Meal timing / spacing for fat loss

Meal timing + spacing for fat loss...

With all the talk about intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding (did you catch last week's email?), what about the timing between meals? Is that important for fat loss?

Turns out, it is. When we eat, we spike our insulin levels. Insulin is a fat-storage hormone. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it certainly can become a problem if your insulin is spiked to high or for too long if fat loss is a goal.

Think about exercise. Most of us know that exercise is beneficial for us, but we couldn't workout 24 hours a day without expecting lots of problems. Eating is a similar idea. It's absolutely necessary to eat and nourish our bodies, but we also benefit from giving ourselves some space between meals to allow that rest and return to baseline that's so important.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video for more about meal spacing.

Do you already pay attention to the spacing between your meals or is this new to you? Hit "reply" to this email and let me know!


P.S. Have you gotten your copy of Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts e-cookbook yet? Some of you have been messaging me and tagging me in your pictures and it's making me drool! :-) The ebook contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free treats that are upgraded versions of our favorites this time of year. You can grab a copy right here!
