healthy snack ideas

I don't like Hunger Games.

The movie never got me either (though in fairness, I don't think I ever gave it a chance). But I'm talking about the other hunger games. The thing we do when we leave the house with no plan and no food ... or maybe just some food for the kids and not enough for us? It can't be just me.

But I've smartened up in my old age ;-P and I bring or keep snacks stashed so that in a pinch, I can have a small snack or pair a few things together for a makeshift meal on the go, if need be.

I'm a bit needy in this department as I need:

  • Gluten + dairy free

  • No artificial dyes or flavors

  • Ideally no industrial seed oils, though I do still eat these on occasion as I frown at the ingredient list

  • Can't spike my blood sugar

  • Needs to hold up well in my purse or car or beach bag or or or ....

Here are a few ideas that fit the bill. Try 'em out and we'll be snack stashing twinsies.

1) Protein bar. I like Raw Rev Glo bars in Creamy PB and Sea Salt. Yes, I like the taste but also that flavor of theirs has more protein and less sugar than their others. This one happens to have 15g protein, 11g fat, 14g fiber, and only 3g net carbs. Have it with a piece of fruit if you want the carbs too. There are some other good bars on the market, just depends on your needs. Unfortunately though, I'd give about 90% of them a failing grade for being full of cr*p or no more balanced than a candy bar. So be picky with these! Read the ingredient list. Check out the nutrition facts. It's not a protein bar if it has 25g carbs and 7g protein. As a protein bar, it should have at least 10-15g protein and that should be the predominant macronutrient. Unless you want a carb bar. That might have it's time and place too (like before a really intense workout). 

2) Chia or flax seeds and protein powder. I like these in smoothies best but in a pinch they can be thrown in some water or even your coffee with some fat like heavy cream, coconut oil, or MCT. These are fiber, fat, and a baby dose of protein. Better than grabbing Pringles at 7-11 and being hungry 20 minutes later.

3) Nut or a homemade trail mix. The best part about this is that you can save money by buying in bulk and customize to your likes and needs. Want the carbs? Add some dried fruit or dark chocolate chips. Just want the healthy fat, fiber, and little dose of protein? Throw some almonds, cashews, and walnuts in a bag and keep it pretty much WHEREVER as it's pretty darn potable.

4) Seaweed or kale chips. These double as a nice salt / crunch fix and can count as veggies / fiber / fat on the go. They won't fill you up much, so pair with the protein bar and you just bought yourself at least 2 hours of satiety so you can think more clearly about your next (hopefully bigger) meal options.

Hope these help during this soccer tournament, kids-have-the-busiest-calendars, work-is-keeping-me-on-my--toes time of year. ;-)


Nut-free healthy snacks for kids

Nut-free healthy snack ideas for kids...

...that also happen to be free of gluten + dairy!

SHARING TODAY a few of the snacks the kids have been having at school so far this year. They help fill them up without making their blood sugar spike and crash... so these are some good ideas for adults too. ;-)

Are you a snacker or prefer to stick to your 3 meals?

Happy Tuesday,

20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes

20 Healthy Quarantine Recipes

Ok, so I know most of us are technically *not* in quarantine anymore (phew!), but I wanted to (re)share this free recipe e-book in case you missed it last time.

I find around this time of year, many people are home from vacations, getting ready for a new schedule in September, and excited about cooking again (maybe just a little?).

This recipe book is unique in that it focuses on pantry-friendly ingredients that you may normally have on hand or maybe you stocked up on when groceries were a bit tricky to get your hands on.

Regardless, there's lots of great meal and snack ideas and all happen to be gluten and dairy free.


If you make any of these and post them on social, be sure to tag me so I can check it out!

Happy Tuesday,


Healthy Freezer Fudge

Hey there!

Come on in a little closer.  Tell me, do you ever have cravings for chocolate?!

Yeah...most of us do!

A few days ago here in New York, the whole family was 'stuck' at home in a big Spring snowstorm and it was both awesome and HECTIC.  You mamas out there know what I mean!

So, in search of both an activity to do with the kiddos AND a healthy snack that would feel like a complete indulgence for all of us, we gathered together and made Healthy Freezer Fudge...without a recipe.  


This non-recipe "recipe" is sooooo easy and requires only 4 ingredients.  It's pretty hard to mess up.

Watch the video for more details and to get a peak into the hecticness and cuteness I referred to above.  ;-)

Now it's your turn to tell me - what's your go-to snack or dessert when you're stuck in the house all day?


In good health,


Banana Bread ---> grain-free, dairy-free

It's Spring break, Easter, and Passover all this week!  You may need a good dessert that doubles as breakfast and snacks for the kids this week.  It should hold up well in the freezer, be delicious, taste like a treat, and be nourishing to you, your kids, and your guests.  Am-I-right?!?!  

This Banana Bread was born out of the need to use up my mushy bananas.  I already have a freezer stash to use for smoothies and to make 'nice cream', so I wanted to make bread.  For us, it needed to be gluten-free, dairy-free, no refined sugars, full of healthy fat, protein, and fiber.  I'm fueling my busy & active body along with my family's.  And, with the things my toddler says on the regular, let me tell you, her brain is very happy with the kinds of fuel it's been getting!  ;-)  

Example from today:

Magnolia to Jagger:  "Jagger, please stop jumping in your crib.  We worked very hard for that bed and I wouldn't want to have to buy a new one and put it together again."

So, I'm sure your kiddos are just as hilarious - especially when they're getting in that good nutrition!  Leave me a comment and tell me what funny things they've said recently.  

And, make this bread immediately (if there are no egg or nut allergies in the house).  It's a good one to have on hand for a busy & special week like this one.

Banana Bread

(gluten-free, dairy-free)




4 large eggs

4 bananas (ripe or overripe)

½ cup almond butter (sub: peanut butter)

4 T coconut oil, melted (plus extra to grease pan)

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

3/5 cup hazelnut flour (sub: almond flour)

1 T cinnamon

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

½ tsp sea salt





1.    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2.    Combine all wet ingredients in a blender.

3.    Add dry ingredients to blender and mix well.

4.    Grease an 8X8 cake pan (ok to use loaf pan, but cooking times will vary).

5.    Pour batter into pan and bake for 35-45 minutes. (or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean).  Top of bread should be golden-brown and center should be set.

6.    Allow to cool before slicing and serving.