dessert salad

Monkey Salad

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Have you ever heard of Monkey Salad before? It’s a cute name for a fun fruit-and-nut salad that contains bananas.

We just saw the Curious George movie recently, so I have bananas on my mind. :-)

This makes a great snack or dessert when your sweet tooth is strong. Kids really love it too! The best part is that you can customize it to suit whatever you have on hand or individual allergies.

Swap out the nuts, change the fruits, experiment with different nut or seed butters … it’s all good (and delicious!).

Monkey Salad

1 banana, sliced
½ cup of berries or sliced apple
¼ cup cashews, pecans, walnuts or almonds
1 tbsp almond or other nut butter
(optional) 2 tbsp coconut flakes
(optional) Sprinkling of sea salt
(optional) Drizzle of honey

Put all of the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

In good health,

P.S. I have just a few spots left to test out a NEW online weight loss program I created. This is a chance to get your healthy weight loss transformation for a lot less money! If you believe that diets aren't the answer, that healthy change involves nutrition, moderation, real life, fitness, lifestyle upgrades, and a new way of thinking (to match the sweet, smart warrior you are), then you're going to LOVE this opportunity!

If you are ready to prioritize your health with 15-20 minutes a day and $97 a month (for EVERYthing - nutrition, fitness, lifestyle habit upgrades, and mindset rewiring), reply to this email and let me know. I'll share more details and we can hop on a call to chat about it along with your goals.

This opportunity is just for a few more ladies willing to take a leap! I will then be closing enrollment for a while as I work with this current group.

If you were looking for a sign, this is it. Email me now. ;-)