healthy snacks

Healthy Snack Ideas

Back to School already?

I mean, a couple more weeks for us here in NY! I know many of you in the South or out West have already had your first day. Is it me or is this Summer actually going faster than previous years?

Anyway, someone recently sent me their kiddo's school's "suggested healthy snack idea" list. After the smoke coming from my ears dissipated, I decided to dedicate this week's newsletter to my own version.

It's not just that pretzels, animal crackers, and goldfish crackers are high in processed carbs, but they're low in the type of nutrition our little growing monsters thrive on. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure their teachers will be happier when they're eating more blood sugar balancing options. Those spikes and crashes are hard enough as a parent of 2 ... I cannot imagine a whole classroom full of it at once!

HERE ARE SOME IDEAS. Feel free to use for school snacks, home snacks, YOUR snacks, or even send into their schools as a passive-aggressive response when they send home their "healthy" snack list. J/K J/K. Show them, yes! But leave the passive-aggressiveness for the home. ;-)

The running theme with all of these is that while most have carbs, they all also have some combination of protein, fat, and / or fiber to help keep little bellies satiated, blunt blood sugar spikes (and crashes), and encourage better focus + learning. You'll notice that anyplace where I mention nuts or nut butter I also have seeds / seed butter as an option. I know many of your classrooms are nut-free even if your home is not.

Hope these help!!


P.S. In 1 week and 6 days, the cart will be open for you to sign up for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. It's meant for those looking to lose body fat, build muscle, or "tone up" AND optimize health. It's a course in that you will be learning a ton about your body and what it really needs to thrive. And because I wanted to take the guesswork out for you while you're learning, there are complete workouts to follow a few times each week and (optional) meal plans for the entire 28 days too. And by the end, you will know how to do this without the meal plans! If you're not yet on the waitlist, hurry up and reserve your spot! When the cart opens I will email the waitlist a discount code too.

Recently got this message from someone who did the pre-launch round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. She learned + implemented in the course and started noticing results 2 weeks later. Sure, some people notice results during the course, but for others it might come a little later. If you're in a rush or want a quick fix, this course isn't for you. But if you want someone to finally teach you how your body + metabolism works so you can make the choices that will get you the lasting results you want, then I'll see you in September! ;-)

I don't like Hunger Games.

The movie never got me either (though in fairness, I don't think I ever gave it a chance). But I'm talking about the other hunger games. The thing we do when we leave the house with no plan and no food ... or maybe just some food for the kids and not enough for us? It can't be just me.

But I've smartened up in my old age ;-P and I bring or keep snacks stashed so that in a pinch, I can have a small snack or pair a few things together for a makeshift meal on the go, if need be.

I'm a bit needy in this department as I need:

  • Gluten + dairy free

  • No artificial dyes or flavors

  • Ideally no industrial seed oils, though I do still eat these on occasion as I frown at the ingredient list

  • Can't spike my blood sugar

  • Needs to hold up well in my purse or car or beach bag or or or ....

Here are a few ideas that fit the bill. Try 'em out and we'll be snack stashing twinsies.

1) Protein bar. I like Raw Rev Glo bars in Creamy PB and Sea Salt. Yes, I like the taste but also that flavor of theirs has more protein and less sugar than their others. This one happens to have 15g protein, 11g fat, 14g fiber, and only 3g net carbs. Have it with a piece of fruit if you want the carbs too. There are some other good bars on the market, just depends on your needs. Unfortunately though, I'd give about 90% of them a failing grade for being full of cr*p or no more balanced than a candy bar. So be picky with these! Read the ingredient list. Check out the nutrition facts. It's not a protein bar if it has 25g carbs and 7g protein. As a protein bar, it should have at least 10-15g protein and that should be the predominant macronutrient. Unless you want a carb bar. That might have it's time and place too (like before a really intense workout). 

2) Chia or flax seeds and protein powder. I like these in smoothies best but in a pinch they can be thrown in some water or even your coffee with some fat like heavy cream, coconut oil, or MCT. These are fiber, fat, and a baby dose of protein. Better than grabbing Pringles at 7-11 and being hungry 20 minutes later.

3) Nut or a homemade trail mix. The best part about this is that you can save money by buying in bulk and customize to your likes and needs. Want the carbs? Add some dried fruit or dark chocolate chips. Just want the healthy fat, fiber, and little dose of protein? Throw some almonds, cashews, and walnuts in a bag and keep it pretty much WHEREVER as it's pretty darn potable.

4) Seaweed or kale chips. These double as a nice salt / crunch fix and can count as veggies / fiber / fat on the go. They won't fill you up much, so pair with the protein bar and you just bought yourself at least 2 hours of satiety so you can think more clearly about your next (hopefully bigger) meal options.

Hope these help during this soccer tournament, kids-have-the-busiest-calendars, work-is-keeping-me-on-my--toes time of year. ;-)


Nut-free healthy snacks for kids

Nut-free healthy snack ideas for kids...

...that also happen to be free of gluten + dairy!

SHARING TODAY a few of the snacks the kids have been having at school so far this year. They help fill them up without making their blood sugar spike and crash... so these are some good ideas for adults too. ;-)

Are you a snacker or prefer to stick to your 3 meals?

Happy Tuesday,

Easy Apple Dippers

Hey guys,

Ready for a fun & tasty new snack or dessert idea?

These are great for parties and perfect if you need something that doubles as an activity AND food source for your kiddos. :-)

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Easy Apple Dippers

(serves 2) 


💚1 apple 

💚Dips (such as peanut butter, almond butter, melted dark chocolate, coconut yogurt, mejool date "caramel" 

💚Toppings (such as crushed nuts, seeds, dark chocolate chips, coconut) 


1. Using a melon baller, scoop out "balls" of the apple until you reach the core. 

2. Pierce each apple "ball" with a popsicle stick. 

3. Coat each apple ball with dip of choice and then into topping(s) of choice and place on wax paper. 

4. Place in freezer for at least 30 minutes. 

5. Enjoy!! 

In good health,

P.S. If you are always looking for new and fun (+ healthy) recipes for yourself and your family, grab my FREE 3-Day Meal Plan for Losing Body Fat. This thing is not only an awesome tool to spark momentum and results, but its’s chock full of delicious new meals and snacks to try! Grab your copy right here, right now. Hope you enjoy!

After School Smoothie Routine

We're heading into the fourth-ish week of school here in New York and at this point, we've changed up our routine quite a bit to accommodate a 3.75 year-old who is now in preschool in the afternoons.  This beautiful child of mine is usually TIRED and HUNGRY!  If not hungry, she's "starving".  Did I mention how hungry she is? Yikes!  I'm assuming she'll be going up a size…or 5…soon with the way she's been putting back food lately.

In this video, I talk about how we're satisfying her hunger, specifically after-school, without skimping on the veggies she so badly needs.

If you are new to smoothies or would like to simplify things a bit for yourself, sign up for my newsletter here and receive my Formula For the Perfect Plant-Based Smoothie.  This PDF can be saved or printed and will help give you fresh ideas to make healthy and balanced smoothies that you and your kids will love.

Tell me, how have you adjusted your schedule with food and/or sleep since the school year began?  Any tips for a newbie school-mama like me?  ;-)

In good health,


Watermelon "Cookies"

I've been on a watermelon kick lately, because…Summer.  Our latest creation involved the baby, the toddler, some fun cookie cutters, and MOST DEFINITELY a couple of baths afterwards.  ;-)

Check it out:

27 Healthy School Snack Options

With our little threenager's impending entry into preschool, I was feeling relieved about the rumors (and downright claims) that this particular school program is known to be "strict" and "healthy" in their nutrition policies.

Awesome!  I got 99 worries, but a snack ain't one!  :-P

Then, this curious little packet arrived in the mail.  Along with doctor forms, emergency contacts, and mandatory meetings came a sheet claiming to educate parents, like myself, about what is considered a 'healthy snack'.  This…..THIS is what they wrote:

Hmmmm…..really?!?  "Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers", "animal crackers", and "graham crackers" made THEIR list!

Hmmmm…..really?!?  "Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers", "animal crackers", and "graham crackers" made THEIR list!

WHAT in the graham cracker did I just read?!?!  

A few of the items, at least, are in fact healthy.  However, my biggest problem with this list is that it comes from an authority that claims to have a superior understanding of what we *should* be feeding our children.  This means that some parents without much knowledge in nutrition may trust and follow these guidelines in hopes of nourishing their kiddos.  If goldfish and graham crackers are a healthy, everyday-type snack, what do they consider a treat?!

I do not judge others' decisions for what they feed their families, when, why, etc.  I like to believe that everyone is doing the best they know how.  I also believe this is one of my purposes in life - to help raise the bar.

After posting this list on social media a couple of weeks ago, some of you said you'd like to see me post a list of my own.  So, I am!

**The following list takes into consideration that most schools are tree nut and peanut free these days.  Although there are no overt peanuts or tree nuts in this list, many packages / ingredients will need to be double-checked to make sure they are in-line with your school's allergen policy.

Feel free to use these ideas however you see fit - to send in for snack, to combine and give as a quick meal, or just enjoy at home with your kiddos.  You will find some of these are meant to be paired together with other items on the list to balance it out, because….can you really eat hummus by itself?  ;-)  (Give me a spoon - I certainly can!)

  1. Dried chickpeas
  2. Cheese stick (organic, if possible)
  3. Fruit - apple, banana, fruit salad
  4. Sunflower seed butter
  5. Hummus
  6. Guacamole (with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice)
  7. Seed crackers (such as Mary's Gone Crackers brand)
  8. 100% whole grain crackers
  9. Raw veggies - peppers, halved grape tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, snap peas, green beans, halved olives
  10. "Chips" made from baked sweet potatoes, zucchini, beets, or kale
  11. Seaweed
  12. Homemade granola (99.9% of store-bought has added sugar)
  13. Apple "nachos" - include sunflower seed butter, hemp seeds, and coconut flakes
  14. Trail mix with just seeds and dried fruit (goji berries, raisins)
  15. Freeze-dried fruit
  16. Hardboiled eggs or deviled eggs
  17. Celery with sunflower seed butter or tahini and raisins ("ants on a log")
  18. Air-popped (organic) popcorn
  19. Seed pretzels (such as Mary's Gone Crackers brand)
  20. Yogurt (coconut or Greek - unsweetened and plain…send in fruit to dress it up)
  21. Applesauce (make yourself or buy organic with no added ingredients)
  22. Savory yogurt dip (add spices, herbs such as dill, etc.
  23. Chia seed pudding
  24. Brown rice cakes 
  25. Yogurt parfait - layer yogurt with fruit, seeds, granola, a layer of chia seed pudding, etc.
  26. A smoothie
  27. Small portion of leftovers or soup (a small thermos is helpful here)

As a special treat for holidays, birthdays, or other celebrations, consider sending in a homemade / healthy muffin or "cookies" such as those made from oats + banana.

Raw veggies are crunchy, colorful, and convenient little vehicles to get dips into little mouths.  :-)

Raw veggies are crunchy, colorful, and convenient little vehicles to get dips into little mouths.  :-)

I hope this helps!


In good health,


Red Velvet LOVE Brownies

February is in full swing as we are approaching the middle of the month already.  How?!?  With the famous groundhog forecasting 6 more weeks of Winter, I suppose we should've been expecting the blizzard we were met with today on Long Island.

Snow and all, February is a time for love, heart-shaped everything, shades of pink and red, heart health, and lots and lots of…chocolate!!

So, what if you're on a roll with upgrading your health so far in 2017, but still looking for something that looks and tastes like an indulgence?  What if you or a family member have some food allergies / sensitivities that prevent you from being able to eat most of the store-bought or homemade recipes out there?  I hope this Red Velvet Love Brownie recipe fills that void for you!

These bad boys are gluten-free, dairy-free, high in protein and fiber, and contain healthy fats plus a full serving of veggies.  They're chocolate-y, yet low glycemic…how's that for showing your heart some love this month?!

Black beans in brownies?!?!  Yup!  They work great for texture, color, and add lots of nutrition!  

Black beans in brownies?!?!  Yup!  They work great for texture, color, and add lots of nutrition!  

Beets bring the "red velvet" hint of color while adding a bit of subtle sweetness.

Beets bring the "red velvet" hint of color while adding a bit of subtle sweetness.

Brownie batter all mixed up.

Brownie batter all mixed up.

Red Velvet Love Brownies


  • 1 (15-oz) can of black beans, rinsed (BPA-free can)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup beets (sliced and cooked - either roast in oven or buy a jar)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 3 T coconut oil, melted
  • 1 T water
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup cacao powder
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened / dairy-free / gluten-free chocolate chips
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  3. Mix wet ingredients in food processor, high-speed blender (keep scraping sides down), or with a mixer.
  4. Combine wet ingredients into bowl with dry ingredients and mix well.
  5. Pour into well-greased muffin tin or line with paper liners.  This makes adorable, round brownies with slightly crispy edges that are like getting the highly sought-after corner piece each time.  ;-)
  6. For the look pictured up top (with the heart in the middle), cut a beet slice into the heart shape and press onto top.  Other ideas for toppings include: chocolate chips, hemp seeds, walnuts, or anything else your creative mind comes up with.
  7. Bake 20-25 minutes - until edges start to pull away from muffin tin and become slightly crispy.
  8. Share with your favorite people!
Little hands couldn't wait for me to finish the photo shoot.  ;-)

Little hands couldn't wait for me to finish the photo shoot.  ;-)

Red Velvet Love Brownies with various toppings. Pictured (starting top left and going clock-wise): Walnuts, chocolate chip and hemp seeds, heart-shaped beet, chocolate chip.

Red Velvet Love Brownies with various toppings. Pictured (starting top left and going clock-wise): Walnuts, chocolate chip and hemp seeds, heart-shaped beet, chocolate chip.

Alright guys…will you dare to try these?  It is definitely "different" to bake with black beans, but they taste so chocolate-y and are healthycome on now!  Brownies for lunch, anyone?

In good health,
