healthy meal ideas

20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes

20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes

Ok, so I know most of us are technically *not* in quarantine anymore (phew!), but I wanted to (re)share this free recipe e-book in case you missed it last time.

I find around this time of year, many people are home from vacations, getting ready for a new schedule in September, and excited about cooking again (maybe just a little?).

This recipe book is unique in that it focuses on pantry-friendly ingredients that you may normally have on hand or maybe you stocked up on when groceries were a bit tricky to get your hands on.

Regardless, there's lots of great meal and snack ideas and all happen to be gluten and dairy free.


If you make any of these and post them on social, be sure to tag me so I can check it out!

Happy Tuesday,


Zucchini Fritters

Hey guys,

Last week. I came to you live on Facebook to walk through a little cooking demo (talk-through, really) of how I made Zucchini Fritters. My version is gluten-free, dairy-free, and grain-free with extra Omega 3s, fiber, and protein.

Here’s that video

For those that requested I write up the recipe, here ya go!

Zucchini Fritters


  • 2 large zucchinis, grated

  • 2 large eggs

  • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast

  • 1/4 cup ground flaxseeds

  • 1/4 cup cheese of choice (I used non-dairy cheese)

  • 1 tsp salt

  • coconut oil for cooking


1) Add grated zucchini and salt to a colander and place in the sink for 5 minutes. Allow extra fluid to drain.

2) Place zucchini in a cheese cloth and squeeze out any additional fluid.

3) Add the eggs, nutritional yeast, flaxseeds, and cheese and mix well.

4) Add oil to a pan and over low-medium heat, cook 1-2 T of fritter mixture at a time (like a pancake). Once edges start to brown, flip over. This takes approx. 3 minutes per side.

5) Keep extras for up to 5 days in the fridge or freeze for up to 3 months. Reheat in toaster or oven.



In good health,
