The 5 things you need for a health + body transformation

Hey there,

There are 5 things you need to have a successful health / body transformation.

And it's not kale….or kettle-bells. ;-)

CHECK OUT MY LATEST VIDEO (below) where I cover these 5 'things'.

These are not traits as most people believe, but SKILLS that can be practiced and developed over time. Pour your attention into these 5 areas and watch how successful your journey becomes.

Short on time? I get it! (I really do). Try this: LISTEN to the video instead of watching. Multitask while commuting or folding laundry or stretching.

Or, just check out this brief overview to get an idea...

The 5 things you need for the most amazing health + body transformation to take place:

1) Confidence. Build trust in yourself by taking baby steps and actually doing what you say you'll do. Confidence builds and you can set bigger goals at that point.

2) Discipline. Motivation comes LATER. Before motivation there is discipline - like the less fun but just as effective coworker that seems to always get the job done. ;-) Do the things that you don't want to do (if they will ultimately help you). Go for that walk. Lift those weights. Eat the spinach. Whatever.

3) Perspective. All goals boil down to how you want to feel. No one cares how much you weigh…not even you! What you care about is how you think you'll feel when you get there. Zone in on that feeling you're going for. Connect to it. Stay focused on that.

4) Grace. If you beat yourself up after 'making a mistake', your brain will try to make itself feel better by doing things that aren't serving you (stress / emotional eating, skipping your workouts in favor of Netflix and couch, etc.) Giving yourself grace tells your brain it's not under attack and therefore, it doesn't need to seek out comfort in other ways. Isn't neuroscience fascinating?!?

5) Fail forward. Everything is a chance to learn. Don't rob yourself of those learning opportunities by aiming for perfection. Things WILL NOT always go your way. That's a blessing! Because now, you get a chance to be curious about what went down, create a new game plan, and try that on for size the next time you encounter that situation (think weight loss during the holidays, vacation, illness, busy time at work, etc.)

You DO NOT need to be born with these traits or be a master at them yet. We all have these baby seeds inside of us ready to grow!

I'd love to hear from YOU. Which one of these 5 things do you struggle with the most? Drop a comment below.

Health + Happiness,
