long island fitness

Free Cookie Collection Inside!

Smart Cookies, Healthier Holidays: Your FREE recipe collection + 84 delicious holiday treats

I write these blogs in advance so for what it's worth, it's National Cookie Day right now, as I type. Perfect!

Let's see how many times can I say the word free? I made a FREE cookie recipe collection to share with you today with some baking options for that Cookie Exchange or hostess gift. It's made with real food and while still a treat, they're more nutrient-packed and lower glycemic yet tasty treats.

You can download that FREE collection right here.

If you're ready to dive deeper into healthy baking and no bake options, my Smart Cookie e-cookbook is your perfect companion. With 84 amazing dessert recipes, you'll discover new ways to enjoy seasonal favorites and year-round treats made with wholesome ingredients. They all happen to be free of gluten and dairy and there's something for everyone -- cookies, pie, no bake, stovetop, brownies, cupcakes, hot chocolate, keto, paleo, pumpkin, chocolate, hazelnut, apple, gingerbread, peanut butter, fudge. I mean, take your pick! This e-cookbook will only be available through the holidays, so a couple more weeks before it heads to the archives.

Get your copy of Smart Cookie now

May your holidays be bright and your cookies just right!

Your fav. wellness elf,

P.S. Need help reaching your fat loss, muscle building, and / or health optimization goals? Let’s team up!

  • 1:1 Coaching for a highly tailored, deep dive approach that works for you.

  • Transform: Body and Mind – A complete, holistic transformation for lasting results.

  • Jumpstart – A budget-friendly, self-paced mini course to get you on the right track. Let’s make 2025 your healthiest year yet!

P.P.S. Five. If you include the title of this blog, I said "free" 5 times (now six).

The Big 10

"My metabolism hurts!"

What if we said that? It would certainly help us get to the root of the issue, wouldn't it? This kind of reminds me of this religious saying that I'm going to butcher here because I'm paraphrasing but let's try ...

A man gets caught in torrential rains. His house is flooding and things are looking grim. He prays to God to help him. A man in a rowboat comes by and yells for him to get in. "No thanks", he says, "God will help me." The rowboat continues on. A motorized boat comes by next. "Jump in. I can get you out of here right away." "No thanks. God will save me." The motorboat passes. Next, a helicopter flies by with a rope dangling, asking the man to hold on tight. "No thanks. I've prayed to God and I'm waiting." The man dies and goes to Heaven. He says, "God, I believed in you and you let me die. What happened?" God says, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more did you expect?!"

I share that story because it reminds me a bit about how many people feel about their bodies, as well. Typically, before we are diagnosed with chronic disease, there were signs and / or symptoms. And when we understand a bit about how our body works, we can recognize those signs and symptoms as being helpful messengers sent to save us and often turn things around.

We say our knee hurts when we've injured it.
We said our head hurts when we have a migraine.
But we never say our metabolism hurts. Yet, we can assume our metabolism IS hurting if we have any of the following....

Excess body fat
Elevated fasting blood sugar
Elevated HgBA1C
High blood pressure
Elevated insulin
Elevated triglycerides
Large waist circumference
Elevated triglycerides-to-HDL ratio
Elevated CRP or uric acid
Get "hangry"
Hunger and fullness signals out of whack (for some it's low hunger and for others it's excessive or insidious hunger)
Mood disorders and certain other brain metabolic issues (most behavioral / "psych" disorders have a link here)
Brain fog
Reduced muscle mass
Energy crashes

The most recent research tells us only 6.8% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy. And unfortunately, that's using pretty lenient ranges of what they consider normal. In other words, some of those 6.8% still have lab values that are concerning and will likely to lead to eventual disease if unchanged. If we looked at more optimal ranges, ranges that aren't concerning, I suspect that number to be closer to 1-2% of American adults.

I never pour this much time and attention into things out of our control. That feels like a terrible waste of time. The reason I share about these topics so often is because it is largely in our control. Despite genetics and certain things we can't necessarily control like certain environmental toxins, the VAST majority of our metabolic health is on our own shoulders. It's our responsibility. It can worsen at any time. And it can improve -- usually by A LOT -- at any time. The choice is ours. But first we have to recognize if it's even a problem.

If you're in the 6.8% of American adults considered metabolically healthy (or an estimated 1-2% in the optimal ranges as I discussed more about the criteria here), amazing! My guess is you put considerable time and effort into your health. Optimal health doesn't just happen. Keep going!

But if you're part of the 93.2% (or more like 98 - 99% not yet in "optimal" ranges), you can take steps towards reversing metabolic damage right now, today!

It's everything we talk about each week in my newsletter and what I share about everyday on my feed and in stories on instagram. I will continue bringing you tools, resources, tips, tricks, recipes, workouts, mindset strategies and everything in between. And before this blog gets too long, let me share this list:

Stress / fear / joy / radical acceptance
Purpose + connection

These are what I call, "The Big 10". The 10 buckets we can each dig through and uplevel, little-by-little. When we get these buckets mostly right most of the time (perfection isn't a thing, nor is it necessary), we get our metabolic health in order. When we have a lot off with these buckets over time, we usually notice one or many of the symptoms and signs of metabolic disease.

What if you need help? You don't know where to start? Or you feel like you're trying things and doing things and not getting the results you want? This is common! The information that's 'out there' and being shared by most healthcare practitioners, blogs and social media accounts is terribly outdated and problematic. If you can, I hope you'll join us for this May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. It's my 28-day metabolism course. We're getting to the root of metabolic dysfunction to improve health and achieve fat loss goals by tackling all of the buckets above in great detail and with a doable plan and all the help + guidance you need. Tomorrow is the last day to join. You get access Thursday. We start Monday. I'd love to help you. <3

If you can't join us for this round, stay with me here. My goal is to help as many people as I can regardless of whether we ever get to officially work together or not. I will keep the help coming via free avenues as well. Your metabolic health will shape the quality of your life. It's that important! 


P.S. Below -- people hardly ever notice "just" fat loss. There are typically improvements in energy, lab work, diseases, health markers and / or symptoms too. All of those signs and symptoms tell us something is off within the way the cell is powered up. This is metabolic dysfunction. When we get to the root of the metabolic dysfunction, all kinds of seemingly 'random' things start to improve. No promises ever because everyone is different, but if you decide to join us, I can't wait to hear what you notice in your own body!

Willpower is NOT your issue

Imagine hearing that willpower was never an issue for you ... all of these years??

Well, that's what I'm about to tell you. I know we got into willpower a little a couple of weeks ago, but I want to tackle it head-on today and from a different angle.

Maybe you don't have an issue with willpower. Maybe you are super Type A / perfectionist or just really able to follow a plan and never deviate (but you're still not happy with your results and that's for entirely different reasons that I'll cover in a future newsletter).

But if you have ever found yourself feeling like you are just weak in the presence of your favorite foods, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. Well, it's just my talking head so you can actually pop some headphones on and just listen to it like a 21-minute podcast during your morning sun walk. ;-)

It's not willpower, it's biology. But when your biology is out of whack and you add a ton of stress + heavy emotions or just a mindset that's been corrupted by diet culture, you get this perfect storm that feels a whollllllle lot like a lack of willpower.

If you're having trouble starting the day with the type of breakfast that I describe in the video, try one of these smoothies while we're still in the thick of summer. Before long it'll all be apple cinnamon this and pumpkin that -- which I, personally, don't mind. ;-)

If you'll be joining us for the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, write down these dates: August 31st is when the cart will be open to sign up. You'll get access to the course app + materials on September 8th. And September 12th is when we officially begin. Make sure you're on the waitlist if you're interested to reserve your spot and to get a discount code when the cart opens.


Party-It-Up Recipe Collection

It's the Thursday after a holiday weekend...

At least if you're in the U.S., it is. I wanted to get this out to you before the holiday weekend, but I couldn't quite get it ready in time. (Did you hear? TRANSFORM: Body + Mind pre-launch group just wrapped up their first week of the 28-day course and it's been INCREDIBLE so far! Follow along in stories on the 'gram for behind-the-scenes.)

Anyway, since I know you and you're not a 1-and-done kinda partier, I have confidence that you'll put these recipes to good use throughout the rest of the season. ;-)

I present to you ... The Summer '22 Party-It-Up Recipe Collection.


P.S. I think you need to be on my newsletter list. You can do that RIGHT HERE.

Food / products I'm loving

10 food / products I love and use all the time...

These products have been on repeat for me so I figured I'd share in case you need them in your life too. Since I get paid NADA to talk about these, I get to share both the pros AND cons. And I'm about to. ;-)

1) Relyte. Full disclosure: This canister pictured was a free gift from the company (so sweet!), but I love it so much I will be a customer for sure. In fact, I have "order relyte" on my To Do list as we speak 'cause I'm running low. I use about 1/2 scoop - 1 scoop of this electrolyte powder most days spread out into a couple of my bottles of water if it's not a particularly sweaty day. I'll use 1-2 scoops spread out if it IS (like after the sauna). Our bodies are electric -- boogie woogie woogie woogie -- and require these minerals to hydrate optimally. Just because you're drinking a ton and peeing a ton does not mean you're hydrating optimally. It might just be mostly going through you! I love the taste of this one and the only downside for me is thata it requires more of a vigorous shake to get it to dissolve in the water than a few other brands I've tried. Worth it though!

2) Raw Rev glo bars have been a long time friend of mine, as you may know. Sure, it's processed, butt it's less processed than 95% of the other cr*p on the market with ingredients you can identify and a balance that's incredibly rare to find in a bar. Each one contains 15g protein, 14g fiber, 11g fat, and 3g net carbs. It's perfect for a quick afternoon snack or can be paired with some raw veggies, hummus, and an apple for a complete meal-on-the-go. I've done that countless times ... beach days alone with the kiddos require quick fuel!) Warning ... their other flavors are higher in sugar and lower in protein, so stick with Creamy Peanut Butter & Sea Salt if ya can.

3) GimMe Organic seaweed is great as a vegetable 'on the go' or as a side kick to a meal at home. They're salty, delicious, and high in iodine (great for me and my thyroid health as I used to be very low in iodine). Warning ... some of their products use inflammatory industrial seed oils like canola, sunflower, or safflower. They do now make the seaweed with olive oil or avocado oil, but you have to intentionally choose that one.

4) Organifi Glow is a fav. of mine and is finally back in stock (it's a seasonal thing). It's a powder to add to water, contains collagen precursors and tastes delicious! It's a very subtle taste, so it works well paired up with the Relyte electrolytes I mentioned above as a tasty and hydrating drink.

5) Athletic Greens. This is often mistaken as a protein powder (it's not) or a greens powder (that's only a tiny part of it). It's actually a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, and probiotic in one. It's quite pricey and only available through a subscription, so definitely not a good option for everyone. For me personally, it condenses a lot of the supplements I was already taking, so it's actually saving me money. I mix one scoop in lemon water and drink it up usually right before my breakfast.

6) Simple Mills almond flour crackers. We LOVE these crackers. They are still mostly a carb, but contain less net carbs and more fiber and protein than most other crackers. Perfect for a snack, as part of a picnic-style lunch, or crumbled up and added to the top of soup or salads for some crunch.

7) Banza pizza crust. Just like the pasta (which we also consume frequently), this crust is made from chickpeas and is a lot higher in protein and fiber than most other crusts. The oil used is olive oil rather than industrial seeds oils (a rarity in pre-packaged food) and it tastes great! We usually add tomato sauce and toppings of choice for a fun, quick, and usually way too messy 'make your own pizza' night.

8) Cappellos sweet potato gnocchi. OMG ... YUM! My daughter requests this once a week lately and my taste buds are happy she does. These gnocchi are gluten and dairy free and make from almond flour. They're very high in carbs, so make sure you're aware of your portion sizes and keep yourself off of the blood sugar rollercoaster by not consuming too much of this at once ... enjoy alongside some other food like a big salad with protein. We like to add the cooked gnocchi to a super fast sauce we make of olive oil, rosemary, cinnamon, and sea salt. It's really perfect. 

9) Organifi Gold. This powder is full of adaptogens and anti-oxidants like turmeric and tastes delicious in some steamed milk as a 'golden milk latte. Enjoy it as a nightcap on a cold night or make ahead and put in the fridge for a delicious iced version the next day.

10) Truvani protein powder. (Not pictured b/c my recent order is currently lost in Milwaukee, apparently.) I can't speak to the taste because I've come to learn I'm not nearly as picky about the taste / texture of protein powders as many of you are. Haha! I have my things, but protein powder isn't one of 'em, I guess. But what I love most about this brand is that it's one of the cleanest plant-based powders out there. Just a few basic ingredients. Nothing artificial or extra. Gets the job done. 

What do all of these products have in common? THEY ARE EXPENSIVE! So I understand this list is not even applicable for many people, but even if 1 or 2 of these products pique your interest or fill a gap in your needs, then typing this out was worth it.

Hope you're having a great start to your week!


Ever feel deprived?

Have you ever felt deprived around food?

HERE'S THE REASON ... and how to start to move away from feeling that way so you can get on with your merry self and goals. :-)

As always, if you are in need of some help, simply hit "reply" to this email and let me know where you're struggling.

Happy day,

Brain "reps"

What are "brain reps"?

Most people understand that in order to getting stronger physically, they will need to put in some work. Or, do the reps. No one is walking around saying they were born with a certain amount of strength and they can't improve it. That's silly, right?! We *know* strength can be improved in proportion to the amount you are challenging your muscles.

So why is it that many people think their mindset is fixed? Many people believe they were born with a low tolerance to be able to handle stress or a glass-half-empty attitude. But that's simply an underworked mind. Our mental and emotional strength + resilience will improve with 'more reps' just like our muscles do.

CHECK OUT THE LATEST VIDEO here (and please excuse the mention of Monday as this was recorded and shared with social media prior).

Why is this incredibly important? Well without mental and emotional strength + resilience, you will find yourself falling victim to any and all excuses, giving up easily, waiting for. motivation to show up, annoyed by the littlest things, seeking out vices (like extra food, alcohol, staying up too late) in an attempt to self-soothe, etc. Powerful stuff, right? It's the reason I focus so much on the the mindset piece with my clients. It's simply not addressed out there with other programs or coaches and it's why other things don't 'stick'.

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear 'em!

Happy day,

Controlling ONLY the controllable

Here's the biggest mistake I see people make on their health journey...

They focus on trying to control that which they can't, and hardly spend time controlling that which they CAN!

For example, no one can control what the scale will say and when. No one can control how your body will look at various stages of the process. And you certainly cannot control every bit of your moods, emotions, or motivation.

But that's totallyyyyyyy fine. Ya know why? Because those aren't the things that move the needle anyway. Stay in your lane, control ONLY what is controllable, and you'll get the results you are after.

CHECK OUT THE VIDEO below for more.

Hope you're having a great start to your week!


Coaching demo!

Tara + "Sara" ... a coaching conversation.

Today, "we" are demonstrating the S.T.E.A.R. Cycle that we chatted about in last week's newsletter. Don't worry if you don't know what I'm talking about -- I give a quick recap in THIS WEEK'S VIDEO.

Any questions? Want to run through a cycle or 2 with me as a sounding board? I'm here! Leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com :-)

Enjoy the day,

Your metabolism isn't broken!

Your metabolism isn't broken...or too slow.

You see, your metabolism is ALWAYS exactly what it needs to be. It's a survival thing. So if you don't require much fuel before you'd start to store it as excess fat, there's a reason for that.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO if you've ever believed that your metabolism was broken... or even a little disheveled.

Questions? Comments? Need some help or guidance? I'm a simple email reply away. ;-)

Happy day,


2021, here we are!

Happy New Year!

2021 is here. Finally, right? But of course we won't get anything different by having the same habits.

If you're a list person like I am, you might already have a list of goals written down. Or maybe it's simply a word of the year. Maybe it's a certain feeling you're after ... gratitude / contentment. Regardless, if we take these intentions one step further we can set ourselves up for much better odds at accomplishing what we've set out to accomplish!

WATCH THIS 49-second video for more. :-)

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year!


P.S. If you need help with your health / nutrition / fitness / healthy lifestyle goals, I'm here. It's exactly what I do and if you're willing to trust the process, I'm excited to help you finally get those lasting results you've been seeking for what seems like forever. No quick fixes. No 'diets'. No ridiculous restrictions, detox teas, or meal plans you must follow. Just a ridiculous amount of support, guidance, accountability... and a customized nutrition + fitness plan just for you.

Sound good? Are you willing and able to invest time and money into your health optimization? I can't imagine investing into anything better!! Our health, energy, moods, and productivity gained will help us achieve and enjoy every other aspect of life. But without health, it's tricky to find a work-around. Let's start where it matters MOST.

Here's some information about my 1-on-1, virtual coaching program (including before and afters and pricing).

IF you've read that and it all looks good, schedule your free call right here so we can chat and make sure it's the right fit.

2021 is the year you gain control back and feel vibrant and sexy! I mean, why not?!

Nutrition Plan vs. Meal Plan

Which one is better? Nutrition Plan or Meal Plan?

Well, it depends on how you define better.

I define better as something that is sustainable and allows you to live the lifestyle that makes you happy and makes you SHINE at the same time.

And if that's the case, then THIS VIDEO tells you exactly how I do it with my clients and why. 

They each have their place, but by in large, nutrition plans that teach you to honor your body, your health, and a flexible / delicious lifestyle is the one I stand by.

Questions? Ready to learn more? Email me and let’s chat! Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com


Will your results be sticking by your side, or.....?

Believe it or not, there's a question you can ask yourself that will give you a really good idea of whether the results you're working on will end up sticking around or will be fleeting like times in the past.

<<< CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to learn what the question is and why it's so eye-opening! >>>

Do you have an instagram account yet? I'm not exactly an early adopter with social media, but I have been loving instagram for the way in which I can share so many things for FREE with everyone. FULL, daily workouts, lots of recipes and food prep ideas, fat loss tips, muscle-building tips, motherhood shenanigans, etc. And did you know there's a 'save' feature? Lots of people use this to save certain workout posts that they know they'll want to come back to in the future. It's like having your own little folder tucked away! Do I sound like an instagram ad yet? HAHA! Just my favorite way to share stuff with you guys lately since I don't want to pop into your inbox everyday. If you come visit me, make sure you say hello!


Does your reason matter when it comes to weight loss?

I had this client once, I'll call her "Mary". Mary was really excited to be starting fresh on her health journey after years of feeling out of control with food. She tried all the diets and they all ended the same way for her - with a week-long binge after all that restriction. Mary found my instagram page after seeing a comment of mine on a mutual friend's post. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

But anyway.... Mary told me more about her story on her initial phone consultation. She mentioned that she had a certain, specific weight loss goal in mind. In fact, she told me that she weighed herself every morning despite the fact that it usually ruined her day. When I dug in there a bit, we discovered that by focusing on the scale weight, even normal day-to-day fluctuations would derail her progress. If the scale hadn't moved (or went up), she often moped around for the rest of the day. She made very different food choices because of her frustration and lack of self-confidence for the rest of the day.

Thankfully Mary became a client and agreed to slowly shift her focus away from the scale and onto her bigger goals: feeling athletic again and having more energy to get her through the day. Why was that the thing that changed Mary's trajectory? Well, they had nothing to do with the scale. The scale could be up, down, the same, or in the garbage and as long as she was focused on "feeling like an athlete again" (her words) and taking actions that brought her better energy, then she had something to keep her going.

Is this something that might help you? CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO for more!

I'm here if you need me.


Your muscles or your life?

What's your choice -- strong, fit, healthy body and energy... or a long life?

I know. I don't wanna make that choice either! Luckily there are ways that science tells us we can achieve both, even though these goals can be considered at odds with one another, traditionally.

IN THIS VIDEO I chat about why they are at odds with one another and what I'm currently doing to chase both goals. I hope you'll learn something, but more importantly, I hope you'll find excitement in all the cutting edge research that's being done telling us -- in greater detail -- how we can take our health into our own hands.

The video happened live last week, but the offer still stands. Any questions? Anything you'd like to chat about? I'm a quick email away. Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy Monday!



Goodbye, curves!?

Bye bye, curves!? 

At least that's what she was afraid of when she asked me whether or not she's lose her shape as her fat loss journey continued.

Is there some truth to that? Yup! But there is also a bit that's in your control. CHECK OUT THIS QUICK (6 min.) VIDEO for all the curves + fat loss details.

Is this something you're concerned about as well? Let's chat about it so you feel more confident about your strategy. Shoot me an email - tara@taraallenhealth.com - to get right into my inbox. :-)

Happy day,

You cannot control the scale. Here's the work-around. ;-)

You have no control over the number on the scale.

Let's just get that disappointing fact out of the way. You can do everything according to plan and wake up to a higher number. You can go off the rails and wake up to a lower number. There will always be fluctuations that are very much out of our control - water retention, sodium levels, hormones, bathroom habits... there are many outside factors!

So, when we focus on something that is not exactly in our control, we get frustrated. We try to control it more only to realize that no matter what, weight loss goals OR weight gain goals will never be a linear process. The frustration and feeling of being out of control messes with our head and ultimately leads to us throwing in the towel. Why strive for something we're not able to control anyway, right? Ugh! 

But there is a better way. ;-)

We DO have control over our consistency. We should be tracking our consistency with precision and laser-focus. Here's how it works: you have ONE nutrition and fitness goal for each day. They need to be things you can easily say you either did or did not do at the end of the day. Then, you track whether or not you did those things each day.

That's it! Not bad, right? Grab a journal, notebook, wall calendar, or use your phone. Simply circle the days you hit both goals and mark an 'x' for the ones you. missed one or both of the goals. Looking back, you should have at least 80% consistency. If you are at least 80% consistent and patient (you wait at least 4-6 weeks), you will absolutely notice results if your plan is a good one.

Rinse and repeat. Tweak as necessary. Enjoy your newfound freedom and confidence from finally reaching those health + body goals. ;-)

Enjoy your week!

P.S. Do you need help with a customized plan so you know exactly what to be working on? Might you benefit from having accountability from a coach to help you stay on track and be consistent? That's what I do! I help clients (virtually) with health, nutrition, and fitness. It's an all-in-one program and is completely customized to your needs and your goals. I've had many new clients start with me since quarantine started because they tell me they are more conscious of their health and have no more excuses since they can workout at home and don't have the usual temptation of driving by the fast food places anymore. If you are ready to start feeling confident, fit, strong, and vibrant by summer, I'm ready to help! I've shifted things a bit and am opening up a handful of new 1-on-1 coaching opportunities for this month.

Learn more about the program here.

Then, schedule your (free) 15-minute consultation here.

Can't wait to speak with you and help you achieve those goals that you've had for so long!


Unprecedented Times...

We are all going through an interesting time right now.

We have watched the world change - practically overnight.  

At this point, you’ve likely received an email from every email list you are on about how said company is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. You’ve likely already heard more about social distancing, hand washing, quarantine, and stocking your house than you care to think about.  

I am not here for that right now. I am here to say that my goal is to build healthy communities and help those all around me.  That is the goal of my health / nutrition / fitness coaching practice, that is the goal of this newsletter, and that is the goal of my social media accounts. 

We are all going through the journey together - even if each of our situations are different - and we need to be able to rely on one another to be there in good and in tough times.  And from the look of it, we may be in for some tricky times ahead. Schools are closing, events are getting cancelled, businesses are reducing hours, and people are being encouraged to stay and work from home as much as possible.  

I believe that these measures are the best possible way to protect our communities in these times, and I also believe that these actions may very well take a toll on us… and that can come in the form of stress. Stress about not being able to find toilet paper, stress about money, stress about how to entertain & educate kids who are temporarily out of school, stress about how to get work done from home, stress about getting ill, etc.

I am not a doctor, so I would not dare give you medical advice. However, it is a no secret that a healthy immune system, robust stress coping skills, and intentional recovery are critical factors in maintaining wellness.

It is as important as ever to keep our immune systems strong and I believe that this starts with nourishing and moving our bodies regularly.  To support you in this goal, I’m going to be sharing a lot on social media about how to make the most out of what’s in the fridge to cook healthy, well-rounded, and easy meals. I will also be sharing plenty of home workout ideas that can be done with minimal equipment so that you can stay active on a consistent basis. I often do bonus Q&As and post lots more in my stories, so be sure to hang out with me there too - not just on 'my feed'. If this sounds like something you'd like to check out, make sure you give the accounts at the bottom of this email a look.    

I am here for you! If you need help, advice, or just to chat… you can leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Stay well!


What happened on social media:

Workshop Wednesday video - maintaining a calorie deficit for fat loss WITHOUT actually counting calories.

My PCOS story

A cool way to get kids to eat their veggies

Working out with toys (again)

Fresh Air and Sunshine more important than ever

Home Glute Workout

P.S. One of the most important things for us to do right now is to understand that social distancing doesn't have to mean social isolation. We are social creatures! And thankfully, we have the use of technology to help bring us together in a safe way during the next few weeks or months. Come join my Facebook community of over 800 awesome people from around the country (and world!) as we continue to share healthy recipes, weekly challenges, workouts, tips....and as we introduce discussions on relevant topics such how to stock up our pantry and fridge during these times, and easy, cheap, and healthy meals to feed the family.

Healthy, Fit, & Strong with Tara Allen Health

Sugar Cravings: 6 possible reasons and tips for each

Ever wonder where your SUGAR CRAVINGS come from?

Let me share the 6 most common reasons for them ... and, because that would be no fun to end it there... tips for dealing with each one.


Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video where I get into all the details on my instagram or facebook page. Couldn't upload the video this week...tech issues. But it's still hanging out on social if you prefer to watch and/or want more details.

1) Sugar rollercoaster. This is you if you have any blood sugar regulation issues such as PCOS, prediabetes, insulin resistance, or you just find yourself getting hangry often and not able to last too long between meals. 

Tips: Reduce sugar and refined carbs (like most bread, crackers, chips, pastries, etc.). Make sure your meals are balanced with plenty of protein, healthy fat, fiber, and vegetables. This will help elongate your blood sugar curve and prevent so many spikes and crashes. Also, don't forget to incorporate regular resistance / strength training into your days. Challenging your muscles turns them into sponges to soak up sugar out of the blood (preventing the spikes) and utilize them as fuel. You are making more room for the sugar and carbs, essentially. You can use weights, resistance bands, machines, or simply your own body weight to exercise. 

2) Lack of sleep. This interferes with hormones and hunger / cravings.

Tip: Prioritize both the amount AND the quality of your sleep. If you have young children at home that wake up in the middle of the night, make sure you are doing what you can...such as getting to bed earlier. More broken sleep is better than less.

3) Calories are too low. This could be your average being way too low and causing your body to scream for food by turning up your hunger and cravings...or, you're too low during the week and binging on the weekend. This is you if you think you 'hardly eat anything' but are not actually losing body fat. If you're not losing body fat, you are NOT in an energy deficit when days are averaged out. 

Tip: You do not need to count calories, but you do need to know that calories count. If fat loss is a goal, you need a low-moderate energy deficit. Not enough of a deficit? You won't make progress. Too much of a deficit? You body's survival skills (including increasing your appetite and cravings) will kick in and take over. 

4) Hormonal. Where are my menstruating women at? Have you ever craved sugar before that time of the month? I certainly have!

Tip: Allow yourself a smaller portion of a higher-quality treat, such as chocolate, if you'd like. Aim for no refined sugar or lower sugar options (such as very dark chocolate).

5) Habit. This is you if you want something sweet every night after dinner or every time you go to the movies, etc.

Tips: Swap the food for something else. Distract yourself. And delay your gratification by waiting at least 10 minutes between when your brain requests the treat and when you 'give in'. This will slowly start to train your brain that it won't always get what it wants, when it wants it. Sugar cravings begin to decrease over time as a result.

6) Mindset. You deserve a treat. You have been 'good'. You had a bad day. Does this language sound familiar? 

Tip: It's all about perspective. Listen up. I think you DESERVE to reach your goals. I think you HAVE been good and you DO have bad days sometimes. Which is precisely why I think you owe it to yourself to go for your longer-term goals. Kind parenting isn't about giving into all of our kids' whims, right? We're looking out for their greater good. Same goes for YOU. Being kind to yourself includes certain discipline. Not severe restriction. Not obsessive thoughts. But discipline. Flip the script here.

I'd love to hear from you if you have sugar cravings....will you leave a comment below and let me know which of these 6 categories you fall under? I'm happy to help!


This fitness tip helped me heal my PCOS

This one way of working out has helped me heal...

It's simple. It's free. And it's SO effective if you have any issues with insulin resistance, blood sugar regulation, or inflammation.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video as I share the tip and get into a little about the science of why this is so effective.

I'd love to hear from you...do you have any issues with inflammation or blood sugar regulation? Leave a comment below and let me know so I can be sure to create more content tailored to what you need. ;-)
