mama workout

Fit As a Mother (the series) - Toy Truck

Hey you,

Remember how I mentioned I workout sometimes with weird 'props'?!  Well....yup!  Check out these 4 exercises you can do with a toy truck.  This workout is low impact (read: quiet) and can be done while little ones are NAPPING.  Woo hoo!

Try this: 3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise you see me do here (there are 4 in total).  You'll be done in a few minutes, but man oh man, you'll be feeling GOOD!  That's 'cause you're Fit As A Mother.

*high five*

In good health,


Baby Skull Crushers

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's….Jagger (all 20 pounds of him) and we're working out together!

Today is part 2 in my GREAT & GRATEFUL series that coincides with Thanksgiving week here in the United States.  As many of you know, I had an incredibly difficult time both with getting pregnant and during my two pregnancies as well.  After multiple rounds of IVF and two pregnancies with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (check out for more about this disease), I might be the luckiest person I know to be on the 'other side' with two wonderful, healthy children.  In today's video, I share a brief, fun moment on the kitchen floor with Jagger.  We workout, we laugh, we play.  Magnolia just so happened to be upstairs avoiding her nap when this was shot.  ;-) Today I mention my journey, my babies, the beautiful life of joy and health we can now share together.  GREAT & GRATEFUL!

Try these at home with the nearest baby, toddler, or gallon of water you have for a good triceps burn.  **Please note: no skulls were actually crushed in the making of this video!  It's a weird name for an exercise, right?

In health and gratitude,


SnugBug Fitness - Side Plank into Lateral Leg Lifts

Check out our latest SnugBug Fitness demo video!  A good friend and SnugBug client lent me this beautiful woven wrap and it's true love!  Thank you, Ali.  Aquarious is in good hands this week.

This dynamic exercise gets to the core of the core.  Your obliques will be challenged as well as the outer portion of your glutes (target those hips).

Watch here:

How are these video demos going for you?  What would you like to see more of?  I'd love to hear from you!  In the meantime, enjoy your weekend!

In health,
