
My Fall 2019 Immunity Plan

Hey guys,

Do you hear it yet?

{{Cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze, sniffle, sniffle}}

It's upon us, folks. The cold and flu season likes to pop in on us this time every year (which feels very unfair as we're still falling pray to mosquitos around here)!

A few weeks back, I did a poll on my Instagram and Facebook pages to find out if you'd want me to share the immunity plan I jotted down for myself for this season. Since there was a lot of interest, I decided to record a Workshop Wednesday video all about it.

Many of the things I'm doing are things you'd expect (Vitamin C, for example). But some are a bit more unusual because....well, because I'm a wacky biohacking type. ;-)


Do you have an immunity plan for yourself or your family? As I mentioned in the video, the most important thing to consider when creating your plan is that it's realistic and manageable. Anything that will cause you more stress will be counterproductive here. High stress = Low Immunity

Important to note: We all get sick sometimes! Catching a cold does not mean that your immunity plan isn't working. Maybe you would have gotten sick more often...or for longer...or with worse symptoms? Just like with anything in your health journey, I recommend focusing on what you can do rather than the things out of your control.

In health + happiness,