long island pcos coach

When you screw up on your resolutions (and why it's not exactly when you think)

Hey guys,

The first week of 2020 is coming to a close already!

And for some of you, you've already given up on some of those life-changing resolutions you were so romantic about last week, am I right? Usually that happens when we've set too many goals at the same time or set one goal that was just a bit too unrealistic. 

But maybe you're not a resolution setter. Maybe you're like me - trying to use everyday to progress and challenge yourself to get better. Or maybe you are still going really strong on those goals!

Either way, you will find yourself saying at some point, "I screwed up." And here's what's important to know: You did NOT screw up at that point. But you're about to. Let me explain...

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I share why you did not screw up when you think...and how it's actually foreshadowing that you're likely on the path to actually screwing up. Of course I'm going to tell you how to turn around and NOT screw up, after all. 

I explain a bit about some of the content you can expect more of from me in 2020 in the beginning of the video. Make sure you're following me over on Facebook and Instagram to get all content. I post a lot inside my stories as well, so check those out if you need more healthy information + inspiration (with an occasional dose of cute kiddos). ;-)

I'm always happy to hear from YOU as well... anything in particular that you'd like me to cover this year? Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know. I've got a running list and plan to hit it all, if possible!

Happy New Year!!


Stop Counting Calories! 5 reasons why it's not the exact science that you think it is.

Are you counting calories? Tracking macros? Wondering why it's not working in the long-term?

Counting calories is way off from the exact science that so many people think it is. (More on that in a minute) But besides the inaccuracy, I urge my clients to consider the fact that mental wellness is a huuuuuuge part of overall wellness and anything that's going to make us feel defeated or put the focus outside of our bodies rather than tuning into our bodies is not going to be the best method for fat loss or any other health goals.

Today I'm sharing 5 specific ways in which calorie counting is flawed. Make sure you stay tuned until the end where I answer this question: "Tara, do YOU ever have your clients count calories?" The answer may surprise you.

I'd love to hear more about your history with counting calories or macros. Has it worked? Does it feel doable forever? Or would you like a better way to reach and sustain your goals? Hit 'reply' to this email and let me know!


P.S. While we're on calories, you do know healthified holiday desserts have no calories, right?! ;-) Did you know Smart Cookie, my brand-new e-cookbook with FORTY-TWO healthy dessert recipes (all are gluten-free and dairy-free as well) is available now and for a limited time during this holiday season?

Grab your copy right now! It's never too early to indulge when we're talking about wholesome ingredients and mouth-watering recipes.

And who doesn't need a Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie in their lives right about now?!


Behind the scenes: custom meal planning for my clients

Hey guys,

By the way, are we friends on social yet? I share so much more content, tips, tricks, food concoctions (that's what I call them when I haven't measured anything), and lots more about my personal life and journey over on facebook and instagram. Check out my post from last Thursday (same picture as above) where I shared 10 ways to use your freezer to save you tons of time and money!

Be sure to check out my "stories" each day too. In case you don't know, on both facebook and instagram, stories live inside of my little circular picture and can be seen when you click on said picture. They contain special content that can't be seen on my feed and disappear after 24 hours. You'll know I've posted new content there that you haven't seen yet if there's a glowing halo around my picture.

We really dove deep into meal planning last week! If you are curious about how I create custom meal plans and custom recipe bundles for my clients, check out this video where I take you behind the scenes and even show a sample meal plan!

If you would like me to create a customized meal plan or customized recipe bundle for you, shoot me a quick email and let’s chat! You can find me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Health + gratitude,


Meal Planning: My top 6 tips

Hey guys,

Last week’s theme was meal planning inside of Tara Allen Health. It came as the result of a poll I posted on social about what you guys wanted more help with. You ask, I provide! ;-)

Before you make your next meal plan - or first meal plan - check out my latest video complete with my top 6 tips for meal planning when you’re reaching for a health or body transformation goal.

Health + gratitude,


P.S. Both my kiddos make quite the appearance in this video. If you don’t like noise or chaos, skip this video! :-)

Did you want a free recipe book?

…because I made you a gift and I'd like to give it to you now...

Low Glycemic Anti-Inflammatory Recipes in 30 minutes or Less

That link above, it's a recipe book. And it happens to be gluten free, dairy free, and completely plant-based. Do I think you need to eat that way? NOPE! But these are some of my favs and they work for most people. ;-)

And if you want even MORE plant-based, gluten-free, healthified recipes, you’re gonna want my (also free) 3-Day Meal Plan designed to help balance blood sugar, improve fat loss, and keep those hangry cravings at bay. ;-) I gotcha covered! Here’s that meal plan!

In health + gratitude,


My Fall 2019 Immunity Plan

Hey guys,

Do you hear it yet?

{{Cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze, sniffle, sniffle}}

It's upon us, folks. The cold and flu season likes to pop in on us this time every year (which feels very unfair as we're still falling pray to mosquitos around here)!

A few weeks back, I did a poll on my Instagram and Facebook pages to find out if you'd want me to share the immunity plan I jotted down for myself for this season. Since there was a lot of interest, I decided to record a Workshop Wednesday video all about it.

Many of the things I'm doing are things you'd expect (Vitamin C, for example). But some are a bit more unusual because....well, because I'm a wacky biohacking type. ;-)


Do you have an immunity plan for yourself or your family? As I mentioned in the video, the most important thing to consider when creating your plan is that it's realistic and manageable. Anything that will cause you more stress will be counterproductive here. High stress = Low Immunity

Important to note: We all get sick sometimes! Catching a cold does not mean that your immunity plan isn't working. Maybe you would have gotten sick more often...or for longer...or with worse symptoms? Just like with anything in your health journey, I recommend focusing on what you can do rather than the things out of your control.

In health + happiness,

Are you tired of the weekday restriction / weekend indulgence cycle?

Happy Monday!

Or should I say, "Happy 3.5 days until it's weekend mode"?!

If you're like many of the ladies I talk to, you might find yourself stuck in a weekday restriction / weekend indulgence cycle.

This is you if you recommit to a "plan" every Monday that's unmanageable enough to have you breaking up with said plan by week's end. Then one happy hour, a baby shower, and a big Sunday dinner leaves you feeling bloated and unhappy with your affinity to overdue it every. single. weekend.

Or maybe you're experiencing shorter cycles - daily cycles. You restrict most of the day only to find yourself out of control by the time the sun goes down.

There are many reasons for this happening and, thankfully, many tools we can put in place to be able to take back control. Side note: make sure you're popping inside my Facebook group, Healthy, Fit, & Strong with Tara Allen Health often so you don't miss any of these tools!

For today's purpose, I want to focus on one, important tool…MODERATION.

Moderation is a word we hear tossed around all the time and often think it's for those of us who are already at our goals, right? Like, can you possibly practice moderation AND STILL make more progress?


In fact, you'll be making it much easier to reach your goals if you practice moderation.

Moderation in this case means allowing some "fun foods" into the mix on any day that ends in a "y" if you feel like it.

Moderation means no foods are off limits (unless, of course, it's an allergy or sensitivity that will make you feel like garbage - totally not worth it).

But just because something might be higher in calories, or more rich, or higher in carbs…it doesn't mean it should be shunned Monday through Thursday only for you to be left pining for it come Friday night. I see you chocolate, wine, chips and dip, ice cream...

Is there a way you can nourish your body and also allow a little flexibility for some things that you really enjoy?

If this is something you struggle with, you're like 90% of the people I know. ;-) Leave a comment below and let me know. I'd love to help you get to a place where you're not just comfortable with moderation, but you enjoy it and thrive with it.

In health + happiness,

Fat loss is just ONE reason to optimize health...and not even the best one.

There are a million reasons to optimize your health…and fat loss is just one.

"But Tara, aren't you really into body love and body positivity and body neutrality…?"


"But Tara, are you saying it's ok to want to lose excess body fat too?"


"Ummm…is that confusing?"

Nope! I mean, typing this email in the third person in hopes that it's as entertaining to you as it is to me right now is a little confusing. But fully embracing body love / positivity / neutrality alongside believing wholeheartedly that we all have the right to choose whatever goals we want to work on for ourselves? That's not confusing to me in the least!

If you want to hear 12 minutes of my thoughts on the topic, check out this recent video.

Or, just understand that fat loss is just one of many reasons to optimize health. Fat loss is not particularly motivating either in the long-run. So, if you want to stay in the game for a while, you may want to consider chasing some additional goals. I just saved you the 12 minutes. You're welcome. :-D

If you fall in the camp of women that do have fat loss as a goal, but also would like to focus on feeling better, improving your energy, and living long enough to watch your grandkids drive your own kiddos crazy, leave me a comment. Tell me your goals. The simple act of writing them out and sharing them with someone (me!) will help you to get started.



What you should know about the current medical system

*Disclaimer: Under NO circumstances am I saying you *should not* see your doctor.

Now that that's out of the way, let's have an important discussion about the current medical model - what it's really awesome at…and what it isn't so great at.

If you believe that you have a large role in your own health and believe in root causes, holistic care, and preventative medicine, you're going to want to be a part of this conversation.

Check it out here.

The current medical model is a bit like a fixed mindset - you have this set of genes, that family history, the other disease process that will only get progressively worse…

Stop the madness!

If you're more of a growth mindset kinda person (me too!), then getting to the root causes and feeling EMPOWERED that you have a bit of control over the behaviors that improve your health is right up your alley.

Watch / listen to the video right here.

Health + Happiness,

P.S. Have you started taking your health into your own hands? Maybe you upgraded your fitness routine or optimized your nutrition. Maybe you've been eating more green things. Maybe it's sleep or mindset shifts that you're starting with. Whatever it is, CONGRATULATIONS on being proactive. You signed up for my weekly newsletters and that alone tells me that your health is a big priority. Leave a comment below and let me know where you're at so I can offer some personal advice or support. :-)

Monkey Salad

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Have you ever heard of Monkey Salad before? It’s a cute name for a fun fruit-and-nut salad that contains bananas.

We just saw the Curious George movie recently, so I have bananas on my mind. :-)

This makes a great snack or dessert when your sweet tooth is strong. Kids really love it too! The best part is that you can customize it to suit whatever you have on hand or individual allergies.

Swap out the nuts, change the fruits, experiment with different nut or seed butters … it’s all good (and delicious!).

Monkey Salad

1 banana, sliced
½ cup of berries or sliced apple
¼ cup cashews, pecans, walnuts or almonds
1 tbsp almond or other nut butter
(optional) 2 tbsp coconut flakes
(optional) Sprinkling of sea salt
(optional) Drizzle of honey

Put all of the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

In good health,

P.S. I have just a few spots left to test out a NEW online weight loss program I created. This is a chance to get your healthy weight loss transformation for a lot less money! If you believe that diets aren't the answer, that healthy change involves nutrition, moderation, real life, fitness, lifestyle upgrades, and a new way of thinking (to match the sweet, smart warrior you are), then you're going to LOVE this opportunity!

If you are ready to prioritize your health with 15-20 minutes a day and $97 a month (for EVERYthing - nutrition, fitness, lifestyle habit upgrades, and mindset rewiring), reply to this email and let me know. I'll share more details and we can hop on a call to chat about it along with your goals.

This opportunity is just for a few more ladies willing to take a leap! I will then be closing enrollment for a while as I work with this current group.

If you were looking for a sign, this is it. Email me now. ;-)

Your Type A-ness is interfering with your results

Are you a ‘control freak’?

I am too! Well, trying hard to let go a bit, but it’s definitely a part of my personality. And just in case it’s a part of yours, too, I wanted to share why you may be finding that you’re successful in other areas of your life - career, family, business, relationships - but can’t seem to figure out how to hack your way into the health or body goals you have set for yourself.

That’s why I recorded a live workshop video for you on exactly this topic. And as always, I share in the video what you can do about it; how to learn to work WITH your personality type. ;-)

In good health,


Microwaveable Paleo / Keto Bread Recipe and Demo

You can make bread - from scratch - in 3 minutes using your microwave.


It almost seems impossible, doesn't it? Now, I know what you may be thinking.  "Tara, isn't the microwave unhealthy?" Yes, sort of.  Studies have shown that some nutrients are depleted when using the microwave to heat up or cook food.  So, as an everyday thing, I wouldn't suggest this cooking method. Here's where the 'sort of' comes into play.  If you make this bread instead of heading out to pick up your Wonderbread (or other bread that lives in the middle aisles of the grocery store), then this is definitely the healthier option!! 

If I'm being real with you - and I always am - I do use my microwave sometimes. This bread recipe would come out great in the oven too!  I just haven't nailed down the temperature and timing of it yet. If you end up trying it and want to save me some recipe-testing time, I'd love you to reply and let me know what worked for you.  ;-)

For now, I knew this one was too good not to share.  I've already had a few messages from people who saw the recipe when I first posted it on social media last week.  They're loving how easy and versatile it is!  Not only is it versatile in use (sandwiches, toasted with butter or coconut oil, cut into squares and served as a dinner side dish…) but it also happens to be paleo, keto, and vegetarian-friendly.  With just a few net carbs per serving, it's a great choice for someone that needs low-glycemic.

IF videos that make you sea sick...filled with cute toddlers, runny noses, and a lot of whining is your thing, you're definitely going to wanna check out this video demo that I did LIVE with my son, Jagger, when he was home sick from school.

If you're like, "Tara, just give me the freakin' recipe please.", then check out this pretty PDF that you can print.  It contains the nutrition facts as well!

'Til next time...

In good health,

P.S. If you are enjoying these recipes, make sure you join my private Facebook group, Lean In with Tara Allen Health, where there is a very large - and growing! - database of healthified recipes.  :-)