how to meal plan

Meal Planning: My top 6 tips

Hey guys,

Last week’s theme was meal planning inside of Tara Allen Health. It came as the result of a poll I posted on social about what you guys wanted more help with. You ask, I provide! ;-)

Before you make your next meal plan - or first meal plan - check out my latest video complete with my top 6 tips for meal planning when you’re reaching for a health or body transformation goal.

Health + gratitude,


P.S. Both my kiddos make quite the appearance in this video. If you don’t like noise or chaos, skip this video! :-)

3 NEW things to consider when meal planning

Hey guys,

In my latest live Workshop Wednesday video, I mentioned 3 important things I see so many of my clients skipping when they go about planning their meals out for the week. While almost everyone considers what they have in the kitchen, their budget, what they enjoy eating, and when they’ll be going shopping, these 3 things are often overlooked.

  1. Goals - are you putting together your meals with your ultimate goals in mind? Does the meal plan reflect the types of food your body needs, the amount, the meal timing…?

  2. Schedule - are you a bit overzealous in trying to cook too many new recipes in one single week? What days are busiest? Are you utilizing your leftovers in the best possible way? Leftovers save sooooo much time, money, and stress if done right. ;-)

  3. Other people - who will you be cooking for? Are you making side dishes work for you so that everyone can enjoy the same meal and still be eating according to their body’s needs?

Check out the video for my tips and let me know in the comments…do you meal plan?

In good health,


P.S. Would you like a FREE meal plan to get you started? I’ve created “The Hangry Women’s 3-Day, Plant Based Meal Plan for Losing Body Fat” and would love to get you your copy!

Meal Plan Sign-Up: