long island health

Are you "skinny fat"?

Why "skinny" is a scam ... the sneaky way your body could be holding onto excess fat.

First of all, just in case you're new around here, fat is IMPORTANT. The fat we eat. The fat we have on our body. Important! Helpful. Needed. Nothing I share is EVER about denying this fact or any kind of shaming. My goal is always to help you feel your best and optimize your health while achieving your body composition goals.

So ... have you ever been told you're "skinny fat"?

Ever feel like your body is playing an elaborate prank on you? You’re not technically overweight, but you also don’t feel strong, energized, or remotely like the thriving human you’re trying to be. Maybe your arms feel kind of squishy, your waistline isn’t where you’d like it, and despite eating what should be healthy and exercising, your body is just… not cooperating.

Welcome to the frustrating-but-fixable world of skinny fat -- where your body is holding onto fat while quietly ditching all the good stuff like muscle, bone density, and metabolic efficiency. And spoiler: this isn’t just about looks. It’s a major metabolic red flag.

What Exactly is “skinny fat”?

Skinny fat, or metabolically obese normal weight (MONW) (yes, science is just as rude as the internet), happens when you’re at a normal weight but have a higher body fat percentage than what's considered healthy — paired with lower muscle mass.

And here’s where it gets interesting -- people who store fat easily actually have a protective advantage. Their bodies make new fat cells to store excess energy safely. But if your body doesn’t do that well, fat has to go somewhere -- and that somewhere is inside your organs, muscles, and liver, where it wreaks absolute havoc. This is called ectopic fat storage, and it’s like stuffing a storage unit past capacity until the doors burst open. Only instead of an avalanche of Amazon impulse buys, it’s inflammation, insulin resistance, and metabolic dysfunction.

People with this type of fat storage tend to “look” fine longer -- but they get sicker faster. They don’t have the visual warning signs of weight gain, so by the time blood sugar, cholesterol, and hormone levels wave the red flag, metabolic damage is already well underway.

Signs this might be happening:

  • You feel soft instead of strong, even though you work out.

  • Your clothes fit weird -- somehow tight and loose at the same time.

  • You don’t weigh much, but you struggle with stubborn fat.

  • Your energy fluctuates wildly, and sugar cravings own you.

  • You’ve been told you have blood sugar issues, high cholesterol, or inflammation, even though you’re “not overweight.”


"Ok, but what causes it?"


It’s not just about eating too much or skipping the gym -- this is a metabolic issue. Your body is constantly making decisions about what to store, burn, or break down based on input from food, movement, stress, the environment, sleep, temperature variability, etc. And if the wrong signals are being sent? Muscle loss and fat storage become your body’s default settings.

*Chronic dieting & undereating: If you’ve ever aggressively cut calories, your body may have responded by burning muscle instead of fat. Muscle is expensive to maintain, and if your body thinks famine is coming, it hoards fat instead while burning more of the "other stuff".

*Skipping strength training: Your body needs a reason to keep muscle otherwise it won't. If your workouts are mostly cardio, you’re not giving it that reason -- so it prioritizes fat storage instead.

*Low protein intake: Protein is the raw material for muscle. If you’re not eating enough, your body doesn’t have the building blocks to maintain or grow it.

*Blood sugar rollercoasters: If your meals spike and crash your blood sugar all day, insulin gets thrown off, fat storage gets prioritized, and your metabolism slows down.

*Chronic stress + poor sleep: High cortisol (hello, life) drives fat storage and muscle breakdown, especially in the belly area. If you’re constantly stressed and underslept, your metabolism is not thriving.

Let me introduce you to past-me: a person who exercised daily, ate "clean" (whatever that means!), and was somehow still dealing with a body that felt out of sync. I was exhausted, moody, and despite doing 'all the right things', I was very unwell!

Turns out, I had a VIP pass to metabolic dysfunction. PCOS, insulin resistance, prediabetes, and hypothyroidism -- a delightful cocktail of conditions making my body resistant to fat loss, prone to muscle loss, and perpetually tired.

I wasn’t just dealing with body composition issues, I was experiencing real metabolic dysfunction. And nobody had ever explained this to me. 

The shift happened when I stopped focusing on restriction and started focusing on metabolic health. I prioritized muscle, blood sugar balance, stress resilience, and supporting my metabolism instead of punishing it. And then? I became present me. :-) Much healthier in my 40s than I ever was in my 20s or 30s.

The good news is this is totally reversible, and you don’t have to give up carbs, fun, or your will to live.

1️⃣ Eat more protein: Aim for 1g per pound of your ideal body weight. Protein tells your body to hold onto muscle instead of breaking it down.

2️⃣ Strength train 3-4x / week: Muscle is your metabolic insurance policy. Give your body a reason to keep it.

3️⃣ Balance blood sugar: No solo carbs. Eat protein, fat and fiber alongside your carb intake. This reduces glucose spikes and prevents fat storage.

4️⃣ Prioritize sleep + stress Management: Blah blah blah. Easier said than done, right? But really important! Poor sleep and chronic stress drive muscle loss and fat storage. Fix these, and your metabolism will thank you.

5️⃣ Stop dieting: If your maintenance calories are too low (think 1,200-1,500), that’s a red flag. That’s not just “how your body is” -- it’s a sign your metabolism needs support.

6️⃣ Move more (not just workouts): Walking, stretching, kitchen dance parties, 10 air squats after meals ... small movements throughout the day matter just as much as workouts for fat loss and metabolic health.

Being “skinny fat” isn’t just about aesthetics ... it’s about longevity, energy, and feeling strong in your own body. If you’ve been struggling, your metabolism likely needs more support, not more restriction.

Let me know -- which of these steps surprised you the most? Want me to break any of them down further?


P.S. Something new is coming soon -- something built just for women who are done feeling weak, tired, and stuck. No diets. No nonsense. Just real results, real strategies, and a real community to help you make it happen. Stay tuned. 😉

The future of health coaching (and why this model ain't cuttin' it)

What if the missing piece in your health journey isn’t you ... but the outdated system that expects you to piece it all together alone?

Health Coaching Needs a Glow-Up

(Or at least a version that actually works)

Most people trying to improve their health, lose fat, or feel like a functioning human again are left cobbling together a team like they’re assembling the Avengers:

  • A trainer for workouts

  • A dietitian for food

  • A doctor for labs

  • A holistic doctor for more labs ... and supplements

  • A therapist for mindset

  • A coach for accountability


And yet, none of these people are actually talking to each other.

Your trainer doesn’t know your labs.
Your doctor doesn’t know your meals.
Your dietitian doesn’t ask about your sleep.
Your therapist doesn’t connect your blood sugar swings to your stress.

It’s like a giant, broken game of telephone. And guess who’s stuck trying to make sense of it all? You.

This is why so many people spin their wheels, following mismatched advice that makes them more confused, more exhausted, and somehow less healthy than when they started.

I think the future we want will need to include one person, all the pieces.

But I didn't want to wait around for a degree like that to appear out of thin air. So I Venn Diagrammed my education and experience to be complete enough that the separate circles and the overlapping spaces together allowed me to see the big picture.

I didn’t just get a nutrition certification and start handing out meal plans.

I didn’t just get a personal training certification and start programming workouts.

I’ve spent a lot of time in school -- nursing, more nursing, grad school, health coaching, personal training, nutrition coaching, diabetes educator training, psychology, a year-long behavioral change fellowship. Listing a bunch of it "outloud" feels ridiculous, but every piece of it has shaped how I work. There’s still no single path or degree that truly equips someone to do what I do with my clients. And that’s why I don’t regret any of it. It takes pulling from all these areas plus self-education to build an approach that actually connects the dots and gets real, lasting results that spans both body composition AND health optimization.

I spent decades studying, practicing, and refining an approach that actually connects the dots. Because no single system in your body exists in a vacuum.

Here's what this looks like in real life:

  • Metabolic strategy: Not just weight loss, but optimizing hormones, energy, and body composition in a way that is actually sustainable.

  • Medical detective work: Reading labs, connecting dots, and catching what practitioners often miss (which, spoiler alert, is a lot).

  • Performance coaching: Habit change, mindset shifts, and environmental tweaks so your results actually stick and take you to the next level.

  • Deep life transformation: Because health is not just about food and exercise. It is about everything.


The old model is keeping us stuck!


Most professionals are still working in silos, meaning:

  • Your doctor tells you your labs are “normal,” but you feel terrible.

  • Your trainer tells you to eat more protein, but your digestion is a disaster.

  • Your nutritionist hands you macros but doesn’t mention stress, sleep, or hormones.

  • Your coach gives you mindset hacks but doesn’t factor in how blood sugar swings are tanking your mood.


It can feel confusing, frustrating, impossible, not worth it for us as individuals.

Right now, if someone wants a truly integrated, personalized approach, they have to hope they stumble across someone who figured out how to piece it all together... and has all of the scopes of practice to be allowed to do so. Trainers aren't allowed to deep dive into nutrition with their clients in most regions. Doctors didn't get detailed nutrition, fitness or metabolism training in med school. Etc. Etc.

But this should be a degree path ... and the new standard! Because if you want real results, you don’t need six different specialists handing you conflicting advice or not taking one piece into consideration with the rest. You need one person who will think about how the whole machine works.

Not everyone can or wants to invest in 1:1 coaching (and my spots are very limited!). But that doesn’t mean you can’t start making big changes today.

1. Spot the missing links

Ask yourself:

  • Are you dialed in on nutrition timing, balance and quality but ignoring stress?

  • Only doing workouts but neglecting recovery?

  • Managing blood sugar but not supporting digestion or gut health?

  • Optimizing sleep but not hormones?

If your plan only focuses on one piece of the puzzle, you may very well be missing some things that could be game-changers.

2. Escape the generic health hamster wheel

Instead of:

  • Eat less, move more → Try: Eating enough protein, fiber, healthy fats and knowing your intentional carb numbers to regulate blood sugar and hunger naturally.

  • Just do more cardio → Try: Strength training and metabolic flexibility so your body burns more energy at rest.

  • Follow this strict diet → Try: Learning how food actually works for your unique metabolism, hormones, and goals.


3. Fix the biggest thing holding you back

If you feel stuck, there is probably one major factor playing a bigger role than you think. A few common culprits:

  • High stress – If your cortisol is chronically off, your metabolism is not happy.

  • Poor sleep – You think you’re fine on six hours. Your hormones disagree.

  • Protein imbalances – Eating too little or too much protein throws off satiety, blood sugar, and muscle retention.

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction – You don’t have an energy problem. You have a cellular efficiency problem.

  • Mineral deficiencies – Magnesium, potassium, iodine… low levels mean low energy, slow metabolism, and more cravings.


The bottom line:

You don’t need to chase extremes, and you don’t need to stay stuck! I built this method because it didn’t exist. But it needed to. It was the method I wish I had when i was dealing with 4+ chronic diseases at the same time ... before I reversed them naturally. And if you are looking for a smarter, more connected way to approach your health, I’d love to help.

What is the number one thing holding you back right now? Let’s talk!


You think you're getting enough protein, but are you?

Think You’re Getting Enough Protein? These Foods Might Be Tricking You.

If I asked you right now, "Are you eating enough protein?", you’d probably say yes (or at least think you're close).

But here’s the thing… a lot of foods we think are high in protein actually aren’t. 

  • Peanut butter? Mostly fat

  • Beans? Mostly carbs

  • Most yogurts? More carbs than protein

  • Cheese? Fat first, protein second

  • Eggs? About equal amounts protein and fat

  • Chickpea pasta? Mostly a carb

And if you’re building meals around these thinking they’re protein-packed, you’re likely falling short on the  protein needs of what your body actually needs without even realizing it. And, while we thrive with a balance that includes fat and carbs of course, you might bee accidentally overdoing those.  Example: you want to make yourself a big salad as a lunch. You have lots of greens and colorful veggies as your base. You use olive oil or avocado or dressing as your fat. You include some fruit for a carb source (like a delicious Summer salad with strawberries) and then you think, "I need to add protein" ... so you add some beans or chickpeas or nuts or seeds. But the first 2 are more carbs than protein. And the 2nd 2 are more fat than protein. So your salad ends up being too light in protein and possibly over in your carbs or fat needs for that meal. Is it a big deal? No! But could it increase hunger, throw off blood sugar and make it harder to reach fat loss goals over time? Yes!

"Tara, why does it even matter?"

Protein is essential for:

  • Building muscle and supporting metabolism

  • Keeping energy levels stable (bye, afternoon crashes)

  • Managing hunger and cravings so you’re not snacking all day

  • Optimizing fat loss, recovery, and overall body composition


And when you’re not getting enough, you might feel:

  • Hungrier, even after meals

  • Low-energy or sluggish

  • Like you’re losing muscle instead of fat


The good news? You don’t have to guess your way through it.

Between work, homeschooling and life, I'm secretly juggling THREE massive projects behind your back ... so naturally, last week I chose to procrastinate a little and spent some time randomly putting together a free, simple guide for you. :-) It contains high-protein meals that are actually balanced and satisfying.

What’s inside?

  • Meal ideas with 30+ grams of protein

  • The best protein sources (that won’t trick you)

  • Quick, real-life ways to hit your protein target without overcomplicating it


Grab it here

Try a few swaps this week and see how you feel -- your energy and progress might just take off.


P.S. I posted this reel about this on IG last week, if you're more of a visual learner.

Your metabolism has a bedtime (but also… a meal time, a movement time, and a chill time)

Your metabolism has a bedtime (but also… a meal time, a movement time, and a chill time)

You know how toddlers turn into tiny, unhinged monsters when they skip a nap?

Yeah… your metabolism kinda does the same thing when your circadian rhythm is off.

And no, this isn’t just about getting morning sun and turning off screens at night (though… do that). Your circadian rhythm controls way more than you think:

When your body burns fat most efficiently
When your metabolism is firing vs. half asleep
How your blood sugar reacts to the same meal at different times
Why you might feel wired at night but sluggish all day
How well your body recovers from workouts
Even your cravings, inflammation, and aging process

If you feel like you’re doing everything right but your body still isn’t cooperating ... circadian rhythm might be the missing piece.

Good news: You don’t have to go full cavewoman to fix it.

I put together a free Circadian Reset Guide that breaks it all down so you can reset your body without flipping your whole life upside down.

Your mitochondria will thank you. 


P.S. The waitlist is open now for the May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind.

P.P.S. You might be more of a 1:1 coaching fan than a group course fan, so if you need my help, here's how that works.

The Big 10

"My metabolism hurts!"

What if we said that? It would certainly help us get to the root of the issue, wouldn't it? This kind of reminds me of this religious saying that I'm going to butcher here because I'm paraphrasing but let's try ...

A man gets caught in torrential rains. His house is flooding and things are looking grim. He prays to God to help him. A man in a rowboat comes by and yells for him to get in. "No thanks", he says, "God will help me." The rowboat continues on. A motorized boat comes by next. "Jump in. I can get you out of here right away." "No thanks. God will save me." The motorboat passes. Next, a helicopter flies by with a rope dangling, asking the man to hold on tight. "No thanks. I've prayed to God and I'm waiting." The man dies and goes to Heaven. He says, "God, I believed in you and you let me die. What happened?" God says, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more did you expect?!"

I share that story because it reminds me a bit about how many people feel about their bodies, as well. Typically, before we are diagnosed with chronic disease, there were signs and / or symptoms. And when we understand a bit about how our body works, we can recognize those signs and symptoms as being helpful messengers sent to save us and often turn things around.

We say our knee hurts when we've injured it.
We said our head hurts when we have a migraine.
But we never say our metabolism hurts. Yet, we can assume our metabolism IS hurting if we have any of the following....

Excess body fat
Elevated fasting blood sugar
Elevated HgBA1C
High blood pressure
Elevated insulin
Elevated triglycerides
Large waist circumference
Elevated triglycerides-to-HDL ratio
Elevated CRP or uric acid
Get "hangry"
Hunger and fullness signals out of whack (for some it's low hunger and for others it's excessive or insidious hunger)
Mood disorders and certain other brain metabolic issues (most behavioral / "psych" disorders have a link here)
Brain fog
Reduced muscle mass
Energy crashes

The most recent research tells us only 6.8% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy. And unfortunately, that's using pretty lenient ranges of what they consider normal. In other words, some of those 6.8% still have lab values that are concerning and will likely to lead to eventual disease if unchanged. If we looked at more optimal ranges, ranges that aren't concerning, I suspect that number to be closer to 1-2% of American adults.

I never pour this much time and attention into things out of our control. That feels like a terrible waste of time. The reason I share about these topics so often is because it is largely in our control. Despite genetics and certain things we can't necessarily control like certain environmental toxins, the VAST majority of our metabolic health is on our own shoulders. It's our responsibility. It can worsen at any time. And it can improve -- usually by A LOT -- at any time. The choice is ours. But first we have to recognize if it's even a problem.

If you're in the 6.8% of American adults considered metabolically healthy (or an estimated 1-2% in the optimal ranges as I discussed more about the criteria here), amazing! My guess is you put considerable time and effort into your health. Optimal health doesn't just happen. Keep going!

But if you're part of the 93.2% (or more like 98 - 99% not yet in "optimal" ranges), you can take steps towards reversing metabolic damage right now, today!

It's everything we talk about each week in my newsletter and what I share about everyday on my feed and in stories on instagram. I will continue bringing you tools, resources, tips, tricks, recipes, workouts, mindset strategies and everything in between. And before this blog gets too long, let me share this list:

Stress / fear / joy / radical acceptance
Purpose + connection

These are what I call, "The Big 10". The 10 buckets we can each dig through and uplevel, little-by-little. When we get these buckets mostly right most of the time (perfection isn't a thing, nor is it necessary), we get our metabolic health in order. When we have a lot off with these buckets over time, we usually notice one or many of the symptoms and signs of metabolic disease.

What if you need help? You don't know where to start? Or you feel like you're trying things and doing things and not getting the results you want? This is common! The information that's 'out there' and being shared by most healthcare practitioners, blogs and social media accounts is terribly outdated and problematic. If you can, I hope you'll join us for this May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. It's my 28-day metabolism course. We're getting to the root of metabolic dysfunction to improve health and achieve fat loss goals by tackling all of the buckets above in great detail and with a doable plan and all the help + guidance you need. Tomorrow is the last day to join. You get access Thursday. We start Monday. I'd love to help you. <3

If you can't join us for this round, stay with me here. My goal is to help as many people as I can regardless of whether we ever get to officially work together or not. I will keep the help coming via free avenues as well. Your metabolic health will shape the quality of your life. It's that important! 


P.S. Below -- people hardly ever notice "just" fat loss. There are typically improvements in energy, lab work, diseases, health markers and / or symptoms too. All of those signs and symptoms tell us something is off within the way the cell is powered up. This is metabolic dysfunction. When we get to the root of the metabolic dysfunction, all kinds of seemingly 'random' things start to improve. No promises ever because everyone is different, but if you decide to join us, I can't wait to hear what you notice in your own body!

Meet you ... a year from now

I know you love recipes and fat loss / muscle-building tips.

And I'll be back with more of that stuff soon. But more than ever in the past week I've been hearing people tell me they feel like they need to get their mind right. I don't know about mercury or retrograde or if that can even be to blame here. Maybe it's the fact that we've had quite the few years lately ... like, as a collective. I dunno. But it's clear: many of you are feeling off. Frustrated. Disappointed with where you're at. Worried that it'll never change ...

So I want to take you through another exercise today. A visualization. Ya ready?

I want you to start out by writing down -- preferably on real, actual paper -- who you'd like to be one year from now. On August 2, 2023 ...

What time do you wake up?
How do you feel in your body when you open your eyes?
What kinds of things make you excited to get up?
What are you wearing?
What do you eat for breakfast?
What's in your glass / mug?
How do you feel about your choices? Clear + confident? At peace?
What are the priorities in your day?
Is it a rest day? A strength day? Cardio? Maybe just a nice, long walk?
What is your energy and mood like in the morning? After lunch? At dinnertime?
Do you do anything for self care? (I define this as something that relaxes you or brings you joy in the moment AND afterwards)
If so, what is it?
Have you picked up any new hobbies or resumed some old ones you were missing?
What are your weekends like?
How do you feel about your body?
Have you aged a year or does it feel like you've turned back your biological time instead?
What's your evening routine like?
Do you still have a power struggle with food / alcohol?
What time do you go to bed?
What does your family think about the new you?
How do your changes influence the way they might treat themselves in the future?

You get the idea. ;-) Answer all of those, some of them, or feel free to add your own. Answer it as if ANYTHING were possible. Be so BOLD in your responses that you might be incredibly embarrassed if anyone else were to stumble upon this.

And then -- this is the fun part -- I want you to record it. Video or audio ... that's your call. But read it as if you're sharing a day in the life of YOU in a year. 

It's August 2, 2023. I just got up at _______. I'm feeling _______. I cannot wait to ______. Etc. etc.

Are you game?? If you are a skeptic, I get it. But this isn't as woo woo as you might think. Visualizations that appeal to all the senses are powerful ways for us to 1) reveal to ourselves things we may not have realized we wanted, 2) allow for 'practice runs' in our brain so as we make changes that bring us closer to this reality, it doesn't feel so foreign and misaligned with our identity, and 3) interrupts the way our brain usually tells us we want a change by going from thinking about what we don't want to thinking about what we do.

Make it a whole thing if you can. Light a (clean) candle. Make some tea. Put on music. Or sit outside on the stoop while the morning sunlight pokes you in the eye. ;-) Or don't. If things are too crazy and you just have to squeeze it in, go for it. 

Hope you enjoy this one!


P.S. I just added some of the wins of those who went through the pre-launch group of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind to the info. page. Check it out if you enjoy reading about others' success stories too! As a reminder, the next group starts in September. If you're interested in joining us for that round, make sure you reserve a spot by joining the waitlist. Waitlist peeps will be getting a discount code when the cart opens, too. Woo hoo!!!

Ever feel deprived?

Have you ever felt deprived around food?

HERE'S THE REASON ... and how to start to move away from feeling that way so you can get on with your merry self and goals. :-)

As always, if you are in need of some help, simply hit "reply" to this email and let me know where you're struggling.

Happy day,

You are too comfortable!

Are you too comfortable?

Ever think, "I'm ALWAYS putting myself LAST!"?? I'd like to invite you to think of that in a different way. Now, I'll warn you, THIS VIDEO is a bit tough love (with an emphasis on love). So if you're already having a day, maybe watch this one later. ;-)

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Let me know if this resonates at all.

Happy day,

Coaching demo!

Tara + "Sara" ... a coaching conversation.

Today, "we" are demonstrating the S.T.E.A.R. Cycle that we chatted about in last week's newsletter. Don't worry if you don't know what I'm talking about -- I give a quick recap in THIS WEEK'S VIDEO.

Any questions? Want to run through a cycle or 2 with me as a sounding board? I'm here! Leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com :-)

Enjoy the day,

Your metabolism isn't broken!

Your metabolism isn't broken...or too slow.

You see, your metabolism is ALWAYS exactly what it needs to be. It's a survival thing. So if you don't require much fuel before you'd start to store it as excess fat, there's a reason for that.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO if you've ever believed that your metabolism was broken... or even a little disheveled.

Questions? Comments? Need some help or guidance? I'm a simple email reply away. ;-)

Happy day,


Fat loss: 6 things you don't need to try...

Fat loss: 6 things you DO NOT need to try...

...and the 3 things you DO!

Check out my latest video all about this topic. I kept it short this time... 3 or 4 minutes. ;-) Let me know what you think about this format by commenting on this post. I appreciate any and all feedback!

Lots of love,

Nutrition Plan vs. Meal Plan

Which one is better? Nutrition Plan or Meal Plan?

Well, it depends on how you define better.

I define better as something that is sustainable and allows you to live the lifestyle that makes you happy and makes you SHINE at the same time.

And if that's the case, then THIS VIDEO tells you exactly how I do it with my clients and why. 

They each have their place, but by in large, nutrition plans that teach you to honor your body, your health, and a flexible / delicious lifestyle is the one I stand by.

Questions? Ready to learn more? Email me and let’s chat! Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com


Will your results be sticking by your side, or.....?

Believe it or not, there's a question you can ask yourself that will give you a really good idea of whether the results you're working on will end up sticking around or will be fleeting like times in the past.

<<< CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to learn what the question is and why it's so eye-opening! >>>

Do you have an instagram account yet? I'm not exactly an early adopter with social media, but I have been loving instagram for the way in which I can share so many things for FREE with everyone. FULL, daily workouts, lots of recipes and food prep ideas, fat loss tips, muscle-building tips, motherhood shenanigans, etc. And did you know there's a 'save' feature? Lots of people use this to save certain workout posts that they know they'll want to come back to in the future. It's like having your own little folder tucked away! Do I sound like an instagram ad yet? HAHA! Just my favorite way to share stuff with you guys lately since I don't want to pop into your inbox everyday. If you come visit me, make sure you say hello!


Does your reason matter when it comes to weight loss?

I had this client once, I'll call her "Mary". Mary was really excited to be starting fresh on her health journey after years of feeling out of control with food. She tried all the diets and they all ended the same way for her - with a week-long binge after all that restriction. Mary found my instagram page after seeing a comment of mine on a mutual friend's post. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

But anyway.... Mary told me more about her story on her initial phone consultation. She mentioned that she had a certain, specific weight loss goal in mind. In fact, she told me that she weighed herself every morning despite the fact that it usually ruined her day. When I dug in there a bit, we discovered that by focusing on the scale weight, even normal day-to-day fluctuations would derail her progress. If the scale hadn't moved (or went up), she often moped around for the rest of the day. She made very different food choices because of her frustration and lack of self-confidence for the rest of the day.

Thankfully Mary became a client and agreed to slowly shift her focus away from the scale and onto her bigger goals: feeling athletic again and having more energy to get her through the day. Why was that the thing that changed Mary's trajectory? Well, they had nothing to do with the scale. The scale could be up, down, the same, or in the garbage and as long as she was focused on "feeling like an athlete again" (her words) and taking actions that brought her better energy, then she had something to keep her going.

Is this something that might help you? CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO for more!

I'm here if you need me.


Goodbye, curves!?

Bye bye, curves!? 

At least that's what she was afraid of when she asked me whether or not she's lose her shape as her fat loss journey continued.

Is there some truth to that? Yup! But there is also a bit that's in your control. CHECK OUT THIS QUICK (6 min.) VIDEO for all the curves + fat loss details.

Is this something you're concerned about as well? Let's chat about it so you feel more confident about your strategy. Shoot me an email - tara@taraallenhealth.com - to get right into my inbox. :-)

Happy day,

When you screw up on your resolutions (and why it's not exactly when you think)

Hey guys,

The first week of 2020 is coming to a close already!

And for some of you, you've already given up on some of those life-changing resolutions you were so romantic about last week, am I right? Usually that happens when we've set too many goals at the same time or set one goal that was just a bit too unrealistic. 

But maybe you're not a resolution setter. Maybe you're like me - trying to use everyday to progress and challenge yourself to get better. Or maybe you are still going really strong on those goals!

Either way, you will find yourself saying at some point, "I screwed up." And here's what's important to know: You did NOT screw up at that point. But you're about to. Let me explain...

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I share why you did not screw up when you think...and how it's actually foreshadowing that you're likely on the path to actually screwing up. Of course I'm going to tell you how to turn around and NOT screw up, after all. 

I explain a bit about some of the content you can expect more of from me in 2020 in the beginning of the video. Make sure you're following me over on Facebook and Instagram to get all content. I post a lot inside my stories as well, so check those out if you need more healthy information + inspiration (with an occasional dose of cute kiddos). ;-)

I'm always happy to hear from YOU as well... anything in particular that you'd like me to cover this year? Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know. I've got a running list and plan to hit it all, if possible!

Happy New Year!!


Why the scale won't budge: weight plateaus and fluctuations explained

Weight fluctuations and plateaus explained...

I'm writing this blog with a child home (unexpectedly) from school and a full plate of work and other mom / house stuff going on. Besides client work, admin. tasks, and content (like this!) to create and schedule, I will be interviewed for an article in a certain newspaper today and am being asked if a photographer can come over today for a quick photoshoot. Um....if you don't mind a sick kid in my arms?!? Not the look you're going for?

Kidding....we're trying to reschedule. However, I'm telling YOU this because I speak a lot about less-than-ideal conditions and how the show must go on. Whether it's running a business or maintaining the level of fitness, nutrition, sleep, and self care that you aspire to, things will always pop up that can compromise your plans. How can you work with what you've got? How can you do at least a portion of what it is you committed to? Maybe you move your body for 5 minutes instead of the 45 you planned on today.

In my case, I look through my task list and start moving non-essential things to other times whenever possible. I will do what's necessary and appreciate the fact that I can tend to my daughter that's feeling a bit under the weather today. (We're actually snuggling on the couch as I type this. Thank goodness for light + mobile laptops!).

Anywayyyyy..... weight fluctuations! They happen to us all - even if you do not weigh yourself and you're unaware. Our weight is never stagnant. Any weight or fat loss journey is never linear. There are plateaus, spikes up, drops, etc. The most important thing to look at is the trend over time.

Important to note: I'm not a fan of anyone weighing themselves if it will at all impact your emotions. In other words, if weighing yourself will be anything more than simply data, I don't believe the scale is the best tool for you to track your progress. 

However, if you have ever noticed plateaus and or increases in your scale weight while you believed you were 'doing everything right', then you must watch my latest Workshop Wednesday video! I get into the 8 most common reasons this occurs. This will allow you to figure out what's going on the next time you notice a plateau or spike. Not only that, but it will (hopefully) prevent you from throwing in the towel in frustration next time around.

If you are on a fat loss journey and have 15 minutes to watch - or even just listen - to this video, it will be worth your while.

As always, I'm open to topic ideas to address in future videos, blogs, social media posts, and newsletters. Just leave me a comment below if there's something in particular you want to see me cover.


P.S. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! As a reminder, my healthified holiday desserts e-cookbook, Smart Cookie, is still available for purchase for ONE MORE WEEK before it gets pulled until next year. If you have any parties to host or head to in the next week and would like to make a quality, real-food version of a holiday treat, this recipe book would be perfect for you! It contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free...and DELICIOUS...dessert recipes. Many are baked goods, but there are also stovetop, slow cooker, and NO BAKE options in case you want easy peasy.

Meal timing / spacing for fat loss

Meal timing + spacing for fat loss...

With all the talk about intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding (did you catch last week's email?), what about the timing between meals? Is that important for fat loss?

Turns out, it is. When we eat, we spike our insulin levels. Insulin is a fat-storage hormone. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it certainly can become a problem if your insulin is spiked to high or for too long if fat loss is a goal.

Think about exercise. Most of us know that exercise is beneficial for us, but we couldn't workout 24 hours a day without expecting lots of problems. Eating is a similar idea. It's absolutely necessary to eat and nourish our bodies, but we also benefit from giving ourselves some space between meals to allow that rest and return to baseline that's so important.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video for more about meal spacing.

Do you already pay attention to the spacing between your meals or is this new to you? Hit "reply" to this email and let me know!


P.S. Have you gotten your copy of Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts e-cookbook yet? Some of you have been messaging me and tagging me in your pictures and it's making me drool! :-) The ebook contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free treats that are upgraded versions of our favorites this time of year. You can grab a copy right here!


Break up with nighttime overeating: Steps 1 & 2

Do you end up eating more - or differently - than you wanted to after the sun goes down?

This is verrrrry common for a number of reasons. Today, I want to focus on the biggest reason: willpower.

You may have heard me talk about this before. In fact, you may notice that I talk about many of the same concepts often if you've been hanging out with me for a while. The truth is, these things aren't always the sexiest and don't always work as clickbait, but they are real, important, and necessary to address for any and all health transformations to occur.

YOU ARE NOT LACKING WILLPOWER! Seriously, you're not. For argument's sake, let's say we all each start the day with the same 20 willpower 'points'. Every decision you make uses up a point. Skipping the doughnut in the break room, biting your tongue when your boss pissed you off, deciding whether or not to honk the horn when the jerk cut you off on your drive home...point, point, point. We make so many decisions throughout the day (more than we even consciously register), that by the end of a long day, we're all depleted of willpower!

Have you ever noticed that it becomes harder throughout the day to say no to your favorite sweet treat? Have you had those days where you put off your workout 'til nighttime only to skip it in the end and tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow instead? Willpower depleted!

So when it comes to planning for your success, part of your plan needs to include what to do when you're not actually able to stick to your original commitment to yourself. Rather than hope it'll be different tomorrow, "trying" again, or resisting this fact, let's learn how to work WITH the way our brain works.

I want to share 2 important steps in doing just that with you today. There is no video attached in today’s blog because I made a mistake and didn't end up saving my latest video workshop. Oops. But that's ok! I'm still going to give you all of the information today. ;-) If you do prefer to watch or listen instead of reading this, head over to my facebook page and look for last Wednesday's live video recording.


Think ahead to the time when you normally start feeling out of control with your food choices. This is around 8 or 9 PM for most people, but can occur at other times as well. What are you usually feeling at that time?

  • Tired?

  • Stressed?

  • Overwhelmed?

  • Anxious?

  • Needing a break?

  • Wanting to 'unwind?

Next, ask yourself how you're hoping the food will make you feel in that moment. Are you hoping it will give you a needed break? Help you relax? Numb a certain emotion?

***Important to remember: The only thing food can actually solve for you is physical hunger. Any other feeling or emotion can only be temporarily distracted by food - not solved!

Lastly, ask yourself what you can plan ahead of time to do instead of reaching for the food that will help you feel the way you're looking to feel.
It's important that you plan for this ahead of time, because in the moment, you won't want to have any obstacles in the way. They will only act as a deterrent.

Examples: Call a friend (put it on your calendar), read a book (have it out on the nightstand), watch a show on the DVR without a snack or with a healthy option you choose in advance, go for a walk, listen to a podcast, journal, meditate, have relations with your partner.... ;-) Anything (other than overeating) that will help you get to that end goal of relaxation, unwinding, calming down, or getting the break you deserve.


Delayed gratification. We all have a toddler brain and an adult brain. (These are actual parts of our brains, but obviously not the technical terms.) Our toddler brain wants what it wants, when it wants....just like a real toddler! But our adult brain actually has reasoning capability. Our adult brain can make plans and decisions that serve our greatest good, not just what feels best right now.

When we have the urge to overeat / stress eat / binge eat, it's our toddler brain requesting it. And guess what? It's probably pretty used to getting what it wants by now, right?

No worries! Here's how we start to discipline our toddler brain: we delay our gratification. Next time your brain asks you for a gallon of ice cream at 8:00, give it ice cream at 8:05 or 8:10 instead. You will likely still eat the same thing. You'll likely still overeat. AND THAT'S OK because you've starting doing really important work in rewiring your brain!

That toddler brain will stop thinking it's always going to get what it wants, when it wants it. Eventually it will stop being so bratty. And at some point, you'll be able to delay gratification for long enough that you may end up choosing NOT to eat the ice cream at all. BIG WIN!

These 2 tools are considered steps 1 & 2 in breaking up with nighttime overeating because they are so effective and foundational! Try these tonight - or whenever your toddler brain throws its next tantrum.

Talk soon,

P.S. Every week I share more content than I could possibly put into a blog on social media. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and / or Instagram for more tips and free resources.

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Behind the scenes: custom meal planning for my clients

Hey guys,

By the way, are we friends on social yet? I share so much more content, tips, tricks, food concoctions (that's what I call them when I haven't measured anything), and lots more about my personal life and journey over on facebook and instagram. Check out my post from last Thursday (same picture as above) where I shared 10 ways to use your freezer to save you tons of time and money!

Be sure to check out my "stories" each day too. In case you don't know, on both facebook and instagram, stories live inside of my little circular picture and can be seen when you click on said picture. They contain special content that can't be seen on my feed and disappear after 24 hours. You'll know I've posted new content there that you haven't seen yet if there's a glowing halo around my picture.

We really dove deep into meal planning last week! If you are curious about how I create custom meal plans and custom recipe bundles for my clients, check out this video where I take you behind the scenes and even show a sample meal plan!

If you would like me to create a customized meal plan or customized recipe bundle for you, shoot me a quick email and let’s chat! You can find me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Health + gratitude,
