healthy freezer fudge

Healthy Freezer Fudge

Hey there!

Come on in a little closer.  Tell me, do you ever have cravings for chocolate?!

Yeah...most of us do!

A few days ago here in New York, the whole family was 'stuck' at home in a big Spring snowstorm and it was both awesome and HECTIC.  You mamas out there know what I mean!

So, in search of both an activity to do with the kiddos AND a healthy snack that would feel like a complete indulgence for all of us, we gathered together and made Healthy Freezer Fudge...without a recipe.  


This non-recipe "recipe" is sooooo easy and requires only 4 ingredients.  It's pretty hard to mess up.

Watch the video for more details and to get a peak into the hecticness and cuteness I referred to above.  ;-)

Now it's your turn to tell me - what's your go-to snack or dessert when you're stuck in the house all day?


In good health,


Maple Sea Salt Fudge

Hey there,

Ready for the holidays yet?  Me neither!

If you are new to my site, I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to join my free newsletter list. My newsletter is where I share SO MANY more of my healthified recipes and wellness tips to get you healthy, fit, and strong! It’s a one-stop shop. ;-)

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Alrighty, so what if you had one more, quick & easy, healthy, NO BAKE dessert recipe in your arsenal to have at your fingertips for the remainder of the parties and gatherings?  

I love to have some desserts in the freezer - especially this time of year!  This helps cut back on the last-minute prep stress and means that if someone stops by last minute or we're running out and want the kids to be able to partake in dessert too, we have some options on hand.

This Maple Sea Salt Fudge is sooooooo satisfying!  It's delicious and festive, plus it's full of protein and healthy fats to help keep you from devouring the cookie platters you just worked so hard to create.  :-)

<< These are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and paleo>>

Don't they LOOK amazing too?!


Maple Sea Salt Fudge


1 cup almond butter

1/2 cup cashew butter

1/2 cup coconut oil (melted then cooled to room temp.)

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1.5 tsp pure vanilla extract

1 tsp sea salt (optional: extra for garnish)



1. In a large bowl, mix together nut butters, maple syrup, and coconut oil.

2. Mix in vanilla and sea salt.

3. Line a cake pan (8X8 works well) with parchment paper.

4. Spread mixture evenly into cake pan.  

5. Optional: Garnish with sea salt.

6. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours.

7. Cut into squares (using a warm knife). Place remaining squares back into the freezer to store.


Let me know if you try these! 


In holiday cheer and good health,
