ladies cycles

Period Talk - Planning your life through the lens of your menstrual cycle seasons

Period Talk!

Could you imagine predicting when you'll be most productive, social, sensitive, creative, motivated...?

If you are a menstruating woman with a regular cycle, you may be able to do just that!

Check out this week's Workshop Wednesday video below as I take you through the physical and emotional expectations of all seasons in your cycle and what your strength is for each one.

And if you have ever been confused about the menstrual cycle, then you'll definitely want to catch this video as I break it down with only as much science as you actually need to know. ;-)

This topic is close to my heart. I've studied the menstrual cycle extensively as a women's health RN, but between being on birth control for a while and having PCOS, I did not actually experience regular, ovulatory cycles until this past year or so! And, I'm in my mid-30s!

Be sure to pop into my private Facebook group for the follow-up video + discussion on fitness and nutrition tailored to our menstrual cycle seasons. Why not get an edge on our health and body goals?!

In health + happiness,
