functional medicine

The Fasting Way

Fasting is all the rage right now.

In fact, it's been said that "intermittent fasting" is the most common dietary plan in the United States at this time. So, is that a good thing? A bad thing? HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS.

Fasting it over-utilized as a fat loss tool, in my opinion, but underutilized as a health tool. While fat loss can occur if restricting the feeding window leads to less eating overall, many people who do not heal the relationship they have with food, understand how much and what kinds of food their body requires for their goals, and deal with things like emotional eating, etc. will not find much success until they address those things.

Do you purposely extend your natural overnight fasts by tacking on a few extra hours up front and on the back end too?


P.S. Ignore the fact that I got a haircut mid-video but edited the clips together like no time had passed. :-P Ya gotta fit things in when you can, right??

What you should know about the current medical system

*Disclaimer: Under NO circumstances am I saying you *should not* see your doctor.

Now that that's out of the way, let's have an important discussion about the current medical model - what it's really awesome at…and what it isn't so great at.

If you believe that you have a large role in your own health and believe in root causes, holistic care, and preventative medicine, you're going to want to be a part of this conversation.

Check it out here.

The current medical model is a bit like a fixed mindset - you have this set of genes, that family history, the other disease process that will only get progressively worse…

Stop the madness!

If you're more of a growth mindset kinda person (me too!), then getting to the root causes and feeling EMPOWERED that you have a bit of control over the behaviors that improve your health is right up your alley.

Watch / listen to the video right here.

Health + Happiness,

P.S. Have you started taking your health into your own hands? Maybe you upgraded your fitness routine or optimized your nutrition. Maybe you've been eating more green things. Maybe it's sleep or mindset shifts that you're starting with. Whatever it is, CONGRATULATIONS on being proactive. You signed up for my weekly newsletters and that alone tells me that your health is a big priority. Leave a comment below and let me know where you're at so I can offer some personal advice or support. :-)