long island nutrition

The Big 10

"My metabolism hurts!"

What if we said that? It would certainly help us get to the root of the issue, wouldn't it? This kind of reminds me of this religious saying that I'm going to butcher here because I'm paraphrasing but let's try ...

A man gets caught in torrential rains. His house is flooding and things are looking grim. He prays to God to help him. A man in a rowboat comes by and yells for him to get in. "No thanks", he says, "God will help me." The rowboat continues on. A motorized boat comes by next. "Jump in. I can get you out of here right away." "No thanks. God will save me." The motorboat passes. Next, a helicopter flies by with a rope dangling, asking the man to hold on tight. "No thanks. I've prayed to God and I'm waiting." The man dies and goes to Heaven. He says, "God, I believed in you and you let me die. What happened?" God says, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat and even a helicopter. What more did you expect?!"

I share that story because it reminds me a bit about how many people feel about their bodies, as well. Typically, before we are diagnosed with chronic disease, there were signs and / or symptoms. And when we understand a bit about how our body works, we can recognize those signs and symptoms as being helpful messengers sent to save us and often turn things around.

We say our knee hurts when we've injured it.
We said our head hurts when we have a migraine.
But we never say our metabolism hurts. Yet, we can assume our metabolism IS hurting if we have any of the following....

Excess body fat
Elevated fasting blood sugar
Elevated HgBA1C
High blood pressure
Elevated insulin
Elevated triglycerides
Large waist circumference
Elevated triglycerides-to-HDL ratio
Elevated CRP or uric acid
Get "hangry"
Hunger and fullness signals out of whack (for some it's low hunger and for others it's excessive or insidious hunger)
Mood disorders and certain other brain metabolic issues (most behavioral / "psych" disorders have a link here)
Brain fog
Reduced muscle mass
Energy crashes

The most recent research tells us only 6.8% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy. And unfortunately, that's using pretty lenient ranges of what they consider normal. In other words, some of those 6.8% still have lab values that are concerning and will likely to lead to eventual disease if unchanged. If we looked at more optimal ranges, ranges that aren't concerning, I suspect that number to be closer to 1-2% of American adults.

I never pour this much time and attention into things out of our control. That feels like a terrible waste of time. The reason I share about these topics so often is because it is largely in our control. Despite genetics and certain things we can't necessarily control like certain environmental toxins, the VAST majority of our metabolic health is on our own shoulders. It's our responsibility. It can worsen at any time. And it can improve -- usually by A LOT -- at any time. The choice is ours. But first we have to recognize if it's even a problem.

If you're in the 6.8% of American adults considered metabolically healthy (or an estimated 1-2% in the optimal ranges as I discussed more about the criteria here), amazing! My guess is you put considerable time and effort into your health. Optimal health doesn't just happen. Keep going!

But if you're part of the 93.2% (or more like 98 - 99% not yet in "optimal" ranges), you can take steps towards reversing metabolic damage right now, today!

It's everything we talk about each week in my newsletter and what I share about everyday on my feed and in stories on instagram. I will continue bringing you tools, resources, tips, tricks, recipes, workouts, mindset strategies and everything in between. And before this blog gets too long, let me share this list:

Stress / fear / joy / radical acceptance
Purpose + connection

These are what I call, "The Big 10". The 10 buckets we can each dig through and uplevel, little-by-little. When we get these buckets mostly right most of the time (perfection isn't a thing, nor is it necessary), we get our metabolic health in order. When we have a lot off with these buckets over time, we usually notice one or many of the symptoms and signs of metabolic disease.

What if you need help? You don't know where to start? Or you feel like you're trying things and doing things and not getting the results you want? This is common! The information that's 'out there' and being shared by most healthcare practitioners, blogs and social media accounts is terribly outdated and problematic. If you can, I hope you'll join us for this May round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. It's my 28-day metabolism course. We're getting to the root of metabolic dysfunction to improve health and achieve fat loss goals by tackling all of the buckets above in great detail and with a doable plan and all the help + guidance you need. Tomorrow is the last day to join. You get access Thursday. We start Monday. I'd love to help you. <3

If you can't join us for this round, stay with me here. My goal is to help as many people as I can regardless of whether we ever get to officially work together or not. I will keep the help coming via free avenues as well. Your metabolic health will shape the quality of your life. It's that important! 


P.S. Below -- people hardly ever notice "just" fat loss. There are typically improvements in energy, lab work, diseases, health markers and / or symptoms too. All of those signs and symptoms tell us something is off within the way the cell is powered up. This is metabolic dysfunction. When we get to the root of the metabolic dysfunction, all kinds of seemingly 'random' things start to improve. No promises ever because everyone is different, but if you decide to join us, I can't wait to hear what you notice in your own body!

Choosing a protein bar

It sure would be nice to be able to throw a bar into your purse for on-the-go, wouldn't it?

But how do you know you're picking one that isn't full of cr*p? And what if you want to make sure it's truly a protein bar that will help you reach your goals rather than a glorified candy bar?

Here are some of the biggies to think about when choosing a bar ...

1) Check the ingredients. If the list is longer than a CVS receipt or full of ingredients you've never heard of, put it back. Thankfully there are better options out there.

2) Does it really have enough protein? I'd argue that a bar with 5 or 6g of protein doesn't cut it for an adult-sized person. While this is a snack and not a whole meal, it should have at least 10g of protein, but preferably 12-15+.

3) Since blood sugar balance and satiety is important, making sure there's at least a little bit of fat in the bar is a good idea too. One with 5-10g would be ideal. In a perfect world, this fat isn't coming from industrial seed oils like sunflower, safflower, canola, etc., but just know with processed food it's pretty ubiquitous. I'd suggest trying to find one without but not beating yourself up if you end up consuming it every once in a while. What's most important is that you're eating mostly food you prepare at home so you know what ingredients are being used there. I have hope that more and more 'healthy' processed food companies will be swapping out those harmful oils for better versions (like coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil) soon.

4) Is this really a candy bar? I dunno. Have many carbs are in it? The best way to determine this is by figuring out the net carbs. Take the total carbs and subtract out the fiber. What's left? Is this higher than the actual protein content of the bar? Then you, my friend, are holding a glorified candy bar. It might be delicious! And in a pinch, it might be needed. But it's not ideal for your health or body goals to be consuming that on a regular basis.

Here are some bars that stand out amongst its peers (I have no affiliation with any of these brands)...

  • Rav Rev Glo Bar in Creamy PB Sea Salt (that flavor is yummy, but I mention it more b/c their other flavors are higher in sugar and lower in protein). This is one I almost always have on hand!

  • Kirkland

  • IQbar

Hope this helps!


Willpower is NOT your issue

Imagine hearing that willpower was never an issue for you ... all of these years??

Well, that's what I'm about to tell you. I know we got into willpower a little a couple of weeks ago, but I want to tackle it head-on today and from a different angle.

Maybe you don't have an issue with willpower. Maybe you are super Type A / perfectionist or just really able to follow a plan and never deviate (but you're still not happy with your results and that's for entirely different reasons that I'll cover in a future newsletter).

But if you have ever found yourself feeling like you are just weak in the presence of your favorite foods, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. Well, it's just my talking head so you can actually pop some headphones on and just listen to it like a 21-minute podcast during your morning sun walk. ;-)

It's not willpower, it's biology. But when your biology is out of whack and you add a ton of stress + heavy emotions or just a mindset that's been corrupted by diet culture, you get this perfect storm that feels a whollllllle lot like a lack of willpower.

If you're having trouble starting the day with the type of breakfast that I describe in the video, try one of these smoothies while we're still in the thick of summer. Before long it'll all be apple cinnamon this and pumpkin that -- which I, personally, don't mind. ;-)

If you'll be joining us for the September round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind, write down these dates: August 31st is when the cart will be open to sign up. You'll get access to the course app + materials on September 8th. And September 12th is when we officially begin. Make sure you're on the waitlist if you're interested to reserve your spot and to get a discount code when the cart opens.


Party-It-Up Recipe Collection

It's the Thursday after a holiday weekend...

At least if you're in the U.S., it is. I wanted to get this out to you before the holiday weekend, but I couldn't quite get it ready in time. (Did you hear? TRANSFORM: Body + Mind pre-launch group just wrapped up their first week of the 28-day course and it's been INCREDIBLE so far! Follow along in stories on the 'gram for behind-the-scenes.)

Anyway, since I know you and you're not a 1-and-done kinda partier, I have confidence that you'll put these recipes to good use throughout the rest of the season. ;-)

I present to you ... The Summer '22 Party-It-Up Recipe Collection.


P.S. I think you need to be on my newsletter list. You can do that RIGHT HERE.

High Protein Snack Ideas

Ya hungry?

I'm the person who tells you that you shouldn't be snacking too much. And I'm also the person who thinks a nicely placed and chosen snack can be the perfect way to keep hunger and cravings at bay and add a little extra nutrition.

So today I have another recipe collection for ya. These snack ideas all have at least 10g of protein per serving, less than 15g fat, less than 30g total carbs, and at least 5g fiber. They also all happen to be free of gluten and dairy. Some will satisfy my omnivore friends and some will make my plant-based peeps happy.


Which will you try first? Oh, and if you're loving this high protein series I apparently started last week :-) you might also enjoy the Instagram version I'm doing simultaneously ... high protein grab n go or throw together options that don't require recipes. Check out the first of the IG series here: high protein snacks.


Ever feel deprived?

Have you ever felt deprived around food?

HERE'S THE REASON ... and how to start to move away from feeling that way so you can get on with your merry self and goals. :-)

As always, if you are in need of some help, simply hit "reply" to this email and let me know where you're struggling.

Happy day,

Are you a longevity nerd like me??

Do you geek out on all things health?

Me too! But... sometimes it feels like a never-ending mountain to climb with all of the recommendations and goals we have, right?

Where to begin? I discuss this in my latest (3 min.) video.

We’re never too advanced for the foundations! And the foundations (like nutrition, exercise, sleep, mindset ...) will be your biggest needle-movers! It’s why these things come first in my 1-on-1 coaching program ... with the Longevity Phase of the program at the end. 😉

But what if you’re already doing the foundations well and CONSISTENTLY? You’ve conquered healthy body composition goals, you move your body daily, you have a great relationship with food and your body, you’re sleeping well, and you have noticed a shift in your mindset / emotional resilience ....?

What’s next??

Well, the foundations forever! Seriously. 😜 And then some fun, more detail-oriented longevity-focused habits, tweaks, and experiences.

I talk up on my stories on Instagram a lot about breathwork, meditation, supplements, hot / cold, fasting, dry brushing, oil pulling, homemade charcoal toothpaste, natural products, mTOR, AMPK, mitochondrial health, grounding, 4th phase water, autophagy, apoptosis, circadian rhythm setting, etc. If that’s your jam too, set aside an hour or two each day to watch my stories. (Kidding! But they CAN get long sometimes. 😂😂)

And while I will be sticking to a lot of the foundations on my social media pages and right here in my newsletter because I believe strongly that it’s what is most helpful and most necessary, if you want me to include some more of this content here as well, let me know with a quick reply!

Please note: I do not represent any other brand but my own at this time. None of my posts or stories are sponsored. Could that change in the future? Maybe! But it will have to feel just right as a partnership for me to agree to it and so far, I haven’t had that feeling with any of the offers. 🤷‍♀️

So ... foundations first and most. Then room for the cherries on top. ;-). That's my take. What's yours?


Fat Loss MUST be slow. Here's why.

Fat loss HAS to happen slowly. Here's why...

I know we want it to happen quickly. I know we hear things like, "I lost 5 pounds the first week of doing keto." and assume those 5 pounds came from rapid FAT loss (it doesn't). But there's actually a limit to the amount of body fat we can lose per day per person (it varies from person to person).

Restrict your energy intake more than that point and you'll be eating away at your muscles instead.... which will lower your metabolic rate. YUCK!

Here are 3 reasons fat loss MUST happen slowly.

As always, if you have any questions you can hit 'reply' to this email. I'm happy to help!


P.S. Check out these awesome client success stories squished inside of 27 seconds. ;-)

Controlling ONLY the controllable

Here's the biggest mistake I see people make on their health journey...

They focus on trying to control that which they can't, and hardly spend time controlling that which they CAN!

For example, no one can control what the scale will say and when. No one can control how your body will look at various stages of the process. And you certainly cannot control every bit of your moods, emotions, or motivation.

But that's totallyyyyyyy fine. Ya know why? Because those aren't the things that move the needle anyway. Stay in your lane, control ONLY what is controllable, and you'll get the results you are after.

CHECK OUT THE VIDEO below for more.

Hope you're having a great start to your week!


Coaching demo!

Tara + "Sara" ... a coaching conversation.

Today, "we" are demonstrating the S.T.E.A.R. Cycle that we chatted about in last week's newsletter. Don't worry if you don't know what I'm talking about -- I give a quick recap in THIS WEEK'S VIDEO.

Any questions? Want to run through a cycle or 2 with me as a sounding board? I'm here! Leave a comment below or email me at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com :-)

Enjoy the day,

Your metabolism isn't broken!

Your metabolism isn't broken...or too slow.

You see, your metabolism is ALWAYS exactly what it needs to be. It's a survival thing. So if you don't require much fuel before you'd start to store it as excess fat, there's a reason for that.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO if you've ever believed that your metabolism was broken... or even a little disheveled.

Questions? Comments? Need some help or guidance? I'm a simple email reply away. ;-)

Happy day,


Fat loss: 6 things you don't need to try...

Fat loss: 6 things you DO NOT need to try...

...and the 3 things you DO!

Check out my latest video all about this topic. I kept it short this time... 3 or 4 minutes. ;-) Let me know what you think about this format by commenting on this post. I appreciate any and all feedback!

Lots of love,

2021, here we are!

Happy New Year!

2021 is here. Finally, right? But of course we won't get anything different by having the same habits.

If you're a list person like I am, you might already have a list of goals written down. Or maybe it's simply a word of the year. Maybe it's a certain feeling you're after ... gratitude / contentment. Regardless, if we take these intentions one step further we can set ourselves up for much better odds at accomplishing what we've set out to accomplish!

WATCH THIS 49-second video for more. :-)

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year!


P.S. If you need help with your health / nutrition / fitness / healthy lifestyle goals, I'm here. It's exactly what I do and if you're willing to trust the process, I'm excited to help you finally get those lasting results you've been seeking for what seems like forever. No quick fixes. No 'diets'. No ridiculous restrictions, detox teas, or meal plans you must follow. Just a ridiculous amount of support, guidance, accountability... and a customized nutrition + fitness plan just for you.

Sound good? Are you willing and able to invest time and money into your health optimization? I can't imagine investing into anything better!! Our health, energy, moods, and productivity gained will help us achieve and enjoy every other aspect of life. But without health, it's tricky to find a work-around. Let's start where it matters MOST.

Here's some information about my 1-on-1, virtual coaching program (including before and afters and pricing).

IF you've read that and it all looks good, schedule your free call right here so we can chat and make sure it's the right fit.

2021 is the year you gain control back and feel vibrant and sexy! I mean, why not?!

Nutrition Plan vs. Meal Plan

Which one is better? Nutrition Plan or Meal Plan?

Well, it depends on how you define better.

I define better as something that is sustainable and allows you to live the lifestyle that makes you happy and makes you SHINE at the same time.

And if that's the case, then THIS VIDEO tells you exactly how I do it with my clients and why. 

They each have their place, but by in large, nutrition plans that teach you to honor your body, your health, and a flexible / delicious lifestyle is the one I stand by.

Questions? Ready to learn more? Email me and let’s chat! Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com


4 years to your dream body?!

Did you go to college or do you know someone who has?

You know that thing you - or they - did where they committed to 4 years or more knowing there would be no tangible results until graduation? 

There was no gradual payout system where you'd start making a little bit of your desired salary while still in school.

There was no money given back if you didn't succeed by your own hard work and consistency.

You were expected to show up and keep showing up.

Now let's think about your health and body goals...

Do you want to start seeing or feeling results shortly into a new program, diet, fitness routine? You'll only continue on if you are getting results on the timeline you want, right? So if you have to work hard for a month or two and are not getting immediate and rapid results....you, what... throw in the towel?

Image you did that in college? By month 1 or 2 you didn't have your degree yet, so you quit.

Our health and bodies are worth AT LEAST the amount of time, attention, money (all the things!) that you spent on college. Our health and bodies are worth showing up day after day even if the results aren't coming as fast as you want them to. Do you agree?

Come join me in my car as I discuss this a bit more. ;-)


P.S. You know what you get with me...and it's never a hard sell. I don't want to do that to you, but mostly, I don't want any clients who aren't motivated enough to seek me out. I don't want to convince anyone that they're ready for a change. If it takes convincing, it's not a good fit for my coaching style and program. Rather, someone who is ready to put in the work (EAGER even, albeit nervous) will soar in my program. Someone who has been thinking about working with me already, but keeps putting it off. Someone who is attracted to the slow and steady, work your butt off and feel like an absolute badass and role model at the same time vibe ... those are the ones that start coaching with me and optimize their entire lives, not just their health and bodies.

All that to say that I'm here. Even though I don't send you 42 sales emails a week. Even though I'm not tracking what pages on my website you visit so I can sneakily follow up by serving you an ad later on. ;-) If there's something about my emails, videos, or social media posts that resonate with you, it's probably because we feel similarly about how we want to rock this life of ours. I'll never be knocking on your door, but I will always leave mine open for you to walk through when you're ready. I'm UNBELIEVABLY passionate about helping you glow.

Here's more info on my 1-on-1 nutrition / fitness / health coaching program.

And book a free call right here if you've read through that and are ready to get started!

Pleasure + Pain (and how to tap into their potential to change your habits)

Pleasure + Pain (nope, not a kinky email. Don't worry!)

Did you know that we are wired to seek out pleasure and avoid pain? That means some interesting things happen in the presence of either. IN THIS VIDEO I explain why this matters to anyone interested in optimizing their health and habits. More importantly, I tell you exactly how to start using this to your benefit! 

Do you plan to start utilizing this strategy? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Will your results be sticking by your side, or.....?

Believe it or not, there's a question you can ask yourself that will give you a really good idea of whether the results you're working on will end up sticking around or will be fleeting like times in the past.

<<< CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO to learn what the question is and why it's so eye-opening! >>>

Do you have an instagram account yet? I'm not exactly an early adopter with social media, but I have been loving instagram for the way in which I can share so many things for FREE with everyone. FULL, daily workouts, lots of recipes and food prep ideas, fat loss tips, muscle-building tips, motherhood shenanigans, etc. And did you know there's a 'save' feature? Lots of people use this to save certain workout posts that they know they'll want to come back to in the future. It's like having your own little folder tucked away! Do I sound like an instagram ad yet? HAHA! Just my favorite way to share stuff with you guys lately since I don't want to pop into your inbox everyday. If you come visit me, make sure you say hello!


Does your reason matter when it comes to weight loss?

I had this client once, I'll call her "Mary". Mary was really excited to be starting fresh on her health journey after years of feeling out of control with food. She tried all the diets and they all ended the same way for her - with a week-long binge after all that restriction. Mary found my instagram page after seeing a comment of mine on a mutual friend's post. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

But anyway.... Mary told me more about her story on her initial phone consultation. She mentioned that she had a certain, specific weight loss goal in mind. In fact, she told me that she weighed herself every morning despite the fact that it usually ruined her day. When I dug in there a bit, we discovered that by focusing on the scale weight, even normal day-to-day fluctuations would derail her progress. If the scale hadn't moved (or went up), she often moped around for the rest of the day. She made very different food choices because of her frustration and lack of self-confidence for the rest of the day.

Thankfully Mary became a client and agreed to slowly shift her focus away from the scale and onto her bigger goals: feeling athletic again and having more energy to get her through the day. Why was that the thing that changed Mary's trajectory? Well, they had nothing to do with the scale. The scale could be up, down, the same, or in the garbage and as long as she was focused on "feeling like an athlete again" (her words) and taking actions that brought her better energy, then she had something to keep her going.

Is this something that might help you? CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO for more!

I'm here if you need me.


Your muscles or your life?

What's your choice -- strong, fit, healthy body and energy... or a long life?

I know. I don't wanna make that choice either! Luckily there are ways that science tells us we can achieve both, even though these goals can be considered at odds with one another, traditionally.

IN THIS VIDEO I chat about why they are at odds with one another and what I'm currently doing to chase both goals. I hope you'll learn something, but more importantly, I hope you'll find excitement in all the cutting edge research that's being done telling us -- in greater detail -- how we can take our health into our own hands.

The video happened live last week, but the offer still stands. Any questions? Anything you'd like to chat about? I'm a quick email away. Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com

Happy Monday!



Stubborn Weight Loss?

There's weight loss....and there's STUBBORN weight loss.

You know the kind, right? It's often the last 5 pounds as opposed to the first 5 pounds. It's when you feel like you've tried everything, but nothing works or lasts (even though it seems to work for everyone else!).

Bad news, good news. Bad news first? Ok.... there isn't anything different about the way your body works.

Ready for the good news? There isn't anything different about the way your body works. ;-) We all have very different energy needs, for sure. This depends on how much and how hard you exercise, how much you move between workouts, your age, your body size and composition, your dieting history, thyroid function, etc. BUT, there is one common set of rules for EVERYONE: If you take in less energy (calories) than your body requires for fuel, you will lose body fat. If you are not losing body fat, you are not in an energy deficit for YOUR body. That may mean you're not losing weight on 1500 calories a day, but your friend is losing on 2000 calories a day. Super frustrating, right? But the same principles apply. Their body simply requires more calories to function on a day-to-day basis than yours does. (If we knew for sure that the calorie tracking was accurate - which it's nearly always not. But that's a different story).

What about the people that tell you you're gaining weight because you're UNDEReating? Not true. It's nice to think about, but it's simply not true.

Now, can you get yourself up to the point where your body does burn more calories everyday so you can maintain or lose more body fat while eating more calories? YES! That's a process called reverse dieting and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about that.

But let's stick to the science here, ok? Losing body fat requires an energy deficit so that your body is required to make up the additional calories it needs by taking it off of your stored body fat. Your stored body fat contains calories / energy... just like your food! If you want to decrease body fat, you need to use it up. That's how it 'goes away'.

I got into this even more in last week's live video. Check it out here.

Here is some more information about my online coaching program - including cost and before / after pictures.

And if you'd like to chat to see if we're the right fit to work together, schedule a call here! Looking forward to hearing about your goals so we can devise a plan for how you can CRUSH THEM. ;-)

Hope your week is off to a great start.
