weight loss journey

Frustrated with weight loss?

Has your weight loss progress (or lack thereof) frustrated you?

And let me add ... it doesn't have to be weight / fat loss. Sub any other health goal.

Oh, and one more thing ;-) .... when I say weight / fat loss, I am hardly EVER talking about looks here. Sometimes our brains do this thing where they make short-cuts (read: assumptions) because it's a conditioned response. So many people equate weight loss to looks exclusively and therefore you might mistake my information or videos for being 'one of them'. I'll tell you what ... our looks are the LEAST interesting thing about us, in my opinion. But that doesn't mean we can't talk about weight or fat loss. Some people seek out those goals to optimizer their health, feel vibrant, have more energy, etc. It's all about the way we FEEL so we can show up as the best version of ourselves.

So, I challenge you to notice where you might have these pre-judgments happening. Do you tune out weight loss because you're so sick of diet culture and assume it's all about a quest to "get skinny"? I hear ya! But that's N E V E R what you're going to get here with me, FYI. ;-)

Last week, I discussed some big lessons that were missing from my childhood education and how they are such important aspects of our humanness. Try to lose weight, optimize health, flourish inside your relationships, or achieve ANY goal without this knowledge and I bet it feels like an uphill battle.

The best news is that as adults, we get to learn about this stuff now ... and teach the next generation!

Any questions? Need to vent? Wanna chat? Email me: Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy day,
Coach Tara

P.S. Want to meet my small business team?

Fat Loss and Instant Gratification

Instant gratification...

We all want it. Our brain SEEKS it out. And yet, we're barking up the wrong tree when it comes to fat loss.

The answer isn't NOT to look for instant gratification on your fat loss / health journey. The answer also is not to look for instant gratification where the science tells us it's simply not possible.

So where SHOULD we be seeking out instant gratification?


Any questions? I'm a comment away. ;-) Happy Monday, you guys!


4 years to your dream body?!

Did you go to college or do you know someone who has?

You know that thing you - or they - did where they committed to 4 years or more knowing there would be no tangible results until graduation? 

There was no gradual payout system where you'd start making a little bit of your desired salary while still in school.

There was no money given back if you didn't succeed by your own hard work and consistency.

You were expected to show up and keep showing up.

Now let's think about your health and body goals...

Do you want to start seeing or feeling results shortly into a new program, diet, fitness routine? You'll only continue on if you are getting results on the timeline you want, right? So if you have to work hard for a month or two and are not getting immediate and rapid results....you, what... throw in the towel?

Image you did that in college? By month 1 or 2 you didn't have your degree yet, so you quit.

Our health and bodies are worth AT LEAST the amount of time, attention, money (all the things!) that you spent on college. Our health and bodies are worth showing up day after day even if the results aren't coming as fast as you want them to. Do you agree?

Come join me in my car as I discuss this a bit more. ;-)


P.S. You know what you get with me...and it's never a hard sell. I don't want to do that to you, but mostly, I don't want any clients who aren't motivated enough to seek me out. I don't want to convince anyone that they're ready for a change. If it takes convincing, it's not a good fit for my coaching style and program. Rather, someone who is ready to put in the work (EAGER even, albeit nervous) will soar in my program. Someone who has been thinking about working with me already, but keeps putting it off. Someone who is attracted to the slow and steady, work your butt off and feel like an absolute badass and role model at the same time vibe ... those are the ones that start coaching with me and optimize their entire lives, not just their health and bodies.

All that to say that I'm here. Even though I don't send you 42 sales emails a week. Even though I'm not tracking what pages on my website you visit so I can sneakily follow up by serving you an ad later on. ;-) If there's something about my emails, videos, or social media posts that resonate with you, it's probably because we feel similarly about how we want to rock this life of ours. I'll never be knocking on your door, but I will always leave mine open for you to walk through when you're ready. I'm UNBELIEVABLY passionate about helping you glow.

Here's more info on my 1-on-1 nutrition / fitness / health coaching program.

And book a free call right here if you've read through that and are ready to get started!

Why the scale won't budge: weight plateaus and fluctuations explained

Weight fluctuations and plateaus explained...

I'm writing this blog with a child home (unexpectedly) from school and a full plate of work and other mom / house stuff going on. Besides client work, admin. tasks, and content (like this!) to create and schedule, I will be interviewed for an article in a certain newspaper today and am being asked if a photographer can come over today for a quick photoshoot. Um....if you don't mind a sick kid in my arms?!? Not the look you're going for?

Kidding....we're trying to reschedule. However, I'm telling YOU this because I speak a lot about less-than-ideal conditions and how the show must go on. Whether it's running a business or maintaining the level of fitness, nutrition, sleep, and self care that you aspire to, things will always pop up that can compromise your plans. How can you work with what you've got? How can you do at least a portion of what it is you committed to? Maybe you move your body for 5 minutes instead of the 45 you planned on today.

In my case, I look through my task list and start moving non-essential things to other times whenever possible. I will do what's necessary and appreciate the fact that I can tend to my daughter that's feeling a bit under the weather today. (We're actually snuggling on the couch as I type this. Thank goodness for light + mobile laptops!).

Anywayyyyy..... weight fluctuations! They happen to us all - even if you do not weigh yourself and you're unaware. Our weight is never stagnant. Any weight or fat loss journey is never linear. There are plateaus, spikes up, drops, etc. The most important thing to look at is the trend over time.

Important to note: I'm not a fan of anyone weighing themselves if it will at all impact your emotions. In other words, if weighing yourself will be anything more than simply data, I don't believe the scale is the best tool for you to track your progress. 

However, if you have ever noticed plateaus and or increases in your scale weight while you believed you were 'doing everything right', then you must watch my latest Workshop Wednesday video! I get into the 8 most common reasons this occurs. This will allow you to figure out what's going on the next time you notice a plateau or spike. Not only that, but it will (hopefully) prevent you from throwing in the towel in frustration next time around.

If you are on a fat loss journey and have 15 minutes to watch - or even just listen - to this video, it will be worth your while.

As always, I'm open to topic ideas to address in future videos, blogs, social media posts, and newsletters. Just leave me a comment below if there's something in particular you want to see me cover.


P.S. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! As a reminder, my healthified holiday desserts e-cookbook, Smart Cookie, is still available for purchase for ONE MORE WEEK before it gets pulled until next year. If you have any parties to host or head to in the next week and would like to make a quality, real-food version of a holiday treat, this recipe book would be perfect for you! It contains 42 gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free...and DELICIOUS...dessert recipes. Many are baked goods, but there are also stovetop, slow cooker, and NO BAKE options in case you want easy peasy.

Stop wondering how your life will change during a health journey

It's no secret that your life will change on a health journey.

I mean, that's the point, isn't it?

Sure! But what I've found in my many years of coaching women is that the magnitude and reach of those changes are far greater than the fat loss and lowered blood sugar that they were expecting.

I mean....finances? Relationships? Sense of adventure? What in the world...?!

Today I want to share the top 10 most common life changes that have happened by accident - as experienced by my clients - that have nothing to do with weight loss or lab results.

Join me for a slightly longer-than-usual conversation that goes deep into transformations, life, inspiration, and purpose. Remember, if you're short on time, you can always just listen to these weekly workshops. No need to see my mug the whole time! ;-)

Would you do me a favor? Leave me a comment and tell me one health goal you have for yourself this month. I'd love to help cheer you on from the sidelines. Women reaching for better is the fuel that lights my heart on fire!

In good health,


The 5 things you need for a health + body transformation

Hey there,

There are 5 things you need to have a successful health / body transformation.

And it's not kale….or kettle-bells. ;-)

CHECK OUT MY LATEST VIDEO (below) where I cover these 5 'things'.

These are not traits as most people believe, but SKILLS that can be practiced and developed over time. Pour your attention into these 5 areas and watch how successful your journey becomes.

Short on time? I get it! (I really do). Try this: LISTEN to the video instead of watching. Multitask while commuting or folding laundry or stretching.

Or, just check out this brief overview to get an idea...

The 5 things you need for the most amazing health + body transformation to take place:

1) Confidence. Build trust in yourself by taking baby steps and actually doing what you say you'll do. Confidence builds and you can set bigger goals at that point.

2) Discipline. Motivation comes LATER. Before motivation there is discipline - like the less fun but just as effective coworker that seems to always get the job done. ;-) Do the things that you don't want to do (if they will ultimately help you). Go for that walk. Lift those weights. Eat the spinach. Whatever.

3) Perspective. All goals boil down to how you want to feel. No one cares how much you weigh…not even you! What you care about is how you think you'll feel when you get there. Zone in on that feeling you're going for. Connect to it. Stay focused on that.

4) Grace. If you beat yourself up after 'making a mistake', your brain will try to make itself feel better by doing things that aren't serving you (stress / emotional eating, skipping your workouts in favor of Netflix and couch, etc.) Giving yourself grace tells your brain it's not under attack and therefore, it doesn't need to seek out comfort in other ways. Isn't neuroscience fascinating?!?

5) Fail forward. Everything is a chance to learn. Don't rob yourself of those learning opportunities by aiming for perfection. Things WILL NOT always go your way. That's a blessing! Because now, you get a chance to be curious about what went down, create a new game plan, and try that on for size the next time you encounter that situation (think weight loss during the holidays, vacation, illness, busy time at work, etc.)

You DO NOT need to be born with these traits or be a master at them yet. We all have these baby seeds inside of us ready to grow!

I'd love to hear from YOU. Which one of these 5 things do you struggle with the most? Drop a comment below.

Health + Happiness,


The scale is making you GAIN weight!

Is the scale making you GAIN weight and excess body fat?

You might be surprised to find out that this is, in fact, what's happening for many people - certainly most of the women I work with and speak to.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video to learn how and why and what you can do instead.

And then, get rid of that dang scale if it is affecting you in this way too!

In good health,


P.S. If you are on a weight loss / fat loss / wellness journey, we should hang out more! Did you know that I share online workshops, recipes, and more tips to help you transform your body + life FOR FREE? Every week?! Join my email list to get in on this and receive a welcome gift immediately! ;-)

How to gain weight FAST (and what it means for your weight loss journey)

Hey there,

Sometimes when I get frustrated about lack of progress somewhere in my life, I think about how I could go about it a different way.  

Today, I'm sharing the secrets of people who want to gain weight FAST...so you can do the exact OPPOSITE and apply it to your successful weight loss journey.

Sound good?

It's a simple strategy, but that doesn't mean it's easy.  Are you up for the challenge?  Watch the video for details.  :-)

In good health,


Weight Loss is More Than Calories In, Calories Out!

Hey there!

Have you ever experienced weight loss resistance?  You're counting calories, points, macros...and just NOT getting the results you think you should be?

Weight loss tends to be oversimplified most of the time when, in fact, there are A LOT of factors that go into who loses weight, when, how, why, how much, how fast, etc. 

In this video, I talk about 3 things having NOTHING to do with calories that can affect your weight and metabolism and give you clues into where you may want to focus your attention.

Now, if you are liking these videos, consider joining my private Facebook group where I share DAILY content to help those on their weight loss and health journey.  :-)  Yup - daily - for FREE!

Join us now!

In good health,
