

There's a link for that. ;-)

November is here and that usually means there are millions of people who are simultaneously giving up on their bodies and health for the rest of the year and also on the hunt for the new thing to try starting in January.

But this doesn't have to be you. With 2 months -- 1/6 -- left of the year, there's lots of opportunity still to make progress and feel great before we bid adieu to 2022. And also, when we have more of an understanding of our bodies and start to get comfortable with the fact that cravings are usually our own doing and willpower is NEVER the issue, we can enter the 'candy holiday followed by the pie holiday followed by the cookie month followed by the alcohol holiday' shenanigans feeling empowered rather than deprived or out of control.

So as I decided to chat with you about that today, I kept remembering all of these free resources I have 'out there' that you may not have seen or may have forgotten about. No better time than now to share some of these with you!

My backstory and a bunch of tips on this podcast I was interviewed on.

My PCOS diagnosis in this event I had the honor of co-speaking alongside an OBGYN with (mine is the second half).

Asthma, infertility, and my journey to accidentally discovering the power of breathwork in this interview.

This webinar I hosted about mending your metabolism.

This free 3-day fat loss meal plan.

This free holiday apps + sides collection -- from last week's newsletter, but worth sharing again ;-)

Break up with the restrict - binge - restrict cycle

Save this email, forward to a friend, and utilize whatever tools you need. The holidays are an interesting time for health goals, but they do not have to look like they have in the past.

Ok, and now a fun teaser ;-) ... For those of you who have been wanting to do the next round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, my 28-day metabolism-boosting course, you may already know that you have to wait until January for that. But what if you could get access to the whole course and all the materials in advance so you could get a head-start if you wanted to before the rest of the group joins us for the live course in January? There will be a way. It involves Black Friday. Stay tuned and make sure you are ON THE WAITLIST if you're interested!

Happy Tuesday,

P.S. Don't forget to grab your copy of Smart Cookie if you need 84 healthified holiday dessert recipes for this year. :-)

Are you a longevity nerd like me??

Do you geek out on all things health?

Me too! But... sometimes it feels like a never-ending mountain to climb with all of the recommendations and goals we have, right?

Where to begin? I discuss this in my latest (3 min.) video.

We’re never too advanced for the foundations! And the foundations (like nutrition, exercise, sleep, mindset ...) will be your biggest needle-movers! It’s why these things come first in my 1-on-1 coaching program ... with the Longevity Phase of the program at the end. 😉

But what if you’re already doing the foundations well and CONSISTENTLY? You’ve conquered healthy body composition goals, you move your body daily, you have a great relationship with food and your body, you’re sleeping well, and you have noticed a shift in your mindset / emotional resilience ....?

What’s next??

Well, the foundations forever! Seriously. 😜 And then some fun, more detail-oriented longevity-focused habits, tweaks, and experiences.

I talk up on my stories on Instagram a lot about breathwork, meditation, supplements, hot / cold, fasting, dry brushing, oil pulling, homemade charcoal toothpaste, natural products, mTOR, AMPK, mitochondrial health, grounding, 4th phase water, autophagy, apoptosis, circadian rhythm setting, etc. If that’s your jam too, set aside an hour or two each day to watch my stories. (Kidding! But they CAN get long sometimes. 😂😂)

And while I will be sticking to a lot of the foundations on my social media pages and right here in my newsletter because I believe strongly that it’s what is most helpful and most necessary, if you want me to include some more of this content here as well, let me know with a quick reply!

Please note: I do not represent any other brand but my own at this time. None of my posts or stories are sponsored. Could that change in the future? Maybe! But it will have to feel just right as a partnership for me to agree to it and so far, I haven’t had that feeling with any of the offers. 🤷‍♀️

So ... foundations first and most. Then room for the cherries on top. ;-). That's my take. What's yours?


"Do you eat before you workout?"

"Tara, do you eat before you workout?"

I got this excellent question recently on instagram. Here's my 1-minute video response. :-)

Everyone is different! Play around with meal timing around your workouts — or just in general — to find out what you feel best with.

For me, I used to feel awful working out while fasted. I also used to have PCOS, insulin resistance, and prediabetes. I was a metabolic mess!! So, feeling cr*ppy while working out fasted was one of the things that tipped me off to being “off”.

As I became healthier, more metabolically flexible, and more fat-adapted (no, I’m not keto), I started noticing I could do more and more intense exercise without fueling up first. Truth is, we all have sooooooo much fuel already on our bodies as stored body fat. Even if I’m lean, there’s no reason to “need” to eat before a workout.

Now, if tip top performance was the goal (a race, game, or competition), filling up my glycogen stores before said activity would give me a little bit of an edge. But in my daily strength training sessions, bike rides, runs, hikes, or HIIT ... it’s just not necessary.

Another important note: for the average person (not a pro / competitive athlete), protein timing isn’t nearly as important as people will have you believe. I don’t rush to get it in post-workout. I just make sure I get the amount of protein my body needs (about 80-105g per day) throughout the day in a variety of ways.

Second half of the video I’m showing you a pretty typical meal I break my overnight fast with.

Questions about protein, meal timing, metabolic flexibility, or ... whatever? Leave ‘em below!


P.S. Yes my lip is bleeding in this video. They were dry that day and happened to crack right before I shot this. Allllllll good. 😝 (You’d be surprised. People notice — and comment about — everything on social media! 🤣🤣).

You are too comfortable!

Are you too comfortable?

Ever think, "I'm ALWAYS putting myself LAST!"?? I'd like to invite you to think of that in a different way. Now, I'll warn you, THIS VIDEO is a bit tough love (with an emphasis on love). So if you're already having a day, maybe watch this one later. ;-)

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Let me know if this resonates at all.

Happy day,

An ENJOYABLE health journey? Yup. For real.

It doesn't have to suck.

The journey, that is.

We don't have to be miserable "until _____". You've heard this before, right? Maybe you've even said this before?

I'll be happy when _______.
When I lose 20 pounds.
When I get that job.
When I get married.
When I get divorced.
When I have a baby.
When I can do a pull-up.

When everything is perfect.

But nothing is ever perfect and because we are these amazingly complex individuals who always have new goals on the horizon, it's important that we learn how to be happy now. How to enjoy the riiiiiiiide.

CHECK OUT THIS QUICK VIDEO for 3 ways you can make your health transformation journey more enjoyable right NOW.

I'm just BETTER when I'm enjoying myself. You too?

Hope you're making it a great week!


The S.T.E.A.R. Cycle

What if you had a trick to improve your MENTAL GAME so your health transformations would be more successful?

Enter.... The S.T.E.A.R Cycle. CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to learn more about what it is. Stay tuned for next week's newsletter where I'll share a little role-play between "Sara" and me to show you how it plays out with old thought patterns and the new ones we're looking to replace them with.

Questions for me? Feel stuck? I'm an email reply away and will get back to you shortly. Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy day,

Your metabolism isn't broken!

Your metabolism isn't broken...or too slow.

You see, your metabolism is ALWAYS exactly what it needs to be. It's a survival thing. So if you don't require much fuel before you'd start to store it as excess fat, there's a reason for that.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO if you've ever believed that your metabolism was broken... or even a little disheveled.

Questions? Comments? Need some help or guidance? I'm a simple email reply away. ;-)

Happy day,


Frustrated with weight loss?

Has your weight loss progress (or lack thereof) frustrated you?

And let me add ... it doesn't have to be weight / fat loss. Sub any other health goal.

Oh, and one more thing ;-) .... when I say weight / fat loss, I am hardly EVER talking about looks here. Sometimes our brains do this thing where they make short-cuts (read: assumptions) because it's a conditioned response. So many people equate weight loss to looks exclusively and therefore you might mistake my information or videos for being 'one of them'. I'll tell you what ... our looks are the LEAST interesting thing about us, in my opinion. But that doesn't mean we can't talk about weight or fat loss. Some people seek out those goals to optimizer their health, feel vibrant, have more energy, etc. It's all about the way we FEEL so we can show up as the best version of ourselves.

So, I challenge you to notice where you might have these pre-judgments happening. Do you tune out weight loss because you're so sick of diet culture and assume it's all about a quest to "get skinny"? I hear ya! But that's N E V E R what you're going to get here with me, FYI. ;-)

Last week, I discussed some big lessons that were missing from my childhood education and how they are such important aspects of our humanness. Try to lose weight, optimize health, flourish inside your relationships, or achieve ANY goal without this knowledge and I bet it feels like an uphill battle.

The best news is that as adults, we get to learn about this stuff now ... and teach the next generation!

Any questions? Need to vent? Wanna chat? Email me: Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy day,
Coach Tara

P.S. Want to meet my small business team?

Metabolic Flexibility in the time of Covid-19 and beyond...

Metabolic flexibility in the time of Covid-19 and beyond...

While there is so much still to learn about this particular coronavirus, we do seem to understand that individuals with underlying lifestyle health conditions are doing more poorly when infected.

And here's what I know for sure... it's never a bad time to start working on optimizing our health. As someone who used to have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and prediabetes, I fell into the bucket of having 'metabolic disorder' - a bucket that also houses those with high cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin resistance, excess belly fat, and blood glucose regulation issues.

The good news is that there are lifestyle choices we get to make to improve our condition at any time. Check out my latest live video in which I dive into this a bit more and share 3 things I've done to stay metabolically flexible.

If there's anything I can do to help you, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what's on your mind.


What's happening on social?

Just one thought...

Chair workout

If it weren't for this quarantine...

Dumbbell workout

Salsa dancing - step 3

Scooter workout

Metabolic Flexibility

Legs / glutes workout

Abs at home workout

Beginner Arm Chair Workout

Turmeric Hummus Recipe + Immunity

Unprecedented Times...

We are all going through an interesting time right now.

We have watched the world change - practically overnight.  

At this point, you’ve likely received an email from every email list you are on about how said company is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. You’ve likely already heard more about social distancing, hand washing, quarantine, and stocking your house than you care to think about.  

I am not here for that right now. I am here to say that my goal is to build healthy communities and help those all around me.  That is the goal of my health / nutrition / fitness coaching practice, that is the goal of this newsletter, and that is the goal of my social media accounts. 

We are all going through the journey together - even if each of our situations are different - and we need to be able to rely on one another to be there in good and in tough times.  And from the look of it, we may be in for some tricky times ahead. Schools are closing, events are getting cancelled, businesses are reducing hours, and people are being encouraged to stay and work from home as much as possible.  

I believe that these measures are the best possible way to protect our communities in these times, and I also believe that these actions may very well take a toll on us… and that can come in the form of stress. Stress about not being able to find toilet paper, stress about money, stress about how to entertain & educate kids who are temporarily out of school, stress about how to get work done from home, stress about getting ill, etc.

I am not a doctor, so I would not dare give you medical advice. However, it is a no secret that a healthy immune system, robust stress coping skills, and intentional recovery are critical factors in maintaining wellness.

It is as important as ever to keep our immune systems strong and I believe that this starts with nourishing and moving our bodies regularly.  To support you in this goal, I’m going to be sharing a lot on social media about how to make the most out of what’s in the fridge to cook healthy, well-rounded, and easy meals. I will also be sharing plenty of home workout ideas that can be done with minimal equipment so that you can stay active on a consistent basis. I often do bonus Q&As and post lots more in my stories, so be sure to hang out with me there too - not just on 'my feed'. If this sounds like something you'd like to check out, make sure you give the accounts at the bottom of this email a look.    

I am here for you! If you need help, advice, or just to chat… you can leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Stay well!


What happened on social media:

Workshop Wednesday video - maintaining a calorie deficit for fat loss WITHOUT actually counting calories.

My PCOS story

A cool way to get kids to eat their veggies

Working out with toys (again)

Fresh Air and Sunshine more important than ever

Home Glute Workout

P.S. One of the most important things for us to do right now is to understand that social distancing doesn't have to mean social isolation. We are social creatures! And thankfully, we have the use of technology to help bring us together in a safe way during the next few weeks or months. Come join my Facebook community of over 800 awesome people from around the country (and world!) as we continue to share healthy recipes, weekly challenges, workouts, tips....and as we introduce discussions on relevant topics such how to stock up our pantry and fridge during these times, and easy, cheap, and healthy meals to feed the family.

Healthy, Fit, & Strong with Tara Allen Health

My PCOS backstory...and how I healed myself naturally

I was once diagnosed with PCOS and prediabetes...

....I can no longer be diagnosed with either. How in the world?!?

In this video, I'm sharing a little of my backstory and the big ticket items that has allowed me to heal my body naturally - without medications or targeted supplements.

If you know anyone with PCOS, please forward this email to them. I would love to spread the word that there is a lot more in our power than the conventional medicine would have us believe.

And if you don't have PCOS? Please take this as the sign you need that what you do or don't do on a daily basis has a lot more influence over your health and body than you might have been lead to believe.

Questions? Going through infertility and wanna chat? I'm here! Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you!


P.S. New private + virtual client availability is coming soon - health, nutrition, and fitness coaching! Let me know if you'd like to chat about getting your name on one of the upcoming spots.

Sugar Cravings: 6 possible reasons and tips for each

Ever wonder where your SUGAR CRAVINGS come from?

Let me share the 6 most common reasons for them ... and, because that would be no fun to end it there... tips for dealing with each one.


Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I get into all the details on my instagram or facebook page. Couldn't upload the video this week...tech issues. But it's still hanging out on social if you prefer to watch and/or want more details.

1) Sugar rollercoaster. This is you if you have any blood sugar regulation issues such as PCOS, prediabetes, insulin resistance, or you just find yourself getting hangry often and not able to last too long between meals. 

Tips: Reduce sugar and refined carbs (like most bread, crackers, chips, pastries, etc.). Make sure your meals are balanced with plenty of protein, healthy fat, fiber, and vegetables. This will help elongate your blood sugar curve and prevent so many spikes and crashes. Also, don't forget to incorporate regular resistance / strength training into your days. Challenging your muscles turns them into sponges to soak up sugar out of the blood (preventing the spikes) and utilize them as fuel. You are making more room for the sugar and carbs, essentially. You can use weights, resistance bands, machines, or simply your own body weight to exercise. 

2) Lack of sleep. This interferes with hormones and hunger / cravings.

Tip: Prioritize both the amount AND the quality of your sleep. If you have young children at home that wake up in the middle of the night, make sure you are doing what you can...such as getting to bed earlier. More broken sleep is better than less.

3) Calories are too low. This could be your average being way too low and causing your body to scream for food by turning up your hunger and cravings...or, you're too low during the week and binging on the weekend. This is you if you think you 'hardly eat anything' but are not actually losing body fat. If you're not losing body fat, you are NOT in an energy deficit when days are averaged out. 

Tip: You do not need to count calories, but you do need to know that calories count. If fat loss is a goal, you need a low-moderate energy deficit. Not enough of a deficit? You won't make progress. Too much of a deficit? You body's survival skills (including increasing your appetite and cravings) will kick in and take over. 

4) Hormonal. Where are my menstruating women at? Have you ever craved sugar before that time of the month? I certainly have!

Tip: Allow yourself a smaller portion of a higher-quality treat, such as chocolate, if you'd like. Aim for no refined sugar or lower sugar options (such as very dark chocolate).

5) Habit. This is you if you want something sweet every night after dinner or every time you go to the movies, etc.

Tips: Swap the food for something else. Distract yourself. And delay your gratification by waiting at least 10 minutes between when your brain requests the treat and when you 'give in'. This will slowly start to train your brain that it won't always get what it wants, when it wants it. Sugar cravings begin to decrease over time as a result.

6) Mindset. You deserve a treat. You have been 'good'. You had a bad day. Does this language sound familiar? 

Tip: It's all about perspective. Listen up. I think you DESERVE to reach your goals. I think you HAVE been good and you DO have bad days sometimes. Which is precisely why I think you owe it to yourself to go for your longer-term goals. Kind parenting isn't about giving into all of our kids' whims, right? We're looking out for their greater good. Same goes for YOU. Being kind to yourself includes certain discipline. Not severe restriction. Not obsessive thoughts. But discipline. Flip the script here.

I'd love to hear from you if you have sugar cravings....will you leave a comment below and let me know which of these 6 categories you fall under? I'm happy to help!


This fitness tip helped me heal my PCOS

This one way of working out has helped me heal...

It's simple. It's free. And it's SO effective if you have any issues with insulin resistance, blood sugar regulation, or inflammation.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video as I share the tip and get into a little about the science of why this is so effective.

I'd love to hear from you...do you have any issues with inflammation or blood sugar regulation? Leave a comment below and let me know so I can be sure to create more content tailored to what you need. ;-)


Avoiding unwanted holiday weight gain...

Avoiding (unwanted) holiday weight gain...

While the same principles apply to gaining excess weight and / or body fat any time of year, the holidays do bring a unique set of circumstance for many of us.

OVEREATING. This is simply eating more than your body requires for fuel and is the case if you are at a weight or body fat percentage that YOU believe to be greater than you'd like it to be for optimal health and mobility. Emphasis on YOU here because I strongly believe YOU are the only one that gets to decide this.

Here are a few of the reasons weight gan can be accelerated this time of year:

  • Baggy clothes help us 'forget' about our body and hide.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder and / or lower Vitamin D levels wreak havoc on our emotions and ability to choose our long-term goals over short-term satisfaction.

  • Heightened emotional states - both positive and negative - usually exist this time of year. Where you have big emotions, you will often find overeating.

  • A false promise of a clean slate coming on January 1st tends to 'allow' us to throw caution to the wind between now and then.

  • Greater access to comfort foods, social events, alcohol, etc.

Here are 4 tips you can start to implement to help right away...

1) Stop over-restricting. When you focus so hard on avoiding certain foods, and then have more access to them (such as this time of year), it often has an 'opening of the floodgates' sort of result. Allow the 'fun' foods to exist in your life at a frequency that you look forward to, but also that allows you to move closer to your goals.

2) Trigger Foods. Remove any food from your house that you just cannot control yourself around. Maybe it's peanut butter? Maybe it's ice cream. If you love ice cream but can't control yourself around it, remove it from the house and just go out to get a cone - or single serving - when you want it.

3) When you find yourself reaching for the food that you don't want or need, ask yourself this series of questions:

  • What's going on with me right now?

  • Will food help? (If the problem is not hunger, then food is not the solution)

  • If not food, then what WILL help right now? (Maybe you just need a break)

4) Delayed gratification. Allow yourself to have whatever it is you're craving....but only after 5, 10, or 20 minutes. Even if you end up eating THE SAME amount of food after that time, it's still a huge win because you are teaching your toddler brain that it won't always get what it wants, when it wants it. In turn, the intense cravings (tantrum) will slowly dissipate, reduce in duration, frequency, and intensity. Win!

I'd love to hear from you now...do you struggle with overeating? I don't know anyone who doesn't at least sometimes! I'd love to help. :-)


Does your timeline need to go?

Does your timeline need to go??

The holidays are upon us and everyone and their mothers are talking about having a snack before you leave the house so you won't overindulge at the holiday party.

It's not that that advice is bad, but just that its probably something you hear a million times - especially this time of year, am I right?!?

I want to share a less popular opinion about how you can stick to your goals during the busy holiday season. And it has nothing to do with snacks...and everything to do with your unrealistic timeline.

By the way, did you know that the version of you that you can SEE and FEEL today is the result of the habits you had 2, 3, 6, 9 months ago?! It's true. There is a huge lag time in your habits and the outcomes showing up.

I'm talking about both of these topics and how they are related in my latest Workshop Wednesday video (below).

For those of you here in the United States (where I live), Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy it. No guilt about food. No playing small or letting others make you feel crappy at the dinner table. You do you. Are you a kind person? Awesome. Beyond that, your life and decisions are none of their business. ;-) (Just a reminder for those that have trouble on this holiday. It's pretty common).


P.S. Are you in need of a last-minute / healthified / gluten-free / dairy-free / DELICIOUS dessert to make for the holiday? I've gotcha covered! My new cookbook, Smart Cookie: Healthified Holiday Desserts, is available and full of all kinds of recipes (42 of them!). There are lots of baked goods, but also plenty that involve the slow cooker, stovetop, or are NO BAKE. It's instantly downloadable and printable, so no waiting for the Amazon delivery person. ;-) GRAB YOUR COPY HERE.

Pain + Pleasure: The secret ingredient to your health / body goals

What do PAIN + PLEASURE have to do with your health / body goals?

Lots! Everything, you might say.

Have you ever noticed how there are certain things that just don't ever end up on your to do list, but happen often anyway? Things like eating food, sex, and sleep. Why are these some of the exceptions? It all comes down to pain vs. pleasure when talking about curating the lifestyle you want for yourself.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I break it down and give you a few specific examples of how to apply this concept to your goals.

Oh, and welcome to November! It's the start of my favorite 'recipe season'. ;-)


Break up with nighttime overeating: Steps 1 & 2

Do you end up eating more - or differently - than you wanted to after the sun goes down?

This is verrrrry common for a number of reasons. Today, I want to focus on the biggest reason: willpower.

You may have heard me talk about this before. In fact, you may notice that I talk about many of the same concepts often if you've been hanging out with me for a while. The truth is, these things aren't always the sexiest and don't always work as clickbait, but they are real, important, and necessary to address for any and all health transformations to occur.

YOU ARE NOT LACKING WILLPOWER! Seriously, you're not. For argument's sake, let's say we all each start the day with the same 20 willpower 'points'. Every decision you make uses up a point. Skipping the doughnut in the break room, biting your tongue when your boss pissed you off, deciding whether or not to honk the horn when the jerk cut you off on your drive home...point, point, point. We make so many decisions throughout the day (more than we even consciously register), that by the end of a long day, we're all depleted of willpower!

Have you ever noticed that it becomes harder throughout the day to say no to your favorite sweet treat? Have you had those days where you put off your workout 'til nighttime only to skip it in the end and tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow instead? Willpower depleted!

So when it comes to planning for your success, part of your plan needs to include what to do when you're not actually able to stick to your original commitment to yourself. Rather than hope it'll be different tomorrow, "trying" again, or resisting this fact, let's learn how to work WITH the way our brain works.

I want to share 2 important steps in doing just that with you today. There is no video attached in today’s blog because I made a mistake and didn't end up saving my latest video workshop. Oops. But that's ok! I'm still going to give you all of the information today. ;-) If you do prefer to watch or listen instead of reading this, head over to my facebook page and look for last Wednesday's live video recording.


Think ahead to the time when you normally start feeling out of control with your food choices. This is around 8 or 9 PM for most people, but can occur at other times as well. What are you usually feeling at that time?

  • Tired?

  • Stressed?

  • Overwhelmed?

  • Anxious?

  • Needing a break?

  • Wanting to 'unwind?

Next, ask yourself how you're hoping the food will make you feel in that moment. Are you hoping it will give you a needed break? Help you relax? Numb a certain emotion?

***Important to remember: The only thing food can actually solve for you is physical hunger. Any other feeling or emotion can only be temporarily distracted by food - not solved!

Lastly, ask yourself what you can plan ahead of time to do instead of reaching for the food that will help you feel the way you're looking to feel.
It's important that you plan for this ahead of time, because in the moment, you won't want to have any obstacles in the way. They will only act as a deterrent.

Examples: Call a friend (put it on your calendar), read a book (have it out on the nightstand), watch a show on the DVR without a snack or with a healthy option you choose in advance, go for a walk, listen to a podcast, journal, meditate, have relations with your partner.... ;-) Anything (other than overeating) that will help you get to that end goal of relaxation, unwinding, calming down, or getting the break you deserve.


Delayed gratification. We all have a toddler brain and an adult brain. (These are actual parts of our brains, but obviously not the technical terms.) Our toddler brain wants what it wants, when it wants....just like a real toddler! But our adult brain actually has reasoning capability. Our adult brain can make plans and decisions that serve our greatest good, not just what feels best right now.

When we have the urge to overeat / stress eat / binge eat, it's our toddler brain requesting it. And guess what? It's probably pretty used to getting what it wants by now, right?

No worries! Here's how we start to discipline our toddler brain: we delay our gratification. Next time your brain asks you for a gallon of ice cream at 8:00, give it ice cream at 8:05 or 8:10 instead. You will likely still eat the same thing. You'll likely still overeat. AND THAT'S OK because you've starting doing really important work in rewiring your brain!

That toddler brain will stop thinking it's always going to get what it wants, when it wants it. Eventually it will stop being so bratty. And at some point, you'll be able to delay gratification for long enough that you may end up choosing NOT to eat the ice cream at all. BIG WIN!

These 2 tools are considered steps 1 & 2 in breaking up with nighttime overeating because they are so effective and foundational! Try these tonight - or whenever your toddler brain throws its next tantrum.

Talk soon,

P.S. Every week I share more content than I could possibly put into a blog on social media. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and / or Instagram for more tips and free resources.

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Meal Planning: My top 6 tips

Hey guys,

Last week’s theme was meal planning inside of Tara Allen Health. It came as the result of a poll I posted on social about what you guys wanted more help with. You ask, I provide! ;-)

Before you make your next meal plan - or first meal plan - check out my latest video complete with my top 6 tips for meal planning when you’re reaching for a health or body transformation goal.

Health + gratitude,


P.S. Both my kiddos make quite the appearance in this video. If you don’t like noise or chaos, skip this video! :-)

Period Talk - Planning your life through the lens of your menstrual cycle seasons

Period Talk!

Could you imagine predicting when you'll be most productive, social, sensitive, creative, motivated...?

If you are a menstruating woman with a regular cycle, you may be able to do just that!

Check out this week's Workshop Wednesday video below as I take you through the physical and emotional expectations of all seasons in your cycle and what your strength is for each one.

And if you have ever been confused about the menstrual cycle, then you'll definitely want to catch this video as I break it down with only as much science as you actually need to know. ;-)

This topic is close to my heart. I've studied the menstrual cycle extensively as a women's health RN, but between being on birth control for a while and having PCOS, I did not actually experience regular, ovulatory cycles until this past year or so! And, I'm in my mid-30s!

Be sure to pop into my private Facebook group for the follow-up video + discussion on fitness and nutrition tailored to our menstrual cycle seasons. Why not get an edge on our health and body goals?!

In health + happiness,


The 5 things you need for a health + body transformation

Hey there,

There are 5 things you need to have a successful health / body transformation.

And it's not kale….or kettle-bells. ;-)

CHECK OUT MY LATEST VIDEO (below) where I cover these 5 'things'.

These are not traits as most people believe, but SKILLS that can be practiced and developed over time. Pour your attention into these 5 areas and watch how successful your journey becomes.

Short on time? I get it! (I really do). Try this: LISTEN to the video instead of watching. Multitask while commuting or folding laundry or stretching.

Or, just check out this brief overview to get an idea...

The 5 things you need for the most amazing health + body transformation to take place:

1) Confidence. Build trust in yourself by taking baby steps and actually doing what you say you'll do. Confidence builds and you can set bigger goals at that point.

2) Discipline. Motivation comes LATER. Before motivation there is discipline - like the less fun but just as effective coworker that seems to always get the job done. ;-) Do the things that you don't want to do (if they will ultimately help you). Go for that walk. Lift those weights. Eat the spinach. Whatever.

3) Perspective. All goals boil down to how you want to feel. No one cares how much you weigh…not even you! What you care about is how you think you'll feel when you get there. Zone in on that feeling you're going for. Connect to it. Stay focused on that.

4) Grace. If you beat yourself up after 'making a mistake', your brain will try to make itself feel better by doing things that aren't serving you (stress / emotional eating, skipping your workouts in favor of Netflix and couch, etc.) Giving yourself grace tells your brain it's not under attack and therefore, it doesn't need to seek out comfort in other ways. Isn't neuroscience fascinating?!?

5) Fail forward. Everything is a chance to learn. Don't rob yourself of those learning opportunities by aiming for perfection. Things WILL NOT always go your way. That's a blessing! Because now, you get a chance to be curious about what went down, create a new game plan, and try that on for size the next time you encounter that situation (think weight loss during the holidays, vacation, illness, busy time at work, etc.)

You DO NOT need to be born with these traits or be a master at them yet. We all have these baby seeds inside of us ready to grow!

I'd love to hear from YOU. Which one of these 5 things do you struggle with the most? Drop a comment below.

Health + Happiness,
