exercise is medicine

Is Walking Enough?

"Tara, I walk (hike, run, bike) all the time. Isn't that enough for my exercise?"

Well, I took an extra long shower this morning. Can I skip brushing my teeth?

It's a joke, of course, but maybe sheds a little light into how different cardio and strength training can be. Just like showers and oral hygiene, they are both beneficial and have their place. However, one does not replace the other.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO I recorded live last week to learn about 11 big benefits of strength training...and what the heck 'strength training' really means, anyway.


We are all in the same storm, but inside of very different boats.

I heard someone mention this recently and it's a beautiful way to sum up what's going on. There are lots of similarities to what we're all going through -- collectively -- right now. Very similar worries and hardships. Very similar silver linings, even, But not for everyone. We are not all in the same boat. And as such, we will be weathering the storm differently. It's our responsibility to look after our own boat, and lend a helping hand to fellow boaters when we can.

It also means we need to be relentless in the amount of grace we give each other and ourselves. Some people are doing all they can to just keep their boat afloat right now. Others might have some more emotional reserve to be able to tackle projects and goals (like starting a new fitness routine or reducing body fat once and for all). But please don't think you don't measure up if you do not have the bandwidth to take on anything extra these days. 

Take a few deep breaths, go to bed a half hour earlier tonight, or sneak away to your car or bathroom for 5 minutes today. Take care of your most basic needs - your mental health and emotional resilience. 

And if you do feel ready to tackle your health / body goals and are unsure of where to start, email me and I'll share a bunch of FREE resources I have put together. I run a business, yes, but building robust communities full of resources available to anyone in need is a BIG part of my mission.

Hit me up.


Cut back your workout time!

Hey guys,

If we are friends on facebook, then you may already know that I do a weekly, live show on my business page on Wednesday mornings. In this “show”, I talk about something related to overall wellness, nutrition, and/or fitness…often talking about many somethings each week because sometimes I can’t shut up. It’s both a skill AND a flaw. ;-)

Anyway, in my latest live video, I talked about how you can cut your workout time by 2/3 and still get BETTER results. We get into time management and common excuses. We talk about fear how to gain momentum, and how to start working out at all if you haven’t started yet. I shared a rather, um, disturbing thing someone said to me that day in the gym locker room.

So, if you are either not working out at all (and want to be) OR feeling as though you have trouble fitting in your workouts or spinning your wheels in the gym, this video was made for you. :-)

Please tell a friend that may have told you recently that she wants to exercise, but can’t seem to find the time. You could be helping her in more ways than you might know.

In good health,
