healing pcos naturally

Metabolic Flexibility in the time of Covid-19 and beyond...

Metabolic flexibility in the time of Covid-19 and beyond...

While there is so much still to learn about this particular coronavirus, we do seem to understand that individuals with underlying lifestyle health conditions are doing more poorly when infected.

And here's what I know for sure... it's never a bad time to start working on optimizing our health. As someone who used to have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and prediabetes, I fell into the bucket of having 'metabolic disorder' - a bucket that also houses those with high cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin resistance, excess belly fat, and blood glucose regulation issues.

The good news is that there are lifestyle choices we get to make to improve our condition at any time. Check out my latest live video in which I dive into this a bit more and share 3 things I've done to stay metabolically flexible.

If there's anything I can do to help you, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what's on your mind.


What's happening on social?

Just one thought...

Chair workout

If it weren't for this quarantine...

Dumbbell workout

Salsa dancing - step 3

Scooter workout

Metabolic Flexibility

Legs / glutes workout

Abs at home workout

Beginner Arm Chair Workout

Turmeric Hummus Recipe + Immunity

My PCOS backstory...and how I healed myself naturally

I was once diagnosed with PCOS and prediabetes...

....I can no longer be diagnosed with either. How in the world?!?

In this video, I'm sharing a little of my backstory and the big ticket items that has allowed me to heal my body naturally - without medications or targeted supplements.

If you know anyone with PCOS, please forward this email to them. I would love to spread the word that there is a lot more in our power than the conventional medicine would have us believe.

And if you don't have PCOS? Please take this as the sign you need that what you do or don't do on a daily basis has a lot more influence over your health and body than you might have been lead to believe.

Questions? Going through infertility and wanna chat? I'm here! Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you!


P.S. New private + virtual client availability is coming soon - health, nutrition, and fitness coaching! Let me know if you'd like to chat about getting your name on one of the upcoming spots.

This fitness tip helped me heal my PCOS

This one way of working out has helped me heal...

It's simple. It's free. And it's SO effective if you have any issues with insulin resistance, blood sugar regulation, or inflammation.

Check out my latest Workshop Wednesday video as I share the tip and get into a little about the science of why this is so effective.

I'd love to hear from you...do you have any issues with inflammation or blood sugar regulation? Leave a comment below and let me know so I can be sure to create more content tailored to what you need. ;-)


"Tara, what do YOU eat?!"

Hey there,

There's been one question that I've been hearing for years and years now..."Tara, what do YOU eat?!"  Ever since I became a vegetarian at the age of 8, people have been wondering what a day in the life of....my plate....looks like.  :-)

Well, today I figured I'd address this question as I reveal an exciting announcement.  My next 10-Day Healthy New You Reset is now open for enrollment at the early bird pricing!  This reset is for you if you're interested in heading into the Summer with a body you love living in.  You can expect weight loss, increased energy levels, and decreased sugar cravings, to name a few things.  Check out this page to read the testimonials and find all of the details!  

Spots are limited and the early bird pricing is only up until tomorrow at 11:59 PM, so grab your spot NOW and join us!

In good health,
