healthy kids food

Healthy Snack Ideas

Back to School already?

I mean, a couple more weeks for us here in NY! I know many of you in the South or out West have already had your first day. Is it me or is this Summer actually going faster than previous years?

Anyway, someone recently sent me their kiddo's school's "suggested healthy snack idea" list. After the smoke coming from my ears dissipated, I decided to dedicate this week's newsletter to my own version.

It's not just that pretzels, animal crackers, and goldfish crackers are high in processed carbs, but they're low in the type of nutrition our little growing monsters thrive on. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure their teachers will be happier when they're eating more blood sugar balancing options. Those spikes and crashes are hard enough as a parent of 2 ... I cannot imagine a whole classroom full of it at once!

HERE ARE SOME IDEAS. Feel free to use for school snacks, home snacks, YOUR snacks, or even send into their schools as a passive-aggressive response when they send home their "healthy" snack list. J/K J/K. Show them, yes! But leave the passive-aggressiveness for the home. ;-)

The running theme with all of these is that while most have carbs, they all also have some combination of protein, fat, and / or fiber to help keep little bellies satiated, blunt blood sugar spikes (and crashes), and encourage better focus + learning. You'll notice that anyplace where I mention nuts or nut butter I also have seeds / seed butter as an option. I know many of your classrooms are nut-free even if your home is not.

Hope these help!!


P.S. In 1 week and 6 days, the cart will be open for you to sign up for TRANSFORM: Body + Mind -- my 28-day metabolism-boosting course. It's meant for those looking to lose body fat, build muscle, or "tone up" AND optimize health. It's a course in that you will be learning a ton about your body and what it really needs to thrive. And because I wanted to take the guesswork out for you while you're learning, there are complete workouts to follow a few times each week and (optional) meal plans for the entire 28 days too. And by the end, you will know how to do this without the meal plans! If you're not yet on the waitlist, hurry up and reserve your spot! When the cart opens I will email the waitlist a discount code too.

Recently got this message from someone who did the pre-launch round of TRANSFORM: Body + Mind. She learned + implemented in the course and started noticing results 2 weeks later. Sure, some people notice results during the course, but for others it might come a little later. If you're in a rush or want a quick fix, this course isn't for you. But if you want someone to finally teach you how your body + metabolism works so you can make the choices that will get you the lasting results you want, then I'll see you in September! ;-)

Nut-free healthy snacks for kids

Nut-free healthy snack ideas for kids...

...that also happen to be free of gluten + dairy!

SHARING TODAY a few of the snacks the kids have been having at school so far this year. They help fill them up without making their blood sugar spike and crash... so these are some good ideas for adults too. ;-)

Are you a snacker or prefer to stick to your 3 meals?

Happy Tuesday,

Monkey Salad

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Have you ever heard of Monkey Salad before? It’s a cute name for a fun fruit-and-nut salad that contains bananas.

We just saw the Curious George movie recently, so I have bananas on my mind. :-)

This makes a great snack or dessert when your sweet tooth is strong. Kids really love it too! The best part is that you can customize it to suit whatever you have on hand or individual allergies.

Swap out the nuts, change the fruits, experiment with different nut or seed butters … it’s all good (and delicious!).

Monkey Salad

1 banana, sliced
½ cup of berries or sliced apple
¼ cup cashews, pecans, walnuts or almonds
1 tbsp almond or other nut butter
(optional) 2 tbsp coconut flakes
(optional) Sprinkling of sea salt
(optional) Drizzle of honey

Put all of the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

In good health,

P.S. I have just a few spots left to test out a NEW online weight loss program I created. This is a chance to get your healthy weight loss transformation for a lot less money! If you believe that diets aren't the answer, that healthy change involves nutrition, moderation, real life, fitness, lifestyle upgrades, and a new way of thinking (to match the sweet, smart warrior you are), then you're going to LOVE this opportunity!

If you are ready to prioritize your health with 15-20 minutes a day and $97 a month (for EVERYthing - nutrition, fitness, lifestyle habit upgrades, and mindset rewiring), reply to this email and let me know. I'll share more details and we can hop on a call to chat about it along with your goals.

This opportunity is just for a few more ladies willing to take a leap! I will then be closing enrollment for a while as I work with this current group.

If you were looking for a sign, this is it. Email me now. ;-)