long island weight loss

Are you surviving a zombie apocalypse?

Your metabolic health might just be your greatest survival tool

Imagine this: the world as we know it has collapsed, WiFi is gone (RIP), and your only sources of fuel are whatever you can forage, hunt, or trade for in this dystopian wasteland. You have two choices:

1️⃣ Tap into your well-trained, efficient metabolism to burn stored fat for fuel, maintain stable energy, and think clearly under stress.


2️⃣ Realize too late that you’ve been running on a carb-dependent, metabolically rigid system that now has you shaky, weak, and about to make some very bad decisions just to get your hands on a granola bar.

Most people have trained their bodies exactly wrong for survival ... not just for a zombie apocalypse but for modern life. If you need constant snacks, caffeine, or sheer willpower to function, your mitochondria are in a biochemical panic.

Mitochondria are not just the powerhouse of the cell (HS biology is back to haunt us). They are energy transformers, converting food and light into ATP, the actual currency of life. Without efficient mitochondria, your body starts hoarding energy (ahem ... fat gain or fat loss resistance) like a glitchy, outdated hard drive ... leading to sluggish metabolism, inflammation, and that why am I so tired all the time? feeling.

Here’s what actually builds metabolic resilience and trains your cells to be fuel-flexible under pressure (whether that’s outrunning zombies or making it through a brutal Monday without an IV of cold brew):

🔥 Zone 2 cardio This is the endurance-building, fat-burning, mitochondria-multiplying magic no one wants to do because it takes time and you probably need a shower after. But your cells are running a marathon every second, and they need this low-and-slow stimulus to stay efficient.

🔥 Sprinting (or HIIT, if you’re fancy) Because your metabolism should be able to switch gears fast, not just slog along like a Windows 95 reboot. And, we need to train explosiveness! Fast-twitch muscle activation improves mitochondrial density, insulin sensitivity, and fat oxidation.

🔥 Muscle mass = metabolic currency More muscle means more mitochondria, better glucose disposal (aka better carb tolerance), stronger bones, and protection against metabolic decline. It’s the ultimate insurance policy for aging well.

🔥 Smart fueling Protein first, fiber second, carbs and fat as energy sources, not a crutch. Your mitochondria do not appreciate a blood sugar rollercoaster, traffic jam of overindulgence OR being underfueled ... and stable energy means better cognitive function, hormone balance, and fat-burning potential.

🔥 Cold + heat exposure, grounding, and sunshine / light / darkness patterns in check Because mitochondria respond to way more than food. They are quantum sensors, taking in signals from their environment. Sunlight improves ATP production, cold + heat exposure enhances mitochondrial efficiency, and grounding allows free electrons from the Earth to neutralize oxidative stress. Yes, your metabolism is actually electric.

Most people are stuck in outdated metabolism thinking. But metabolic intelligence is about training your body to be adaptable, resilient, and able to handle whatever comes next. It’s not just about burning fat. It’s about optimizing your cells to function at their highest potential.

And because you guys are my inner TAH circle, I’ll tease this: I've applied for a trademark on something I know is going to change the game. You’re here early. Stay tuned.


P.S. Want to work together? My 1:1 coaching is designed to optimize your metabolism, energy, and body composition from every angle in a customized way ... nutrition, movement, stress, inflammation, lab work, bioenergetics, and more. If you're ready for full-scale transformation, apply here. If you prefer a powerful 28-day deep dive, join the waitlist for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. The next round opens in May, and the waitlist gets a discount.

P.P.S. So… would you survive the zombie apocalypse? Or would you be the one strategically conserving energy, calculating your best escape route, and making sure your mitochondria are firing on all cylinders when it really counts? Either way, now you’ve got the tools to boost your metabolic intelligence ... because whether it’s zombies or just everyday life, resilience is the real superpower. 🧟‍♂️🔥

Free Cookie Collection Inside!

Smart Cookies, Healthier Holidays: Your FREE recipe collection + 84 delicious holiday treats

I write these blogs in advance so for what it's worth, it's National Cookie Day right now, as I type. Perfect!

Let's see how many times can I say the word free? I made a FREE cookie recipe collection to share with you today with some baking options for that Cookie Exchange or hostess gift. It's made with real food and while still a treat, they're more nutrient-packed and lower glycemic yet tasty treats.

You can download that FREE collection right here.

If you're ready to dive deeper into healthy baking and no bake options, my Smart Cookie e-cookbook is your perfect companion. With 84 amazing dessert recipes, you'll discover new ways to enjoy seasonal favorites and year-round treats made with wholesome ingredients. They all happen to be free of gluten and dairy and there's something for everyone -- cookies, pie, no bake, stovetop, brownies, cupcakes, hot chocolate, keto, paleo, pumpkin, chocolate, hazelnut, apple, gingerbread, peanut butter, fudge. I mean, take your pick! This e-cookbook will only be available through the holidays, so a couple more weeks before it heads to the archives.

Get your copy of Smart Cookie now

May your holidays be bright and your cookies just right!

Your fav. wellness elf,

P.S. Need help reaching your fat loss, muscle building, and / or health optimization goals? Let’s team up!

  • 1:1 Coaching for a highly tailored, deep dive approach that works for you.

  • Transform: Body and Mind – A complete, holistic transformation for lasting results.

  • Jumpstart – A budget-friendly, self-paced mini course to get you on the right track. Let’s make 2025 your healthiest year yet!

P.P.S. Five. If you include the title of this blog, I said "free" 5 times (now six).

"I eat clean and workout but am not getting results."

You eat clean. You workout. But you're not loving your results.

What gives?

Does this sound familiar? I hear it all the time. People email me, DM me and say this. Here's the deal ...

It means almost nothing to me when someone says they "eat clean" and / or that they "workout". The reason is that the nuance matters. A LOT.

What does "clean eating" mean to them? What types of things do they eat? What types of things are they avoiding? What times do they eat? How much food? Are they meeting their micronutrient needs? What's the balance of their meals like? Are they getting enough protein per meal? Across the whole day? Enough fiber? What kinds of fat are they getting? How many intentional carb servings per day? How much alcohol? What’s their blood sugar management like?

One can consider themselves a "clean eater" (most people are referring to eating minimally processed foods when they say this), yet still be eating in a way that tells our body to store excess body fat and / or keep the current amount of excess body fat. We’ll know that to be the case when we have fat loss resistance. Our body doesn’t do that by accident. If it’s happening, it’s happening for a reason.

The same can be said about those who say they "workout". I love it because any exercise is better than none, right? But also, chances are there are things we can do to optimize your routine to get a bigger bang for your buck if you’re not happy with where things are at.

What types of workouts are you doing? How often? What's the intensity like? What are rest / active rest days like? How sedentary are you between workouts? How much strength training are you doing? Is it a progressively overloading + comprehensive program? How much steady state cardio? What about sprint level cardio bursts like HIIT for VO2 max improvement? How much overall movement do you get each day? Do you have a plan that feels very manageable inside your full life and one that you’re able to be consistent with even during hard or busy weeks?


When I get emails or DMs saying, "I eat clean and workout and just can't get the results I want" it does NOT tell me your body is broken (even when people tell me that’s the conclusion they’ve drawn). It tells me we have some information to get through and tweaks to make so you can and will finally get those results you've been spinning your wheels for.

A few notes to keep in mind if this is resonating:

1) Eating too much "clean" food for your current metabolic rate will lead to fat gain or fat loss resistance.

2) Cutting back on food with a slow metabolism instead of boosting your metabolism first can be a dangerous choice. The goal shouldn't be to enter a calorie deficit no matter how low it needs to be. The goal (for health optimization PLUS body recomposition) should be to boost your metabolism to a healthy and robust rate so that when you do dial back slightly, you're still taking in a very nourishing and satiating amount of food.

3) Eating too little in general or too little of one or more components (like protein, for example) can actually interfere with your fat loss goals as well. Starvation mode isn't a thing, but metabolic adaptation is. This means your body will 'cut corners' so that it can learn to run itself off of the smaller intake amount without dying. Your heart will keep beating and you'll breathe but your thyroid might start to down-regulate, energy levels will decline, you may notice things like brain fog, muscle will start to waste away and healing won't be as efficient.

To start:

1) Make sure you're eating 30+g of protein in each of your 3 meals per day.
2) Strength train 2-4 days a week to maintain or add muscle (and increase metabolic rate and carb tolerance).
3) Go for a daily walk.
4) Work up to at least 25g of fiber daily.
5) Prioritize sleep quantity, quality and consistency (no big swings in bedtime from weekdays to weekends).

If you need more targeted help with your health and / or body composition goals, check out my 1:1 coaching program details. Spots are very limited as it's all customized and a very high touch program but I have clients graduating out of the program often, so spots do open up fairly often. :-) It's first come, first served. Fill out the interested form if you're ... interested (haha) and I'll get back to you shortly with more information and expected timeline.


The Big 10

"My metabolism hurts!"

What if we said that? It would certainly help us get to the root of the issue, wouldn't it? This kind of reminds me of this religious saying that I'm going to butcher here because I'm paraphrasing but let's try ...

A man gets caught in torrential rains. His house is flooding and things are looking grim. He prays to God to help him. A man in a rowboat comes by and yells for him to get in. "No thanks", he says, "God will help me." The rowboat continues on. A motorized boat comes by next. "Jump in. I can get you out of here right away." "No thanks. God will save me." The motorboat passes. Next, a helicopter flies by with a rope dangling, asking the man to hold on tight. "No thanks. I've prayed to God and I'm waiting." The man dies and goes to Heaven. He says, "God, I believed in you and you let me die. What happened?" God says, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more did you expect?!"

I share that story because it reminds me a bit about how many people feel about their bodies, as well. Typically, before we are diagnosed with chronic disease, there were signs and / or symptoms. And when we understand a bit about how our body works, we can recognize those signs and symptoms as being helpful messengers sent to save us and often turn things around.

We say our knee hurts when we've injured it.
We said our head hurts when we have a migraine.
But we never say our metabolism hurts. Yet, we can assume our metabolism IS hurting if we have any of the following....

Excess body fat
Elevated fasting blood sugar
Elevated HgBA1C
High blood pressure
Elevated insulin
Elevated triglycerides
Large waist circumference
Elevated triglycerides-to-HDL ratio
Elevated CRP or uric acid
Get "hangry"
Hunger and fullness signals out of whack (for some it's low hunger and for others it's excessive or insidious hunger)
Mood disorders and certain other brain metabolic issues (most behavioral / "psych" disorders have a link here)
Brain fog
Reduced muscle mass
Energy crashes

The most recent research tells us only 6.8% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy. And unfortunately, that's using pretty lenient ranges of what they consider normal. In other words, some of those 6.8% still have lab values that are concerning and will likely to lead to eventual disease if unchanged. If we looked at more optimal ranges, ranges that aren't concerning, I suspect that number to be closer to 1-2% of American adults.

I never pour this much time and attention into things out of our control. That feels like a terrible waste of time. The reason I share about these topics so often is because it is largely in our control. Despite genetics and certain things we can't necessarily control like certain environmental toxins, the VAST majority of our metabolic health is on our own shoulders. It's our responsibility. It can worsen at any time. And it can improve -- usually by A LOT -- at any time. The choice is ours. But first we have to recognize if it's even a problem.

If you're in the 6.8% of American adults considered metabolically healthy (or an estimated 1-2% in the optimal ranges as I discussed more about the criteria here), amazing! My guess is you put considerable time and effort into your health. Optimal health doesn't just happen. Keep going!

But if you're part of the 93.2% (or more like 98 - 99% not yet in "optimal" ranges), you can take steps towards reversing metabolic damage right now, today!

It's everything we talk about each week in my newsletter and what I share about everyday on my feed and in stories on instagram. I will continue bringing you tools, resources, tips, tricks, recipes, workouts, mindset strategies and everything in between. And before this blog gets too long, let me share this list:

Stress / fear / joy / radical acceptance
Purpose + connection

These are what I call, "The Big 10". The 10 buckets we can each dig through and uplevel, little-by-little. When we get these buckets mostly right most of the time (perfection isn't a thing, nor is it necessary), we get our metabolic health in order. When we have a lot off with these buckets over time, we usually notice one or many of the symptoms and signs of metabolic disease.

What if you need help? You don't know where to start? Or you feel like you're trying things and doing things and not getting the results you want? This is common! The information that's 'out there' and being shared by most healthcare practitioners, blogs and social media accounts is terribly outdated and problematic. If you can, I hope you'll join us for this May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. It's my 28-day metabolism course. We're getting to the root of metabolic dysfunction to improve health and achieve fat loss goals by tackling all of the buckets above in great detail and with a doable plan and all the help + guidance you need. Tomorrow is the last day to join. You get access Thursday. We start Monday. I'd love to help you. <3

If you can't join us for this round, stay with me here. My goal is to help as many people as I can regardless of whether we ever get to officially work together or not. I will keep the help coming via free avenues as well. Your metabolic health will shape the quality of your life. It's that important! 


P.S. Below -- people hardly ever notice "just" fat loss. There are typically improvements in energy, lab work, diseases, health markers and / or symptoms too. All of those signs and symptoms tell us something is off within the way the cell is powered up. This is metabolic dysfunction. When we get to the root of the metabolic dysfunction, all kinds of seemingly 'random' things start to improve. No promises ever because everyone is different, but if you decide to join us, I can't wait to hear what you notice in your own body!

Willpower is NOT your issue

Imagine hearing that willpower was never an issue for you ... all of these years??

Well, that's what I'm about to tell you. I know we got into willpower a little a couple of weeks ago, but I want to tackle it head-on today and from a different angle.

Maybe you don't have an issue with willpower. Maybe you are super Type A / perfectionist or just really able to follow a plan and never deviate (but you're still not happy with your results and that's for entirely different reasons that I'll cover in a future newsletter).

But if you have ever found yourself feeling like you are just weak in the presence of your favorite foods, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. Well, it's just my talking head so you can actually pop some headphones on and just listen to it like a 21-minute podcast during your morning sun walk. ;-)

It's not willpower, it's biology. But when your biology is out of whack and you add a ton of stress + heavy emotions or just a mindset that's been corrupted by diet culture, you get this perfect storm that feels a whollllllle lot like a lack of willpower.

If you're having trouble starting the day with the type of breakfast that I describe in the video, try one of these smoothies while we're still in the thick of summer. Before long it'll all be apple cinnamon this and pumpkin that -- which I, personally, don't mind. ;-)

If you'll be joining us for the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, write down these dates: August 31st is when the cart will be open to sign up. You'll get access to the course app + materials on September 8th. And September 12th is when we officially begin. Make sure you're on the waitlist if you're interested to reserve your spot and to get a discount code when the cart opens.


The body trash-talk antithesis

When you watched the ball drop on January 1st (or fell asleep on the couch just beforehand like me), I bet you had at least a few ideas about how you wanted this year to go. Now that we're halfway through 2022, how's it going so far? What are you most proud of? What might you need some help with in the second half of the year?

I want to take you through a VERY quick, but VERY powerful exercise if you'll indulge me. Grab a piece of paper and pen. Yeah yeah, the notes section in your phone is fine too.

I want you to write down 5-10 things your body did for you within the last 24 hours. 

  • Did you carry all the groceries into your house in one trip (b/c what kind of a psychopath takes more than 1 trip, anyway??)?

  • Did you pick up your kids or grandkids?

  • Did you go for a walk or exercise?

  • Did you have a long commute on a standing-room-only train?

  • Did you simply sleep while your immune "army" came through and saved the day by helping you heal + repair?

  • Maybe you felt the beat of your fav. song when it came on Alexa and you realized that, in fact, your hips DON'T lie.

Write down the first 5-10 things that come to mind. If they're flowing, keep going! If you're stuck, think outside the box. But you're not done until there's at least 5 things written down. Because I said so. ;-)

The point of this exercise is simple: when we feel gratitude for our body -- even just a tiny bit -- it becomes harder to trash talk it. Less trash talk = less disrespectful behavior like over-restriction or over-indulgence.

LMK how it goes!

If you've been feeling lately like something needs to change, you're not alone. So many women have been telling me lately that they're tired of the same patterns repeating. Tired of being confused AF about what to eat, when, how much. Tired of not having the energy to workout. Tired of feeling like their health is slipping. And tired of spending their days not feeling sexy + vibrant as they know, deep-down, is possible.

If you're nodding your head, THIS IS YOUR SIGN to learn how to finally stop doing weird things related to food and your body. When you know how you use and store different kinds of food, how to balance your plate, how to exercise without spinning your wheels, and how to tap into other practices that no diet has ever taught you about, you'll realize there's not that much that you can't accomplish with the right combo.

In September, I'll be taking another group through my 28-day course -- TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. I'd like to help you blow your own damn mind then. Whaddya think? Get more details and join the waitlist here. (Waitlist peeps will be getting a discount code when the cart opens.)

You can unlearn and learn SO much about your body in 28 days. It's enough to change your entire trajectory. Go make yourself a PFF breakfast (protein, fat, and fiber), think about it, and click the button below to join the waitlist if you're ready to put yourself first, finally.


P.S. Did you know that I send out a weekly newsletter with my top tips and resources around nutrition, exercise, metabolism, fat loss, mindset, longevity, and how to just feeling freaking amazing?? You can join the inbox party too —  right here.

Is it really a fat loss plateau?

"I want to lose more body fat, but I've hit a plateau!"

Ahhhh ... those darn plateaus! Let's chat about it ...

Very often I hear from clients and regular ol' folks alike that they have hit a plateau and think they need to decrease their food intake in some way. While that is possible, it's certainly not probable. And that's good news b/c who the heck wants to cut out more food??

Before you start whittling down your portions and getting cranky, cold, and tired, run through this checklist. If the answer to any of these questions is "no", then THAT is where you need to be focusing in order to breakthrough your current plateau.

1) Are you sleeping 7-9 hours a night (at least 90% of the time)?

2) Are you eating 1g of protein for every lb of bodyweight where you feel the best? (In other words, if you weigh 250 pounds but feel your best at 150, you can aim to consume 150 grams of protein per day).

3) Are you strength training 3-5 days a week with the last few reps feeling hard to complete? And are you adding reps, weight, and / or sets week over week? (In other words, progressively overloading).

4) Are you walking daily and / or getting at least 5,000 - 6,000 steps everyday in total?

5) Are you taking 1-2 rest days a week? Ok to be adventurous / active those days, but no strength training, HIIT, or vigorous steady state cardio.

If you didn't answer yes to all of the above, that's your place to start. Stop reading the rest of this blog post so you're not tempted to move on to the rest. ;-)

But if you said yes to all of the above, let's move on. Here are a few things you can try next:

1) Get real with yourself. Have you really been sticking to the metabolic way of eating? Clients, this is your customized portion recommendations I gave you. Non-clients, the guidelines I suggest as a starting place are: 20-40g protein, 10-30g fat, and 5-15g fiber with each meal. Fruit or starchy carbs with 1-2 meals a day. (While this won't be everyone's best formula, it works like aa charm for most women, most of the time). Maybe there have been some extra snacks, unbalanced meals, more than just an occasional drink, handfuls of chocolate chips before bed (or is that just me)? Maybe you're forgetting to count that EVOO you roasted or stir-fried your veggies in as a fat? Maybe you're having fruit or starchy carbs with every meal or many portions in a meal? You might just need to dial the extras back a bit rather than think your actual meal guidelines need to shrink.

2) Fitness check. Are your workouts truly as effective as they should be? For strength training, this has nothing to do with how much you sweat or lose your breath and everything to do with how much you are pushing your muscles. When you finished that set of 10 squats, did you have maybe 1 or 2 left 'in the tank' that you could've cranked out if you had to? Or was it more like 10-20 more reps left in the tank? The former will get you incredible results via strength and muscle gain (and therefore, metabolism boosting all day, e'ryday). The latter isn't technically strength training. It's movement, but that's all. So add reps, weight, or sets to get to that near failure point.

3) Could you be overdoing the exercise? This can blow up in our face when it causes inflammation, cortisol spikes, thyroid and sex hormone imbalances, and lack of energy throughout the rest of your day. Besides your 3-5 strength sessions per week, you can add 1-3 QUICK HIIT sessions (about 5 minutes each) and a few steady state cardio sessions per week. But if you're the one who is lifting weights, doing a 60-minute spin class, and then running on the treadmill for 30 minutes and wondering why you feel like sh*t, this is your sign to cut back.

The suggestions about will help 98% of you continue making progress or breakthrough a plateau without letting your brain tell you the meal guidelines aren't working for you and trying to cut back to minuscule portions. But if they don't work and / or you'd like to be supported fully through the process, my 1-on-1 coaching program might be an excellent fit for you.

And if coaching just isn't in the cards right not, here's a meal plan you can start with that takes all the guesswork out for you. It's already balanced to the meal guidelines I outlined above and will help you feel better and notice some results as you work on making these changes a more permanent part of your lifestyle.

I can't wait to hear about how much you blow your own damn mind when you troubleshoot your way through your next plateau. ;-)

Until we meet again,

High Protein Snack Ideas

Ya hungry?

I'm the person who tells you that you shouldn't be snacking too much. And I'm also the person who thinks a nicely placed and chosen snack can be the perfect way to keep hunger and cravings at bay and add a little extra nutrition.

So today I have another recipe collection for ya. These snack ideas all have at least 10g of protein per serving, less than 15g fat, less than 30g total carbs, and at least 5g fiber. They also all happen to be free of gluten and dairy. Some will satisfy my omnivore friends and some will make my plant-based peeps happy.


Which will you try first? Oh, and if you're loving this high protein series I apparently started last week :-) you might also enjoy the Instagram version I'm doing simultaneously ... high protein grab n go or throw together options that don't require recipes. Check out the first of the IG series here: high protein snacks.


Ever feel deprived?

Have you ever felt deprived around food?

HERE'S THE REASON ... and how to start to move away from feeling that way so you can get on with your merry self and goals. :-)

As always, if you are in need of some help, simply hit "reply" to this email and let me know where you're struggling.

Happy day,

Are you a longevity nerd like me??

Do you geek out on all things health?

Me too! But... sometimes it feels like a never-ending mountain to climb with all of the recommendations and goals we have, right?

Where to begin? I discuss this in my latest (3 min.) video.

We’re never too advanced for the foundations! And the foundations (like nutrition, exercise, sleep, mindset ...) will be your biggest needle-movers! It’s why these things come first in my 1-on-1 coaching program ... with the Longevity Phase of the program at the end. 😉

But what if you’re already doing the foundations well and CONSISTENTLY? You’ve conquered healthy body composition goals, you move your body daily, you have a great relationship with food and your body, you’re sleeping well, and you have noticed a shift in your mindset / emotional resilience ....?

What’s next??

Well, the foundations forever! Seriously. 😜 And then some fun, more detail-oriented longevity-focused habits, tweaks, and experiences.

I talk up on my stories on Instagram a lot about breathwork, meditation, supplements, hot / cold, fasting, dry brushing, oil pulling, homemade charcoal toothpaste, natural products, mTOR, AMPK, mitochondrial health, grounding, 4th phase water, autophagy, apoptosis, circadian rhythm setting, etc. If that’s your jam too, set aside an hour or two each day to watch my stories. (Kidding! But they CAN get long sometimes. 😂😂)

And while I will be sticking to a lot of the foundations on my social media pages and right here in my newsletter because I believe strongly that it’s what is most helpful and most necessary, if you want me to include some more of this content here as well, let me know with a quick reply!

Please note: I do not represent any other brand but my own at this time. None of my posts or stories are sponsored. Could that change in the future? Maybe! But it will have to feel just right as a partnership for me to agree to it and so far, I haven’t had that feeling with any of the offers. 🤷‍♀️

So ... foundations first and most. Then room for the cherries on top. ;-). That's my take. What's yours?


Fat Loss MUST be slow. Here's why.

Fat loss HAS to happen slowly. Here's why...

I know we want it to happen quickly. I know we hear things like, "I lost 5 pounds the first week of doing keto." and assume those 5 pounds came from rapid FAT loss (it doesn't). But there's actually a limit to the amount of body fat we can lose per day per person (it varies from person to person).

Restrict your energy intake more than that point and you'll be eating away at your muscles instead.... which will lower your metabolic rate. YUCK!

Here are 3 reasons fat loss MUST happen slowly.

As always, if you have any questions you can hit 'reply' to this email. I'm happy to help!


P.S. Check out these awesome client success stories squished inside of 27 seconds. ;-)

Controlling ONLY the controllable

Here's the biggest mistake I see people make on their health journey...

They focus on trying to control that which they can't, and hardly spend time controlling that which they CAN!

For example, no one can control what the scale will say and when. No one can control how your body will look at various stages of the process. And you certainly cannot control every bit of your moods, emotions, or motivation.

But that's totallyyyyyyy fine. Ya know why? Because those aren't the things that move the needle anyway. Stay in your lane, control ONLY what is controllable, and you'll get the results you are after.

CHECK OUT THE VIDEO below for more.

Hope you're having a great start to your week!


"Can you help me lose 100+ lbs?"

"Tara, can you help me lose 100+ pounds with your coaching program?"

I have a new client who recently asked this question. She loved the sound of my program and my coaching style, but was concerned that because she has a longer journey ahead of her than most (not really - it's a lifelong process for all of us, but it feels longer to her), that maybe my approach / lifestyle change just won't do the trick.

There's ONLY ONE way to lose weight / body fat. That's it. We name it different things, but it's actually incredibly simple (not easy). Let me explain in this video.

Whether you or I ever work together or not, if weight / fat loss is a goal of yours, please make sure you keep in mind that it always boils down to the same science. And that science can only be adhered to when all of the obstacles to change are removed and our brains are rewired to be on our team this time around. This is why my coaching is SO much more than the customized nutrition portions and customized fitness routine that I give each client. That's the simple stuff. But we dive deep into the rest.

If you know anyone looking to lose some body fat as a part of their plan to uplevel their health and lives, please share this with them. We can all overcome obstacles with the right tools and the right attitude. It's 2021 ... time we step up and take back the control to better our lives in whatever ways we'd like.

And if YOU are interested in securing a spot in my 1-on-1 coaching program, hit 'reply' to this email and I'll discuss next steps with you. Spots are always limited, as I'm very hands-on with my clients and would never overbook myself and interfere with that type of service. However, I have clients graduating often, so maybe you'll be next!?!

Health + peace,

2021, here we are!

Happy New Year!

2021 is here. Finally, right? But of course we won't get anything different by having the same habits.

If you're a list person like I am, you might already have a list of goals written down. Or maybe it's simply a word of the year. Maybe it's a certain feeling you're after ... gratitude / contentment. Regardless, if we take these intentions one step further we can set ourselves up for much better odds at accomplishing what we've set out to accomplish!

WATCH THIS 49-second video for more. :-)

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year!


P.S. If you need help with your health / nutrition / fitness / healthy lifestyle goals, I'm here. It's exactly what I do and if you're willing to trust the process, I'm excited to help you finally get those lasting results you've been seeking for what seems like forever. No quick fixes. No 'diets'. No ridiculous restrictions, detox teas, or meal plans you must follow. Just a ridiculous amount of support, guidance, accountability... and a customized nutrition + fitness plan just for you.

Sound good? Are you willing and able to invest time and money into your health optimization? I can't imagine investing into anything better!! Our health, energy, moods, and productivity gained will help us achieve and enjoy every other aspect of life. But without health, it's tricky to find a work-around. Let's start where it matters MOST.

Here's some information about my 1-on-1, virtual coaching program (including before and afters and pricing).

IF you've read that and it all looks good, schedule your free call right here so we can chat and make sure it's the right fit.

2021 is the year you gain control back and feel vibrant and sexy! I mean, why not?!

The world is reeling...

The world is reeling...

Twenty twenty has been off to an interesting start, to say the least. And as we're pushed beyond the sharp edges of our comfort levels in what seems like ALL areas, we must choose to learn and grow from it all. Without that very deliberate and often tricky decision, we will merely wallow in self-pity and sorrow for others. Rather than wallow, let's let it in, feel it, and move through it.

Let's move to awareness.

In all areas. In all we've been experiencing. 

And if you know anything about me, you know I'm the biggest believer that everything starts with us. If we are taking care of our physical and mental health, we are able to focus on our needs and the needs of our family, friends, and community.

If we are energetic and vibrant and confident, our voices get a little louder. Our hobbies creep back in. Our family sees more smiles out of us. We stand up for what we believe in. If we are healthy and glowing, we can be better leaders, more productive, calm and kind. We can volunteer. We can take an extra few minutes to give the better answer to our kids' complicated questions. With greater health comes greater capacity - we can love all over others. 

Today, I want to remind you of this one thing: taking care of your physical and mental health so you can be that elevated version of yourself is something you get to have power over right now. 

So while some will say this is not the time to focus on you, I offer the opposite perspective. This is not the time to take the focus OFF of you as you are needed now more than ever, regardless of how that is showing up in your life. This year has rocked our worlds - every single one of us. I know you're needed. Whatever your role, do it with magic. And how can you be magic when you don't feel magical?

  • Upgrade your habits one by one.

  • Sleep, seriously. Please sleep.

  • Eat well, balanced, and not more than your body needs. Most of our chronic disease comes from excess.

  • Move your beautiful body.

  • And learn some tricks for dealing with stress. You might be 'Type A' like me or easily wound-up, but you can teach yourself to become much less reactive through mindfulness and breathing protocols. It's a change worth making. I promise. 

If you need help with the specifics of any of this, let me know. I'm here to help YOU.

Peace + love,

P.S. Come say "hi" on Instagram. I was muted & listening for a week to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter as I shared resources and many beautiful voices and perspectives of people of color. And now I'm back doing what I do best - focusing on healthy bodies and minds for everyone. I share my workouts, tips, recipes, and answer every single (appropriate) DM. I'd love to connect with you over there. 


Fat Loss During Quarantine?

Fat Loss During a Quarantine?

Ok, so we're stuck at home for some time...and some time seems to be expanding. Some of us will cave to our fears and frustrations, others of us will feel them anyway (because we're human), but will start to look at how we can make the best of what we have. Build resilience. Get stronger in body + mind....

...and use it as an opportunity to lose some body fat?!

Wait. Stop please. I'd love to share with you my opinion about fat loss during this time. There are a few extra things to consider when talking about fat loss during an extra stressful time. Check out this video I did last week all about it.

Oh, and I created a (free) recipe book: 20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes for you guys. It's full of meals + snacks that require mostly non-perishable ingredients. Grab your copy (instant download) now!


Phew....It was a busy week on social media! (instagram):

Resistance Band Workout

Sock Workout

Blueberry Chia Jam Recipe

Banded Glute Workout

I don't like feeling helpless

Amazon Box Workout

Laundry Detergent Workout

A Poem from My Kids' Eyes

Couch Cushion Workout

Quarantine Nutrition 

Body Weight Workout

Newsday: How we are making the best of our quarantine

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

You know that already, right?

In fact, there is probably a lot that you already know you could be doing to move closer to your goals. 

And you might even be frustrated by the very fact that you know things and still seem to have trouble implementing them on a consistent basis.

First of all, I want to let you know this is VERY common. Just knowing things does not build up the skills required to carry out these interventions. In fact, it's an entirely different part of the brain used for learning vs. implementing and staying consistent.

And here's the cycle I see repeat over and over with many people: Big goal, big motivation (at first), trying to change too many things at once with no reasonable long-term plan, sees no results or has too much difficulty staying consistent, gives up and feels down. Rinse and repeat - every Monday, every new season, every New Year...?

Does this resonate with you? It will for many people!

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video in which I discuss how the mismatch between your goals and your actions are blocking you from your results. The more you understand about the behind-the-scenes stuff happening in our brain and with our mindset, the more you will be able to take the wheel and make the lifestyle upgrades you have been trying to make.


P.S. January 1-on-1 coaching spots are filled, but I will have a few spots opening in February. If you are interested and ready to commit to a complete health, nutrition, and fitness transformation, leave a comment or email me: Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com and I will send you my calendar so you can schedule yourself for a free call to chat. Never any sales pressure (I don't play like that), but we need to both be sure that it's the right fit before moving forward. ;-)

P.P.S. We all have goals! I've been working on tilted inversions, wrist mobility, handstands, etc. And guess what? I kinda suck! Sucking at something is awesome....so much room to improve. I'd love to hear what you suck at and see if it's something I can help with. 


When you screw up on your resolutions (and why it's not exactly when you think)

Hey guys,

The first week of 2020 is coming to a close already!

And for some of you, you've already given up on some of those life-changing resolutions you were so romantic about last week, am I right? Usually that happens when we've set too many goals at the same time or set one goal that was just a bit too unrealistic. 

But maybe you're not a resolution setter. Maybe you're like me - trying to use everyday to progress and challenge yourself to get better. Or maybe you are still going really strong on those goals!

Either way, you will find yourself saying at some point, "I screwed up." And here's what's important to know: You did NOT screw up at that point. But you're about to. Let me explain...

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I share why you did not screw up when you think...and how it's actually foreshadowing that you're likely on the path to actually screwing up. Of course I'm going to tell you how to turn around and NOT screw up, after all. 

I explain a bit about some of the content you can expect more of from me in 2020 in the beginning of the video. Make sure you're following me over on Facebook and Instagram to get all content. I post a lot inside my stories as well, so check those out if you need more healthy information + inspiration (with an occasional dose of cute kiddos). ;-)

I'm always happy to hear from YOU as well... anything in particular that you'd like me to cover this year? Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know. I've got a running list and plan to hit it all, if possible!

Happy New Year!!


Are you lying to yourself? (Self-integrity for the win)

The opposite of lying to yourself is self-integrity...

And I want to convince you today that that's exactly what you need more of in your life in order to accomplish your health and body goals. Cool?

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I'm discussing smoking, addictions, food, fitness, self-integrity, and how you can make a simple (but not necessarily easy) change RIGHT NOW that will put you right back on the path towards your goals.

Does that sound like it's worth the 10-minute video? ;-) 

Enjoy your day,


P.S. Only 2-ish more weeks left to purchase my healthy holiday desserts e-cookbook before it goes into the vault until next year. It contains 42 delicious, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free recipes that will become staples in your house for years to come! Yes, I'm that confident about these. ;-) There's something for everyone with a variety of flavors and types. Plenty of baked goods like cookies and brownies, but also stovetop, slow cooker, and NO bake options for when you're in a rush to get 'er done.

Grab your copy right here.

Meal timing / spacing for fat loss

Meal timing + spacing for fat loss...

With all the talk about intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding (did you catch last week's email?), what about the timing between meals? Is that important for fat loss?

Turns out, it is. When we eat, we spike our insulin levels. Insulin is a fat-storage hormone. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it certainly can become a problem if your insulin is spiked to high or for too long if fat loss is a goal.

Think about exercise. Most of us know that exercise is beneficial for us, but we couldn't workout 24 hours a day without expecting lots of problems. Eating is a similar idea. It's absolutely necessary to eat and nourish our bodies, but we also benefit from giving ourselves some space between meals to allow that rest and return to baseline that's so important.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video for more about meal spacing.

Do you already pay attention to the spacing between your meals or is this new to you? Hit "reply" to this email and let me know!


P.S. Have you gotten your copy of Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts e-cookbook yet? Some of you have been messaging me and tagging me in your pictures and it's making me drool! :-) The ebook contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free treats that are upgraded versions of our favorites this time of year. You can grab a copy right here!
