meal prep




I had a colleague reach out to me recently asking for my best business advice. The first thing that came to mind is ABL….Always Be Listening.

Those of you who have been hanging with me for a while know that I believe real change takes a lifestyle upgrade, education, practice, and accountability. That being said, you've also been requesting meal plans from me for a while. ;-) 

I get it! I do. I've seen first-hand how a curated meal plan helps me and my family. It also helps to kick-start results and motivation to continue kicking butt! In fact, someone recently emailed me to tell me she lost 4 pounds on my free, 3-day meal plan! Wow!

So, I have decided to listen to your requests. :-) This service is BRAND NEW and now available to YOU.

What does this entail? The cost is $89 for a 7-day, FULLY CUSTOM plan. After you sign up, I will email you a quick intake form to fill out online that gets me all the info. I need to create this plan for you. Once you've filled out that form, you will have your plan in your hands within 3 business days.

Along with the day-by-day, meal-by-meal plan, I will provide you with a complete grocery list and of course all the recipes!

Pretty exciting, right?

The one pictured above is for someone that wanted just 6 days of a vegan plan. But yours will be 7 days…and doesn't have to be vegan. ;-)

What types of things do I take into consideration when I make this for you?

  • Your goals. Are you looking to lose weight, reduce bloating, balance blood sugar, have some new inspiration in the kitchen…?

  • Your allergies / sensitivities. Dairy free. Gluten free. Nut free….

  • Any particular style you like to eat such as plant-based, paleo, keto, mediterranean.

  • Your likes and dislikes. Hate beets? I won't include any in your plan. Like guacamole? Bring on the Mexican dishes!

  • How many people? I can give you a plan for 1 or make sure the servings can feed a whole soccer team if that's what you need. 

  • Leftovers. Yay or nay? You'll see this sample plan pictured above has lots of grayed-out meals. These are leftovers and help save TONS of time in the kitchen. You may want to include lots of leftovers to maximize time, or you may want something new for each meal. Or something in between. Your call.

  • Cooking time. Do you want fancy meals that may take an hour or more? Or would you like me to stick with things that can be thrown together in 20 minutes or less? You decide.

  • AND MORE… I can adjust your meals and snacks to a certain amount of protein, calories, sodium, etc. if you have very specific needs.

Are you ready to sign up for your first-ever, fully customized meal plan for yourself or your family? I can't wait to help you!

In good health,

3 NEW things to consider when meal planning

Hey guys,

In my latest live Workshop Wednesday video, I mentioned 3 important things I see so many of my clients skipping when they go about planning their meals out for the week. While almost everyone considers what they have in the kitchen, their budget, what they enjoy eating, and when they’ll be going shopping, these 3 things are often overlooked.

  1. Goals - are you putting together your meals with your ultimate goals in mind? Does the meal plan reflect the types of food your body needs, the amount, the meal timing…?

  2. Schedule - are you a bit overzealous in trying to cook too many new recipes in one single week? What days are busiest? Are you utilizing your leftovers in the best possible way? Leftovers save sooooo much time, money, and stress if done right. ;-)

  3. Other people - who will you be cooking for? Are you making side dishes work for you so that everyone can enjoy the same meal and still be eating according to their body’s needs?

Check out the video for my tips and let me know in the comments…do you meal plan?

In good health,


P.S. Would you like a FREE meal plan to get you started? I’ve created “The Hangry Women’s 3-Day, Plant Based Meal Plan for Losing Body Fat” and would love to get you your copy!

Meal Plan Sign-Up:

How to save time so you can COOK more

Hey there,

With my husband out of town, it dawned on me that I am NOT the only mama (or parent, or busy person) that struggles with time management and being able to feed myself and my family the healthiest food I can.  In fact, it requires quite a bit of planning, prep work, and thinking ahead to the 'what ifs' (What if someone gets sick?  What if I have a last minute client or meeting that pops up?).  

With the 5 tips I share in today's video, you will find you have some more time to be able to allow cooking to rise higher on your priority list than it has been lately.  :-)

I hope this helps!  Let me know in the comments below...will you be trying any of these tips or do you have any tips of your own to share?

In good health,


6 Easy Meal Ideas - Mix N' Match Style

Do you want to be able to make a few things on a weekend and have meals to eat for the rest of the week?  I'm not talking about the same meals every night either!

The video is complete with a baby vs. mom battle over a pen. I won, for the record.  Haha!

With just a few extra ingredients, your 1-2 hours in the kitchen on a weekend can create SIX different dinners to put on the table during the hustle and bustle of the weeknights.

Tell me, what's your favorite way to meal prep?


In good health,


Marie Claire LIVE - Meal Prepping and Saving Money!

This past Tuesday, I had the opportunity to share my top tips on lowering your grocery bill and eating healthy through meal prepping LIVE on Marie Claire.  Shout out to #TheFix host, Brittney Levine and videographer, Rosa, who were as sweet as can be!  We had fun and the time FLEW!  I want to share a couple more tips with you guys that I didn't get to mention in the shoot.

1) Choose the day and time you will be going shopping.  Avoid shopping while hungry or rushed. Those hunger pangs will steer you right towards the impulse buys at the check-out counter…not wallet- (or health-) friendly.  By choosing a time when you are a bit less rushed, you will likely take a few extra minutes comparing prices and nutrition labels…key items to be successful with your shopping trip!

2) Decrease food waste.  In your planning phase, make a "use first" column that includes produce and leftovers that may go bad in the next day or two.  Be creative and find ways to use up those items before making something new.  

3) If you can't use the seen-better-days food up in time, use your freezer!  Bananas freeze well and can be thrown into smoothies or banana bread.  Veggies can be pureed into a soup and frozen that way.  What about herbs?  Divide them up into ice cube trays with some olive oil (or whatever liquid you might use them with).  This is a great tip to help your groceries last a few extra weeks and months.

What are your favorite tricks to save money while staying healthy?

LIVE Meal prep show on Tuesday - Marie Claire

Meal prep your way to a lower grocery bill...

Are you looking to step-up your meal prepping game and lower your grocery bill while shopping for healthy food?

I will be sharing my favorite tips on this topic LIVE on Marie Claire's show, The Fix.  We will be coming to you from a grocery store in Manhattan.  Head over to the Marie Claire Facebook page this Tuesday, February 21st at 2PM EST and check it out!  Ask your questions or just come say hello.  I'd love to see you there!  Here's the link to their Facebook Live page.

Not able to make it at that time?  I will be posting the replay shortly after on my Facebook page, Tara Allen Health.

I hope you're all enjoying this holiday weekend and taking some tome to rest, relax, and breathe. :-)

In good health,


Hummus Among Us

Guys…guess what?  If you rethink your hummus strategy, your whole world opens up.  ;-)

If you buy (or make) a plain, classic-style hummus, use it as a base to mix in other condiments, herbs, spices, produce, "things".

Consider adding:

  • Avocado for a good mayo replacement
  • Tomato sauce for a creamy pasta topping or veggie dip
  • Sriracha or hot sauce if you like it spicy
  • Pumpkin or beets for a filling, sweeter, healthified dip or sandwich topper.  Or, try this on zoodles (zucchini noodles)
  • Herbs, spices, oil, vinegar, and/or lemon juice for a creamy salad dressing.  This also works well for cold pasta and potato salads and spiralized veggie-pasta dishes.

Make your hummus work for you!  It's a happy medium between eating more real/whole foods and not becoming overwhelmed with too much time or energy in the kitchen.  This tip saves your money too!  Buy your hummus (or chickpeas to make your own) in bulk and customize it for each person and meal afterwards.  No more buying 1,284 different kinds of hummus at the store and draining your wallet.

Need help in the kitchen with meal prep or learning HOW and WHY we should be eating a certain way for our individual bodies and health goals?  Let me know!  I work with my one-on-one clients to catapult you towards your healthiest version of yourself.  I aim to get you on your feet so you don't need me anymore!  I provide nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness assistance. I am your health buddy!  I am the front lines.  Let's see if we can save you time and money by increasing your energy, your vitality, your productivity, and boosting your immune system,  Let's decrease your reliance on meds, your grocery bill, your sick days, and your days missed LIVING because you have brain fog, pain, and fatigue.  

Email me!  We can chat about how I can help you.

Regular hummus mixed with pure tomato sauce and some herbs came together in about 45 seconds and became a delicious dip for our colorful veggies!

Regular hummus mixed with pure tomato sauce and some herbs came together in about 45 seconds and became a delicious dip for our colorful veggies!