womens health RN

Period Talk - Planning your life through the lens of your menstrual cycle seasons

Period Talk!

Could you imagine predicting when you'll be most productive, social, sensitive, creative, motivated...?

If you are a menstruating woman with a regular cycle, you may be able to do just that!

Check out this week's Workshop Wednesday video below as I take you through the physical and emotional expectations of all seasons in your cycle and what your strength is for each one.

And if you have ever been confused about the menstrual cycle, then you'll definitely want to catch this video as I break it down with only as much science as you actually need to know. ;-)

This topic is close to my heart. I've studied the menstrual cycle extensively as a women's health RN, but between being on birth control for a while and having PCOS, I did not actually experience regular, ovulatory cycles until this past year or so! And, I'm in my mid-30s!

Be sure to pop into my private Facebook group for the follow-up video + discussion on fitness and nutrition tailored to our menstrual cycle seasons. Why not get an edge on our health and body goals?!

In health + happiness,


The scale is making you GAIN weight!

Is the scale making you GAIN weight and excess body fat?

You might be surprised to find out that this is, in fact, what's happening for many people - certainly most of the women I work with and speak to.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video to learn how and why and what you can do instead.

And then, get rid of that dang scale if it is affecting you in this way too!

In good health,


P.S. If you are on a weight loss / fat loss / wellness journey, we should hang out more! Did you know that I share online workshops, recipes, and more tips to help you transform your body + life FOR FREE? Every week?! Join my email list to get in on this and receive a welcome gift immediately! ;-)

Weight Loss is More Than Calories In, Calories Out!

Hey there!

Have you ever experienced weight loss resistance?  You're counting calories, points, macros...and just NOT getting the results you think you should be?

Weight loss tends to be oversimplified most of the time when, in fact, there are A LOT of factors that go into who loses weight, when, how, why, how much, how fast, etc. 

In this video, I talk about 3 things having NOTHING to do with calories that can affect your weight and metabolism and give you clues into where you may want to focus your attention.

Now, if you are liking these videos, consider joining my private Facebook group where I share DAILY content to help those on their weight loss and health journey.  :-)  Yup - daily - for FREE!

Join us now!

In good health,
