
Pistachio-Apple Bars

These Pistachio-Apple bars are amazing!

Magnolia and Jagger’s schools don’t allow nuts due to children’s allergies, so we rely a lot on nuts at home. These bars are the perfect after-school snack or dessert!


Pistachio-Apple Bars with Chia Seeds (Servings 14)


• 1/3 cup cashew butter 

• 1/3 cup honey 

• 1 tablespoon olive oil 

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

• 1/2 teaspoon salt 

• 1 1/4 cups puffed rice

• 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 

• 1/4 cup finely chopped dried apple 

• 1/4 cup chopped dried cranberries 

• 1/3 cup chopped dry-roasted pistachios

• 1 teaspoon black chia seeds


1. Preheat oven to 350°

2. In a microwave safe bowl, mix cashew butter, honey, olive oil, vanilla, and salt. 

3. Microwave on HIGH 1 minute. 

4. In a separate bowl, combine puffed rice, oats, apple, cranberries, and pistachios. 

5. Pour cashew mixture over puffed rice mixture, and toss gently to combine. 

6. Press into an 11 x 7-inch, greased glass baking dish. 

7. Sprinkle the top with chia seeds, pressing down lightly to stick them to the mixture.

8. Bake at 350° for 10 minutes. Cool, slice, and enjoy!

How do these sound to you?

In good health,


P.S. You can totally reduce the honey to make these even healthier. I’ve made them with about 1/2 the amount for a lower glycemic version (because...PCOS) and they were delicious!

Hello, November…and ALL the apples

Is it just me, or does the start of a new month make you giddy too?  It's a clean slate for personal and professional goals and brings new seasonal activities and holidays to be excited about!  November is synonymous with celebration in my household - from my husband's birthday, to Thanksgiving, a season of gratitude and reflection, the start of Christmas music and decorations, and delicious, yummy-smelling, warming comfort foods!

Did you get to go apple picking this year?  Or maybe you'll be heading to a farm or farmer's market next weekend?  There's always a joy in picking the perfect apples and then a bit of confusion that sets in when you try to decide what to do with your robust harvest, right?

I have a solution...

Spiced Crockpot Apple Cider - Tara Allen Health

Spiced Crockpot Apple Cider - Tara Allen Health

Spiced Crockpot Apple Cider


  • 18 cups water
  • 12 medium apples
  • 2 oranges
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp cloves
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom
  • pinch black pepper


  1. Slice apples and oranges.
  2. Place all ingredients in crockpot.
  3. Cook on low for 7-8 hours.  Warning: You house will smell so amazing at this point that you're likely to cancel all plans and stay home. :-)
  4. Strain all contents through colander into a large bowl.
  5. Strain once again through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth into a large bowl.
  6. Your cider is waiting for you!

"But Tara, I don't want to waste all the fruit and spices!"

Yup…I hear ya.  Throw it into a pitcher with red wine (or seltzer for an alcohol-free option) for a festive Sangria.

You're welcome.

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Enjoy in health,
