cold medicine

Holistic Cough Medicine

Magnolia has a cough.  Magnolia requests honey about 2,406 times a day.  How are these things related?

We mix up a quick "cough medicine" for her when she's sick or something else is going on that may be compromising her immune system (like when she skips too many naps or happens to have a few dairy-heavy days in a row).  The best part?  Make a bunch and leave it, covered, on the counter.  Honey is the ONLY food that doesn't spoil.

**Please note: honey is not recommended for babies under the age of 1 due to their lessened ability to fight off a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum - which can cause botulism in young babies.**

Here's the "recipe": mix together raw honey, turmeric, and cinnamon.  Feel free to add some powdered probiotics if you'd like for an added immune boost.

  • The honey contains antioxidants, is antibacterial and anti-fungal, soothes a cough and sore throat, and aids in fighting allergies if using a local, raw honey.
  • What does the turmeric do?  This is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant!  Therefore, it helps relieve pain and promote healing.
  • Cinnamon not only helps to mask the strong taste of the turmeric, but it helps stabilize blood sugar and insulin responses (which an important player in our health and immunity.  It is also anti-microbial and contains antioxidants (see a pattern here?).  Oh, and it aids blood circulation so your little one's own defenses can get to work!
  • Probiotics boost the health of our "gut".  Think of these as soldier reinforcements…more good guys to help fight the bad guys.  :-)

This is a safe, effective, and relatively inexpensive staple to keep in your household this Fall / Winter to give to any child or adult over the age of 1 as prevention or as an extra boost when a cold or cough appears.  1-3 teaspoons spread out throughout the day works well!  I hope your kiddos request this "medicine" as much as mine does.  

In health,
