AND day to day) to provide you with the optimal amount of carbs - to fiber - to fat - to protein ratio for most people when boosting metabolism, losing excess body fat, and building muscle is the goal. You'll actually get 2 plans -- one plant-based and one omnivore -- and they both happen to be free of gluten and dairy.

This meal plan is the closest thing to group coaching that I'm offering this month as I have some big + exciting projects underway (that I think you're gonna LOVE!) and could not add a group coaching session to this month's calendar. So if you have summer body goals, screw that! ;-) How about forever body / health goals instead? GRAB THE PLAN and enjoy what happens when your blood sugar, hunger hormones, and metabolism begin to synch up the way they so desperately want to.

Until next time ....


Are you a longevity nerd like me??

Do you geek out on all things health?

Me too! But... sometimes it feels like a never-ending mountain to climb with all of the recommendations and goals we have, right?

Where to begin? I discuss this in my latest (3 min.) video.

We’re never too advanced for the foundations! And the foundations (like nutrition, exercise, sleep, mindset ...) will be your biggest needle-movers! It’s why these things come first in my 1-on-1 coaching program ... with the Longevity Phase of the program at the end. 😉

But what if you’re already doing the foundations well and CONSISTENTLY? You’ve conquered healthy body composition goals, you move your body daily, you have a great relationship with food and your body, you’re sleeping well, and you have noticed a shift in your mindset / emotional resilience ....?

What’s next??

Well, the foundations forever! Seriously. 😜 And then some fun, more detail-oriented longevity-focused habits, tweaks, and experiences.

I talk up on my stories on Instagram a lot about breathwork, meditation, supplements, hot / cold, fasting, dry brushing, oil pulling, homemade charcoal toothpaste, natural products, mTOR, AMPK, mitochondrial health, grounding, 4th phase water, autophagy, apoptosis, circadian rhythm setting, etc. If that’s your jam too, set aside an hour or two each day to watch my stories. (Kidding! But they CAN get long sometimes. 😂😂)

And while I will be sticking to a lot of the foundations on my social media pages and right here in my newsletter because I believe strongly that it’s what is most helpful and most necessary, if you want me to include some more of this content here as well, let me know with a quick reply!

Please note: I do not represent any other brand but my own at this time. None of my posts or stories are sponsored. Could that change in the future? Maybe! But it will have to feel just right as a partnership for me to agree to it and so far, I haven’t had that feeling with any of the offers. 🤷‍♀️

So ... foundations first and most. Then room for the cherries on top. ;-). That's my take. What's yours?


Brain "reps"

What are "brain reps"?

Most people understand that in order to getting stronger physically, they will need to put in some work. Or, do the reps. No one is walking around saying they were born with a certain amount of strength and they can't improve it. That's silly, right?! We *know* strength can be improved in proportion to the amount you are challenging your muscles.

So why is it that many people think their mindset is fixed? Many people believe they were born with a low tolerance to be able to handle stress or a glass-half-empty attitude. But that's simply an underworked mind. Our mental and emotional strength + resilience will improve with 'more reps' just like our muscles do.

CHECK OUT THE LATEST VIDEO here (and please excuse the mention of Monday as this was recorded and shared with social media prior).

Why is this incredibly important? Well without mental and emotional strength + resilience, you will find yourself falling victim to any and all excuses, giving up easily, waiting for. motivation to show up, annoyed by the littlest things, seeking out vices (like extra food, alcohol, staying up too late) in an attempt to self-soothe, etc. Powerful stuff, right? It's the reason I focus so much on the the mindset piece with my clients. It's simply not addressed out there with other programs or coaches and it's why other things don't 'stick'.

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear 'em!

Happy day,

You are too comfortable!

Are you too comfortable?

Ever think, "I'm ALWAYS putting myself LAST!"?? I'd like to invite you to think of that in a different way. Now, I'll warn you, THIS VIDEO is a bit tough love (with an emphasis on love). So if you're already having a day, maybe watch this one later. ;-)

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Let me know if this resonates at all.

Happy day,

What IS a portion of carbs? Protein? Fat?

Portion sizes can be confusing, right??

Even before you can implement balancing your meals and days with the right amount of portions that YOUR body needs to be at its best, you have to understand what a portion of each type of food actually IS.

I calculate customized portions for each of my clients based on many different factors. It's highly individualized and not a one-size-fits-all kinda thing AT ALL.

However, just starting to play around with being able to decipher portions is a great place to start! IN THIS VIDEO, I share 2 ways to do just that. One way for if you have a food label in front of you. And the other is for any other situation (home, restaurant, friend's house, vacation, etc.).

Did you find this helpful? I'd love to hear so I can consider that for future content. :-)

Happy day,

Fat Loss MUST be slow. Here's why.

Fat loss HAS to happen slowly. Here's why...

I know we want it to happen quickly. I know we hear things like, "I lost 5 pounds the first week of doing keto." and assume those 5 pounds came from rapid FAT loss (it doesn't). But there's actually a limit to the amount of body fat we can lose per day per person (it varies from person to person).

Restrict your energy intake more than that point and you'll be eating away at your muscles instead.... which will lower your metabolic rate. YUCK!

Here are 3 reasons fat loss MUST happen slowly.

As always, if you have any questions you can hit 'reply' to this email. I'm happy to help!


P.S. Check out these awesome client success stories squished inside of 27 seconds. ;-)

The S.T.E.A.R. Cycle

What if you had a trick to improve your MENTAL GAME so your health transformations would be more successful?

Enter.... The S.T.E.A.R Cycle. CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to learn more about what it is. Stay tuned for next week's newsletter where I'll share a little role-play between "Sara" and me to show you how it plays out with old thought patterns and the new ones we're looking to replace them with.

Questions for me? Feel stuck? I'm an email reply away and will get back to you shortly. Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy day,

"Can you help me lose 100+ lbs?"

"Tara, can you help me lose 100+ pounds with your coaching program?"

I have a new client who recently asked this question. She loved the sound of my program and my coaching style, but was concerned that because she has a longer journey ahead of her than most (not really - it's a lifelong process for all of us, but it feels longer to her), that maybe my approach / lifestyle change just won't do the trick.

There's ONLY ONE way to lose weight / body fat. That's it. We name it different things, but it's actually incredibly simple (not easy). Let me explain in this video.

Whether you or I ever work together or not, if weight / fat loss is a goal of yours, please make sure you keep in mind that it always boils down to the same science. And that science can only be adhered to when all of the obstacles to change are removed and our brains are rewired to be on our team this time around. This is why my coaching is SO much more than the customized nutrition portions and customized fitness routine that I give each client. That's the simple stuff. But we dive deep into the rest.

If you know anyone looking to lose some body fat as a part of their plan to uplevel their health and lives, please share this with them. We can all overcome obstacles with the right tools and the right attitude. It's 2021 ... time we step up and take back the control to better our lives in whatever ways we'd like.

And if YOU are interested in securing a spot in my 1-on-1 coaching program, hit 'reply' to this email and I'll discuss next steps with you. Spots are always limited, as I'm very hands-on with my clients and would never overbook myself and interfere with that type of service. However, I have clients graduating often, so maybe you'll be next!?!

Health + peace,

2021, here we are!

Happy New Year!

2021 is here. Finally, right? But of course we won't get anything different by having the same habits.

If you're a list person like I am, you might already have a list of goals written down. Or maybe it's simply a word of the year. Maybe it's a certain feeling you're after ... gratitude / contentment. Regardless, if we take these intentions one step further we can set ourselves up for much better odds at accomplishing what we've set out to accomplish!

WATCH THIS 49-second video for more. :-)

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year!


P.S. If you need help with your health / nutrition / fitness / healthy lifestyle goals, I'm here. It's exactly what I do and if you're willing to trust the process, I'm excited to help you finally get those lasting results you've been seeking for what seems like forever. No quick fixes. No 'diets'. No ridiculous restrictions, detox teas, or meal plans you must follow. Just a ridiculous amount of support, guidance, accountability... and a customized nutrition + fitness plan just for you.

Sound good? Are you willing and able to invest time and money into your health optimization? I can't imagine investing into anything better!! Our health, energy, moods, and productivity gained will help us achieve and enjoy every other aspect of life. But without health, it's tricky to find a work-around. Let's start where it matters MOST.

Here's some information about my 1-on-1, virtual coaching program (including before and afters and pricing).

IF you've read that and it all looks good, schedule your free call right here so we can chat and make sure it's the right fit.

2021 is the year you gain control back and feel vibrant and sexy! I mean, why not?!

Sharing a coaching secret of mine today!

Sharing a secret layer to my coaching process with you today.

Why would I do that? Well, you're either a client of mine and I'm happy to share a little more insight into the inner workings of our work together... or you're not a client (yet?) and I think this one tip can help you make some great progress on your goals on your own!

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to find out more.

Questions? Hit 'reply' to this email and I will get back to you within a day or 2. :-)

Make it a great day,

Fat Loss and Instant Gratification

Instant gratification...

We all want it. Our brain SEEKS it out. And yet, we're barking up the wrong tree when it comes to fat loss.

The answer isn't NOT to look for instant gratification on your fat loss / health journey. The answer also is not to look for instant gratification where the science tells us it's simply not possible.

So where SHOULD we be seeking out instant gratification?


Any questions? I'm a comment away. ;-) Happy Monday, you guys!


Nut-free healthy snacks for kids

Nut-free healthy snack ideas for kids...

...that also happen to be free of gluten + dairy!

SHARING TODAY a few of the snacks the kids have been having at school so far this year. They help fill them up without making their blood sugar spike and crash... so these are some good ideas for adults too. ;-)

Are you a snacker or prefer to stick to your 3 meals?

Happy Tuesday,

Low insulin vs. calorie deficit for fat loss...

Low insulin vs. calorie deficit for fat loss...

Which one is actually more effective?

You might be surprised to learn that one does seem to matter a lot more than the other to achieve your fat loss goals. CHECK OUT THIS QUICK (3 min.) VIDEO to hear more.

What questions do you have about your goals? Leave a comment and I'll be happy to help. :-)

Happy Tuesday,

You're not stuck because you're UNDEReating

You're not in starvation mode.

Look, it sounds good, right? If we don't eat enough our body holds onto every last morsel of food and we go into starvation mode -- unable to lose anymore body fat.

But it's simply not true. 

Due to the society we live in, it's quite a blow to our ego to admit to ourselves that we are overeating. It feels much more gentle to say you're undereating and that's stopping your progress. But I think the bigger blow to our egos come when we are chasing the same goals year after year without seeing progress.

If I locked myself in the basement for a week with no food, I wouldn't weigh the same. I'd have lost quite a bit of weight! Some of it would be water weight, some fat, and some muscle due to the rapid nature of the weight loss.

You can certainly down-regulate your metabolism by undereating, but not enough to stop seeing progress. What's more likely is that your body requires less fuel than you think it does... or on average, you're overeating or eating to maintain your body just as it is now without reaching those fat loss goals. This is VERY common with 'weekday dieters'... the ones that hardly eat anything Monday through Friday and then overdue it on the weekends so much so that they have negated any kind of deficit they had been in.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO for more and then reach out to me if you have any questions. I'm here and I'd love to help. you. :-)

Happy Tuesday,

4 years to your dream body?!

Did you go to college or do you know someone who has?

You know that thing you - or they - did where they committed to 4 years or more knowing there would be no tangible results until graduation? 

There was no gradual payout system where you'd start making a little bit of your desired salary while still in school.

There was no money given back if you didn't succeed by your own hard work and consistency.

You were expected to show up and keep showing up.

Now let's think about your health and body goals...

Do you want to start seeing or feeling results shortly into a new program, diet, fitness routine? You'll only continue on if you are getting results on the timeline you want, right? So if you have to work hard for a month or two and are not getting immediate and rapid results....you, what... throw in the towel?

Image you did that in college? By month 1 or 2 you didn't have your degree yet, so you quit.

Our health and bodies are worth AT LEAST the amount of time, attention, money (all the things!) that you spent on college. Our health and bodies are worth showing up day after day even if the results aren't coming as fast as you want them to. Do you agree?

Come join me in my car as I discuss this a bit more. ;-)


P.S. You know what you get with me...and it's never a hard sell. I don't want to do that to you, but mostly, I don't want any clients who aren't motivated enough to seek me out. I don't want to convince anyone that they're ready for a change. If it takes convincing, it's not a good fit for my coaching style and program. Rather, someone who is ready to put in the work (EAGER even, albeit nervous) will soar in my program. Someone who has been thinking about working with me already, but keeps putting it off. Someone who is attracted to the slow and steady, work your butt off and feel like an absolute badass and role model at the same time vibe ... those are the ones that start coaching with me and optimize their entire lives, not just their health and bodies.

All that to say that I'm here. Even though I don't send you 42 sales emails a week. Even though I'm not tracking what pages on my website you visit so I can sneakily follow up by serving you an ad later on. ;-) If there's something about my emails, videos, or social media posts that resonate with you, it's probably because we feel similarly about how we want to rock this life of ours. I'll never be knocking on your door, but I will always leave mine open for you to walk through when you're ready. I'm UNBELIEVABLY passionate about helping you glow.

Here's more info on my 1-on-1 nutrition / fitness / health coaching program.

And book a free call right here if you've read through that and are ready to get started!