smoothies for kids

After School Smoothie Routine

We're heading into the fourth-ish week of school here in New York and at this point, we've changed up our routine quite a bit to accommodate a 3.75 year-old who is now in preschool in the afternoons.  This beautiful child of mine is usually TIRED and HUNGRY!  If not hungry, she's "starving".  Did I mention how hungry she is? Yikes!  I'm assuming she'll be going up a size…or 5…soon with the way she's been putting back food lately.

In this video, I talk about how we're satisfying her hunger, specifically after-school, without skimping on the veggies she so badly needs.

If you are new to smoothies or would like to simplify things a bit for yourself, sign up for my newsletter here and receive my Formula For the Perfect Plant-Based Smoothie.  This PDF can be saved or printed and will help give you fresh ideas to make healthy and balanced smoothies that you and your kids will love.

Tell me, how have you adjusted your schedule with food and/or sleep since the school year began?  Any tips for a newbie school-mama like me?  ;-)

In good health,


Are you sure? Pediasure? That time when I disagreed with my kids' pediatrician...

I had an interesting experience at the pediatrician's office last week with my 1-year old.  Watch the video to find out what happened and what we plan on doing about it.

Have you ever disagreed with advice given to you for your child by his/her doc?  What did you say or do?

***Please note: I respect our pediatrician, her experience, her knowledge, and her kindness a great deal.  She's an amazing professional and mother, from what I can tell.  This in no way means that I have not or do not take other advice she gives.  However, I am very comfortable with the level of knowledge I hold in the field of nutrition.  I am also very aware of the alarmingly low amount of nutrition education given to doctors as they are coming up.  I hope that changes very soon.  Regardless, here I am trying to do my part - as a coach to my clients AND as a mother to my kiddos.  

When you know better, you do better.  Let's do better.


In good health,
