Marie Claire LIVE - Meal Prepping and Saving Money!

This past Tuesday, I had the opportunity to share my top tips on lowering your grocery bill and eating healthy through meal prepping LIVE on Marie Claire.  Shout out to #TheFix host, Brittney Levine and videographer, Rosa, who were as sweet as can be!  We had fun and the time FLEW!  I want to share a couple more tips with you guys that I didn't get to mention in the shoot.

1) Choose the day and time you will be going shopping.  Avoid shopping while hungry or rushed. Those hunger pangs will steer you right towards the impulse buys at the check-out counter…not wallet- (or health-) friendly.  By choosing a time when you are a bit less rushed, you will likely take a few extra minutes comparing prices and nutrition labels…key items to be successful with your shopping trip!

2) Decrease food waste.  In your planning phase, make a "use first" column that includes produce and leftovers that may go bad in the next day or two.  Be creative and find ways to use up those items before making something new.  

3) If you can't use the seen-better-days food up in time, use your freezer!  Bananas freeze well and can be thrown into smoothies or banana bread.  Veggies can be pureed into a soup and frozen that way.  What about herbs?  Divide them up into ice cube trays with some olive oil (or whatever liquid you might use them with).  This is a great tip to help your groceries last a few extra weeks and months.

What are your favorite tricks to save money while staying healthy?

Pumpkin Workout

It's November 3rd.  You have pumpkins still out on the stoop in a Halloween-hangover of sorts.  You could throw them out (why?!?!), cook with them, donate them...

…But first, you should get a KILLER workout in (or 2 or 3) before you and your Orange Balls of Autumn-ness part ways.

In this 2.5 minute video (come on now, guys - you do have 2.5 minutes, right?), I show you 3 simple exercises you can do RIGHT NOW to get that blood pumping and endorphins bathing your brain and body.  Don't confuse simple with easy.  Do three sets of these 3 exercises for a QUICK and POWERFUL jolt of energy (and health and toned muscles…blah, blah).  ;-)

Ready?  3….2….1….press play!