pcos journey

The S.T.E.A.R. Cycle

What if you had a trick to improve your MENTAL GAME so your health transformations would be more successful?

Enter.... The S.T.E.A.R Cycle. CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to learn more about what it is. Stay tuned for next week's newsletter where I'll share a little role-play between "Sara" and me to show you how it plays out with old thought patterns and the new ones we're looking to replace them with.

Questions for me? Feel stuck? I'm an email reply away and will get back to you shortly. Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy day,

Comfort eating / comfort sitting on the couch....

It's true that we need comfort right now. In fact, without some comfort in our days, our brain will takeover and seek it out even against your will. Maybe you've seen this in action already? You had every intention to skip the pantry surfing after dark and workout, but instead you skipped the workout and devoured everything in the pantry in what seemed like a semi-conscious state.

Sound familiar? It's something you may be used to doing long before quarantine started. But certainly now it's heightened. Of course... we are worried, bored, stuck at home, not sure what lies ahead, stressed - it's a recipe for comfort-seeking.

But seeking comfort isn't as simple as that. Often, the way we choose to seek out comfort actually leads us to DIScomfort in the future. So, to find true comfort, we need a balance of some in-the-moment strategies that work in the here and now but don't deter from our future selves. AND, we need to do some things that might bring us a little discomfort right now for the sake of future comfort.

Let me explain in this live video I recorded last week on facebook.

Is this something you're dealing with? If so, I have tons of resources that I'd love to share with you. Hit 'reply' to this email and let's chat.
If you'd like to see a quick video sharing more of how I help people (including before and afters - even my own before & after!), check this out.


Here's what happened on social:

Dumbbell shoulder workout

Easter morning

Slow cooker lentil chili

Suitcase upper body workout

Salsa dancing - The Left Turn

Bodyweight legs + glutes

The weight of the world

Breathing + COVID-19 

No jump HIIT workout

Quarantine Creativity


Now is as good a time as any to be mindful of getting in enough of the immune-boosting vitamins + minerals.

I'm excited to announce the launch of my Immune Support Meal Plan! I created this meal plan by focusing on balancing not just macros (protein, fats, and carbs), but also made sure that each day has plenty of zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E.

The plan happens to be gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian too. Oh, and I've worked leftovers in so you're not cooking 3 meals everyday.

You'll get 2 copies instantly - 1 regular one with all the mouth-watering pictures, and 1 text-only so you're not cursing me out as you run out of color ink. ;-)

What else do you get? The 7-day meal plan plus grocery list and all recipes.

So whether you're having trouble getting your hands on your usual immune-boosting supplements or just prefer to get the goods through tasty meals instead, this plan will have you covered.


Unprecedented Times...

We are all going through an interesting time right now.

We have watched the world change - practically overnight.  

At this point, you’ve likely received an email from every email list you are on about how said company is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. You’ve likely already heard more about social distancing, hand washing, quarantine, and stocking your house than you care to think about.  

I am not here for that right now. I am here to say that my goal is to build healthy communities and help those all around me.  That is the goal of my health / nutrition / fitness coaching practice, that is the goal of this newsletter, and that is the goal of my social media accounts. 

We are all going through the journey together - even if each of our situations are different - and we need to be able to rely on one another to be there in good and in tough times.  And from the look of it, we may be in for some tricky times ahead. Schools are closing, events are getting cancelled, businesses are reducing hours, and people are being encouraged to stay and work from home as much as possible.  

I believe that these measures are the best possible way to protect our communities in these times, and I also believe that these actions may very well take a toll on us… and that can come in the form of stress. Stress about not being able to find toilet paper, stress about money, stress about how to entertain & educate kids who are temporarily out of school, stress about how to get work done from home, stress about getting ill, etc.

I am not a doctor, so I would not dare give you medical advice. However, it is a no secret that a healthy immune system, robust stress coping skills, and intentional recovery are critical factors in maintaining wellness.

It is as important as ever to keep our immune systems strong and I believe that this starts with nourishing and moving our bodies regularly.  To support you in this goal, I’m going to be sharing a lot on social media about how to make the most out of what’s in the fridge to cook healthy, well-rounded, and easy meals. I will also be sharing plenty of home workout ideas that can be done with minimal equipment so that you can stay active on a consistent basis. I often do bonus Q&As and post lots more in my stories, so be sure to hang out with me there too - not just on 'my feed'. If this sounds like something you'd like to check out, make sure you give the accounts at the bottom of this email a look.    

I am here for you! If you need help, advice, or just to chat… you can leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Stay well!


What happened on social media:

Workshop Wednesday video - maintaining a calorie deficit for fat loss WITHOUT actually counting calories.

My PCOS story

A cool way to get kids to eat their veggies

Working out with toys (again)

Fresh Air and Sunshine more important than ever

Home Glute Workout

P.S. One of the most important things for us to do right now is to understand that social distancing doesn't have to mean social isolation. We are social creatures! And thankfully, we have the use of technology to help bring us together in a safe way during the next few weeks or months. Come join my Facebook community of over 800 awesome people from around the country (and world!) as we continue to share healthy recipes, weekly challenges, workouts, tips....and as we introduce discussions on relevant topics such how to stock up our pantry and fridge during these times, and easy, cheap, and healthy meals to feed the family.

Healthy, Fit, & Strong with Tara Allen Health

My PCOS backstory...and how I healed myself naturally

I was once diagnosed with PCOS and prediabetes...

....I can no longer be diagnosed with either. How in the world?!?

In this video, I'm sharing a little of my backstory and the big ticket items that has allowed me to heal my body naturally - without medications or targeted supplements.

If you know anyone with PCOS, please forward this email to them. I would love to spread the word that there is a lot more in our power than the conventional medicine would have us believe.

And if you don't have PCOS? Please take this as the sign you need that what you do or don't do on a daily basis has a lot more influence over your health and body than you might have been lead to believe.

Questions? Going through infertility and wanna chat? I'm here! Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you!


P.S. New private + virtual client availability is coming soon - health, nutrition, and fitness coaching! Let me know if you'd like to chat about getting your name on one of the upcoming spots.

The 5 things you need for a health + body transformation

Hey there,

There are 5 things you need to have a successful health / body transformation.

And it's not kale….or kettle-bells. ;-)

CHECK OUT MY LATEST VIDEO (below) where I cover these 5 'things'.

These are not traits as most people believe, but SKILLS that can be practiced and developed over time. Pour your attention into these 5 areas and watch how successful your journey becomes.

Short on time? I get it! (I really do). Try this: LISTEN to the video instead of watching. Multitask while commuting or folding laundry or stretching.

Or, just check out this brief overview to get an idea...

The 5 things you need for the most amazing health + body transformation to take place:

1) Confidence. Build trust in yourself by taking baby steps and actually doing what you say you'll do. Confidence builds and you can set bigger goals at that point.

2) Discipline. Motivation comes LATER. Before motivation there is discipline - like the less fun but just as effective coworker that seems to always get the job done. ;-) Do the things that you don't want to do (if they will ultimately help you). Go for that walk. Lift those weights. Eat the spinach. Whatever.

3) Perspective. All goals boil down to how you want to feel. No one cares how much you weigh…not even you! What you care about is how you think you'll feel when you get there. Zone in on that feeling you're going for. Connect to it. Stay focused on that.

4) Grace. If you beat yourself up after 'making a mistake', your brain will try to make itself feel better by doing things that aren't serving you (stress / emotional eating, skipping your workouts in favor of Netflix and couch, etc.) Giving yourself grace tells your brain it's not under attack and therefore, it doesn't need to seek out comfort in other ways. Isn't neuroscience fascinating?!?

5) Fail forward. Everything is a chance to learn. Don't rob yourself of those learning opportunities by aiming for perfection. Things WILL NOT always go your way. That's a blessing! Because now, you get a chance to be curious about what went down, create a new game plan, and try that on for size the next time you encounter that situation (think weight loss during the holidays, vacation, illness, busy time at work, etc.)

You DO NOT need to be born with these traits or be a master at them yet. We all have these baby seeds inside of us ready to grow!

I'd love to hear from YOU. Which one of these 5 things do you struggle with the most? Drop a comment below.

Health + Happiness,
