lose fat

FAT LOSS and Meal Timing

Fat loss - when the heck should I eat?

It's a common misconception that we need to be eating a million times a day in order to increase our metabolism and burn more fat.

First of all, let's talk about who is looking to burn more fat? If you are looking to lose weight or even just "tone up"…you're looking to decrease the excess fat you have on your body. 

Watch my latest live video (or just listen - you don't need to see my face) as I get into how to tap into your fat stores to use them up as energy. We're discussing meal timing (when and how often) and we nerd out on what insulin is and the role it plays in fat storage and fat loss. It's a pretty unknown concept to most. Definitely worth the 35 minutes if fat loss is on your agenda!

Here's a quick summary:

1) Insulin is a fat-storage hormone that helps us carry sugar into our cells to use as energy. Whatever we don't use gets stored as fat to use at a later time.

2) If insulin remains elevated, our bodies remain in fat storage mode and do not switch over to fat burning mode.

3) Lowering insulin is what allows us to switch over to fat burning mode. We can lower our insulin by focusing on nutrition upgrades and timing our meals properly (hint: eating every 2 hours will not allow your insulin levels to come down for you to enter fat-burning mode).

Watch or listen to the video for lots more details and for the 3 tips I share at the end so you can get going on your fat loss goals right away!!

In good health,


P.S. If you’d like a (FREE) 3-day meal plan designed to help you with WHAT to eat and WHEN to eat for healthy fat loss, you can grab that right here! Enjoy!

Why am I overeating?

What were you like as a child?

This question fascinates me because it tells me about your childhood, your memories, your priorities, but also much more than that.  It gives me a little window into the way you view things. Chances are, if you speak negatively about yourself as a child now, you're probably often speaking negatively to yourself as an adult.

  • Circumstances trigger thoughts. 
  • Thoughts create feelings.
  • Feelings lead to actions (or inaction or reaction).
  • And action (or inaction or reaction) lead to a result.

"Great, Tara, but I thought you were a health coach...not a therapist." (insert eye-roll here).  ;-)

Yup...exactly!  I'm a health coach.  I deal with nutrition and fitness and lifestyle changes.  But really, truly what I deal with is people.  The WHOLE person.  Because becoming healthier, losing weight, gaining confidence, lower your blood sugar...these are require a change in thought to be able to end up with a changed result.  It's not a quick or easy fix, but it IS a permanent fix!

I want you to absorb this.  This is big and it may require you to open your mind and allow yourself to see things differently.  Circumstances are just facts.  They are the things that happen with NO judgements placed on them.  It is our thoughts that follow that label things "good", "bad", "mean", or a "problem".  Those thoughts then trigger a feeling - sad, frustrated, happy, angry.  The feeling makes us take action, NOT take action, or REact.  And THAT action, brings us directly to our results.  

What's empowering about this is that so much of what we think is out of our control is in fact, very much in our control.

I'm overweight. I overeat.  I can't stop overeating.  It just happens.  Why does this have to happen to me?  Why do I have to have this body?  I don't want to be deprived or hungry.  I don't overeat, my metabolism is broken.

Does ANY of that sound familiar?  It's a snippet of the stream of thought I hear from so many women!  When we take on the role of the victim and place the control outside of ourselves, it's easier to check out and not face our emotions.  The only problem food can solve is hunger.  Almost every person I know (including myself) has tried to solve problems other than hunger with food at least once or twice or way more than that.

The good news is that it IS in our control to stop the cycle.  It will mean that we have to feel the things we were trying to avoid feeling by overeating, though.  It won't be easy or totally comfortable.  It WILL get easier as you get curious about yourself and allow yourself to feel the full spectrum of feelings.

Who says we're always supposed to feel happiness, anyway?  We're humans and we have a mixed bag of emotions.

If you are overweight - whether you are currently gaining weight or simply maintaining a weight that is more than you believe to be healthy - it means you're overeating.  Overeating simply means eating more than your body needs to maintain your desired level of health.  Quite often we need FAR less food to maintain our optimal health than we think, so we assume something is wrong with us.  We assume our metabolism is broken.  It's not.

If you eat when you're hungry and stop when you no longer feel that hunger, you'll have eaten enough.  If you still want food after you are no longer feeling hungry, then you are using food as a comfort for something else.  We have ALL done it.  No shame.  No guilt.  Just love and curiosity for yourself and what you might actually need besides the extra food.

Overeating doesn't mean you overeat at every meal, or everyday, or even every week.  It can look like this: You eat like a bird all day or all week and then finish a whole bag of chips and a handful of cookies because your willpower ran out.  Or, you end up ordering lots of food at a restaurant, but only on your "cheat" day (I really dislike that term, by the way!).  It comes in many forms.  But, if you are gaining unwanted weight or maintaining a weight that is more than you'd like for your health, then overeating according to what YOUR body needs is happening at some point. 

This is good.  This is great, actually!  Why?  Well, this means YOU are in control.  You CAN and will be able to improve your health and lose weight once you allow yourself to cure the root cause rather than treat the symptoms (such as going on a "diet").

This might have struck a cord with you.  And I owe it to you to share it with you anyway because I'm here to help, not to hide information from you that might ruffle your feathers a bit.  I hope you can understand that.  :-)

In good health,


P.S. If you're feeling really lost or confused, please, please, PLEASE send me an email at Tara@TaraAllenHealth.com so we can chat.  You have the ultimate control over your health and life.

Maple Sea Salt Fudge

Hey there,

Ready for the holidays yet?  Me neither!

If you are new to my site, I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to join my free newsletter list. My newsletter is where I share SO MANY more of my healthified recipes and wellness tips to get you healthy, fit, and strong! It’s a one-stop shop. ;-)

And while you’re at it, you might as well join my private facebook group, Lean In with Tara Allen Health, too! Inside you’ll find weekly challenges to optimize your body and mind, more recipes, and fun fitness Fridays.

Alrighty, so what if you had one more, quick & easy, healthy, NO BAKE dessert recipe in your arsenal to have at your fingertips for the remainder of the parties and gatherings?  

I love to have some desserts in the freezer - especially this time of year!  This helps cut back on the last-minute prep stress and means that if someone stops by last minute or we're running out and want the kids to be able to partake in dessert too, we have some options on hand.

This Maple Sea Salt Fudge is sooooooo satisfying!  It's delicious and festive, plus it's full of protein and healthy fats to help keep you from devouring the cookie platters you just worked so hard to create.  :-)

<< These are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and paleo>>

Don't they LOOK amazing too?!


Maple Sea Salt Fudge


1 cup almond butter

1/2 cup cashew butter

1/2 cup coconut oil (melted then cooled to room temp.)

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1.5 tsp pure vanilla extract

1 tsp sea salt (optional: extra for garnish)



1. In a large bowl, mix together nut butters, maple syrup, and coconut oil.

2. Mix in vanilla and sea salt.

3. Line a cake pan (8X8 works well) with parchment paper.

4. Spread mixture evenly into cake pan.  

5. Optional: Garnish with sea salt.

6. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours.

7. Cut into squares (using a warm knife). Place remaining squares back into the freezer to store.


Let me know if you try these! 


In holiday cheer and good health,


Crustless Pumpkin Pie... and a Thanksgiving Travel Workout

Thankful and Grateful...

I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for signing up for being part of my community here on the inter-webs.  I look forward to creating even more recipes, workouts, videos, and all-things-womens-health moving forward….so that I can share it all with you!

If you're hosting on Thanksgiving this year, or maybe just want to bring along a dessert that you know you'll enjoy, this Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe will hit the spot!  Best of all, it's gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and contains no refined sugar.  If you or any of your friends or family are avoiding these categories of food for health reasons, you'll be the hit of the party for serving (or bringing) a dessert that they can have.  :-)

Check out my Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe here.


Are you traveling this holiday season?

Did you catch my video that includes a quick & easy full-body workout? It's perfect for hotel rooms or extended family's bathrooms…whichever!  ;-)

You can watch that right here.

Cheers to a peaceful, laughter-filled holiday!

In health and gratitude,

There's HOW much sugar in my soda?!?!

Ugh.  Alrighty, sorry for the spoiler.  If you are amongst the many millions of people that still drink soda on a regular basis, pay attention.  And if you've kicked that habit long ago, I still want you to watch this video so you can become an anti-soda ambassador for your friends and family.  :-D

In this video, I show you - teaspoon by teaspoon - how much of the white stuff is actually in one serving of this particular ginger ale.  It's frightening!

Let's talk about something real quick that the giants in the food industry try to keep secret from us - the "bliss point".  This is a chemically created "magic point" of sorts that results from a combination of sugar, salt, and/or unhealthy fat that turns on the pleasure sensors in our brain the same way cocaine does.  This bliss point is actively sought out by the chemists that CREATE food-stuff in a lab.  It leaves us with intense cravings and addiction to these products.  Not cool!  And guess what?  The more you consume, the greater the sugar, salt, and/or unhealthy fats are needed to achieve the same "high".  Doesn't this sound a whole lot like substance abuse?  Unfortunately, it IS a very similar process.  Here's the caveat… our bodies are really amazing and can buffer a lot of damage we do to it for quite some time.  I know this sounds like a good thing, but think about it this way - you can be doing a ton of harm to your organs, digestive system, brain, cells, etc. and not know until wayyyy later in life.

If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, an auto-immune disease, or anything else that you consider to be your 'wake-up call', there's a silver lining.  Your body just does not want to let you get away with too much damage.  Your body is asking for you to clean up your act earlier on.  That's great news!

Watch this video and please let me know where you stand, currently, with your soda consumption.  I want to be the catalyst for you to hold yourself accountable.  I promise I won't be too harsh.  In fact, I believe in very small and sustainable changes over time for lasting results.  So don't give up your Coke cold-turkey (unless you feel confident that you can).  Instead, how about ONE less soda THIS week?  Drop me a comment or email and let me help you.  :-)

Now, brace yourself for this… ONE serving of soda equals HOW much sugar?!?!? ...

Should Women Lift Heavy?

I take a quick dive into this juicy topic in today's video.  Watch up!

Do you know any ladies that want to workout but are afraid of 'bulking up'?  Do you have anyone in your life that you believe would benefit from health talks, healthy recipes, family wellness info, etc.?  Send them this way!  

Do you want the bonus content that I send to my most fabulous and loyal peeps? Be sure to join my email list.  Sign up is over on the home page.  It's free and guess what?  You get a pretty "cool" smoothie formula PDF just for signing up to hang with me.  :-)

Will lifting heavy result in big, bulky, "masculine" muscles? Or, is it most effective for toning up and boosting metabolism? Watch the video to learn more.

Health and Nutrition Discovery Course

Guys, guys, guys (and gals, gals, gals)...

Isn't it about time you found a place to learn about nutrition?  Someone to break it down in a quick and easy format so you can learn WHAT to eat, WHEN, and most importantly, WHY food affects you the way it does?

Enter: my email course!  I've written a 4-week long course that gets delivered straight to your inbox weekly with that week's lesson, goals, actions steps, some healthy recipes, and bonus resources to make your transformation that much easier (hint: meal prep and shopping guides).

I first launched my course this past May to some very satisfied clients (weight loss, migraines gone, one brave client was able to drop her anxiety meds after she reported feeling "more steady" on the new way of eating, etc.)  Since then, I'm happy to report I've had continuous enrollment and just as much enthusiasm with each relaunch.  

So, what are YOU waiting for?  Is $47 a good investment for…your health, your body, your mind, your energy, your productivity, your moods, your family's well-being?  Of course it is!  Think about all you'll save on: future doctors and meds, perhaps?  "Convenience foods", books, and products for various ailments or weight loss? All the HSN or Amazon shopping you do in the middle of the night (did I mention we discuss tips and tricks to improve sleep)?