
Can I help you create an exercise HABIT?!

Remember when you said you'd workout more often?

Maybe it was December 31, 2018 when you made that proclamation. Maybe it's been on your to do list for a decade? Or maybe, maybe you've recently decided that exercise (or ANYthing else) needs to be a part of your life in a more meaningful way.

We talk a lot about habits here at Tara Allen Health. My clients know alllll about habits as we work on breaking up with old ones and implementing new ones to create the health, body and lifestyle that aligns with their dreams.

Where are my DIYers out there? Today I want to get really tactical with you on how to start this process for yourself. There are 4 parts of a habit, and therefore, 4 steps to creating a new habit that will actually (seriously) stick.

And THAT, you guys, gets me very excited.

First, check out this video from last week all about the 4-step process. It has all the tangible advice you need to know to get started on creating whatever new habit you'd like in your life.

Then - for extra credit ;-) - check out THIS video that I posted inside my private facebook group as a follow-up. It will teach you why you can't seem to stick to a "diet" or plan even when you *know* what you should be doing. Better yet, it teaches you exactly how to work WITH the way your brain is wired so you can make progress and reach your goals. YES, YOU! It's about freakin' time, isn't it?

Side note: I mention my upcoming healthified holiday dessert cookbook coming in early November (so soon!) in the beginning of that video. I am SOOOOO excited to put this thing out in the world after dreaming about it for YEARS and working on it for just as long. Hard work usually happens when no one's looking. It happens when no one's there to give you credit. The results of your hard work usually come along much further down the road. Does this sound at all like what we talk about with our health + body transformation goals?! ;-)

I will keep you posted very soon!


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You don't need more willpower!

Have you been blaming WILL?

Good ol' Will…as in, WILLPOWER…tends to get a bad rap.

Everyone's looking for it. No one has enough. Everyone wants to 'find' more or create more. People are throwing their goals and dreams to the wayside all the while blaming their lack of willpower.

If you've ever found yourself saying, "If I only had more willpower…", then I'm glad this email found you today!

Willpower is actually a limited resource. Meaning, we run out of it fairly quickly due to all of the decisions we go through in a typical day. Those that are killin' it with their goals, getting healthy, fit, and strong all around you - they DO NOT have any more willpower than you do.

Let me say that again…successful people do not have more willpower than you.

So what's the secret? It's actually all about neural pathways. In the non-nerd world, it's also known as HABITS.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video in which I tell you exactly how to make progress towards your goals without needing any willpower. Oh, and have you noticed what's different about my videos these days? They're shorter!! Hallelujah! I've been condensing my videos by shutting up sooner so it's more feasible for you to watch / listen on a weekly basis. ;-)

If you're liking the new, shorter videos, would you do me a favor and hit "reply" to this email and let me know? Of course if you'd rather I babble on forever about your favorite topics, let me know that too. I'm always looking for your feedback so I can best support you in your health & weight loss journey.

In good health,


P.S. If you need a weekly dose of weight loss and wellness tips, tools, and resources in your life, let’s do it! Join my email list and let me treat you like the VIP you are!

When WILLPOWER has left the building!

Hey you...yeah you!  Remember that time that you held back on your anger so as to avoid a fight with your coworker / spouse / child and then dove headfirst into a box of donuts without coming up for air?  Yeah...that's willpower being used up.  YOU are not broken.  NO ONE has unlimited willpower!

Watch this video for more about willpower and for a tip that you can implement today to start making your willpower work more for you and achieve the goals that you've set out to achieve.

Hint: Goal-setting, habits, and practice are the key.  ;-)

In good health,
