
Healthy Halloween - here's what we did

Hey guys,

I shot a quick video a few days ago to share what my family was doing to have ALL THE FUN on Halloween and none of the garbage!

  • Do we give out candy?

  • What about the school parties?

  • How do we deal with the trick or treating results?

I get into it all in this video.

Please note: This is what we choose to do as a family. This is by no means a judgment on your choices. ;-)

In good health,


Pumpkin Workout

It's November 3rd.  You have pumpkins still out on the stoop in a Halloween-hangover of sorts.  You could throw them out (why?!?!), cook with them, donate them...

…But first, you should get a KILLER workout in (or 2 or 3) before you and your Orange Balls of Autumn-ness part ways.

In this 2.5 minute video (come on now, guys - you do have 2.5 minutes, right?), I show you 3 simple exercises you can do RIGHT NOW to get that blood pumping and endorphins bathing your brain and body.  Don't confuse simple with easy.  Do three sets of these 3 exercises for a QUICK and POWERFUL jolt of energy (and health and toned muscles…blah, blah).  ;-)

Ready?  3….2….1….press play!