PCOS coach

Fat Loss and Instant Gratification

Instant gratification...

We all want it. Our brain SEEKS it out. And yet, we're barking up the wrong tree when it comes to fat loss.

The answer isn't NOT to look for instant gratification on your fat loss / health journey. The answer also is not to look for instant gratification where the science tells us it's simply not possible.

So where SHOULD we be seeking out instant gratification?


Any questions? I'm a comment away. ;-) Happy Monday, you guys!


I have PCOS and autoimmune issues...

A few days ago, I did a totally different kind of live video....I turned the lens on MYSELF!  

I get different versions of the same question from you guys A LOT.  It's something like, "Where are you at on YOUR health journey?" or, "How do you have the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle?", or even sometimes, "You don't know what it's like to be unhealthy like me!"

So, I set up my iphone, took a seat, and spoke from the heart....for almost an HOUR!  It's raw, it's real, and it's me.  I take you through my PCOS journey, autoimmune issues, blood sugar issues, infertility and IVF, and share what I'm doing to combat these issues holistically.

Thank you for watching and if you're going through your own health struggles, please leave me a comment or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com.  I want you to know I read every one myself and I want you to know you're NOT alone!

In (search of) good health,
